- Judaism without supernaturalism: The only alternative to orthodoxy and secularism by Mordecai Menahem Kaplan, 1967
- The reconstructionist viewpoint by Mordecai Menahem Kaplan, 1942
- RECONSTRUCTING JUDAISM: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY. [Leading Reconstructionist; collaborat by Ira Eisenstein, 1986-01-01
- Toward a reconstruction of Judaism (Menorah pamphlets) by Mordecai Menahem Kaplan, 1927
- Beyond particularism: On ethical culture & the reconstructionists by Michael A Meyer, 1971
- A Night of Questions: A Passover Haggadah by Rabbi Joy Levitt, Rabbi Michael Strassfeld, 1999-01-01
- Creative Judaism by Ira Eisenstein, 1953
- Synagogues by Movement: Conservative Synagogues, Neolog Judaism Synagogues, Orthodox Synagogues, Reconstructionist Synagogues
- A Guide to Jewish Practice: Tzedaka by David A. Teutsch, 2005-11-05
- Basic values in Jewish religion by Mordecai Menahem Kaplan, 1957
- Mahzor LeYamim Nora'im: Prayerbook for the Days of Awe (Kol Haneshamah)Reconstructionist (Hebrew Edition) (English and Hebrew Edition)
- Shabbat Eve: Friday Night Prayerbook (Kol Haneshamah)