100 Ans De Prix Nobel - Dossier Dactualité - Encyclopédie Webencyclo Translate this page Quelle est la position de la France dans le palmarès des nobel ? de Gennes (physique,1991), Georges Charpak (physique, 1992) et jean-marie lehn (chimie, 1987 http://www.webencyclo.com/dossiers/contenu/D46-0001032C.asp?IDDossier=46
Books/Livres EDP Sciences Translate this page jean-marie lehn, Prix nobel de Chimie 1987, est Professeur au Collège de Franceet Directeur des laboratoires de Chimie des Interactions Moléculaires à http://books.edpsciences.com/articles_books/textes/sa_aspects.html
Extractions: 19 Apr 03 Contacts EDP Sciences' sites Home Catalog ... EDP Sciences' journals site here Titre Auteurs Bernard Dietrich, Paulette Viout et Jean-Marie Lehn Collection/Sujet Chimie Savoirs Actuels Date de parution ISBN Nombre de pages Prix 320 FF (48,78 EURO) COMMANDE You can place your order here Passez-votre commande ici Up: Chimie Savoirs Actuels
Novartis Foundation For Sustainable Development Board Of Trustees jeanmarie lehn has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation since1991. Born in France in 1939, he was awarded the nobel Prize for Chemistry http://www.foundation.novartis.com/board_trustees.htm
Extractions: Our board of trustees Prof. Dr. Klaus M. Leisinger Klaus M. Leisinger is President and Executive Director of the Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development and Professor for Development Sociology at the University of Basel. He is President of the Swiss Committee for the Bretton Woods Institutions and Member of the Swiss Federal Council's Advisory Committee for operation in International Development. He also serves on the board of a number of international organisations active in science, arts, population issues and business ethics. Detailed profile available. At Novartis, he worked as Head of International Coordination, Legal, Tax, Insurance, before his responsibilities were widened to include in addition Corporate Security; Corporate Intellectual Property; Corporate Health, Safety, Environment; Novartis Switzerland, the Friedrich Miescher Institute and, from August 2001, the newly created function Corporate Affairs. He is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation.
Kimyaokulu - Nobel ödülü Kazanan Bilim Adamlarý nobel ÖDÜLÜ KAZANAN BILIM ADAMLARI VE YAPTIGI ÇALISMALAR. ABD KaliforniyaÜniversitesi, Los Angeles, CA, d. 1919; lehn, jeanmarie, Fransa, Universite http://kimyaokulu.com/bilimin onculeri/nobel/nobel_odulu_kazananlar02.htm
Extractions: NIH 1998 Almanac Lectures and Nobel Laureates Nobel Laureates Laureate Field Year Supporting Institute(s) Paul D. Boyer, U.S.A. (shared with J.C. Skou) Chemistry NIGMS, NIDDK Jens C. Skou, Denmark (shared with P.D. Boyer) ......do NINDS Stanley B. Prusiner, U.S.A. Phyisology or medicine NINDS, NIA, NCRR, NIGMS Edward B. Lewis, U.S.A. (shared with C. Nusslein-Volhard, Germany, and E.F. Wieschaus, U.S.A.) Physiology or medicine NICHD, NIGMS Eric F. Wieschaus, U.S.A. (shared with E.B. Lewis, U.S.A., and C. Nusslein-Volhard, Germany) ......do NICHD Alfred G. Gilman, U.S.A. (shared with M. Rodbell, U.S.A.) .....do NIGMS, NINDS Martin Rodbell, U.S.A. (shared with A.G. Gilman, U.S.A.) ......do NIEHS, NIDDK George A. Olah, U.S.A. Chemistry NCI, NIGMS Phillip A. Sharp, U.S.A. (shared with R. Roberts, U.K.) Physiology or medicine NIGMS, NCI, NIAID, DRS, NCRR Richard Roberts, U.K. (shared with P.A. Sharp, U.S.A.) ......do NCRR, NLM, NCHGR, NCI, NIGMS Kary B. Mullis, U.S.A. (shared with M. Smith, Canada) Chemistry NHLBI, NIAID, NIGMS
Dateline_98 jeanmarie lehn, who was awarded the 1987 nobel Prize in Chemistry, lectured on Supramolecular Engineering through Programmed Self-Organization. lehn, who http://www.ictp.trieste.it/~sci_info/News_from_ICTP/News_98/dateline.html
Extractions: Two Two French-born Nobel Laureates participated in the Adriatico Research Conference on Interaction and Assembly of Biomolecules that took place from 27-31 August. Pierre-Gilles de Gennes , who lectured on "Artificial Muscles," is a professor at the College de France in Paris. A 1991 recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics, he is known as the 'prophet of soft matter.' Jean-Marie Lehn , who was awarded the 1987 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, lectured on "Supramolecular Engineering through Programmed Self-Organization." Lehn, who teaches at the Universite Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg, France, received an honorary degree from the University of Trieste last May. Four Four Fields Medallists recently gave lectures at ICTP. Alain Connes Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques , Bures-sur-Yvette, France, who received the Fields Medal in 1982 for his contributions to the theory of operator algebras, spoke in March at the Workshop on Quantum Field Theory, Noncommutative Geometry and Quantum Probability. John Milnor, Jean-Christophe Yoccoz and Gregori Margulis
Boston Globe Online / Table Of Contents The three who were named recipients of the 1987 nobel Prize for chemistry J. Cramof the University of California at Los Angeles and jeanmarie lehn of the http://www.boston.com/globe/search/stories/nobel/1987/1987o.html
Extractions: How does the stomach take a tuna fish sandwich and start making it into bone, muscle and fingernails? How does the immune system recognize foreign bacteria and kick the body's defenses into action? Living things whether they are plants or animals, a single cell or an elephant depend on myriad subtle biochemical processes to maintain themselves. These processes, which are governed by large molecules or collections of atoms, have long fascinated scientists, said Julius Rebek, an organic chemist from the University of Pittsburgh. But, he said, it has been "hard to figure out how they operate because they are so complex." The three who were named recipients of the 1987 Nobel Prize for chemistry yesterday opened the door to understanding these processes, Rebek said, by creating much simpler artificial molecules in the laboratory that simulate or mimic reactions that take place in living systems. Rebek works in a closely related area of the field, which is called supramolecular chemistry.
Therascope jeanmarie lehn (Founder), Prof. JM lehn, nobel Prize Winner for Chemistry in 1987,researches and teaches at the University of Straßburg and the College de http://www.therascope.de/english/neues/neues50.htm
Extractions: THERASCOPE to develop a basis for new drug candidates Five top international scientists found biotechnology company in Heidelberg Prof. Dr. Jean Marie Lehn "The idea is not to try out various keys but to use the lock to make the key that fits". This is how Prof. Jean Marie Lehn describes the technology of THERASCOPE AG. The company celebrated its inauguration on 3rd July in the Old Auditorium of the University of Heidelberg. It will be located in the Heidelberg Technology Park. From left to right: Hans Peter Kneubuehl (CEO, Chairman of the Board of Therascope AG), Prof. Dr. Claude Nicolau (Founder), Dr. Wolfgang Stoiber (Partner, JSB Partners, Deputy Chairman), Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn (Founder), Prof. Dr. Ulrich Abshagen (Chief Executive Officer of Heidelberg Innovation GmbH and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of THERASCOPE), Prof. Dr. Karin Moelling (Founder), Prof. Dr. Roscoe Brady (Founder), Prof. Dr. Pierre Lehn (Founder). Foto: RNZ Prof. J.-M. Lehn, Nobel Prize Winner for Chemistry in 1987, researches and teaches at the University of Straßburg and the College de France, Paris. He is one of the five founding scientists of THERASCOPE AG, the others being Dr. Roscoe Brady of the National Institutes of Health, USA., Prof. Pierre Lehn from the Medical Faculty of the University of Paris, Prof. Karin Moelling, Director of the Institute for Medical Virology at the University of Zurich and Prof. Claude Nicolau of the Harvard Medical School, USA.
Pôles D'excellence Les Principaux Domaines Dexpertise En Translate this page Interface Chimie/ Biologie Institut de sciences et dingénierie supramoléculaires(ISIS) du Prof. jean-marie lehn (Prix nobel 1987). http://www.alsace-biovalley.com/biotech/recherche2.html
Les Visions Du Futur (Colloque Du 30 Novembre 1995) Translate this page Exposé introductif jean-marie lehn, Prix nobel de chimie, professeurau Collège de France. Table ronde n°1 L'homme, sa santé, son http://www.adminet.com/elus/visions/
Extractions: La confrontation entre les perspectives de la Science et la vision du monde politique peut permettre de mieux orienter l'action. En demandant aux hommes politiques, aux scientifiques et aux industriels leurs visions du futur, ce colloque est une occasion unique d'instaurer entre eux une concertation plus efficace. Ouverture des travaux Table ronde n°1
Zientzia Eta Teknologiaren Ataria Hitzaldi ona eta erraz emanda. Horrelakoa entzun ondoren norberak ondo ulertzendu Kimikako nobel Saria Jean Marie lehni 1987. urtean zergatik eman zioten. http://www.zientzia.net/artikulua.asp?Artik_kod=478
American Scientific Publishers very wide range of scientists. . Professor jeanmarie lehn, NobelPrize Laureate in Chemistry. The Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and http://www.aspbs.com/html/a1600enn.htm
Extractions: "The Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology is the world's first single most comprehensive reference source ever published in the field of nanotechnology. This encyclopedia is an indispensable source for any research professional as well as for technology investors and developers seeking up-to-date information on the nanotechnology among a wide range of disciplines from science to engineering to medicine. It should inspire future generations of academic and industrial researchers who endeavor to develop new nanoscale materials and devices." Professor Richard E. Smalley, Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry "In view of the great interest that Nanoscience and Nanotechnology are attracting, the rapid development they are experiencing and of the profound impact they will have, an Encyclopedia covering this field is most welcome. It should become a source of inspiration as well as of information for a very wide range of scientists."
Università Di Milano Bicocca - Corso Di Laurea In Scienza Dei Materiali Translate this page Questo non è il caso di Jean Marie lehn, studioso dell'Università di Strasburgo nel1987), in compartecipazione con altri due studiosi, il Premio nobel per la http://www2.mater.unimib.it/cdl/nobel/lehn.html
Extractions: Spesso, purtroppo, l'onore del Premio Nobel arriva solamente parecchi anni dopo le scoperte e gli studi che ne hanno giustificato l'assegnazione. E spesso il 'laureato' Nobel reca necessariamente con sé una età piuttosto veneranda. Questo non è il caso di Jean Marie Lehn, studioso dell'Università di Strasburgo, in Francia, che a metà dei suoi 40 anni ha ricevuto (siamo nel 1987), in compartecipazione con altri due studiosi, il Premio Nobel per la Chimica per lo sviluppo ed utilizzo di molecole con interazioni specifiche ad alta selettività. Cosa significa ciò e perché è così importante per il progresso umano e, come vedremo, anche per la Scienza dei Materiali? Il concetto è molto più semplice di quanto si possa immaginare. Come una chiave si inserisce in una, ed una sola, serratura, così molecole organiche si riconoscono, in maniera selettiva, e si 'incastrano' l'una nell'altra. Ma il risvolto importante non è nell'azione, ma nella causa. La chiave e la serratura da sole non hanno alcuna funzione. Servono entrambe, ma isolate sono totalmente inutili. Solo quando la chiave si inserisce nella serratura, la funzione di 'apertura della porta' viene eseguita. Cosi fanno le molecole quando si riconoscono in maniera selettiva: importanti funzioni, in tutti i campi della natura e della moderna tecnologia, vengono svolte. Lehn, Cram e Pedersen hanno ottenuto il prestigioso riconoscimento grazie ai loro studi pionieristici sui meccanismi che permettono alle molecole organiche di riconoscersi l'un l'altra. Il loro lavoro ha avuto, ha tuttora e, soprattutto, avrà nei decenni a venire, importantissime implicazioni in biologia, medicina e, non da ultimo, proprio nella Scienza dei Materiali.
Sandoz Lectures In Der NWF IV 1995 Translate this page für Studierende im Anschluß an einen spannen- den Vortrag mit einem nobel-Preisträgerdiskutieren zu können. Prof. Dr. Jean- Marie lehn, einer der drei http://www.uni-regensburg.de/Universitaet/RUZ/archiv/ruz-9503/sandoz95.htm
Extractions: Schon im Februar letzten Jahres (vgl. RUZ 2/94) hat Prof. Dr. D. Welzel, Mitglied der NWF IV der Universität Regensburg und Mitglied des Vorstands der Deutschen Sandoz AG, Nümberg, aus Mitteln der SANDOZ-STIFTUNG FÜR THERAPEUTISCHE FORSCHUNG für eine jährliche interdisziplinäre gemeinsame Vortragsveranstaltung der Fakultät mit drei namhaften nationalen und internationalen Wissenschaftlern einen Betrag von DM 12 000 ausgesetzt. Die Wahl der Preisträger, so die Intention der Stifter, erfolgt durch einen Beirat der NWF IV. Nach Möglichkeit sollen die Arbeiten der in einem Jahr ausgezeichneten Wissenschaftler in einem thematischen Zusammenhang stehen. Es wäre deshalb wünschenswert, daß die Preisträger in diesem "Symposium" Ihre wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsgebiete gemeinsam vorstellen und diese mit den Dozenten, insbesondere aber auch mit den Studierenden diskutieren. Spitzenforscher zum Anfassen Was 1994 verheißungsvoll begann, wurde in diesem Jahr mit der Vortragsreihe über "Supramolekulare Chemie" nicht weniger glanzvoll fortgesetzt. Als Preisträger zur Interdisziplinären Vortragsreihe der SANDOZ-STIFTUNG FÜR THERAPEUTISCHE FORSCHUNG waren eingeladen: Prof. Dr. James Frazer Stoddard von der University of Birmingham, Prof. Dr. D. Fenske, von der Universität Karlsruhe und Prof. Dr. Jean-Marie Lehn von der Universität Strasbourg, der sich 1987 den Nobelpreis für Chemie mit Charles Pedersen und Donald J. Cram teilen durfte.
Pagina Principal Lección 7 Translate this page Jean Marie lehn (1939- ) Químico francés, profesor de la Universidad Louis Pasteurde Compartió con Cram y Pedersen el premio nobel de Química de 1987. http://www.uam.es/departamentos/ciencias/qorg/docencia_red/qo/l7/pral.html
International Recognition Of Croatia, Nobel Prize An Appeal by 104 nobel Laureates. FOR PEACE IN CROATIA. Willis E. Lamb Jr., physics,1955; Yuan T. Lee, chemistry, 1986; JeanMarie lehn, chemistry, 1987; http://www.hr/darko/etf/nobel.html
Extractions: against the aggression on Croatia Many people throughout the world contributed to the international recognition of Croatia (January 15, 1992). We would like to present a list of 104 Nobel prize winners (in alphabetic order) who signed an appeal to stop the aggression of the Yugoslav Army on Croatia that started in 1991 (The New York Times, January 14th, 1992). We do this we the feeling of deepest gratitude. During the past several weeks the Yugoslav Army has escalated its war against Croatia. Dozens of villages have been razed. Many historical monuments have been destroyed. Several cities, including Croatia's capital of Zagreb, have been bombed. Over 2,000* people have been killed. The undeclared war has already produced more than 100,000* refugees. The violence and destruction unleashed in Croatia is on a scale unknown in Europe since the Second World War. Innocent civilians are massacred. Hospitals and places of worship are destroyed. Conscience demands that we raise our voices against this senseless war. We appeal to the Western and Eastern governments to stop the Yugoslav Army wanton destruction.
Federación Empresarial De La Industria Química Española - FEIQUE Translate this page Jean Marie lehn, Premio nobel de Química, y la Ministra de Ciencia y Tecnología,Anna Birulés, entre los firmantes del documento. 16 de abril de 2002. http://www.feique.org/index.php?p=art&num=36