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1. Creating 3D Game Art for the iPhone with Unity: Featuring modo and Blender pipelines by Wes McDermott | |
![]() | Paperback: 272
list price: US$49.95 -- used & new: US$32.97 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0240815637 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Revolutionize your iPhone and iPad game development with Unity iOS, a fully integrated professional application and powerful game engine, which is quickly becoming the best solution for creating visually stunning games for Apple's iDevices easier, and more fun for artists. From concept to completion you'll learn to create and animate using modo and Blender as well as creating a full level utilizing the powerful toolset in Unity iOS as it specifically relates to iPhone and iPad game development. Follow the creation of "Tater," a character from the author's personal game project "Dead Bang," as he's used to explain vital aspects of game development and content creation for the iOS platform. Creating 3D Game Art for the iPhone focuses on the key principles of game design and development by covering in-depth, the iDevice hardware in conjunction with Unity iOS and how it relates to creating optimized game assets for the iDevices. Featuring Luxology's artist-friendly modo, and Blender, the free open-source 3D app, along side Unity iOS, optimize your game assets for the latest iDevices including iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad and the iPod Touch. Learn to model characters and environment assets, texture, animate skinned characters and apply advanced lightmapping techniques using Beast in Unity iOS. In a clear, motivating, and entertaining style, Wes McDermott offers captivating 3D imagery, real-world observation, and valuable tips and tricks all in one place - this book is an invaluable resource for any digital artist working to create games for the iPhone and iPad using Unity iOS. * Circumvent the potential pitfalls of game development with professional techniques like "Static and Dynamic batching", "building models on the grid", "lightmapping with Beast", and "animation blending" to improve your game's performance and content creation workflow. * Visit www.wesmcdermott.com, to gain access to the book's official website where users can login to the resource portal to download extensive video walkthroughs and get information on the FREE iPhone/iPad app, "Tater's Training Trash Yard." The app showcases the core concepts and techniques covered in the book by demonstrating the content's performance on your iPhone or iPad. Customer Reviews (1)
2. Facets of Unity: The Enneagram of Holy Ideas by A. H. Almaas | |
![]() | Paperback: 320
list price: US$26.95 -- used & new: US$15.97 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0936713143 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (12)
3. Unity (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) by S.D. Perry | |
![]() | Hardcover: 303
list price: US$23.95 -- used & new: US$9.45 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: B0002X1JIM Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description In 2001's critically acclaimed Avatar novels, author S.D. Perry set the tone and the course for the continuation of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine®, a controversial television phenomenon hailed by TV Guide as "the best acted, written, produced, and altogether finest" incarnation of Star Trek®. Since then, the DS9 saga has grown in complexity and momentum, attracting an ever-growing audience to novels about which one reviewer raved, "In these pages, DS9 truly lives again." Now, following her triumphs with Avatar and Rising Son, S. D. Perry returns for a landmark tale celebrating DS9's tenth anniversary year. Now, after a harrowing and historic voyage of exploration in the Gamma Quadrant, the weary, wounded crew of Starship Defiant is at last coming home. But the joy of their return is short-lived as the crew becomes swept up in the crisis aboard the station, with many of them confronting personal issues that force them to make life-altering choices. Among those is a grief-stricken Commander Elias Vaughn, who reaches a crossroads in his life's journey and learns the true purpose for which he was Touched by the Prophets...as well as the ultimate fate of Captain Benjamin Sisko. And...somewhere on Bajor...a child long awaited is about to be born. Customer Reviews (37)
4. The Unity Factor (Volume 4) by Larry W. Osborne | |
![]() | Paperback: 169
list price: US$15.00 -- used & new: US$12.75 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0970818610 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (5)
5. Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life (Selected Material) by Taggart Starr | |
Isbn: 0495131237 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Customer Reviews (21)
6. Anatomy and Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function by Kenneth Saladin | |
![]() | Hardcover: 1248
-- used & new: US$140.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0077276205 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Memorable stories must be effective in multiple ways. The story must paint a strong visual picture. The story must weave in tools to make the reader remember important events and understand their impact. Ken Saladin weaves graceful descriptions of human anatomy and physiology processes together with carefully selected clinical applications and fascinating stories from the history of medicine and evolutionary medicine to create a multi-layered story about the human body.A consistent set of chapter learning tools helps students identify and retain key concepts while the stunning visual program provides a realistic view of body structures and processes. The fifth edition is further improved by a complete integration of the text with extensive digital teaching and learning tools. Saladin's text requires no prior knowledge of college chemistry or cell biology, and is designed for a two-semester A&P course. Customer Reviews (10)
7. Recovering the Unity of the Bible: One Continuous Story, Plan, and Purpose by Walter C. KaiserJr. | |
![]() | Hardcover: 256
list price: US$29.99 -- used & new: US$11.99 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0310320240 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (2)
8. Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life by Cecie Starr, Ralph Taggart, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr | |
![]() | Hardcover: 1040
list price: US$198.95 -- used & new: US$129.89 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0495557927 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (2)
9. The Unity of the Bible: Unfolding God's Plan for Humanity | |
![]() | Paperback: 512
list price: US$29.99 -- used & new: US$18.80 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0310234042 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (8)
Unity of the Bible provides a thoroughly biblicalpresentation of God's controlling purpose in human history.Introductorychapters set forth Fuller's inductive, presuppositionless approach to theBible, an approach he believes mirrors the practice of the early Church,and which best positions Christians today to persuasively communicate themessage of the Bible in a diverse, multi-cultural context.Fuller thenproceeds to an inductive study of Genesis 1-3 in order to discover God'spurpose in creation.As the middle sections of Unity unfold, Fuller deftlyargues that in all of the redemptive history set forth in the OldTestament, God is unerringly working out this single purpose, a purposefinally fulfilled in Jesus' life, ministry and death.In the final sectionFuller shows how the Church now fits into God's redemptive plan to bringHis single purpose to its consummation. Along the way the attentivereader will be rewarded with challenging and life-transforming insightsinto the Law as a law of faith, how saving faith necessarily entails theobedience of faith, and that God is our Patron Lord and not a client lord. These "aha" experiences are more than worth the effort required to followhis exegesis and arguments.Though Fuller critiques the reigningtheological paradigm of Reformed Protestantism at places, he is alwayscareful in his analysis of theologians with whom he disagrees.Throughouthis writing evinces a docility of spirit before the biblical text whichought to serve as a model for any who wish to understand and alignthemselves with the "whole purpose of God." Thus, those who claim thatFuller sees no discontinuity between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant(cf. the review posted 12/13/99 by a reader in Minneapolis), or who detect"cynicism and error" in this book (cf. the review posted 12/8/99 by anotherreader in Minneapolis) have in my opinion not read Fuller carefully.SinceFuller forthrightly challenges some of the theological formulations of theProtestant paradigm, it is understandable that those fully committed tothat paradigm might balk at some of his judgments and conclusions.Butdisagreement with an author does not justify such a gross mis-reading ofhis work.Unity of the Bible may be "dangerous," but the peril is onlythat it will shake us out of our settled religious traditions.The promiseis that God may use this book to awaken the reader's thirst for the livingwater Who alone will satisfy.
Toward the latter half of thebook, primarily in the last 8-10 chapters, Fuller's ideas began to straytoward the speculative side and became more unintelligible. Whereas in thefirst half he described his theology on the plan and purpose of God, in thesecond half he turned his attention to explaining that plan as seenthroughout the history of Man.Thus therein lies Fuller's strength ofinterpretation.These arguments that are harder to understand because theyseem to have less scriptural support, center around the theory that Israelis a textbook example to Man for how God deals with disobedience andunbelief.Yet even within this somewhat less impressive section, there isa shining gem which is the descriptions on the "Ten specific attitudesof unbelief" (p. 279-296). Overall this book is wellstructured, and presents the basic theology of the unity of Scripture in anuncommon yet important format: the Bible studied as a whole.The vastScriptural support throughout leads the reader to feel the ideas presentedare thoroughly researched and in line with Biblical teaching. ... Read more |
10. Imperial Unity And Christian Divisions: The Church from 450-680 A.D. (Church in History, Vol 2) by John Meyendorff | |
Hardcover: 417
list price: US$30.00 -- used & new: US$23.56 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 088141056X Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (5)
Of course, early Christianity grew up in the Mediterranean basin, based on missionary activity out of Palestine through the Roman imperial world largely via trade routes. This part of history is well known, and it is no surprise to us -- the history of Christian development from Jerusalem to Rome to the rest of Western Europe is the best-documented and most-often-repeated form of history. And, as Rome was the centre of the 'civilised world' at the time of the New Testamentary developments, this makes sense from a political point of view. However, while people were heading toward Rome and other points west, there were simultaneous missionary and expeditionary activities to the north, east, and south. Meyendorff recounts the early and continuing development of the church in Africa, Asia, and non-Roman Europe in addition to the developments within the Roman Empire. Additionally, Meyendorff recounts in great detail the lesser-studied divisions within the Roman Empire, the struggles for dominance between senior sees (Rome struggling for dominance; Constantinople arising as a power when the political centre of gravity shifts to the East; Alexandria striving to maintain at least second priority worldwide and unhappy at being relegated minority status). The impact of geography, the dissemination of theology, hymnody, and scripture along trade routes, the development of independent structures of the church outside the Roman/Byzantine Empires -- these are parts of the grand diversity of Christian history which is often neglected by both Catholic and Protestant historians, who, due to language barriers (few scholars read Syriac, Coptic, etc., today, languages required for careful study and understanding of these other Christian branches; even fewer scholars knew these prior to the last few generations of researchers), the unavailability of texts, and simple cultural and geographical ignorance, were unaware of the foundation and continuation of Christian communities beyond the Roman imperial borders. Also, in the intellectual prejudice against the East, all non-Roman Catholic or Protestant groups in Africa, Asia, and Northern Europe were lumped together as 'Orthodox' or 'Eastern Orthodox', as if this were one uniform, monolithic group for whom this description would be adequate. This is a part of history that is of vital importance for study today, as it helps clarify the issues that were at the heart of so many things taken for granted today, but which beg further study and understanding. Early creedal understanding cannot be gained unless the controversies, many of them Eastern in origin (both intellectually and geographically), are understood in the context in which they arose, and not simply in the polemical exposition laid out by the more-victorious Western scholars. Canonical development likewise cannot be understood without an examination of the world in which the canon was formed, and without an understanding of what was left out of the canon. (I would argue, as I did in a previous review, that what was left out of the canon is important to study to help put the canonical scriptures in greater perspective.) Meyendorff writes with care toward developing a comprehensive view of the church universal. Despite claims to universality given by creeds of Western churches, or mandates and charges given to particular sees or scriptures, there is in fact no universality of Christianity without the inclusion of the study of these divers and unique forms of Christian worship and belief. In conjunction with Meyendorff's other writings, a broader view of the church can be gained than is generally available in most popular or scholarly texts on church history. This is a fairly dense text. For long stretches of the narrative, new characters are introduced with each paragraph, and the narrative flow can become confusing without keeping the various missionaries, bishops, church-planters, emperors and kings straight. Likewise, the geography becomes very confusing, as the text introduces lands and polities generally unfamiliar to Western readers, and Meyendorff strives to maintain historically-contemporary consistency, which means, if a kingdom comes to have a new name during a new period, Meyendorff will then use the new name, but not always with a reference back to the old kingdom, etc. Plan to read this book twice for true understanding, but much can be gained from one reading, too.
11. Collaboration: How Leaders Avoid the Traps, Create Unity, and Reap Big Results by Morten T. Hansen | |
![]() | Hardcover: 231
list price: US$29.95 -- used & new: US$18.19 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1422115151 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (16)
12. The Narrative Unity of Luke-Acts, Vol 2 (The Acts of the Apostles, A Literary Interpretation) by Robert C. Tannehill | |
![]() | Paperback: 408
list price: US$26.00 -- used & new: US$22.30 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0800625587 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (1)
13. Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life 11th Edition by Star | |
-- used & new: US$62.91 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: B003GZR9RI Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
14. The Transcendent Unity of Religions (Quest Book) by Frithjof Schuon | |
![]() | Paperback: 207
list price: US$12.95 -- used & new: US$7.45 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0835605876 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (7)
I can not recommend this book more , nor could I agree more with what T.S. Eliot wrote about it: "I have met with no more impressive work in the comparative study of Oriental and Occidental religion" Huston Smith, probably the most eminent scholar of comparative religion studies in the US today and who wrote the introduction to this book, described Frithjof Schuon as: "The man is a living wonder; intellectually à propos religion, equally in depth and breadth, the paragon of our time. I know of no living thinker who begins to rival him..." If you only read one book this year, this should be it To find out more about Frithjof Schuon, visit URL: ...
15. The Elements of Graphic Design: Space, Unity, Page Architecture, and Type by Alexander W. White | |
![]() | Paperback: 160
list price: US$24.95 -- used & new: US$14.79 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1581152507 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (37)
16. Unity and Diversity in the New Testament: An Inquiry into the Character of Earliest Christianity by James D. G. Dunn | |
![]() | Paperback: 470
list price: US$44.99 -- used & new: US$40.99 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0334029988 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (7)
The book is divided into to main sections. In the first part, Dunn attempts to find the unifying strand in earliest Christianity, locating it in the " affirmation of the identity of the man Jesus with the risen Lord" (page 227). In this first part, Dunn examines the major kerygmata of the New Testament (of Jesus, Paul, Acts, John, Dunn seems to favor John), the primitive confessional formula (Dunn feels that early faith could be reduced to slogans), the role of tradition, the use of the Old Testament, the ideas of ministry, patterns of worship, sacraments, Spirit and experience, and Christology. Dunn shows a unity, Jesus, in each area he examined, while simultaneously illustrating the diversity of belief and practice. In second part of the book investigates the diversity in early Christianity, withemphases on Jewish, Hellenistic, Apocalyptic Christianity, and Early Catholicism. Dunn shows that the center of unity here also exists in Jesus, "The unifying element was the unity between the historical Jesus and the exalted Christ" (page 369). He demonstrates that the early Christians accepted a wide range of beliefs and practices provided only that a connection to the human and exalted Jesus was established. This was all that orthodoxy embodied for early Christians, "there is no single normative form of Christianity in the first century" (page 373). Dunn concludes the book with a chapter on "The Authority of the New Testament."Here he examines the diverse New Testament canon's role for Christians today.He makes a good suggestion that the canon limits the acceptable diversity of Christianity. What first impressed me about this book was the breadth and at times depth of the material covered. Dunn has selected a wide range of topics to cover, it is a good collection of important issues with very good bibliographical references. Examples of sections that I found helpful are 16.1 "The role of tradition within Judaism," and 22 "Jewish Exegesis in the Time of Jesus," (page 82). These two sections contain good definitions and comparisons of Midrash, Halakah, Haggadah, Targum, and Pesher. The data presented in Section Two on the early sects was also excellent, I like the case for pre-gnostic thought existing in the first century. In 9,"Jesus is the Son of Man," (page 35) Dunn argues that the Son of Man title grew out of a conviction of the early church, and was a distinctive theology in early Christianity. The expression also occurs in three Jewish apocalyptic works, Daniel, 2 Esdras, and 1 Enoch, although there it is applied to non-human or superhuman figures. The term also appears in some Qumran texts. There is much more debate on the titular use of Son of Man then Dunn gives credit. It's lack of use by Paul is may have been due to its awkwardness in Greek (it works better in Aramaic), and not necessarily a divergent Christology. The title Son of God (page 45) is found in Dead Sea Scrolls, 4QDanA, and is mentioned by Dunn. The siglum 4Q246 also contains Son of the Most High. Dunn states that the title "came to full flower within the widening mission of Hellenistic Jewish Christianity." If this titles appear in the Qumran texts, wouldn't they have closer ties with Palestinian Jewish Christianity? Dunn presents his arguments well, and I coincide with him on most issues and with his conclusion. It is one of the better books I have read in New Testament studies, I found all of it interesting. I still feel that in the end I have been short changed with Dunn's findings. Intuitively, Ifeel there should have been more unifying the early Christians. By claiming Jesus alone to be the unifying force is a not far removed from claiming all early Christians believed in Christ, and therefore shared a common name.
In regards to first century Christianity, Dunn examines the different confessions used in reference to Jesus (Son of Man, Messiah, Lord, Son of God).He examines the various ways in which the Old Testament was used or not used.He also covers diversity in worship, sacraments, religious experience, and christology.All of these areas and others demonstrate Dunn's thesis -which is that there was a tremendous amount of diversity accepted within the New Testament churches. He then examines different segments of Christianity - Jewish, Hellenistic, Apocalyptic, and Early catholic.Within each of these categories he reviews what the dividing line was between acceptability and heresy.For example, Jewish Christianity became heretical if it "persisted in clinging to a limited view of Jesus and his role".The Ebionites were an example of this.As mentioned earlier, the dividing line in each area was in how Jesus was perceived. One area of disagreement I have with Dunn is in how he overstates his case in some ways by being too simplistic.For example, he seems to treat each New Testament book as if it were a complete summary of the beliefs of the writer of that particular book.This often gives a skewed perspective on things.We know this by examining Paul's letters.If we only had 1 Thessalonians, then we would have a much different perspective on Paul than we do by comparing all seven (or more) of his letters.In the same way, I don't think we can claim as much as Dunn does in regards to the writers of such books as Hebrews, James, Matthew, and others.However, this doesn't detract from the fact that this is a highly informative book which accomplishes its task of showing how diverse Christianity was in the first century.
Contrary to what many of us learned in seminary (and others have simply assumed through denominational hubris), Dr. Dunn goes to great lengths to demonstrate -- from the canon of the New Testament, itself -- that there is no historically-mandated, one, proper way to be a Christian.Bishops and Church Councils may declare what they wish to declare, but often those declarations are simply not supported by the experience of the earliest Christians, as recorded in the New Testament.In one, bold move Professor Dunn minimizes both the teaching magisterium of Rome, and the most confrontive claims of the Protestant traditions. Quoting extensively from Scripture, Professor Dunn demonstrates that: (1) there was not one expression of the Gospel, but several within the earliest Christian communities; (2) the confessional formulae and their settings for proclamation varied; (3) that the concept and structure of ministry varied widely among the earliest Christians; (4) that the structure and practice of worship was not unified; (5) that different Christian communities experienced the Spirit of the living God in different ways; and (6) that while all of the early Christian communities were unified by centering their lives and proclamations around the risen Christ, all of the early Christian communities did not understand the risen Christ in the same way.In short, Professor Dunn shows us that the earliest Christians were unified in their devotion to the risen Christ, but greatly diverse in the way that they experienced his presence among them, and told his story to the world. Living in an era when denominational antagonisms are too often glossed over by a thin veneer of polite ecumenicity, reading Professor Dunn's book can be a humbling experience.Buy two copies of this book: one for yourself, and one for your least favorite, pompous member of the clergy ... Read more |
17. The Unity Factor: Getting Your Church Leaders Working Together (The leadership library) by Larry W. Osborne | |
![]() | Paperback: 156
list price: US$10.95 -- used & new: US$29.95 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0917463250 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
18. The Trouble with Unity: Latino Politics and the Creation of Identity by Cristina Beltrán | |
![]() | Paperback: 240
list price: US$24.95 -- used & new: US$22.44 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0195375912 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
19. Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function by Kenneth Saladin | |
![]() | Hardcover: 1140
-- used & new: US$72.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0073316083 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (28)
20. Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge by Edward Osborne Wilson | |
Paperback: 384
list price: US$16.00 -- used & new: US$5.24 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 067976867X Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description One of our greatest living scientists--and the winner of two Pulitzer Prizes for On Human Nature and The Ants--gives us a work of visionary importance that may be the crowning achievement of his career. In Consilience(a word that originally meant "jumping together"), Edward O. Wilson renews the Enlightenment's search for a unified theory of knowledge in disciplines that range from physics to biology, the social sciences and the humanities. Using the natural sciences as his model, Wilson forges dramatic links between fields. He explores the chemistry of the mind and the genetic bases of culture. He postulates the biological principles underlying works of art from cave-drawings to Lolita. Presenting the latest findings in prose of wonderful clarity and oratorical eloquence, and synthesizing it into a dazzling whole, Consilience is science in the path-clearing traditions of Newton, Einstein, and Richard Feynman. Customer Reviews (154)
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