- Pantheism and Christianity by Anonymous, 2010-03-09
- Peter Pantheism, by Robert Haven Schauffler, 1925
- The Higher Pantheism by Alfred Tennyson, 2006-09-15
- Pantheism Of The Persian Religion by John Hunt, 2010-09-10
- Pantheism And The Church by John Hunt, 2010-05-23
- The logic of the CHristian faith: being a dissertation on scepticism, pantheism, the a priori argument, the a posteriori argument, the intuitional argument, and revelation by Patrick Edward Dove, 2010-08-17
- The Beginnings Of Hindu Pantheism: An Address (1890) by Charles Rockwell Lanman, 2010-05-23
- The beginnings of Hindu pantheism: an address delivered at the twenty-second annual meeting of the American philological association, at Norwich, Connecticut, July 8, 1890 by Charles Rockwell Lanman, 2010-09-07
- Pantheism And Nature by John Hunt, 2010-05-23
- Pantheism and the value of life, with special reference to Indian philosophy by W S. 1877-1964 Urquhart, 2010-09-08
- Pantheism Of The Greek Philosophy by John Hunt, 2010-05-23
- Pantheism And The Theologia Germanica by John Hunt, 2010-05-23
- Pantheism And Scholasticism by John Hunt, 2006-09-15
- Pantheism And The Italian Revival by John Hunt, 2006-09-15