SIMR - Centenary Survey Of Nobel Laureates The world is not flat. Joseph E. Murray, MD, nobel Prize Winner 1990. 1991 ErwinNEHER and bert sakmann - describe chemical communications between cells.
Extractions: "Animal experimentation has been essential to development of all cardiac surgery, transplantation surgery, joint replacements and all vaccinations. The world is not flat." - Joseph E. Murray, M.D., Nobel Prize Winner 1990 Erwin NEHER and Bert SAKMANN - describe chemical communications between cells. Edmond H. FISCHER and Edwin G. KREBS - show cells can adapt pre-existing proteins for a job rather than make new ones from scratch. Richard J. ROBERTS and Philip A. SHARP - show how DNA and individual genes can relate differently in different circumstances. Alfred G. GILMAN and Martin RODBELL - show how individual cells interpret chemical signals, and separately how a chemical, guanosine triphosphate (GTP), enables us to see, smell and taste. Edward B. LEWIS, Christiane NUSSLEIN-VOLHARD and Prof. Eric E. WIESCHAUS describe genetic control of early embryonic development.
Extractions: on the occasion of the one-hundredth anniversary of the Nobel Prize Zhores I. Alferov (Physics, 2000) Sidney Altman (Chemistry, 1989) Philip W. Anderson (Physics, 1977) Oscar Arias Sanchez (Peace, 1987) J. Georg Bednorz (Physics, 1987) Bishop Carlos F. X. Belo (Peace, 1996) Baruj Benacerraf (Physiology/Medicine, 1980) Hans A. Bethe (Physics, 1967) Gerd K. Binnig (Physics, 1986) James W. Black (Physiology/Medicine, 1988) Guenter Blobel (Physiology/Medicine, 1999) Nicolaas Bloembergen (Physics, 1981) Norman E. Borlaug (Peace, 1970) Paul D. Boyer (Chemistry, 1997) Bertram N. Brockhouse (Physics, 1994) Herbert C. Brown (Chemistry, 1979) Georges Charpak (Physics, 1992) Claude Cohen-Tannoudji (Physics, 1997) John W. Cornforth (Chemistry, 1975) Francis H.C. Crick (Physiology/ Medicine, 1962) James W. Cronin (Physics, 1980) Paul J. Crutzen (Chemistry, 1995) Robert F. Curl (Chemistry, 1996) His Holiness The Dalai Lama (Peace, 1989) Johann Deisenhofer (Chemistry, 1988) Peter C. Doherty (Physiology/Medicine, 1996) Manfred Eigen (Chemistry, 1967)
Nobel Prices Related To Neuroscience nobel prices related to neuroscience. 1991 Erwin Neher (Germany) bert sakmann (Germany) for their discoveries concerning the function of single ion channels in
Extractions: To BioMag home page 1973 Physics: Brian David Josephson (Great Britain) "for his theoretical predictions of theproperties of a supercurrent through a barrier, in particular those phenomena which are generally known as the Josephson effects" 1991 Erwin Neher (Germany) Bert Sakmann (Germany) "for their discoveries concerning the function of single ion channels in cells" Alfred G. Gilman (USA) Martin Rodbell (USA) "for their discovery of G-proteins and the role of these proteins in signal transduction in cells" Send comments to Risto Ilmoniemi (
Nobel For Medicine: All Laureates 1992 Edmond H. Fischer, Edwin G. Krebs 1991 Erwin Neher, bert sakmann 1990 JosephE The nobel Prize A History of Genius, Controversy and Prestige by Burton
Extractions: Premios Nóbel 2000 La Fisiología o Medicina es una de las cinco áreas de premiación mencionadas en el testamento de Alfred Nóbel. Este testamento está incompleto. El testamento menciona que este premio deberá de ser otorgado a la persona que "haya hecho el más importante descubrimiento en las áreas de fisiología o medicina". Él también designó al Instituto Karolinska de Estocolomo para otorgar este premio, y bajo la solicitud de que no haya consideración alguna a la nacionalidad de los participantes, sino que el más valioso lo reciba, sea o no Escandinavo"
Intellectual Output From The Arab World JEWISH nobel WINNERS 0.2% OF WORLDS POPULATION 14,000,000 million Jews. Elion 1989 Harold Varmus 1991 - Erwin Neher 1991 - bert sakmann 1993 - Richard J
Nobel Prize For Physiology Or Medicine nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. and E. Donnall Thomas (both US), for theirpioneering work in transplants 1991 Erwin Neher and bert sakmann (both Germany
Extractions: Emil A. von Behring (Germany), for work on serum therapy against diphtheria Sir Ronald Ross (U.K.), for work on malaria Niels R. Finsen (Denmark), for his treatment of lupus vulgaris with concentrated light rays Ivan P. Pavlov (U.S.S.R.), for work on the physiology of digestion Robert Koch (Germany), for work on tuberculosis Camillo Golgi (Italy) and (Spain), for work on structure of the nervous system Charles L. A. Laveran
100 Nobel Laureates Call For Environmental And Social Reforms The nobel PrizeWinning Signatories Zhores I. Alferov Physics, 2000 Sidney RotblatPeace, 1995 Carlo Rubbia Physics, 1984 bert sakmann Physiology/Medicine
Nobel Prizes In Medicine THE nobel PRIZE IN PHYSIOLOGY OR MEDICINE 1991 The prize was PlanckInstitut fürBiophysikalische Chemie, Göttingen, * 1944; and sakmann, bert, Germany, Max
The Nobel Prize nobel Prize winners Literature 1910 Paul Heyse 1927 - Henri Bergson 1958 Elion1989 - Harold Varmus 1991 - Erwin Neher 1991 - bert sakmann 1993 - Richard J
100 Nobel Laureates Issue Dire Warning For Planet Earth the 100th anniversary of the nobel prize, 100 nobel laureates have 1997 Joseph RotblatPeace, 1995 Carlo Rubbia Physics, 1984 bert sakmann Physiology/Medicine
Extractions: OSLO, Norway (OTVNewswire) - At the Nobel Peace Prize Centennial Symposium here yesterday (12-7-01) celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Nobel prize, 100 Nobel laureates have issued a brief but dire warning of the 'profound dangers' facing the world. Their statement predicts that our security depends on immediate environmental and social reform. The following is the text of that statement: THE STATEMENT The most profound danger to world peace in the coming years will stem not from the irrational acts of states or individuals but from the legitimate demands of the world's dispossessed. Of these poor and disenfranchised, the majority live a marginal existence in equatorial climates. Global warming, not of their making but originating with the wealthy few, will affect their fragile ecologies most. Their situation will be desperate and manifestly unjust. It cannot be expected, therefore, that in all cases they will be content to await the beneficence of the rich. If then we permit the devastating power of modern weaponry to spread through this combustible human landscape, we invite a conflagration that can engulf both rich and poor. The only hope for the future lies in co-operative international action, legitimized by democracy.
Neuroscience In Nobel Prize 1991 ERWIN NEHER and bert sakmann for their discoveries concerning the function ofsingle ion channels in cells. reference http//
Brain Meeting June 18th June 20th 2002 A Guest of Honor will be nobel Prize Laureate Prof.bert sakmann from the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg
Appello Dei 110 Premi Nobel bert sakmann (Physiology/Medicine, 1991); Frederick Sanger (Chemistry
Extractions: L'appello di 110 premi Nobel La minaccia maggiore per la pace mondiale verrà negli anni a venire non dai comportamenti irrazionali di stati o individui, ma dalle legittime richieste dei diseredati del mondo. La maggioranza di queste persone povere e senza diritti vive un'esistenza marginale nei climi equatoriali. Il surriscaldamento del pianeta - originato non da loro, bensì da pochi ricchi - colpirà soprattutto le loro fragili ecologie. La loro situazione sarà disperata e manifestamente ingiusta. Perciò non ci si può attendere che essi si accontentino sempre e comunque di aspettare la beneficenza dei ricchi. Se permetteremo dunque alla potenza devastante delle armi moderne di diffondersi in questo esplosivo paesaggio umano, innescheremo una conflagrazione in grado di travolgere tanto i ricchi quanto i poveri. La sola speranza per il futuro riposa nella collaborazione internazionale, legittimata dalla democrazia. È tempo di voltare le spalle alla ricerca unilaterale di sicurezza, in cui noi cerchiamo di rifugiarci dietro ai muri. Dobbiamo invece insistere nella ricerca dell'unità d'azione per contrastare sia il surriscaldamento del pianeta che un mondo armato. Questi obiettivi gemelli costituiranno due condizioni fondamentali per la stabilità, mentre ci muoveremo verso il più ampio grado di giustizia sociale che, esso solo, può dare una speranza di pace. Alcuni degli strumenti legali necessari sono già a portata di mano, come il trattato sui missili anti-balistici (Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty), la convenzione sui cambiamenti climatici (Convention on Climate Change), i trattatti strategici sulla riduzione di armi (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaties) e il Trattato sul bando dei test nucleari (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty). In quanto cittadini preoccupati, chiediamo a tutti i governi di impegnarsi per questi obiettivi, che costituiscono dei passi in avanti affinché il diritto prenda il posto della guerra.
Extractions: On the 100th Anniversary of the Nobel Prize. Dateline Stockholm; December 11, 2001. The attached Statement was released as 150 Nobel Laureates gathered in Stockholm, Sweden, and Oslo, Norway, for an unprecedented celebration marking the 100th Anniversary of the Nobel Prize. (The prize winners in Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature and Economics meet in Stockholm where their prizes were awarded, and, correspondingly, the Peace Prize winners meet in Oslo.) In brief, the Statement warns that the world may explode into war if modern weapons continue to spread, and environmental strains remain unchecked. It stresses that we shall not have enduring peace until we address the twin scourges of poverty and oppression, and calls for a new sense of global responsibility. It hardly need be said that the signatories make no claim to oracular status, but offer their views as a group of concerned citizens.
On The 100th Anniversary Of The Nobel Prize On the 100th anniversary of the nobel prize 100 nobel laureates warn that our securityhangs on environmental and social bert sakmann Physiology/Medicine, 1991.
Extractions: 100 Nobel laureates warn that our security hangs on environmental and social reform The most profound danger to world peace in the coming years will stem not from the irrational acts of states or individuals but from the legitimate demands of the world's dispossessed. Of these poor and disenfranchised, the majority live a marginal existence in equatorial climates. Global warming, not of their making but originating with the wealthy few, will affect their fragile ecologies most. Their situation will be desperate and manifestly unjust. It cannot be expected, therefore, that in all cases they will be content to await the beneficence of the rich. If then we permit the devastating power of modern weaponry to spread through this combustible human landscape, we invite a conflagration that can engulf both rich and poor. The only hope for the future lies in co-operative international action, legitimized by democracy.
100 Nobel bert sakmann Medicine,1991; Frederick Sanger Chemistry,1958;
Extractions: L'appello di 100 premi Nobel contro le scelte della Casa Bianca Raccolti dal canadese John Polany, Nobel per la chimica 1986, cento laureati all'Accademia di Stoccolma (sui 225 viventi) denunciano che "il più profondo pericolo per la pace mondiale viene dalle legittime richieste della maggioranza povera del mondo". Un documento che parla di clima e di trattato anti-missili, di poveri che reclamano e di muri costruiti dai ricchi, ma che finisce per colpire al cuore le scelte del paese più potente del mondo: gli Stati Uniti d'America Per sopravvivere nel mondo che abbiamo trasformato dobbiamo imparare a pensare in modo nuovo. Mai come oggi, il futuro di ciascuno dipende dal contributo di tutti. Zhohres Alferov Physics,2000 Sidney Altman Chemistry,1989 Philip W. Andreson Physics,1977 Oscar Arias Sanchez Peace,1987 J.Georg Bednorz Physics,1987 Bishop Carlos F.X: Belo Peace,1996 Baruj Benacerraf medicine,1980 Hans A. Bethe phYsics,1967 James W. Blach Medicine,1988 Guenter Blobel Medicine,1999
Our Best Point The Way Also See nobel Peace Prize Centennial Symposium. Rohrer Physics, 1987 Joseph RotblatPeace, 1995 Carlo Rubbia Physics, 1984 bert sakmann Physiology/Medicine
Extractions: The most profound danger to world peace in the coming years will stem not from the irrational acts of states or individuals but from the legitimate demands of the world's dispossessed. Of these poor and disenfranchised, the majority live a marginal existence in equatorial climates. Global warming, not of their making but originating with the wealthy few, will affect their fragile ecologies most. Their situation will be desperate and manifestly unjust. Also See: It cannot be expected, therefore, that in all cases they will be content to await the beneficence of the rich. If then we permit the devastating power of modern weaponry to spread through this combustible human landscape, we invite a conflagration that can engulf both rich and poor. The only hope for the future lies in co-operative international action, legitimized by democracy. It is time to turn our backs on the unilateral search for security, in which we seek to shelter behind walls. Instead, we must persist in the quest for united action to counter both global warming and a weaponized world.
Nobel.txt on the occasion of the onehundredth anniversary of the nobel Prize. Rotblat (Peace,1995) 88.Carlo Rubbia (Physics, 1984) 89.bert sakmann (Physiology/Medicine