Kayak Polo, Anyone? kayak polo, anyone? Players take to the water with a kayak, a ball and a pushyattitude. Thursday, August 29, 2002. kayak polo, a player shouts back. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/lifestyle/84609_kayakpolo29.shtml
Extractions: Jump to Weather Traffic Mariners Seahawks ... Forums NEWS Local Neighborhoods Sports Nation/World ... Special Reports COMMENTARY Opinion Columnists Letters David Horsey ... Forums COFFEE BREAK Mike Mailway TV Listings SHOPPING Archives NWclassifieds Jobs Autos ... Online Shop P-I ANYWHERE E-mail Newsletters News Alerts PDA Cell Phones ... Desktop OUR AFFILIATES SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER REPORTER Each Tuesday evening, a pack of water-bound minotaurs chase and charge after a ball near the University of Washington's Waterfront Activities Center. Half boat, half human, they slap their paddles in the hunt, much like an agitated bull paws the ground. Scott Wynn, right, looks for an open teammate while Leonard Huffman defends during a kayak polo game on Lake Washington at the UW's Waterfront Activities Center. Dan DeLong / Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Kayak Polo In The SF Bay Area Players Get a List of kayak polo Clubs in the US! Welcome to the home of the Richmond Plungers the San Francisco Bay Area's kayak polo Club. http://www.sfbaykayakpolo.org/main.php
Kayak Polo Links North American kayak polo USA Canoe Polo American Canoe Association United StatesCanoe Kayak Team San Diego Kayak Club Texas Canoe Polo Home Page New http://www.studentgroups.ucla.edu/bruincanoepolo/html/links/links.htm
Kayak Polo Equipment use for recreational kayaking (vests, paddles, spray skirts, helmets, and small,fast kayaks) with some special considerations for the sport of kayak polo. http://www.studentgroups.ucla.edu/bruincanoepolo/html/polo/equip.htm
TechTV | Kayak Polo You are here Home TV Shows Internet Tonight Sports Online KayakPolo, Internet Tonight Daily Dose of the Net's Best, kayak polo, http://www.techtv.com/internettonight/sportsonline/story/0,23008,2487566,00.html
Extractions: Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water, some yahoo had to invent a sport where dozens of hyperactive people squeeze into flippable boats and chase after a ball with big 'ol oars. We're talking about Kayak Polo, a cross between water polo and kayaking, with a dash of lacrosse. Posted September 18, 2000
Kayak Polo Come play kayak polo Home kayak polo is one of the fastest growingpaddle sports in the US, and a huge international sport. Much http://www.seanet.com/~katrinakruse/kayak_polo.htm
Extractions: Kayak Polo is one of the fastest growing paddle sports in the U.S., and a huge international sport. Much like water polo, Kayak Polo is played in a pool (or on some other flat-water venue) with up to five players on each side. Kayak Polo is a fun fast-paced game that hones paddling skills while developing teamwork. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate. No experience is necessary and there is No Cost We play year-round on Lake Washington. The only requirements are you must be able to swim. Choose from two different games and locations Tuesdays 5:45 PM at the Waterfront Activity Center , Southeast of Husky Stadium off of Montlake Boulevard. Visit the University Kayak Club's Kayak Polo page for more information. Gear: UKC members can use club gear. Non-UKC members will have to provide their own kayaking gear, i.e. a whitewater or polo boat, paddle, PFD, spray skirt and helmet. Goals and a polo ball will be provided for all. We play with the international rules. Wednesdays 5:45 PM at Marsh Park in Kirkland . Boats and paddles are borrowed from other players on a first come first serve basis. Come early and always get a boat. This game is played with Sit-On-Top kayaks and house rules. No kayaking or rolling experience is necessary. Sign up to the University of Washington kayak polo email list
Salt Lake City Kayak Polo Club Click here to join the Salt Lake City kayak polo Club mailing list! Admin. KAYAKPOLO Week 5 Report Clark Burbidge, Thu Nov 14 1429 http://disc.server.com/Indices/198192.html
SDKC Kayak Polo Links. kayak polo Rules kayak polo Clubs and Organizations United States US Canoe/KayakPolo Committee; National Polo Page; New England Polo; San Diego Kayak Club; http://sdkc.org/polo/pololinks.html
Extractions: Links Kayak Polo Rules Kayak Polo Clubs and Organizations ICF Site United Kingdom United States US Canoe/Kayak Polo Committee National Polo Page New England Polo San Diego Kayak Club ... West Coast Kayak Polo Includes instructions on how to make goals similar to the ones we use (we based ours on their design).
Quick Start To Kayak Polo What is Canoe/kayak polo? Canoe/kayak polo can be played indoors or outdoorson any flat area of water where a suitable court can be marked out. http://www.fairbankspaddlers.org/documents/kayak polo.htm
Extractions: What is Canoe/Kayak Polo? Canoe/Kayak Polo can be played indoors or outdoors on any flat area of water where a suitable court can be marked out. Canoe/Kayak Polo has been played in countries all over the world for over 25 years. Internationally agreed rules (via the International Canoe FederationI.C.F.) were introduced in 1987. Kayak Polo (or Canoe Polo, as it is known internationally) is a team game played in kayaks with water polo ball in a rectangular area approximately 130 ft (40 m) by 80 ft (25 m) of a pool or lake. Goals are suspended 6.5 ft (2 m) above each goal line. Kayaks have padding on the bow and stern to avoid injuring other players. Players wear helmets with facemasks and PFDs (personal floatation devices) with increased chest, back, and kidney padding for personal protection. A kayak polo team consists of five to ten players. At any given time during play, five players are allowed on the court for each team. Games consist of two 8-10 minute halves. As in basketball or soccer, the aim is to outscore your opponent. To do this, teamwork and tactics are essential.
Kayak Polo Translate this page kayak polo. Au carrefour du basket, du water polo ou du football américain,le kayak polo offre un cocktail assurément spectaculaire ! http://www.chez.com/kayak/kayak/kayak-polo.htm
Kayak-Polo Translate this page KAYAK-POLO. Comment ça marche ? Au carrefour du basket, du water polo et du footballaméricain, le kayak polo offre un cocktail assurément spectaculaire. http://www.chez.com/cckpo/POLO/POLO.htm
Manhattan Kayak Company - Tours/Trips - Kayak Polo kayak polo So what's this all about? How about Committee website. Every timewe play kayak polo, screams of excitement echo between our piers. http://www.manhattankayak.com/subTemplate.jsp?screen=kayakpolo
Kayak Polo kayak polo. Comments. Just a reminder, we are still playing kayak polo atthe Rec Center Pool Every Thursday at 900 through the end of March. http://www.snakeriverkayak.com/disc/00000008.htm
Kayak Polo At The Rec Center Every Thursday At 9:00pm kayak polo at the Rec Center every Thursday at 900pm. From steve Date 24 Jan 2002Time 004556 Remote Name Comments. Come Play! Lots of fun! http://www.snakeriverkayak.com/disc/00000029.htm
Kayak Polo kayak polo (January 13, 2002) Class Sponsored by Genesee Waterways Center.Photos by Joel Chastek Dan takes a shot over Rob. Where's the ball? http://www.flowpaddlers.org/picturegallery/kayakpolo/
REGLAMENTO KAYAK POLO Translate this page REGLAMENTO kayak polo. Condiciones de Juego. La piscina jugador. kpolo.jpg(29709 bytes). medidas campo kayak polo. Reglas del Juego. El http://www.deportedigital.galeon.com/reglamentos/reglkayakp.htm
Extractions: Reglamentos Deportedigital REGLAMENTO KAYAK POLO Condiciones de Juego La piscina o área de juego debe de medir entre 3 de largo x 2 ancho, tener una longitud mínima de 25 y máxima de 50; el área aconsejable es de 30 ó 35 x 20 ó 23 y la profundidad mínima debe de ser de 90 Cm.. La portería estará sobre la línea de meta y a 2 M de altura, siendo un rectángulo de 15 m de ancho y 1 m de alto con material de 5 cm de ancho. El balón utilizado es el oficial de waterpolo. Las palas no deben sobrepasar de los 210 metros de longitud, y será obligatorio que todos los cantos sean redondeados, sin ángulos ni aristas. El kayak deberá medir entre 2-3 metros de largo, y 50-60 cm. de ancho, la embarcación debe pesar como mínimo 7 Kg. , además es obligatorio el almohadillado en la proa y en la popa. Habrá 2 árbitros, 1 cronometrador y un anotador. El numero de jugadores inscritos en el torneo será de 10. Inscritos en el alta de partido 8, manteniendo la numeración de la inscripción del torneo. En juego serán 5 y los suplentes 3. La identificación de los jugadores estará compuesta por chalecos y cascos del mismo color y numerados del 1 al 10 coincidiendo con el numero de cada jugador. medidas campo kayak polo Reglas del Juego El tiempo del juego constará de dos periodos de 10 minutos cada uno ( mínimo 7 minutos). El descanso de medio tiempo suele durar 3 minutos ( mínimo 1 minuto). Los equipos cambiaran de campo al cabo de cada tiempo. El arbitro puede detener el tiempo a lo largo del encuentro ( parándose el cronometro).
Campeonato De España Kayak Polo 2002:DESASTRE ORGANIZATIVO. Translate this page 24 Septiembre, 2002 Campeonato de España kayak polo 2002DESASTRE ORGANIZATIVO. Unavez más se celebro el Campeonato de España de kayak polo. http://www.piraguamadrid.com/noticias/Piragüismo/2002/09/24/113615.asp
Extractions: BUSCAR Documentos con Alguna de las palabras Todas las palabras La frase completa en Formato completo Formato resumido NOTICIAS Piragüismo SERVICIOS Alta de correos gratuitos Foro de debate Recoger correo Conexión gratuita ... Comercio electrónico CONTENIDOS CLUBS Links CANALES Deportes Turismo Trabajo Salud 24 Septiembre, 2002 La frase más oída en el torneo fue: ¡¡EEEEEEH, PERO ÁRBITRO...!! Y si solo hubiera sido los árbitros... porterías con las redes rotas, sin jueces de gol, sin un tablón donde ir publicando los resultados y horarios. Nadie sabia contra quién y a que hora jugaba si no iban ellos mismos haciendo sus cuadro de juego. Retrasos y aplazamientos de partidos del sábado al domingo porque había equipos que tenían sus barcos en otro campo, pero nadie avisó para informar al equipo contrario por lo que estuvieron calentando más de una hora sin saber porque no venía a jugar su contrincante y cuando a su capitán se le ocurre ir a preguntar a la organización les contestan de malas formas (se escucharon demasiadas palabras mal sonantes), después de que por la mañana se habían anulado partidos por mucho menos. En fin un DESASTRE. Y esto solo es un hecho de otros muchos que ocurrieron.
Kayak Polo -- Only A Game kayak polo Karen Given Airdate June 01, 2002 The concept of kayak poloisn't hard to grasp it's basically water polo played in kayaks. http://archives.onlyagame.org/onlinefeatures/kayakpolo.shtml
Extractions: Still, players tend to compare aspects of the game to almost every mainstream sport. There are substitutions as in hockey. When an opponent intentionally rolls your kayak to get the ball away from you, it's called a tackle. The game begins with a tip-off, much like in basketball. And, some claim that the playing area, positioned on a lake or swimming pool, was inspired by a soccer pitch.