- new readings in philosophical analysis by Herbert, and Wilfrid Sellars And Kieth Lehrer Feigl, 1972-01-01
- Readings in Ethical Theory
- Personer, intentioner och qualia: En studie i Wilfrid Sellars medvetandefilosofi (Swedish Edition) by Bjorn Haglund, 1984
- The Metaphysics of Epistemology: Lectures by Wilfrid Sellars by Wilfrid Sellars, 1989-01-01
- Science and Metaphysics: Variations on Kantian Themes by Wilfrid Sellars by Wilfrid Sellars, 1968
- Science, Perception and Reality + 3 off-prints by Sellars (Imperatives,Intentions and the Logic of "Ought" / Empiricism and Abstract Entities /Time and the World Order) by Wilfrid Sellars, 1963-01-01
- Vlastos and 'the third man' (The Bobbs-Merrill reprint series in philosophy. Phil.-195) by Wilfrid Sellars, 1955
- "--this I or he or it (the thing) which thinks--": Immanuel Kant, Critique of pure reason (A346; B404) by Wilfrid Sellars, 1971
- Empiricism and the philosophy of mind. With an introduction by Richard Rorty and a study guide by Robert Brandom. by Wilfrid Sellars, 1997-01-01
- Naturalism and ontology: The John Dewey Lecture for 1974 by Wilfrid Sellars, 1996
- Ciencia, Percepcion y Realidad by Wilfrid Sellars, 1971
- Counterfactuals, dispositions, and the causal modalities by Wilfrid Sellars, 1957
- Form and Content in Ethical Theory. by Wilfrid. Sellars, 1967-01-01
- Imperatives, intentions, and the logic of "Ought" by Wilfrid Sellars, 1963