- Whales,Dolphins and Seals: A Field Guide to the Marine Mammals of the World by Hadoram Shirihai, 2006-09-11
- Discover Hawaii's Marine Mammals by Katherine Shelley Orr, 1994-01-01
- Marine Mammals: Biology and Conservation
- Whales and Dolphins of the North American Pacific: Including Seals and Other Marine Mammals by Graeme Cresswell, Dylan Walker, et all 2007-06-11
- Walker's Marine Mammals of the World by Ronald M. Nowak, 2003-05-28
- The Marine Mammals of the Gulf of Mexico (W. L. Moody Jr. Natural History Series) by Bernd Wursig, Bernd G. Wursig, et all 2000-01-01
- Handbook of Marine Mammals - Vol 1: The Walrus, Sea Lions, Fur Seals and Sea Otter
- The World of Marine Mammals by Adrienne Mason, 1999-12-01
- Marine Mammals by Parsons, 2011-06
- Guide to Marine Mammals of Alaska (Marine Advisory Bulletin Series No 44) by Kate Wynne, 1992-12
- Protecting Marine Mammals (Wildlife Protection, Estruction and Extinction Series)
- Marine Mammal Protection Issues (Fish, Fishing and Fisheries)
- Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Mammals:: Interrelationship, Background and Issues (Fish, Fishing and Fisheries)
- Molecular and Cell Biology of Marine Mammals