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41. Archaeology Classmarks MU4. Dating techniques. LAB. Egyptian archaeology. LM. european archaeology, general.M4. Greek archaeology. LP. Mesopotamian archaeology. LJ4. Neolithic. KFK. Palaeolithic. http://www.ull.ac.uk/subjects/guides/classmarks/archaeologyc.shtml | |
42. Archaeology Discussion Lists I. general HISTORY and archaeology. digital libraries // listserv@infoserv.nlcbnc.ca// subscribe diglib your name european archaeology, moderated HISLAW-L http://www.people.ku.edu/~jyounger/archlists.html | |
43. European Forum Of Heritage Associations amongst its members associations, as well as creating an information network onEuropean archaeology for the FORUM general Secretary, Adriana Martini (Italy), http://www.britarch.ac.uk/forum/ |
44. Classification Scheme For British And Irish Archaeology Concordance with other european classification schemes for archaeology. 1, general,1, general, 1, general; sites and problems undated and multiculture. http://www.britarch.ac.uk/biab/class.html |
45. FARE-Forum For Archaeological Research In Europe ArchL general archaeology, Main American discussion list for archaeology. EAHW europeanarchaeology, List to discuss plans and proposals to build the european http://odur.let.rug.nl/~arge/Themes/communication.html | |
46. Journal Of Indo-European Studies and synthesis of information relating to the anthropology, archaeology, mythology,philology, and general cultural history of the Indoeuropean speaking peoples http://jies.org/ | |
47. Brief Guide To Computers In Archaeology Britarch (British, general announcements and queries, run by CBA of these which givegood links to other sites are Archeonet, the european archaeology Network; http://www.arts.gla.ac.uk/www/ctich/archguide.htm | |
48. Buy IFA Publications - The Institute Of Field Archaeologists No 3 1999 The future of european archaeology Willem JH archaeology in Britain 19911997 the fifth to to the Articles approved at Annual general Meetings held http://www.archaeologists.net/buypubs.html | |
49. Untitled Quaternary Research Institutes/Universities (foreign). Includes sitesof general ecological/conservation interest. european archaeology 2001. http://www.nuigalway.ie/pru/links/links.htm | |
50. Department Of Archaeology (UofS) :: Resources And Links for Europe A gateway to a vast array of links on european archaeology. archaeologyon the Internet from U of Arizona A large selections of general and regional http://arts.usask.ca/archaeology/links.php | |
51. Application Socrates Programme - Objectives of this good practice, address the european dimension in the study of archaeology,and address between professional archaeologists and the general public by http://archweb.leidenuniv.nl/archeonet/project/archeonet_app4.html | |
52. Department Op Prehistoric Archaeology - The University Of Aarhus - Denmark and extended in time and space in cooperation with other european research groups. TheEarly Iron Age in Scandinavia, general. Experimental archaeology. http://archweb.leidenuniv.nl/archeonet/partners/aarhus.html | |
53. Ancient Europe/Mediterranean. general Guides. Europe ARGE is the premier guide to european archaeological informationonline and is the official WWW Virtual Library for european archaeology http://www.hist.unt.edu/09w-ar4.htm | |
54. ANT3000 AUSTRALIAN PRE-EUROPEAN ARCHAEOLOGY (ART -UG1) ANT3000 AUSTRALIAN PREeuropean archaeology (ART -UG1), 598 of for those interestedin pursuing an archaeology career as or for those with a general interest in http://www.usq.edu.au/handbook/2002/coursesyn/A/ANT3000c.htm | |
55. Underwater Archaeology Links ARGE, european archaeology; About Com Guide to archaeology, beautiful presentationand Texas A M; Archaeologica News, USA; ArchNet, USA, general archaeology; http://www.abc.se/~m10354/uwa/general.htm | |
56. Underwater Archaeology Museums Underwater archaeology museums. These are museums of general underwater archaeologyinterest. Other european museums are listed under Authorities. Nordic. http://www.abc.se/~m10354/uwa/museums.htm | |
57. COURSES REQUIREMENTS general Linguistics Individual Languages Seminars in Linguistics. West and SouthAsian archaeology european archaeology American archaeology http://www.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp/eng/humani_5.html | |
58. Alice's Virtual Restaurant - History, Archaeology And Other Old Stuff A collection of articles on the various history subjects from ancient history to modern times.Category Society History Journals and Forums...... More at general Reference and Irish Buffet. archaeology on the Net gigantic collectionof links to worldwide archaeological european History (to Category List). http://members.bellatlantic.net/~vze3j6hh/hist.html | |
59. Collection Development Policy: Archaeology D 78, european archaeology. The African Studies Selectors collect works on archaeologyof sub Art History In general, materials related to the stylistic analysis http://www.bu.edu/library/collections/cdarch.htm | |
60. History Resources History Resources general. WWW Virtual Library Pacific Studies. HistoryResources Europe and Eurasia. Ancient History; european archaeology. http://www.utpb.edu/library/history.html | |
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