| Contenidos Y Consultas Educativas Translate this page Pag. 1 de 1 Premios nobel de Vietnam del Norte. Premio nobel de 1973.tho, le duc. Vietnam del Norte, Paz. República Demócratica de del Norte | Contenidos Y Consultas Educativas Translate this page Ilustres. Premios nobel de 1973. leontief, Wassily. Secretario deEstado del Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos. tho, le duc. : Czasopisma : Wiedza I ¯ycie W swej ostatniej woli nobel nie wspomnial o nagrodzie dla ekonomistów wyróznieniodmawiali przyjecia nagrody, tak jak w 1973 roku le duc tho z Pólnocnego
Irwin Abrams On The 2002 Nobel Peace Prize Burton Feldman noted in his book The nobel Prize, nobel's will intended to Secretaryof State Henry A. Kissinger and North Vietnam's le duc tho, two members
Extractions: Guess who never won the Nobel Peace Prize. Mahatma Gandhi. Yes, that Mahatma Gandhi, the symbol of nonviolent pacifism. He was a serious candidate for only one year, and didn't win. Jimmy Carter was luckier. To take the prize last week, he was re-nominated virtually every year since 1978, when he brokered the Camp David accord between Egypt's Anwar el-Sadat and Israel's Menachem Begin. [...] In itself, the award to Mr. Carter, who has spent his long non-retirement doing everything from building houses for the poor to overseeing elections in Liberia and a ceasefire in Bosnia, was for lifetime achievement. The jolt was that his award came with a surprisingly naked bit of tooth-baring by the peace prize committee. The five-member panel, which in accordance with Alfred Nobel's will is the only one not seated in Sweden but picked by Norway's Parliament, is usually secretive. But its citation of Mr. Carter had a barely veiled reference to President Bush's aggressive diplomacy toward Iraq, adding a clause: "In a situation currently marked by threats of the use of power, Mr. Carter. . ." [...] "This is quite amazing," said Irwin Abrams, a professor emeritus of history at Antioch College who just published a history of the Nobel Prizes and has interviewed members of many Nobel committees. "I can't remember anything like this happening in Oslo."
Nobel Peace Prize And The Laureates By Irwin Abrams movement, not guilt, was what motivated the father of the nobel Peace Prize jointlyto Henry Kissinger, then the US secretary of state, and le duc tho, of North
Extractions: " A centennial edition of this wonderful reference work is most appropriate. It provides a biography with bibliographic references (and a photograph) for each individual winner of the Nobel Peace Prize from its inception in 1901 through the 2001 award. A sketch with references is also given of those institutions that have won. A number of interesting charts list winners in several categories gender, nationality, etc. Front matter includes explanations of the award, the committee that administers it, and insights into the man behind the award Alfred Nobel. The introductory material and all the biographic entries are concise, well-written, meet high academic standards, and are enjoyable as well. All collections." Choice "Irwin Abrams is the leading authority worldwide on the history of the Nobel Peace Prize. This book shows why!" Geir Lundestad, Director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute
Extractions: You can be responsible for your Nation, please! INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN from Italy to WORLD Dear friends, With this message we'd like to inform you that our "Latina" discussion forum (mailing list about South America based on server) has organized an international campaign to revoke Mr. Kissinger's 1973 Nobel Prize for Peace. This action doesn't want to be persecutory on Mr. Kissinger, but tries to revoke this Prize only to give back real dignity to the word "peace" itself. We think that only a World-wide mobilization would be succesful, so we are sending this message to you; after these few introductory lines, you will find the letter that subscribers of all continents (see italian and spanish versions at
Social The International Committee for the nobel Prize decided to award thenobel Peace Prize to le duc tho and Henry Kissinger. le duc
Extractions: Tet Quy Mui, recollections of the Paris negotiating table Special advisor Le Duc Tho (left) discusses with Minister Xuan Thuy. The Paris Conference on Vietnam lasted almost five years (1968-1973) with 202 open sessions and 24 closed- door meetings ended successfully 30 years ago in January 1973. The battle between Vietnam and the US over the negotiating table in Paris was closely linked to the military and political struggles in Vietnam. The success of the conference created a turning point in the resistance against the US for national salvation. Over the negotiating table, a fierce battle of reason and mind took place... The International Convention Centre in Kleber Street, close to Arc Triumph (Arc de Triomphe) in Paris was the venue for the Vietnam - US negotiations that began in the summered 1968. The five-story building of ancient architecture rolled out its red carpet to welcome the negotiators to work over a square table. At the entrance to the meeting room where two bars serving the two delegations. With a press card and an ID for diplomatic members of negotiating team with me, I was able to go about in the convention area. I met a brigadier general who took charge of security for the American team, drinking coffee at the bar. Fluent in French, the American officer told me about the two key American negotiators:
The American Experience/Vietnam/Timeline/No Frames Kissinger and le duc tho Win Peace Prize The nobel Peace Prize is awarded toHenry Kissinger of the United States and le duc tho of North Vietnam.
Extractions: In an effort to destroy Communist supply routes and base camps in Cambodia, President Nixon gives the go-ahead to "Operation Breakfast." The covert bombing of Cambodia, conducted without the knowledge of Congress or the American public, will continue for fourteen months. Policy of "Vietnamization" Announced Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird describes a policy of "Vietnamization" when discussing a diminishing role for the US military in Vietnam. The objective of the policy is to shift the burden of defeating the Communists onto the South Vietnamese Army and away from the United States. Ho Chi Minh Dies at Age 79 News of My Lai Massacre Reaches US Through the reporting of journalist Seymour Hersh, Americans read for the first time of the atrocities committed by Lt. William Calley and his troops in the village of My Lai. At the time the reports were made public, the Army had already charged Calley with the crime of murder. Massive Antiwar Demonstration in DC Sihanouk Ousted in Cambodia
PBS - The Nobel: Visions Of Our Century 1973 US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger accepts a nobel Peace Prize States andVietnam, although his corecipient, chief negotiator le duc tho, declines the
Extractions: The first Nobel Prizes are awarded. The areas are chemistry, physics, physiology/medicine, peace and literature. Much speculation exists as to why there is no mathematics prize. Unfounded claims circulate that Nobel's wife had an affair with a famous mathematician, Gosta Mittag-Leffler, and, in revenge, Nobel refused to include mathematics as a prize category. As Nobel never married, the story is patently untrue, yet the rumor persists. The absence of a prize for mathematics is more likely due to the fact that Nobel was not particularly interested in the topic, and a notable Swedish prize for mathematics already existed at the time of his death.
Tho, Le Duc Translate this page Il reçoit le prix nobel, avec le secrétaire d'état américain Kissinger, pourl'ensemble des le duc tho, cependant, rejette le prix, car selon lui «
Extractions: Tho, Le Duc Né Phan Dinh Khai, au nord de lIndochine (actuellement Vietnam). Le Duc Tho est lun des fondateurs, en 1930, du Parti communiste indochinois. Il est emprisonné par les Français, qui colonisent le Vietnam jusqu'en 1954, à cause de ses activités politiques. Tho détient un poste élevé dans le Viet Minh (Ligue pour l'indépendance du Vietnam) et, de 1955 à 1986, il est membre du Politburo du Parti communiste du Vietnam. Pendant la Guerre du Vietnam (1964-1975), Le Duc Tho est actif dans le sud du pays, où il dirige des attaques du Viet Cong contre les forces armées américaines et sud-vietnamiennes. De 1968 à 1973, Le Duc Tho dirige la délégation du Vietnam du Nord aux pourparlers de paix à Paris. Il reçoit le prix Nobel, avec le secrétaire d'état américain Kissinger, pour l'ensemble des négociations qu'il a dirigées pour le camp vietnamien, du cessez-le-feu au retrait des troupes américaines. Le Duc Tho, cependant, rejette le prix, car selon lui: «... la paix n'a pas réellement été établie ». En 1975, Le Duc Tho organise loffensive militaire contre les restes de l'armée du Vietnam du Sud. Cette ultime offensive aura pour conséquences premièrement de réunifier, après 30 ans de séparation, le Vietnam et deuxièmement de forcer des milliers de Vietnamiens à l'exil sur des embarcations de fortune (ces gens qui fuient le régime communiste de Saïgon prendront le nom de boat-poeple).
Kontrowersyjny Nobel Czyli Partnerstwo Kosmiczne z transparentów napisal ktos ?Gorbaczow nobel 90, Husein nobel 91. zostaliwspólnie Henry Kissinger ze Stanów Zjednoczonych i le duc tho z Wietnamu
Extractions: Zapraszamy do czytelni Wed³ug autorów Wed³ug dziedzin Wed³ug tematów ... Wyszukaj Dla wietnamskiego polityka celem nie by³ jednak pokój, lecz podbój. O ile bowiem Amerykanie dotrzymali s³owa i w marcu 1973 roku wycofali siê z Wietnamu Po³udniowego, o tyle komuni¶ci z Wietnamu Pó³nocnego nie zaniechali dzia³añ zbrojnych i w styczniu 1975 roku zaatakowali s±siadów z po³udnia. W ten sposób Wietnam Po³udniowy pad³ ofiar± pó³nocnowietnamskich komunistów, którzy wprowadzili tam dyktaturê na wzór stalinowski. Zwolennicy werdyktu mieli z kolei nadziejê, ¿e Gorbaczow stanie siê swoistym zak³adnikiem Nagrody Nobla, gdy¿ tytu³ Cz³owieka Pokoju bêdzie obligowa³ go do powstrzymywania siê od przemocy. Nadzieje te zosta³y dwa miesi±ce pó¼niej przekre¶lone w Wilnie, kiedy to oddzia³y sowieckiego OMON-u podczas szturmu wie¿y telewizyjnej zabi³y litewskich cywili. Z tego powodu dosz³o do wspomnianej na pocz±tku demonstracji pod ambasad±. Przedstawiciele Komitetu Noblowskiego nie wystêpuj± jednak z oficjaln± krytyk± Arafata. W kwietniu wydali natomiast o¶wiadczenie, w którym stwierdzili, ¿e ¿a³uj±, i¿ w 1994 roku przyznali nagrodê izraelskiemu politykowi Szimonowi Peresowi. Peres zosta³ wyró¿niony wraz z Arafatem i premierem Izraela Icchakiem Rabinem za podpisanie w Oslo porozumienia palestyñsko-izraelskiego. Poniewa¿ jednak obecnie jest ministrem w rz±dzie Ariela Szarona, prowadz±cego nieustêpliw± politykê wobec Palestyñczyków, narazi³ siê tym, którzy go kiedy¶ nagrodzili.
NRK - Utskriftsvennlig Kissinger og le duc tho ble utropt som vinnere, gikk to av medlemmene ut, Einar Hovdhaugenog Helge Ronglien. Kåre Kristiansen trakk seg fra nobelkomiteen da
Extractions: Siden 1936 har det ikke vært adgang for medlemmer av regjeringen å sitte i Nobelkomiteen. (Foto:NRK) Nobelkomiteen het opprinnelig "Det norske Stortings Nobelkomite". Siden 1936 har det ikke vært adgang for medlemmer av regjeringen å sitte i Nobelkomiteen. I 1977 ble det bestemt at heller ikke stortingsrepresentanter kunne velges til Nobelkomiteen så lenge de sitter på Stortinget. Samtidig endret komiteen navn til "Den norske Nobelkomite" for å markere komiteens uavhengighet. Det er stortinget som oppnevner de fem medlemmene av komiteen. Selv om det av og til dukker opp en diskusjon om komiteen burde være internasjonal, har det alltid vært en ren norsk komite. Nobelkomiteens fem medlemmer i arbeid. (Foto: NRK) Nobelkomiteen består i dag av Gunnar Berge, leder, Gunnar Stålsett, Hanna Kvanmo, Sissel Rønbeck og Inger Marie Ytterhorn. Det er tradisjon for at komiteen settes sammen etter partienes styrke på Stortinget. Etter at Inger Marie Ytterhorn kom med i komiteen ble det for første gang et flertall av kvinner i komiteen.
Dead Or Alive? - Le Duc Tho Go Back Dead le duc tho Field Politics. Info Chief negotiator for North Vietnamin peace talks with the US, won the nobel Peace Prize along with Henry Duc Tho
No Prize For Jimmy It is interesting to note that le duc tho refused his share of the nobel Prizein 1973, stating peace had not been established in Vietnam a lesson
Extractions: Editors Note: This is an update of the article that originally appeared here in October 2002. Why? Because Carter is the "undead" of American politics, taking the stage at the most inauspicious moments. Besides, most of us at the Razor actually lived through the disasterous four years of his presidency. President Jimmy Carter has always had rotten luck. So it comes as no surprise that four days after the Nobel Committee announced that he would be the 2002 recipient for the Nobel Peace Prize, North Korea announced that it had cheated on an agreement - one which had been negotiated by the former president. Since that announcement, North Korea has removed seals on cameras installed by the United Nations, kicked out UN arms inspectors, and is pretty much attempting to blackmail East Asia with nuclear weapons. President Carter's supporters have countered his critics by stating that the president always takes the "high road", sees the "big picture" or has a "global perspective" of events - implying that the critics are warmongering provincialists who lack the ability to care about anyone not of their class or nationality. There is an American tendency to look with nostalgia upon the administrations of past presidents, but even looking past the domestic failures of the well-traveled President, are his foreign policy successes deserving of the Nobel Prize?
Nobel Prizes Here is nobel Prizes report in alphabetic order; if you click upon a name you willbe connected with relative page of nobel Prizes Archive. tho, le duc, 1973.
Extractions: Nobel e-Museum offers information on all 736 Prize Winners to date, the Nobel Organization, Alfred Nobel, and Nobel events, as well as educational material and games. Nobel e-Museum consists of more than 9,000 static documents, several databases and a number of multimedia productions with Nobel Prize connection. Name Year Awarded Addams, Jane The American Friends Service Committee Amnesty International Annan, Kofi ... MEDECINS SANS FRONTIERES (showcase) (U.S. Site)
Premi Nobel alle relative pagine dell'Archivio dei Premi nobel. tho, le duc, 1973.
Extractions: L'e-museo offre informazioni aggiornate su tutti i 736 vincitori del Premio, l'Organizzazione Nobel, Alfred Nobel, gli eventi e così pure materiale educativo e giochi. L'e-museo Nobel consta di più di 9.000 documenti statici, diversi data base ed un gran numero di produzioni multimediali connessi ai Premi Nobel. Name Anno di conferimento Addams, Jane The American Friends Service Committee Amnesty International Annan, Kofi ... Wilson, Thomas Woodrow in particolare sito ufficiale di MEDICI SENZA FRONTIERE - MSF ITALIA raggiungibile con la posta elettronica all'indirizzo:
KISSINGER: UN NOBEL SENZA PACE Translate this page patti di sangue con alcuni regimi sudamericani Henry Kissinger, nel 1973, venneinsignito del premio nobel per la Pace, vinto insieme a le duc tho per la
Extractions: Box 5232, SE-102 45 Stockholm - Sweden Fax 0046 8 660 38 47 Dear Sirs, we are writing about the Nobel Peace Prize by you assigned in 1973 to Mr. Henry Kissinger. Nowadays it is clear the responsibility of the C.I.A. and the USA governments in the years 70 and 80 in supporting the bloody South American dictatorships, particularly in Chile and Argentina. We consider Henry Kissinger directly responsible of the crimes of these regimes, due to his role in those days and his friendship with the generals Pinochet and Videla. We therefore ask You to revoke his Nobel Peace Prize as a question of justice towards the victims of these regimes. Waiting for an answer, we remain Yours Faithfully TRADUZIONE FONTI:
Extractions: EE.UU Portada Sociedad Sociedad El Nobel de la Paz, un premio que surgió del remordimiento Se dice que el origen del premio de la Paz fue el remordimiento de su creador, Alfredo Nobel quien, asustado por las consecuencias de uno de sus inventos, la dinamita, quiso compensar de alguna forma el daño causado. El magnate sueco había pretendido ayudar a la incipiente industria de su época dando consistencia a la inestable nitroglicerina que se usaba entonces como explosivo, pero no contaba con las muertes que provocó la dinamita en la guerra franco-prusiana de 1870-1871.
Association @lyon : Laureats Du Prix Nobel De La Paix Translate this page Lauréats du prix nobel de la paix. ANNÉE, LAURÉAT(E). 1971, W. Brandt (RFA).1972, non décerné. 1973, H. Kissinger (É.-U.), le duc tho* (Viêt-nam).
Extractions: H. Dunant (Suisse), F. Passy (Fr.) E. Ducommun (Suisse), A. Gobat (Suisse) W. R. Cremer (G.-B.) Institut de droit international B. von Suttner (Autr.) E. T. Moneta (It.), L. Renault (Fr.) A. M. F. Beernaert (Belg.), P. H. B. Balluet d'Estournelles de Constant (Fr.) T. M. C. Asser (P.-B.), A. H. Fried (Autr.) H. La Fontaine (Belg.) L. Bourgeois (Fr.) F. Nansen (Norv.) A. Briand (Fr.), G. Stresemann (All.) F. Buisson (Fr.), L. Quidde (All.) N. Angell (G.-B.) A. Henderson (G.-B.) C. von Ossietzky (All.) C. Saavedra Lamas (Argent.) Vicomte E. Cecil of Chelwood (G.-B.) J. Boyd Orr (G.-B.) L. Jouhaux (Fr.) A. Schweitzer (Fr.) L. B. Pearson (Can.) D. Pire (Belg.) P. Noel-Baker (G.-B.) A. Luthuli (Union sud- afr.) Unicef R. Cassin (Fr.) Organisation internationale du travail W. Brandt (RFA) Sato Eisaku (Jap.), S. MacBride (Irl.) A. Sakharov (URSS) M. Corrigan (Irl.), B. Williams (Irl.) Amnesty International L. Walesa (Pol.) D. Tutu (Afr. du S.) Forces de l'ONU pour le maintien de la paix. M. Gorbatchev (URSS) Aung San Suu Kyi (Birm.) F. de Klerk (Afr. du S.), N. Mandela (Afr. du S.)