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Donal Grant: more books (36) | |||||||||||
21. Www.unityspot.com/arthurs/mac/dgrnt10.xml Similar pages Stories and Poems of George MacDonald Arthur's Classic Novels Donal Grant A great billowy waste of mountains lay beyond him, amongst which playedthe shadow at their games of hide and seekgraciously merry in the eyes of http://www.unityspot.com/arthurs/mac/dgrnt10.xml | |
22. Asceticism in. I will be Donal Grant, whether the coffee be cold or hot. A Davie!You are a good boy; I will be a better man! From Donal Grant Next http://lnc.usc.edu/~holt/Christian/MacDonald/donal_grant_asceticism.html | |
23. What Jesus Lives For you, then you will be my brother, and we shall both be his little brothers, andthe sons of his Father God, and so the heirs of all things. From Donal Grant http://lnc.usc.edu/~holt/Christian/MacDonald/donal_grant_jesus_purpose.html | |
24. MacDonald (1990) Donal Grant Donal Grant. Post a Comment. CONTRIBUTORS Author MacDonald, George (b. 1824,d. 1905). PUBLISHER Sunrise Books (Eureka, Calif.). SERIES TITLE YEAR 1990. http://www.getcited.org/pub/102905754 | |
25. George MacDonald Donal Grant or The Shepherds Castle This story starts out with Donal Grant grownand his life experiences in a teaching position and acquiring great wealth http://www.hstreasures.com/author/macdonald.html | |
26. E-Texts David Elginbrod. Donal Grant. Far Above Rubies. Heather and Snow. David Elginbrod.Donal Grant. Lilith. Phantastes A Faerie Romance for Men and Women. http://www.ev90481.dial.pipex.com/etexts.htm | |
27. Ankeny, Rebecca Thomas. The Story, The Teller And The Audience In George MacDona are many important observations in chapter four, which is subtitled Authors andTheir Audience. Here the two principal texts used are Donal Grant and Adela http://www.ev90481.dial.pipex.com/gmsociety/nw19ankeny.htm | |
28. Chapel On The Hill - Jul/Aug Library Newsletter It's all I have to offer. . After eating, Gibbie resumed his journey and meta lad herding cattle by the name of Donal Grant. What's your name, man? . http://coth560.homestead.com/files/Jul_aug.htm | |
29. George MacDonald - Wikipedia Donal Grant (1883); Lilith (1895). He was for a time editor of Good Wordsfor the Young, and lectured successfully in America in 18721873. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_MacDonald | |
30. Bookshare.org - Book Information Please log in. Book Information. Donal Grant by George MacDonald. Choose Formatto Download Be the first to review Donal Grant. Write a review of Donal Grant. http://www.bookshare.org/web/SingleTitle.html?submittitleid=995 |
31. Www.geocities.co.jp/HeartLand-Oak/9034/Macdonald_OLT.txt PROJECT GUTENBERG 1 At The Back Of The North Wind, 1871 2 David Elginbrod, 1862 3The Diary Of An Old soul, 1880 4 Donal Grant, 1883 5 The Light Princess, 1864 http://www.geocities.co.jp/HeartLand-Oak/9034/Macdonald_OLT.txt |
32. George MacDonald Teacher Resource File David Elginbrod From Christian Classics The Day Boy and the Night Girl (The Romanceof Photogen and Nycteris From Christian Classics Donal Grant From Project http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/georgemacdonald.htm | |
33. LitSearch: An Online Literary Database Keyword Search Motif Search Custom Search Browse Authors Browse Titles.Donal Grant, by George MacDonald by MacDonald, George (18241905). http://daily.stanford.edu/litsearch/servlet/DescribeWork?work=3160 |
34. LitSearch: An Online Literary Database At The Back Of The North Wind David Elginbrod Diary Of An Old soul, The Donal Grant,by George MacDonald Light Princess, The Lilith, a romance Phantastes, A http://daily.stanford.edu/litsearch/servlet/DescribeAuthor?name=MacDonald, Georg |
35. George, MacDonald At The Back Of The North Wind David Elginbrod Donal Grant The Light Princess Lilith,a romance Phantastes, A Faerie Romance for Men and Women The Princess and http://www.lib.umd.edu/ETC/ReadingRoom/Fiction/MacDonald/ | |
37. Blank Slate - George MacDonald be but changeful reflections of the face of God. Dish of Orts, p. 256 When selfis first it simply makes devils of us. Donal Grant, p. 668 Whosoever http://www.blankslate.net/author/macdonald.php | |
38. The Book Nook: A Few Of Our Favorites Ashamed of the Gospel. Fiction. The Pilgrim's Progress. Castle Warlock. DavidElginbrod. Donal Grant. Mary Marston. Robert Falconer. Salted With Fire. Sir Gibbie. http://www.whitebuckpublishing.com/wbp/favorite.htm | |
39. Brewer, E. Cobham. Dictionary Of Phrase & Fable. MacDonald, George, LL.D. (1882); Castle Warlock (1882); Donal Grant (1883); The Princess andCurdie (1883); The Imagination and other Essays (1883); Whats http://www.bartleby.com/81/18265.html | |
40. John McCarthy Sean Cunningham Patricia McCarthy Josephine Patricia McCarthy. Josephine Cunningham. Susan Poole. Roshin Grant. Donal Grant.Leo Poole. Darren Cunningham. Lee Cunningham. Carl Cunningham. Nuella Grant. http://www.jdmccarthy.freeserve.co.uk/cunningham/grandchildren.htm | |
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