Prix Nobel De La Paix - Wikipedia Translate this page Henri La Fontaine (Belgique), président du bureau international permanent de laPaix renommé plus tard Community of peace People Amnesty international, Londres
Extractions: Accueil Modifications récentes Modifier cette page Historique Pages spéciales Préférences Liste de suivi Modifications récentes Copier un fichier Liste des images Liste des participants Statistiques Une page au hasard Pages orphelines Images orphelines Les plus populaires Les plus demandées Articles courts Articles longs Nouvelles pages Toutes les pages Adresses IP bloquées Page de Maintenance Librairies en ligne Version imprimable Discuter Autres langues: Dansk Deutsch English Esperanto ... Polski Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Les lauréats du prix Nobel sont choisis par le gouvernement norvégien, les autres Prix sont sélectionnés par la "Swedish academic institution". Voici les lauréats du prix Nobel de la paix : Jean Henri Dunant Suisse ), fondateur de la Croix rouge et promoteur de la Convention de Genève Frédéric Passy France ), fondateur et président de la Société Française pour l'arbitrage entre nations Élie Ducommun Suisse ) et Charles Albert Gobat , secrétaires honoraires du Bureau international permanent de la Paix Berne Sir William Randal Cremer Royaume-Uni ), secrétaire de la
Nobel Laureates - [Peace] People who change the World. nobel Laureates, peace. Member of the Belgian Parliament(Sénateur). President of the permanent international peace bureau, Berne.
Winners Of The Nobel Peace Prize brought to you by. The nobel Prize Internet Archive Member of the Belgian Parliament(Sénateur). President of the permanent international peace bureau, Berne.
Extractions: The prize was awarded jointly to: I NTERNATIONAL C AMPAIGN TO ... (ICBL) and J ODY W ILLIAMS for their work for the banning and clearing of anti-personnel mines. The prize was awarded jointly to: C ARLOS F ELIPE ... ELO and J OSE R AMOS ... ORTA for their work towards a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East Timor. The prize was awarded jointly to: J OSEPH R OTBLAT and to the P UGWASH C ONFERENCES ... FFAIRS for their efforts to diminish the part played by nuclear arms in international politics and in the longer run to eliminate such arms. The prize was awarded joinly to: Y ASSER A RAFAT , Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PLO, President of the Palestinian National Authority. S HIMON P ERES , Foreign Minister of Israel. Y ITZHAK R ABIN , Prime Minister of Israel. for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East. The prize was awarded jointly to: N ELSON M ANDELA Leader of the ANC. F REDRIK W ILLEM ... LERK President of the Republic of South Africa. R IGOBERTA M ENCHU ... UM , Guatemala. Campaigner for human rights, especially for indigenous peoples.
Peace Awards Below is a List of all the nobel peace Prize Awards, Found at The nobel Prize InternetArchive President of the permanent international peace bureau, Berne.
Extractions: Below is a List of all the Nobel Peace Prize Awards, Found at The Nobel Prize Internet Archive The prize was awarded jointly to: J OHN H UME and D AVID T RIMBLE for their efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Northern Ireland. The prize was awarded jointly to: I NTERNATIONAL C AMPAIGN TO ... (ICBL) and J ODY W ILLIAMS for their work for the banning and clearing of anti-personnel mines. The prize was awarded jointly to: C ARLOS F ELIPE ... ELO and J OSE R AMOS ... ORTA for their work towards a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East Timor. The prize was awarded jointly to: J OSEPH R OTBLAT and to the P UGWASH C ONFERENCES ... FFAIRS for their efforts to diminish the part played by nuclear arms in international politics and in the longer run to eliminate such arms. The prize was awarded joinly to: Y ASSER A RAFAT , Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PLO, President of the Palestinian National Authority. S HIMON P ERES , Foreign Minister of Israel. Y ITZHAK R ABIN , Prime Minister of Israel. for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East.
VocLink Translate this page 9 international peace bureau (IPB) Fondato nel 1892, Premio nobel per la Thus wasborn the 'permanent international peace bureau', as it was known ('permanent
Extractions: Amnesty International è un movimento internazionale, indipendente da qualsiasi governo, parte politica, interesse economico o credo religioso. Promuove la consapevolezza e l'aderenza alla Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti Umani e la prevenzione di specifici abusi. Il suo mandato considera: prigionieri di coscienza, prigionieri politici, processi equi, tortura, pena di morte, sparizioni, esecuzioni extragiudiziali. Inoltre si preoccupa di assicurare il rispetto dei diritti a categorie di persone particolarmente esposte al rischio di tali violazioni: donne, minori, obiettori di coscienza, rifugiati, sindacalisti. Amnesty International possiede status consultivo presso le Nazioni Unite, ed ha ricevuto il premio Nobel per la Pace nel 1977. Le pagine internet del Comitato svizzero per l' UNICEF vi presentano l'operato del Fondo delle Nazioni Unite per l'Infanzia e vi danno la possibilità di sostenerlo attivamente. In queste pagine, potete fare un'offerta, chiedere informazioni acquistare cartoline e regali, e assumere un padrinato. Ci sono mille motivi per sostenere l'UNICEF, ognuno dei quali è un bambino. Aiutate l'UNICEF ad aiutare. Comitato svizzero per l'UNICEF Baumackerstrasse 24 CH-8050 Zurigo Tel.: 01-317 22 66 / fax: 01-312 22 76
Nobel Barýþ Ödülü Alan Ýsimler nobel Barýþ Ödülü Alan Ýsimler. ÖDÜLÜ ALAN, YIL. Addams, Jane, 1931. Peres,Shimon, 1994. permanent international peace bureau, 1910. Pire, Georges Henri, 1958.
Extractions: Nobel Barýþ Ödülü Alan Ýsimler ÖDÜLÜ ALAN YIL Addams, Jane The American Friends Service Committee Amnesty International Angell, Sir Norman Arafat, Yasser Arnoldson, Klas Pontus Asser, Tobias Michael Carel Bajer, Fredrik Balch, Emily Greene Beernaert, Auguste Marie Francois Begin, Menachem Belo, Carlos Felipe Ximenes Borlaug, Norman Bourgeois, Leon Victor Auguste Brandt, Willy Branting, Karl Hjalmar Boyd-Orr Of Brechin, Lord John Briand, Aristide Bride, Sean Mac Buisson, Ferdinand Bunche, Ralph Butler, Nicholas Murray Cassin, Rene Cecil, Lord Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne Chamberlain, Sir Austen Constant, Paul Henribenjamin Balluet D'estournelles De Corrigan, Mairead Cremer, Sir William Randal Dalai Lama Dawes, Charles Gates De Klerk, Fredrik Willem Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) Ducommun, Elie
HistoryMole: Nobel Laureates (1901-2002) Links. 1910, The nobel prize for peace is awarded to bureau internationalpermanent de la Paix (The permanent international peace bureau). Links.
20th Century Year By YEar 1902 Awards The nobel Prize for between DUCOMMUN, LIE, Switzerland, b. 1833, d.1906 Honorary Secretary of the permanent international peace bureau, Berne.
Extractions: The prize was awarded jointly to: LORENTZ, HENDRIK ANTOON, the Netherlands, Leyden University, b. 1853, d. 1928; and ZEEMAN, PIETER, the Netherlands, Amsterdam University, b. 1865, d. 1943: "in recognition of the extraordinary service they rendered by their researches into the influence of magnetism upon radiation phenomena"
Nobel Prize For Peace nobel Prize for peace. MF Beernaert (Belgium) and Baron Paul HBB d'Estournelles deConstant de Rebecque(France) 1910 bureau international permanent de la
Extractions: Henri Dunant (Switzerland); Frederick Passy (France) Elie Ducommun and Albert Gobat (Switzerland) Sir William R. Cremer (U.K.) Institut de Droit International (Belgium) Bertha von Suttner (Austria) Theodore Roosevelt (U.S.) Ernesto T. Moneta (Italy) and Louis Renault (France) Klas P. Arnoldson (Sweden) and Frederik Bajer (Denmark) Auguste M. F. Beernaert (Belgium) and Baron Paul H. B. B. d'Estournelles de Constant de Rebecque (France) Bureau International Permanent de la Paix (Switzerland) Tobias M. C. Asser
The Nobel Prize 1911 ?(Tobias Asser), ?(Alfred HermannFried). 1910 ?(permanent international peace bureau).
Chapter 3: Peace And Peacemakers and past members of the nobel Committee and the advisers at the nobel Institute. 4.Members of the Commission of the permanent international peace bureau.
Extractions: 5. Students will discuss the role of a Nobel Peace Laureate in society today. In preparing to meet with a Nobel Peace Prize winner, it is important that students discuss and reflect upon the nature of peace. When we want peace for our neighborhood or world, what is it that we want? Why is it important to us? What needs to be present for peace to exist?
Nobel Prize In Peace Since 1901 nobel Prize in peace since 1901 Year, Winners. 1910, permanent international bureau.1911, Asser, Tobias Michael Carel; Fried, Alfred Hermann. 1912, Root, Elihu.
Extractions: Nobel Prize in Peace since 1901 Year Winners Dunant, Jean Henri; Passy, Frederic Ducommun, Elie; Gobat, Charles Albert Cremer, Sir William Randal Institute Of International Law Suttner, Bertha Sophie Felicita Von Roosevelt, Theodore Moneta, Ernesto Teodoro; Renault, Louis Arnoldson, Klas Pontus; Bajer, Fredrik Beernaert, Auguste Marie Francois; Constant, Paul Henribenjamin Balluet D'estournelles De Permanent International Bureau Asser, Tobias Michael Carel; Fried, Alfred Hermann Root, Elihu Fontaine, Henri La International Committee Of The Red Cross Wilson, Thomas Woodrow Bourgeois, Leon Victor Auguste Branting, Karl Hjalmar; Lange, Christian Lous Nansen, Fridtjof Chamberlain, Sir Austen; Dawes, Charles Gates Briand, Aristide; Stresemann, Gustav Buisson, Ferdinand; Quidde, Ludwig Kellogg, Frank Billings Soederblom, Lars Olof Nathan Addams, Jane; Butler, Nicholas Murray Angell, Sir Norman Henderson, Arthur Ossietzky, Carl Von Lamas, Carlos Saavedra Cecil, Lord Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne Refugees, Nansen International Office For International Committee Of The Red Cross Hull, Cordell
Norwegian Peace Alliance - Articles to justice before a permanent international tribunal globe, to wish the nobel laureatessuccess 2001 Fredrik S. Heffermehl international peace bureau, Consultant
Extractions: The UN has not been a full success in reaching its primary objective, to save future generations from the "scourge of war". The production, sale and trade in arms has not been stopped, the attempts at disarmament can hardly keep pace with the innovation and research in new and ever more frightening weaponry. Again and again arms are being used in conflict around the globe. Even as the prize is awarded the Mid-East is torn with violent conflict, massive losses of lives happens in the Congo war, military action is hitting a country, Afghanistan, so poor that the bombs can only "shuffle the rubble, as Indian author Arundhati Roy has put it. If the globe would still be inhabited by life at all. The day to day practical co-operation between nations in the UN, the work of its many special agencies, for education, health, children, women, agriculture, labor, the steady development of rules in the form of treaties, has an immeasurable value to build peace.
Le Plus Grand Nombre De Prix Nobel Par Habitant Au Monde Translate this page Prix nobel Suisses. Prix nobel de la Paix. Henri Dunant, 1901. Elie Ducommun,1902. Honorary Secretary permanent international peace bureau, Berne,.
Extractions: La Suisse dispose d'universités à la renommée internationale. Chacune des 8 grandes universités propose des cours dans presque toutes les disciplines, même si certains pôles d'excellences se démarquent (économie à St-Gall et Lausanne, droit à Fribourg et Genève, médecine à Zürich, biologie et chimie à Lausanne, relations internationales à Genève). Les deux Ecoles Polytechniques Fédérales de Zurich et Lausanne sont à la pointe de la recherche et attire les meilleurs scientifiques de la planète. En proportion à sa population, la Suisse peut se vanter d'avoir le plus haut taux de prix Nobel par habitant au monde. Prix Nobel Suisses
Human Rights Internet - The Human Rights Databank is restricted to present and past members of the nobel Committee or executive membersof the permanent international peace bureau,; members of the Institut de
Extractions: (for current year Peace Prize press release and concise Alfred Nobel bio and prize history: call +47-22-44-36-80, or fax +47-22-43-01-68, or write Norwegian Nobel Committee, Drammensvn. 19, N-0255, Oslo, Norway.) Peace Prize is part of family of 5 annual Nobel awards (physics, chemistry, literature, physiology or medicine, and peace) + Nobel memorial prize in economics added in 1968 (The Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel). ONLY the Peace Prize is decided by Nobel Committee in Oslo Norway ; others chosen by the Nobel Committee in Stockholm, Sweden October = winners announced; December 10 = simultaneous award ceremonies in Stockholm and Oslo each year (date Alfred Nobel died); by February 1 , nominations must be received for that year's award. right to put forward candidates is restricted to present and past members of the Nobel Committee or "Storting" (Norwegian pariament), members of the different countries' national assemblies and governments, and members of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
Tutti I Premi Nobel Per La Pace TUTTI I PREMI nobel PER LA PACE. Asser, Alfred Hermann Fried 1910 bureau internationalpermanent de la Paix (permanent international peace bureau) 1909 Auguste
International: Italiano: Società : Strutture_Sociali: Organizzazioni: IPB - Op Translate this page L'Ufficio permanente Internazionale della Pace (permanent international peace bureau- IPB) è stato insignito del Premio nobel per la Pace nell'anno 1910.à /Strutture_Sociali/Organiz
Extractions: L'IPB ¨ la pi¹ antica e tra le pi¹ vaste federazioni pacifiste; ¨ aperta a tutti i settori interessati al mantenimento della pace e si rivolge non solo ai pacifisti, ma ai giovani, alle donne, al mondo del lavoro e alle varie organizzazioni religiose e professionali. Based on: Questa Categoria ha bisogno di un Editore - Richiedila Open Site Code 0.4.1 modifica
Henri Lafontaine: A True International Man / Irwin Abrams In 1913 he was granted the nobel peace Prize as which had been developed within theInternational peace bureau. for the establishment of a permanent court of
Extractions: In 1905, when the conference of the Interparliamentary Union met in Brussels, an American journalist with the American delegation, interviewed Henri La Fontaine, the Belgian senator who was one of the most active members from the host country. Hayne Davis was awed by the vast number of activities which the Belgian senator was carrying on. It was "more than the work of one man," he wrote.. He told how from the Belgian Senate La Fontaine goes over to the House of Documentation and from there he goes to give his lectures, about music to working men or on international law at the institution of higher studies which he helped found. He had also lectured in Paris and in the United States. Davis learned that La Fontaine was Secretary of a Technical School for Young Women, a model which had been copied all over the country, that he had worked to gain the admission of women lawyers to the bar and of women to freemason lodges. He was so prolific as an author of articles and books on subjects as diverse as Wagnerian music, mountain climbing and international arbitration that to Davis his publications seemed to have poured forth like a mountain stream. Along with his IU activities, La Fontaine took s prominent role in the work of the peace societies of the world.. He had helped found their coordinating office in Bern, the International Peace Bureau, and he had organized the "Universal" Peace Congress at Antwerp in 1894.
Irwin Abrams: "Je Me Souviens..." In l902, the year after the first nobel peace Prize was granted in l959 the SwissFederal Court decided that the permanent international peace bureau had ceased
Extractions: JE ME SOUVIENS... (I REMEMBER...) By Irwin Abrams Published as "Je me souviens..." in United Nations Library at Geneva: Catalogue of the Centenary Exhibition of the International Peace Bureau (Geneva: United Nations Office, 1992): 3-5. Arrival in Geneva My first port of call was Geneva, the site of the League of Nations and headquarters for the internationalists of the day. There I was to meet such leading figures of the pre-war peace movement as Ludwig Quidde, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, a refugee from Hitler Germany; Christian Lange, also a Nobel peace prizewinner and a leading scholar on internationalism, who was a member of the Norwegian delegation to the League Assembly; and Theodore Ruyssen, a veteran of the French peace movement, now secretary-general of the International Union of Associations for the League of Nations. I was also to interview Hans Wehberg, international lawyer and publicist, who had an unrivalled knowledge of the peace movement's history. They were all helpful, and it was a privilege to meet such men, but a historian must have written records, and in Geneva I hoped to see what might be preserved of the archives of the IPB, which could go back to its founding in Berne by action of the World Peace Congress of l89l. I knew that it still occupied the same premises to which it had moved in l924. And I had also learned that the Library of the League had acquired the papers of Fried and Baroness von Suttner, both leaders in the peace movement in the 1890's.
?6?1901 ?(permanent international peace bureau) de Droit international)?; Det Norske nobel Instituttet)?