- Dispatches for the New York Tribune: Selected Journalism of Karl Marx (Penguin Classics) by Karl Marx, 2008-02-26
- The Revolutions of 1848: Political Writings (Vol. 1)(Marx's Political Writings) by Karl Marx, 2010-08-31
- Das Kapital by Karl Marx, 2007-09-01
- On Religion by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, 2008-03-14
- Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte by Karl Marx, 2006-02-19
- Surveys from Exile: Political Writings (Vol. 2)(Marx's Political Writings) by Karl Marx, 2010-08-31
- Karl Marx's Capital by A.D. Lindsay, 2008-11-04
- A Companion to Marx's Capital by David Harvey, 2010-03-01
- An Introduction to Karl Marx by Jon Elster, 1986-07-25
- Correspondence: The Personal Letters, 1844-77 by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, 1981-10-29
- Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte by Karl Marx, 2010-03-06
- Marx's Lost Aesthetic: Karl Marx and the Visual Arts by Margaret A. Rose, 1988-09-30
- Capital,: A critique of political economy, (Modern Library Giants, G26.1) by Karl Marx, 1936
- Karl Marx: A Reader