- The Life of Vivekananda and the Universal Gospel by Romain Rolland, 2001-04-01
- Colas Breugnon by Romain Rolland, 2009-12-26
- Romain Rolland et la N.R.F: Correspondances avec Jacques Copeau, Gaston Gallimard, Andre Gide, Andre Malraux, Roger Martin Du Gard, Jean Paulhan, Jean ... (Cahiers Romain Rolland) (French Edition) by Romain Rolland, 1989
- Romain Rolland et lAllemagne by Marcelle Kempf, 1962-01-01
- Romain Rolland tel qu'en lui-même by Bernard Duchatelet, 2002-04-04
- Correspondances avec Andre Gide et Romain Rolland (French Edition) by Henri Bachelin, 1994
- The Story of Eugene Debs With an Introduction By Romain Rolland by Henry T Schnittkind, 1929-01-01
- The Formation of the Esthetic of Romain Rolland by William Hunter Beckwith, 1936-01-01
- Romain Rolland; The Man and His Work by Stefan Zweig, 2009-12-21
- La vraie patrie, c'est la lumiere!: Correspondance entre Annette Kolb et Romain Rolland (1915-1936) (Collection Contacts. Serie II, Gallo-Germanica) (French Edition) by Annette Kolb, 1994
- Romain Rolland vivant, 1914-1919 (French Edition) by Pierre Jean Jouve, 2010-09-03
- Letters of Romain Rolland and Malwida von Meysenbug, 1890-1891; by Romain Rolland, 1933
- Voyage a Moscou (juin-juillet 1935) ;: Suivi de, Notes complementaires (octobre-decembre 1938) (Cahiers Romain Rolland) (French Edition) by Romain Rolland, 1992
- Romain Rolland. by Stefan Zweig, Knut Beck, 1987-01-01