Listings Of The World Sports Walking Freestyle Walking freestyle walking, or fsw for short, is an extreme sport that requiresno equipment or accessories. It basically is skateboarding
Listings Of The World Sports Walking Freestyle Walking Soap every soap shoe available. Also has a message board where freestylewalkers can leave questions, and comments. http//www.soapage
Freestyle Walking - Welcome also, a freestyle walking article will be in the school newspaperin the next issue. someone will scan it and i will post it up.
Extractions: digital industry archived news... current news: members log-in... saturday - november 7 - 98 someone needs to read the constitution. but, since i'm a fair person, i'm not goin to name whose parental unit is. actually i think she's a pretty cool cat. but, when people object to the content of this site, i personally get offended, but i felt i guess the content was a little too raw for that individual. i got rid of it this time. but as for the site (or me) it i don't influence porn or any other crap, there was no links to porn, pictures, or anything of that sort. it was a harmless joke. dirty. but harmless. - anyway - on a lighter note, some good things have happened since the last update. the waterboy came out friday and kicked some major ass. thumbs up. highly suggested. worth the cash. (mtv's sport and music festival) was on today, and, once again- kicked ass. i swear i saw someone grinding a rail- without blades, a board or a bike. good times, good times. gizmo out. wednesday - october 28 - 98 routine update. went through the pages, checked for errors, etectra. out.
FREESTYLE WALKING convenience you miserable piece of shit. SO GET INTO FREESTYLE NOW!!!!!This is the officially endorsed freestyle walking page.
Extractions: Look, the world does not stop and start at your convenience you miserable piece of shit. SO GET INTO FREESTYLE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the officially endorsed Freestyle Walking page. Endorsed by the two top qualifying competitors of the UMD Freestyle competition held Sept. '98. HIGHLY NOTEWORTHY Bob Grove(17) leads the NFSWL with a season total of 1962 points after 8 rounds. Bob resides in the small town of Hackensack Minnesota where he has trained and learned the different skills involved in Freestyle Walking. Bob is surprised to be in such an early lead since he has just recovered from a broken toe which was damaged in a spill in last years Portland International Championship Tournament. Bob hopes he can maintain his lead and bring home his first NFSWL title. After a recent interview that I did with Bob I talked to him a little more about his walking abilities and he commented,"I guess the courses this year are a little more tricky but that just makes it easier for a better run. To help my chances this year, I have designed a new shoe for this event. I sure hope it does the trick." I just find it amazing that a star athlete would give out this kind of information but I guess he is confident in himself and thinks it will take a lot to beat him this year. Chris Baker(16)Is second only to Bob in the NSFWL standings right now with a remarkable 1869 points after 8 rounds. With only 3 rounds left to go, it's still anyones game and we'll just have to see how well he can stay focused. Chris, like Bob, lives in the small town of Hackensack where he learned the tricks and skills of Freestyle Walking. After last years first place finish, Chris has improved his skill a bit and is very optimistic in hopes of defending his title. Chris also has developed his own shoe and after a few questions he commented," I feel that the new bakesey 19 ounce is the key element to the sport. Last year I noticed that i just wasn't getting enough lift from trick to trick and I thought this new shoe would better my chances of keeping my title." I guess these are the best people to ask about the equiptment of the sport. It looks like the sport is changing and growing rapidly so it's gonna be interesting to see what happens in the future..-Jon Wells
Freestyle Walking freestyle walking. Here's Arlin going the distance under the tent.Here's one view, give'er a click for another. HOME. Mail Some Dude.
Freestyle Walking So for those of you that have not heard freestyle walking is a new sportthat is basically grinding with special shoes instead of rollerblades.
Extractions: So for those of you that have not heard Freestyle walking is a new sport that is basically grinding with special shoes instead of rollerblades. It's crazy, and its a lot of fun! So Mat and Chad are partners in crime, tearin up any rail they can find! Check it out! Wasah!!!! THE SHOES! Soap Shoes! Check em' out at . Mat has the Boltar and Chad has the Clean. Notice the grind plate at the bottom of the shoe. Theres Mat tearing up a curb. Both Mat and Chad riding a rail. Chad looks like he is going to fall and Mat probably did. A bike rack..? Damn Straight! They're slippery, so you really get going. Up close shots of grinding on a rail. Mat grinding a table. Chad being funny. FREESTYLE WALKIN'!!
Directory :: freestyle walking (25) Other Categories. Soap Shoes (11) Sites. Bone andDrew's freestyle walking Page Offering FSW pictures, links and tricks.
Index Of /~map8/images/Duke/Freestyle Walking Index of /~map8/images/Duke/freestyle walking. Parent Directory; IMAGE023.JPG;Spinner.jpg; TaleSpinner.jpg; benihannarevertaggressive.jpg; Walking/
Youth Radio people out with their Heelys, two major shoe companies are making roller skates,and Soap shoes are more or less the official shoe of freestyle walking.
Extractions: So you may have noticed this recent trend towards wheely-shoes. Kids everywhere are freaking people out with their Heelys, two major shoe companies are making roller skates, and Soap shoes are more or less the official shoe of freestyle walking. (Okay, Soap shoes have no wheels and freestyle walking is totally lame, but the shoe and the "sport" are surprisingly popular.) And it all seems to be in keeping with a bigger trend towards "extreme"-ifying everything. Walking is no longer enough, now you've got to roll around and jump on stuff at the same time. But as far as the shoes go, here are the basics facts — and of course my opinions — on some of the more popular ones to come out of this trend. Heelys: The shoes that cruise These shoes have a removable plastic plate in the sole that allows you to grind rails, curbs, benches or anything else you can think of. These are the preferred shoes of freestyle walkers, although you don't actually need the shoes to freestyle walk. Freestyle walking is the sport that's also a joke. I've been to a lot of freestyle walking sites in the last week or so and all it is is jumping off of stuff. Freestyle walking (or FSW) is not cool, but it's extremely amusing because the "athletes" are so serious about their "sport." There is an annual FSW Competition that's been happening for the last five years. This is not a joke.
DINO - Language: Englisch - Sports - Walking - Freestyle Walking Hilfe zu diesem Thema aufrufen. You are here DINO Language Englisch Sports Walking freestyle walking freestyle walking, Sprache/Language. Categories,
WebAerobics - Your Global Destination For Aerobics Aggressive freestyle walking Welcome to The Aggressive FreestyleWalking Page. This page just started and is the home to many
Extractions: American Running Association - The American Running Association (formerly the American Running and Fitness Association) is a nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to providing educational support to runners through programs and sound information on training, nutrition, and injury prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation.
Freestyle Walking Website Results :: Linkspider UK freestyle walking Websites from the Linkspider UK. freestyle walkingDirectory. Complete Results for freestyle walking Related Topics.
Extractions: Directory Tree: Top Sports Walking : Freestyle Walking (25) Add URL Advertise Here! Personalize Amazon ... Minnesota Freestyle Walking Homepage - A place for hard-core free style walkers. Includes, moves, tricks, pictures, and links. Brooks FSW - Pictures, videos, statistics, and information about Soap shoes and freestyle walking. Dedicated to supporting the Freestyle community. Freestyle Walkers Club - Information and photos of the Freestyle Walkers Club of Eden Prairie High School. Bone and Drew's Freestyle Walking Page - Offering FSW pictures, links and tricks. Freestyle Walking Extreme - Website showcasing Team Spyder FSW. Offering chat, guestbook, pictures and Soap Shoes. FSW - Fully dedicated to free style walking. Pics, videos, and links. SpencerFSW - Troy, Sam, Kevin, and Brant. Four freestylewalkers and their photos. UFO Freewalking - Homepage of the Ultimate Freewalkers Association. Information and a few links. UKFSW - United Kingdom Freestyle Walking. Soap shoe news from the UK with regular updates. Forum for UK soapers, videos and pictures available for download.
Searchalot Directory For Freestyle Walking Sponsored Links. Top Sports Walking freestyle walking (25). Related Web Sites.Minnesota freestyle walking Homepage A place for hard-core free style walkers.
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Walk On The Wild Side If you're looking for a sport that lets you do grinds, railslides and backsides even without a board - hit the street and try some freestyle walking.
Extractions: No board, no blades, no problem. If you're looking for a sport that lets you do grinds, railslides and backsides - even without a board - hit the street and try some freestyle walking. Freestyle walking or soaping is a combo of skateboarding , inline skating and snowboarding - except you just use a pair of shoes. The sport lets you rely totally on your natural surroundings - much like skateboarding. You can do back flips off fire hydrants, jump off curbs, slide down handrails - all using the soles of your shoes. Soaping can be done using just your regular old sneakers but it's easier if you buy a special pair of soaping shoes. They're fitted with a special, removable plastic grind plate that screws into the bottom of the shoe under the arch of the foot. This roundish plate allows you to smoothly glide down rails or curbsides. The shoes are usually made of leather and have special laces so you can avoid tripping. The downside is they cost about a hundred bucks - but it's worth it if you're going to be doing a lot of soaping. The great thing about freestyle walking is that you can do it anywhere and the only thing limiting your tricks is your imagination. A flight of stairs, a parking meter, a newspaper box or a garbage dumpster can all become part of your own street obstacle course. Like any sport, just be careful and know what your limits are.
Freestyle Walking In Sports > Walking links. Bone and Drew's freestyle walking Page. Offering FSW pictures,links and tricks. Free Style walking. freestyle walking. Offers
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