William N. Lipscomb: Awards Won By William N. Lipscomb 123Awards hardwork is paid in form of awards. Awards of william N. lipscomb.OTHERnobel, 1976, CHEMISTRY. Enter Artist/Album. Partner Sites. Stardose.com. http://www.123awards.com/artist/7874.asp
Nobel Prizes In Chemistry Prize for Chemistry Was Not Awarded 1942 The nobel Prize for the stereochemistryof organic molecules and reactions 1976 william N. lipscomb (USA) for http://www.nidlink.com/~jfromm/nobel.htm
Extractions: Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff (Netherlands) "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions" Emil H. Fischer (Germany) "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his work on sugar and purine syntheses" Svante A. Arrhenius (Sweden) "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered to the advancement of chemistry by his electrolytic theory of dissociation" Sir William Ramsay (United Kingdom) "in recognition of his services in the discovery of the inert gaseous elements in air, and his determination of their place in the periodic system" Adolf von Baeyer (Germany) "in recognition of his services in the advancement of organic chemistry and the chemical industry, through his work on organic dyes and hydroaromatic compounds" Henri Moissan (France) "in recognition of the great services rendered by him in his investigation and isolation of the element fluorine, and for the adoption in the service of science of the electric furnace called after him" Eduard Buchner (Germany) "for his biochemical researches and his discovery of cellfree fermentation"
On The 100th Anniversary Of The Nobel Prize On the 100th anniversary of the nobel prize 100 nobel laureates warn that our securityhangs on environmental and william N. lipscomb Chemistry, 1976. http://www.nativevillage.org/Inspiration-/On_the_100th_anniversary_of_the_.htm
Extractions: 100 Nobel laureates warn that our security hangs on environmental and social reform The most profound danger to world peace in the coming years will stem not from the irrational acts of states or individuals but from the legitimate demands of the world's dispossessed. Of these poor and disenfranchised, the majority live a marginal existence in equatorial climates. Global warming, not of their making but originating with the wealthy few, will affect their fragile ecologies most. Their situation will be desperate and manifestly unjust. It cannot be expected, therefore, that in all cases they will be content to await the beneficence of the rich. If then we permit the devastating power of modern weaponry to spread through this combustible human landscape, we invite a conflagration that can engulf both rich and poor. The only hope for the future lies in co-operative international action, legitimized by democracy.
The Manila Times Internet Edition LIFE TIMES Nobel Fortyone American nobel laureates have signed a declaration opposing war with Iraq. AlanJ. Heeger, Walter Kohn, Yuan T. Lee, william N. lipscomb, Ahmed H http://www.manilatimes.net/national/2003/mar/11/life/20030311lif4.html
Appello Dei 110 Premi Nobel william N. lipscomb (Chemistry, 1976); http://www.iac.rm.cnr.it/~spweb/documenti/appello_premiNOBEL.html
Extractions: L'appello di 110 premi Nobel La minaccia maggiore per la pace mondiale verrà negli anni a venire non dai comportamenti irrazionali di stati o individui, ma dalle legittime richieste dei diseredati del mondo. La maggioranza di queste persone povere e senza diritti vive un'esistenza marginale nei climi equatoriali. Il surriscaldamento del pianeta - originato non da loro, bensì da pochi ricchi - colpirà soprattutto le loro fragili ecologie. La loro situazione sarà disperata e manifestamente ingiusta. Perciò non ci si può attendere che essi si accontentino sempre e comunque di aspettare la beneficenza dei ricchi. Se permetteremo dunque alla potenza devastante delle armi moderne di diffondersi in questo esplosivo paesaggio umano, innescheremo una conflagrazione in grado di travolgere tanto i ricchi quanto i poveri. La sola speranza per il futuro riposa nella collaborazione internazionale, legittimata dalla democrazia. È tempo di voltare le spalle alla ricerca unilaterale di sicurezza, in cui noi cerchiamo di rifugiarci dietro ai muri. Dobbiamo invece insistere nella ricerca dell'unità d'azione per contrastare sia il surriscaldamento del pianeta che un mondo armato. Questi obiettivi gemelli costituiranno due condizioni fondamentali per la stabilità, mentre ci muoveremo verso il più ampio grado di giustizia sociale che, esso solo, può dare una speranza di pace. Alcuni degli strumenti legali necessari sono già a portata di mano, come il trattato sui missili anti-balistici (Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty), la convenzione sui cambiamenti climatici (Convention on Climate Change), i trattatti strategici sulla riduzione di armi (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaties) e il Trattato sul bando dei test nucleari (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty). In quanto cittadini preoccupati, chiediamo a tutti i governi di impegnarsi per questi obiettivi, che costituiscono dei passi in avanti affinché il diritto prenda il posto della guerra.
Diffraction Nobel Prizes Some nobel Prizes for Diffraction and Crystallography. 1976 william N. lipscomb,Determination of structures of boron hydrides by Xray diffraction. http://www.chemistry.gatech.edu/faculty/williams/xtallography/nobel.html
Extractions: Some Nobel Prizes for Diffraction and Crystallography crystallography homepage williams homepage W. C. Roentgen, Discovery of x-rays. Max von Laue, Discovery of diffraction of X-rays by crystals. Sir William H. Bragg, William L. Bragg, Molecular structures derived from X- ray diffraction by crystals. A. H. Compton, Scattering of x-rays by electrons. Peter J. Debye, Understanding molecular structure through work on the dipole moment and the X-ray and electron diffraction in gases. Clinton J. Davisson, George P. Thompson, Electron diffraction by crystals. Linus C. Pauling, The chemical bond and structure determination of complex substances. Max F. Perutz, John C. Kendrew, Structural determination of myoglobin and hemoglobin using X-ray diffraction. James D. Watson, Francis H. C. Crick, Maurice H. F. Wilkins, Structure determination of DNA and its significance for the genetic code. Dorothy Hodgkin, Structural determination of important biochemical substances using X-ray diffraction. William N. Lipscomb, Determination of structures of boron hydrides by X-ray diffraction. Aaron Klug, Structures of nucleic acid-protein complexes.
Prix Nobel De Chimie 1901- 1998 Translate this page Histoire de la chimie, Les prix nobel de Chimie 1901-2000. 1976. william N. lipscomb(Etats-Unis, 9 déc. 1919). Structure des boranes. 1975. http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/lic/chimie/hist_chi/nobel_chimie.htm
Extractions: Histoire de la chimie Les prix Nobel de Chimie 1901-2000 Racourcis : Alan J. Heeger (Etats-Unis, 22 janv. 1936) Alan G. MacDiarmid (Nouvelle-Zélande, 1929), et Hideki Shirakawa (Japon, 1926) ont été récompensés pour la découverte et le développement des polymères conducteurs, inaugurée en 1977 par la synthèse du polyacétylène conducteur. Ahmed H. Zewail . Utilisation des techniques laser ultrarapides (spectroscopie ultrarapide), pour observer le mouvement des atomes d'une molécule (états de transition) au cours d'une réaction chimique (femtochimie). Walter Kohn . Développement de la théorie des fonctions de densité. John A. Pople (Etats-Unis, 1925). développement des outils informatiques en chimie quantique. Paul D. Boyer (Etats-Unis, 1918) et John E. Walker (Royaume Unis, 1941). Elucidation du mécanisme de synthèse de l'ATP. Jens C. Skou
Prix Nobel De Chimie 1901-2001 Translate this page Histoire de la chimie. Les prix nobel de Chimie 1901-2001. 1976. william N. lipscomb(Etats-Unis, 9 déc. 1919). Structure des boranes. 1975. http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/momo/lic/chimie/hist_chi/nobel_chimie.htm
Extractions: Histoire de la chimie Les prix Nobel de Chimie 1901-2001 W.S. Knowles (Etats-Unis), R. Noyori (Japon) et K.B. Sharpless (Etats-Unis) : travaux sur la synthèse catalytique asymétrique. Alan J. Heeger (Etats-Unis, 22 janv. 1936) Alan G. MacDiarmid (Nouvelle-Zélande, 1929), et Hideki Shirakawa (Japon, 1926) ont été récompensés pour la découverte et le développement des polymères conducteurs, inaugurée en 1977 par la synthèse du polyacétylène conducteur. Ahmed H. Zewail . Utilisation des techniques laser ultrarapides (spectroscopie ultrarapide), pour observer le mouvement des atomes d'une molécule (états de transition) au cours d'une réaction chimique (femtochimie). Walter Kohn . Développement de la théorie des fonctions de densité. John A. Pople (Etats-Unis, 1925). développement des outils informatiques en chimie quantique. Paul D. Boyer (Etats-Unis, 1918) et John E. Walker (Royaume Unis, 1941). Élucidation du mécanisme de synthèse de l'ATP. Jens C. Skou (Danemark, 1918). Découverte de l'enzyme porteuse d'ions. Na , K -ATPase.
Nobel Prize Winners Support Basic Science Americans have been awarded more than onehalf of all nobel Prizes in Ph.D., EricF. Wieschaus, Ph.D., Dudley Herschbach, Ph.D., william N. lipscomb, Ph.D http://www.sdsc.edu/SDSCwire/v2.13/nobelists.html
Extractions: Policy News Number 101: June 26, 1996 The letter, dated June 19, follows: "Dear President Clinton and Members of Congress: "As men and women who have helped to shape the modern scientific age and who care deeply about the future of our nation, we urge you to reaffirm the fundamental role of the federal government in supporting basic scientific research. "Americans have been awarded more than one-half of all Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry and medicine since 1945. This impressive success is no accident, but the result of a firm and consistent commitment by the federal government to basic science research at our universities. Our nation's policymakers and public have been prudent investors because their support has paid off in tremendous ways. "America's investment in research over the last fifty years has been a vital source of our economic and political strength around the world, as well as the quality of life Americans enjoy at home. The polio vaccine, computers, jet propulsion and disease resistant grains and vegetables are some of the thousands of advances pioneered at our universities that have had dramatic benefits for our health, economy, security and quality of life. "New and equally breathtaking advances may be just around the corner. Genetic research, for example, gives promise of better treatments for Alzheimer's, cancer and other diseases. Lighter and stronger composite materials may be developed with important applications in transportation, medicine and the military. Continuing support for university-based research will not only pave the way for these important breakthroughs, but will also train the next generation of pioneers and Nobelists.
Nobel.txt the occasion of the onehundredth anniversary of the nobel Prize. 64.Rita Levi-Montalcini(Physiology/Medicine, 1986) 65.william N. lipscomb (Chemistry, 1976 http://faculty.kutztown.edu/bendinsk/nobel.html
Nobel Prizes For Chemistry nobel Prize for Chemistry. For years not listed, no award was made.1901. Jacobus cholesterol. 1976. william N. lipscomb, Jr. (US http://homepages.shu.ac.uk/~acsdry/quizes/chemistry.htm
Extractions: Nobel Prize for Chemistry For years not listed, no award was made. Jacobus H. van't Hoff (Netherlands), for laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions Emil Fischer (Germany), for experiments in sugar and purin groups of substances Svante A. Arrhenius (Sweden), for his electrolytic theory of dissociation Sir William Ramsay (U.K.), for discovery and determination of place of inert gaseous elements in air Adolf von Baeyer (Germany), for work on organic dyes and hydroaromatic combinations Henri Moissan (France), for isolation of fluorine, and introduction of electric furnace Eduard Buchner (Germany), discovery of cell-less fermentation and investigations in biological chemistry Sir Ernest Rutherford (U.K.), for investigations into disintegration of elements Wilhelm Ostwald (Germany), for work on catalysis and investigations into chemical equilibrium and reaction rates Otto Wallach (Germany), for work in the field of alicyclic compounds Marie Curie (France), for discovery of elements radium and polonium Victor Grignard (France), for reagent discovered by him; and Paul Sabatier (France), for methods of hydrogenating organic compounds
The Henry L. Stimson Center - Nobel Prize-winning Scientists the proliferation of chemical weapons. Three additional nobel laureates (designated WassilyW. Leontief Edward B. Lewis william N. lipscomb Mario Molina http://www.stimson.org/cbw/?sn=CB20011220133
Nobel Prizes In Chemistry nobel Prizes in Chemistry. 190607-23 - 1998-01-07) Studies on the stereochemistryof organic molecules and reactions 1976 william N. lipscomb (USA, *1919-12 http://www.sbq.org.br/divcientificas/DIV-FQ/nobel.html
Extractions: Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff (Netherlands, 1852-08-30 - 1911-03-01) Discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and of the osmotic pressure in solutions Emil H. Fischer (Germany, 1852-10-09 - 1919-07-15) Synthetic studies in the area of sugar and purine groups Svante A. Arrhenius (Sweden, 1859-02-19 - 1927-10-02) Theory of electrolytic dissociation Sir William Ramsay (United Kingdom, 1852-10-02 - 1916-07-23) Discovery of the indifferent gaseous elements in air (noble gases) Adolf von Baeyer (Germany, 1835-10-31 - 1917-08-20) Organic dyes and hydroaromatic compounds Henri Moissan (France, 1852-09-28 - 1907-02-20) Investigation and isolation of the element fluorine Eduard Buchner (Germany, 1860-05-20 - 1917-08-13) Biochemical studies, discovery of fermentation without cells Sir Ernest Rutherford (United Kingdom, 1871-08-30 - 1937-10-19) Decay of the elements, chemistry of radioactive substances Wilhelm Ostwald (Germany, 1853-09-02 - 1932-04-04) Catalysis, chemical equilibria and reaction rates Otto Wallach (Germany, 1847-03-27 - 1931-02-26)
Nobel Laureates Sign Against A War Without International Support Leon M. Lederman P 1998. Yuan T. Lee C 1986. william N. lipscomb C 1976. DanielL. McFadden E 2000. Robert Schrieffer P 1972. william F. Sharpe E 1990. http://www.mindfully.org/Reform/2003/Nobel-Laureates-Against-War28jan03.htm
Nobel Laureates the 100th anniversary of the nobel prize, 100 nobel laureates have 1987 Rita LeviMontalcini,Physiology/Medicine, 1986 william N. lipscomb, Chemistry, 1976 http://www.onlinecreativeconcepts.com/nobellaureates.html
Extractions: OSLO, Norway (OTVNewswire) At the Nobel Peace Prize Centennial Symposium here yesterday celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Nobel prize, 100 Nobel laureates have issued a brief but dire warning of the "profound dangers" facing the world. Their statement predicts that our security depends on immediate environmental and social reform. The following is the text of their statement: THE STATEMENT The most profound danger to world peace in the coming years will stem not from the irrational acts of states or individuals but from the legitimate demands of the world's dispossessed. Of these poor and disenfranchised, the majority live a marginal existence in equatorial climates. Global warming, not of their making but originating with the wealthy few, will affect their fragile ecologies most. Their situation will be desperate and manifestly unjust. It cannot be expected, therefore, that in all cases they will be content to await the beneficence of the rich. If then we permit the devastating power of modern weaponry to spread through this combustible human landscape, we invite a conflagration that can engulf both rich and poor. The only hope for the future lies in co-operative international action, legitimized by democracy. It is time to turn our backs on the unilateral search for security, in which we seek to shelter behind walls. Instead, we must persist in the quest for united action to counter both global warming and a weaponized world. These twin goals will constitute vital components of stability as we move toward the wider degree of social justice that alone gives hope of peace.
Nobel Prizes In Chemistry http//www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/. nobel PRIZE CHEMISTRY. YEAR. NAMES OF SCIENTISTS. Croatian.organic. 1976. william N. lipscomb, Jr. American. organic. 1977. http://www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/NOBEL/CHEM/
Extractions: 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ONTARIO M3J 1P3, CANADA For suggestions, corrections, additional information, and comments please send e-mails to jandraos@yorku.ca http://www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/ NOBEL PRIZE CHEMISTRY YEAR NAMES OF SCIENTISTS NATIONALITY TYPE OF CHEMISTRY Jacobus van't Hoff Dutch physical Emil Fischer German organic Svante Arrhenius Swedish physical Sir William Ramsay British physical Adolf von Baeyer German organic Henri Moissan French inorganic Eduard Buchner German organic/bioorganic Lord Ernest Rutherford British nuclear Wilhelm Ostwald Latvian physical Otto Wallach German organic Marie Curie Polish-French nuclear Victor Grignard French organic Paul Sabatier French organic Alfred Werner German inorganic Theodore Williams Richards American physical Richard Martin Willstatter German organic no prize awarded no prize awarded Fritz Haber German physical/industrial no prize awarded Walther Hermann Nernst German physical Frederick Soddy British nuclear Francis William Aston British analytical Fritz Pregl Slovenian analytical no prize awarded Richard Zsigmondy Austrian physical Theodor Svedberg Swedish physical Heinrich Wieland German organic Adolf Windaus German organic Hans von Euler-Chelpin German bioorganic Arthur Harden British bioorganic Hans Fischer German bioorganic Friedrich Bergius German physical Carl Bosch German physical Irving Langmuir American physical no prize awarded Harold Urey American nuclear Frederic Joliot French nuclear Irene Joliot-Curie French nuclear Peter Debye Dutch physical Sir Walter Haworth
News India-Times.com, Online Edition In addition to winning nobel prizes, 18 of the signers have received the National KohnC; Leon M. Lederman P; Yuan T. Lee C; william N. lipscomb C; Daniel L http://www.newsindia-times.com/2003/02/07/usa-8-war.html
Extractions: KANDAHAR, Afghanistan: Opponents of the Afghan government continued their attacks over the weekend. On Saturday [April 12], a car packed with explosives blew up in eastern Afghanistan, killing the driver and three other people. In the Pakistani border town of Chaman on Sunday [April 13], gunmen fired on the motorcade of the brother of the Kandahar governor, wounding him and killing another relative.
Nobel Prizes In Chemistry nobel Prizes in Chemistry. Yugoslavia, *190607-23) Studies on the stereochemistryof organic molecules and reactions 1976 william N. lipscomb (USA, *1919-12 http://wgc.chem.pu.ru/links/chemistry/nobel_chemistry.html
Extractions: Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff (Netherlands, 1852-08-30 - 1911-03-01) Discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and of the osmotic pressure in solutions Emil H. Fischer (Germany, 1852-10-09 - 1919-07-15) Synthetic studies in the area of sugar and purine groups Svante A. Arrhenius (Sweden, 1859-02-19 - 1927-10-02) Theory of electrolytic dissociation Sir William Ramsay (United Kingdom, 1852-10-02 - 1916-07-23) Discovery of the indifferent gaseous elements in air (noble gases) Adolf von Baeyer (Germany, 1835-10-31 - 1917-08-20) Organic dyes and hydroaromatic compounds Henri Moissan (France, 1852-09-28 - 1907-02-20) Investigation and isolation of the element fluorine Eduard Buchner (Germany, 1860-05-20 - 1917-08-13) Biochemical studies, discovery of fermentation without cells Sir Ernest Rutherford (United Kingdom, 1871-08-30 - 1937-10-19) Decay of the elements, chemistry of radioactive substances Wilhelm Ostwald (Germany, 1853-09-02 - 1932-04-04) Catalysis, chemical equilibria and reaction rates Otto Wallach (Germany, 1847-03-27 - 1931-02-26)
Roald Hoffmann - Wikipedia Master of Arts degree in 1960 and his Doctor of Philosophy degree (working underthe subsequent 1976 chemistry nobel Prize winner william N. lipscomb, Jr.) in http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roald_Hoffmann
Extractions: Main Page Recent changes Edit this page Page history Special pages Set my user preferences My watchlist Recently updated pages Upload image files Image list Registered users Site statistics Random article Orphaned articles Orphaned images Popular articles Most wanted articles Short articles Long articles Newly created articles Interlanguage links All pages by title Blocked IP addresses Maintenance page External book sources Printable version Talk Log in Help From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Roald Hoffmann July 18 -) is a theoretical chemist He was born in Zloczow, Poland and named in honor of the Norwegian explorer, Roald Amundsen . His family immigrated to the United States of America in . He received his Bachelor of Arts degree at Columbia University (Columbia College) in , and his Master of Arts degree in and his Doctor of Philosophy degree (working under the subsequent chemistry Nobel Prize winner William N. Lipscomb, Jr. ) in , both from Harvard University He has investigated both organic and inorganic substances, developing computational tools and methods such as the , which he proposed in He also developed, with