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Review of God's Light and Universal Principles for all Humanity
Review of God's Light and Universal Principles for all Humanity
By Leena Banerjee Brown, Ph.D.
This book gives information about the spiritual practice and organization of Sukyo Mahikari. This path of Light exists for two primary reasons. One is to unify the global community through the experienced realization of common origins that lie deep within the human psyche and body beneath the many categories of identification used in human societies. Unity consciousness, which encompasses diversity, makes possible a lived awareness and connection as whole beings, undeniably equal to one another in our depths, inextricably connected with one another in our destinies and in that of our common home and mother, planet earth. The second reason, is to give people the Light energy of God, the Creator, the formless, infinite, all-encompassing Brahman. This develops a living awareness of core self which contains our deepest most intrinsic source of empowerment and democratization as well as our natural capacity for connection expressed through reflection, empathy, cooperation, altruism and intuition.
For me, these potentialities necessitate a new paradigm recognizing the primacy of spirit, as all existence comes out of its formless core and appears in the diversity of experiences, abilities, relationships and accomplishments made possible through the mind and the body. I found this paradigm well articulated in God's Light (as well as in my book Circles in the Nursery: Practicing Multicultural Family Therapy (2007)ISBN: 978-1-934019-09-2). This paradigm opens up a new horizon for the advancement of higher levels of science that integrate the unseen and the seen and the development of objective and subjective methodologies for the measurement and communication of new awareness, knowledge and action.
I found that God's Light provides a hope-filled vision for a peaceful future grounded in spiritual awareness harmoniously connected with the advancing plan of the divine being. As a book that opened my eyes to new heights and horizons for an interconnected global community, God's Light is remarkable in its simplicity and practicality.
God's Light and Universal Principles
This book has been written to provide information about Sukyo Mahikari to a European audience and is intended primarily for members of Sukyo Mahikari and people considering becoming members or who are otherwise interested in knowing more about the organization. God's Light and Universal Principles introduces Sukyo Mahikari's goals, teachings, practices, history and organizational structure.
Sidney Chang's professional background is that of a molecular and cellular biologist who worked for over twenty years in the field of cancer research in Britain and the United States. Brought up in the Anglican faith, during the course of his professional studies he found himself "becoming increasingly skeptical about the existence of God" and "felt that science would eventually give people a rational explanation about the nature and purpose of life."
Then, through illness and recovery, Chang discovered that neither conventional nor alternative medicine had been able to resolve his condition. It had been through the spiritual practice of Sukyo Mahikari that he had uncovered a pathway to recovery. He thus recognized that there is a connection between the spiritual, mental and physical components of health. Chang became a member of Sukyo Mahikari in November 1991 and has since had a variety of experiences that have cultivated his enthusiasm for the organization and its practices.
As a scientist, it is Chang's opinion "that if the (Sukyo Mahikari) teachings were more widely known and taken seriously, they could bring a new perspective to many areas of scientific research. This is because an awareness of the universal principles that unite the visible and invisible realms could open the door to a higher level science that could give answers to many long-standing questions such as what conditions are necessary for people to enjoy good health."
To readers who might think that Dr. Chang's experience is exceptional, he indicates that they are not. He suggests that "through Sukyo Mahikari practice, people can accumulate many spiritual experiences and our hope is that this book will help the reader to put such experiences into context."
As a medical doctor, I also have had a variety of experiences since I learned about and started the practice of Sukyo Mahikari. In my perspective, God's Light and Universal Principles is recommended reading for anyone interested in becoming a happier, more successful human being, and helping others to do so, too.
God's Light and Universal Principles
Would you want to know if the way to transform our troubled world were--finally, really--at hand?If so, this book is for you.Read about a new spiritual practice and a fresh explanation of divine principles leading humanity toward a new, God-centered civilization--which will harmoniously combine materialism and spirituality. The belief that God is Light is found in many traditional religions. Incredibly, in this book we learn that God's Light is now available to all of us through a new spiritual practice.Practitioners radiate God's Light from the hand, purifying people, other living things, places, or objects. This powerful Light purifies on the spiritual level, and also causes changes in our physical world (e.g., individuals' physical/emotional condition).People's very souls are purified--so, no wonder that the world is on the threshold of major change. Hope for a bright future returns!Dr. Sidney Chang (editor) has written an easily understood 150-page introduction to Sukyo Mahikari.This book will transform our world, and lead its readers to greater health, harmony, and prosperity.
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