- The Little Swedish Church on the Hill: And twelve other stories by Adolph Liljengren, 1920
- The touch of God by Everett L Wilson, 1975
- The Christian fellowship: An introduction to the church by Donald C Frisk, 1958
- Reaching out in love by Randolph J Klassen, 1981
- God's friends: Called to believe and belong by Wesley Nelson, 1985
- A Swedish-American preacher's own story: Autobiographical sketches by Erik Wallgren, 1963
- Wild beasts & angels: Seeing faith in the arena of daily life by Arthur W Anderson, 1979
- Anatomy of the pilgrim experience: Reflections on being a Covenanter by Zenos Hawkinson, 2000
- The wit and wisdom of our fathers: Sketches from the life of an immigrant church by Herbert E Palmquist, 1967
- A time to remember: Alaskan Covenant history, 1887-1987 by Chip Swanson, 1987
- Covenant Missions in China/Taiwan
- Covenant Frontiers: Fifty Years in China, fifty-Three Years in Alaska, Three Yea by P., E.B. Larsson and W.D. Thornbloom, Editors Matson, 1941-01-01
- Travel memories from America by Carl Johan Nyvall, 1959
- One body - many members by Philip J Anderson, 1983