- Shrek 2: The Movie Storybook by Tom Mason, Dan Danko, 2004-05-01
- Wonder Woman: Attack of the Cheetah (Super Heroes) by Jane Mason, 2010-01-15
- The Ranger: The End of the Line (The Ranger) by Dan Mason, 1993-06
- THE RANGER by Dan Mason, 1992-01-01
- Sidekicks #3: Attack of the Mole Master by Dan Danko, Tom Mason, et all 2004-04-01
- The Minotaur (MythQuest, 1) by Dan Danko, Tom Mason, 2003-01
- Sidekicks 5: The Brotherhood of Rotten Babysitters by Dan Danko, Tom Mason, 2005-06-01
- Piggley Jokes All Day!: A Lift-the-Flap and Laugh Book (Jakers!) by Tom Mason, Dan Danko, 2007-04-24
- DJ's Notebook (Monster House) by Tom Mason, Dan Danko, 2006-06-23
- Red Wolf's Daughter (MythQuest) by Tom Mason, Dan Danko, 2003-04
- Ride Along with Dump Truck Dan!: A Foldout Book with 15 Stickers! (Trucktown) by Tom Mason, Dan Danko, 2008-09-30
- America's Future by Dan Mason, 2009-10-02
- Fictional Bookmakers: Pat Evans, Leanne Battersby, Peter Barlow, Dennis Rickman, Jake Moon, Andy Hunter, Dan Mason, Des Barnes
- Life Is Unfair (Malcolm In The Middle) by Tom Mason, Dan Danko, 2000-11-01