So Biografias: Nobel Fisica 1 Translate this page Lista dos Ganhadores dos Prêmio nobel de Física* xenônio. 1905 PHILIPPEDUARD anton lenard Pesquisas sobre os raios catódicos.
Physics 1905 The nobel Prize in Physics 1905. for his work on cathode rays . philipp EduardAnton von lenard. Germany. Kiel University Kiel, Germany. 1862 1947.
Biography Of Philipp Von Lenard philipp von lenard was born at Pozsony 1 (Pressburg) in Hungary Von lenard, who wasmarried to Katharina Schlehner, died on May Copyright The nobel Foundation,
Nobel Prize Winners In Physics nobel Prize Winners in Physics. Physics 1901. Physics 1905. lenard, philipp EDUARDANTON, Germany, Kiel University, * 1862 (in Pressburg, then Hungary), + 1947
Extractions: Nobel Prize Winners in Physics R~NTGEN, WILHELM CONRAD, Germany, Munich University,* 1845, + 1923: "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the remarkable rays subsequently named after him". The prize was awarded jointly to: LORENTZ, HENDRIK ANTOON, the Netherlands, Leyden University, * 1853, + 1928; and ZEEMAN, PIETER, the Netherlands, Amsterdam University, * 1865, + 1943: "in recognition of the extraordinary service they rendered by their researches into the influence of magnetism upon radiation phenomena". The prize was divided, one half being awarded to: BECQUEREL, ANTOINE HENRI, France, äcole Polytechnique, Paris, * 1852, + 1908: "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his discovery of spontaneous radioactivity"; the other half jointly to: CURIE, PIERRE, France, äcole municipale de physique et de chimie industrielles, (Municipal School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry), Paris, * 1859, + 1906; and his wife CURIE, MARIE, n»e SKLODOWSKA, France, * 1867 (in Warsaw, Poland), + 1934: "in recognition of the extraordinary services they have rendered by their joint researches on the radiation phenomena discovered by Professor Henri Becquerel".
Bilimin öncüleri Theodor von LAVOISIER, Antoine Laurent - LAVVRENCE, Ernest Orlando - lenard, PhilippEduard anton - LEUCIPPUS - LEWIS nobel ÖDÜLÜ KAZANAN BILIM ADAMLARI. onculeri/bilimin onculeri.htm
Nobel Prize Winners In Physics, 1901-2000 nobel Prize Winners in Physics, 19012000. 1900 argon. 1905, philipp EduardAnton von lenard, 1862-1947, for his work on cathode rays. 1906,
Extractions: for their work on the influence of magnetism on radiation. Antoine Henri Becquerel Pierre Curie Marie Sklowdowska-Curie for his discovery of radioactivity. for their joint research on nuclear radiation phenomena. Lord Rayleigh (John William Strutt) for his research on the densities of the gases and for his discovery of argon Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard for his work on cathode rays. Joseph John Thomson for his research on the conduction of electricity by gases. Albert Abraham Michelson for his optical instruments and for measuring the speed of light. Gabriel Lippmann for his method of reproducing colors photographically based on the interference techiniques.
Nobel Laureates In Physics 1901 - 1996 more complex searches, use the search page of the nobel Foundation. von lenard, PhilippEduard anton, Germany, b. 1862, (in Pressburg, then Hungary), d. 1947
Extractions: This page is a service of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Library . It contains a list in reverse chronological order of the award winners with brief biographical information and a description of the discovery taken from the Nobel Foundation's text describing each Laureate's discovery and other sources.
Phys 2900 in 1902. The 1905 nobel prize in Physics was awarded to philipp EduardAnton von lenard for his work on cathode rays. The 1906 nobel
Extractions: Physics of Semiconductors: Diodes and Measurement of Plancks Constant Objectives: (i) to study the physics of the semiconductor diode. (ii) to measure the current-voltage characteristics of silicon diodes, germanium diodes and Zener diodes and verify their rectifying/switching behaviour (iii) if possible, to measure the current-voltage characteristics of tunnel diodes and backward diodes and observe the effects of quantum tunneling. (iv) to become familiar with light-emitting diodes, photo-diodes and photo-transistors, and opto -electronics in general. (v) to become familiar with using a computer and GPIB connections to control scientific equipment. (vi) to gain experience dealing with sensitive measurements of small signals. The first diode; a vacuum tube diode was developed by J. Ambrose Fleming in 1902. The 1905 Nobel prize in Physics was awarded to Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard for his work on cathode rays. The 1906 Nobel prize in Physics was awarded to J.J. Thompson for measuring the charge to mass ratio of the electron, thereby proving the particle nature of the electron. The 1928 Nobel prize in Physics was awarded to Sir Owen Willans Richardson, for his work on the
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Laureáti Nobelovy Ceny Za Fyziku Alfred Bernhard nobel. 21. 10. 1833 Stockholm 10. 12. 1896 San Remo. Na pocátkubyl dynamit. Alfred Bernhard nobel (21. 10. 1833 Stockholm 10. 12.
Extractions: Laureáti Nobelovy ceny za fyziku OLOMOUC, ALDA 1998 ISBN 80-85600-47-1 Struktura stránky: Na poèátku byl dynamit - struèný ivotopis Alfreda Bernharda Nobela a historie Nobelovy nadace - Nobelova cena za fyziku (pøehled státù podle poètu udìlených cen) Laureáti Nobelovy ceny za fyziku v letech 1901-1997 Kniha - Laureáti Nobelovy ceny za fyziku Napsali Alfred Bernhard Nobel 21. 10. 1833 Stockholm - 10. 12. 1896 San Remo Na poèátku byl dynamit Alfred Bernhard Nobel (21. 10. 1833 Stockholm 10. 12. 1896 San Remo) patøil k nejvýznamnìjím vynálezcùm devatenáctého století. Pøihlásil na tøistapadesát patentù ve vech státech svìta a málokdo se doil uplatnìní svých vynálezù jako právì on. Jeho vynálezy byly výsledkem práce Nobelových laboratoøí v Nìmecku, Francii, Skotsku, Itálii a védsku. Své objevy realizoval v devadesáti továrnách a firmách dvaceti zemí pìti kontinentù. Pocházel z rodiny védského chemika a podnikatele, ale rodina záhy odela do Ruska, kde jeho otec díky vynálezùm protipìchotních a vodních min dosáhl velmi rychle váeného postavení. Alfred Nobel je znám pøedevím jako vynálezce smutnì proslaveného dynamitu (1867), ale obrovskou senzaci zpùsobil také jeho testament, který napsal na sklonku svého ivota 27. listopadu 1895 v Paøíi. Vyøízení pozùstalosti se protáhlo a do roku 1900, nebo nìkteøí zákonní dìdicové se snaili zpochybnit její platnost, a potíe nastaly také kvùli Nobelovu skuteènému bydliti a váhavému postoji institucí, které mìly podle závìti pøevzít odpovìdnost pøi udílení penìitých odmìn. Zaloení Nobelovy nadace a pøedpisy pro instituce oprávnìné udìlovat ceny schválil védský král 29. èervna 1900 a první Nobelovy ceny byly udìleny ji o rok pozdìji.
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