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Nyro Laura: more books (32) | ||||
21. Nyro Laura Lyrics Click here to view () comment for this artist click here to add small comment.nyro laura lyrics list To search some word in this page type CTRL + F. http://www.lyricsdownload.com/data/n/nyro_laura/nyro_laura.php4 | |
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23. Laura Nyro Laura Nyro 10/18/47 4/8/97. laura nyro. That was written by Laura Nyro,as were Blowing Away and Billy's Blues sung by the Fifth Dimension. http://www.walrus.com/~gibralto/acorn/nyro.html | |
24. Laura Nyro Laura Nyro. Records reviewed on this page Bronxborn Laura Nyro was a jazz-poetwhite soul singer-songwriter years before Joni Mitchell and Rickie Lee Jones. http://www.warr.org/nyro.html | |
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26. Nyro Laura Live From Mountain Stage [UK-Import] [IMPORT] http://www.outlet-box.de/Nyro-Laura-Live-From-Mountain-Stage-UK-I-B00004YLJ2.htm | |
27. Fejlsituation Til Tårnby Kommune, Oversigt fundne poster. Posterne 1 til 3 ud af3 (lpo=nyro laura og ma=xc). Nyro, Laura, Gonna take a miracle, CD, rok. http://www.bibliotek.taarnby.dk/IS/WWW/query-sh.asp?ccl=lpo=nyro laura og ma=xc |
28. Laura Nyro @ EfolkMusic.com Laura Nyro, Easy About the artist Laura Nyro's groundbreaking style pavedthe way for the contemporary female singersongwriter. Intense http://www.efolkmusic.com/viewartist.asp?artist=Laura Nyro |
29. Laura Nyro Laura Nyro. Songwriter (1948 April 11, 1997) Gender, Female. 1997.All Rights Reserved. Laura Nyro / 06 December 1997 / joc@netaxs.com. http://www.northbound-train.com/whoswho/nyro.html | |
30. LAURA NYRO LAURA NYRO. 1966 More Than a New Discovery. 1993 Walk the Dog and Lightthe Light. 1997 Stoned Soul Picnic The Laura Nyro Anthology. http://www.crecon.com/davidwomack/lauranyro.htm | |
31. Home The authorized laura nyro Web Site http://www.lauranyro.com/ | |
32. Laura Nyro The most comprehensive internet archive on laura nyro, the highly influentialNew York singer/songwriter. laura nyro. laura nyro. laura nyro. http://lauranyro.net/ | |
33. Laura Nyro The most comprehensive internet archive on laura nyro, the highly influential New York singer/songwriter New book by Michele Kort on the life and music of laura nyro! CLICK HERE for more information. http://www.lauranyro.net/ | |
34. Laura Nyro (Infoplease.com)Category Reference Encyclopedias Infoplease.com Biographies N...... peopleBiography laura nyro Age 49 singer, songwriter. Considered oneof the most important women in rock history, nyro's introspective http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0197741.html | |
35. Nyro, Laura Help Site Map. peopleBiographyPeopleN nyro, laura singer, songwriter BirthplaceBronx, NY Born 1947 Died 1997 Previous Nuyen, France, Top of section N, http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0158183.html | |
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37. Encyclopædia Britannica nyro, laura Encyclopædia Britannica Article. MLA style nyro, laura. EncyclopædiaBritannica 2003 Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=100727 |
38. Encyclopædia Britannica Visit Britannica Store, Encyclopædia Britannica, Year in Review 1998obituary nyro, laura (laura Nigro) Encyclopædia Britannica Article. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=125087 |
39. MusicMoz - Bands And Artists: N: Nyro, Laura laura nyro. From United States Styles the entire directory. Top Bandsand Artists N nyro, laura (3) Links (3). http://musicmoz.org/Bands_and_Artists/N/Nyro,_Laura/ | |
40. MusicMoz - Bands And Artists: N: Nyro, Laura: Links laura nyro The most comprehensive internet archive on laura nyro,the highly influential New York singer/songwriter. laura nyro http://musicmoz.org/Bands_and_Artists/N/Nyro,_Laura/Links/ | |
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