Den Nya Tidens Genombrott 1877-1945 möte och universitetets återupprättande, hade Alfred nobel förlänats värdigheten ÖgonläkarenAllvar gullstrand, är kanske för nutiden den minst kände
Extractions: Frihetstiden och gustavianska tiden 1700-talet ... Historik Medel till universitetshuset, den byggnad, som ännu är vårt naturliga centrum, fick man av riksdagen vid 400-hundraårsjubileet 1877. Oscar II lade grundstenen på ruinerna av Stallgården sista april 1879 och 17 maj 1887 kunde man förrätta invigningen. Viss kritik riktades på sin tid mot det nya huset. Pressen skrev om "dåraktig lyx" och den danske radikalen Georg Brandes uttalade vid ett besök spydigheter om representationslokalerna, som han ansåg gav felaktiga signaler till studenterna.
PhysicsWeb - Quantum Theory And The Nobel Prize Lenard, Wilhelm Röntgen and Pieter Zeeman, all themselves nobel laureates In 1921Allvar gullstrand, professor of physical and physiological optics at Uppsala
Extractions: Prize and prejudices In 1933 the Nobel prizes seemed of little importance compared with the global economic depression and the rise to power of the Nazis, but many physicists still kept a watchful eye on Stockholm. Their bewilderment and chagrin over the most recent decisions by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences had fuelled anticipation. No prize had been awarded in physics since 1930, yet recent theoretical and experimental achievements had led to a revolutionary new quantum-mechanical depiction of the atom. Would the Academy finally acknowledge these accomplishments? When the Academy eventually announced its decision in November, the results pleased some, angered others and puzzled many. The prize reserved from 1932 went to Werner Heisenberg alone for "the creation of quantum mechanics, the application of which has
Extractions: HOME START Personen Biologie Links in dieser Kategorie: 4000 Years of Women in Science Adrian, Edgar Douglas Albertus Magnus Albertus Magnus References ... Aldrovandi, Ulisse Italian web page Alfred Wegener in Greenland original document written by one of the participants in Alfred Wegener's expedition to Greenland in 1930 Altmann, Sidney Autobiography Anfinsen, Christian B. Anning, Mary Arber, Werner Autobiography Arrhenius, Svante Axelrod, Julius Baltimore, David Banting, Frederick Grant ... Bishop, J. Michael Autobiography Black, James Autobiography Bloch, Konrad E. Blumberg, Baruch S. Autobiography Bordet, Jules Boveri, Theodor Bovet, Daniel Boyd-Orr of Brechin, John ... Cech, Thomas R. Autobiography Cesalpino, Andrea Italian web page Chain, Ernst Boris Claude, Albert Autobiography Cohen, Stanley Autobiography Cori, Gerty Theresa and Carl Ferdinand Cormack, Allan M. Cornforth, John Warcup Autobiography Cousteau, Jacques Crick, Francis Harry Compton Cuvier, Georges Dale, Henry Hallett ... Darwin, Charles Electronic Texts and Documents on Charles Darwin Dausset, Jean
The Nobel Prize Winners of the nobel Prize in Medicine 1901 Emil A. von Behring (18541917 1911 AllvarGullstrand (1862-1930) Swedish For his work on the dioptrics of the eye.
Extractions: Alfred Nobel was a Swedish chemist. He invented dynamite and became very rich. He gave more than 9 million dollars of his fortune to set up the Nobel prizes. Each year money from this fund goes to those who have most helped humanity. The Nobel Committee gives prizes for important work in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, peace, and economics. Prize winners receive a cash prize (currently $1 million), a gold medal (above) and a certificate (below).
What Is The Nobel Prize? Winners of the nobel Prize in Medicine Source Brown 1901 Emil A. von 1911 AllvarGullstrand (18621930) Swedish For his work on the dioptrics of the eye.
Extractions: Alfred Nobel was a Swedish chemist. He invented dynamite and became very wealthy. When he died he left more than nine million dollars of his fortune to set up the Nobel prizes. According to his will, of 1895, the income from this fund was to be allotted each year in five equal parts as prizes to those who had most helped humanity. The interest from the money provides annual prizes for the greatest services to humanity in science and literature, and for the most effective work to promote friendship between nations (the Peace Prize). The Nobel prizes were first awarded on 10 December 1901, the fifth anniversary of Nobel's death. Nobel experimented a lot with nitroglycerine by itself and mixed with gunpowder. He patented detonating charges and percussion caps in 1864. He used these as a primary charge to trigger an explosion. Nobel later used a special clay from northern Germany to stabilise the nitroglycerine. When tested with a percussion cap, the preparation exploded evenly although with less power than nitroglycerine alone. He called this mixture of nitroglycerine and clay "dynamite". Nobel developed other explosive substances. Blasting gelatine, another powerful explosive, was a solution of gun cotton in nitroglycerine. Guncotton is a preparation of nitric acid and cellulose invented by Christian Schonbein in Germany in 1845. This evolved into modern dynamite which is a mixture of nitroglycerine and guncotton, with some additional ingredients.
Nobel-díjasok - Egészségügy + Üzlet Tematikus Portál Élettani és orvosi nobeldíjasok. Magyar, illetve magyar származású nobel-díjasok.Név, Kategória, Év. Kiosztották az orvosi nobel-díjakat - 2002.
Extractions: Élettani és orvosi Nobel-díjasok Magyar, illetve magyar származású Nobel-díjasok Név Kategória Év Lénárd Fülöp fizikai Bárány Róbert orvosi Zsigmondy Richárd kémiai Szent-Györgyi Albert orvosi Hevesy György kémiai Békésy György orvosi Wigner Jenõ fizikai Gábor Dénes fizikai Wiesel, Elie béke Polanyi, John C. kémiai Oláh György kémiai Harsányi János közgazd. Kertész Imre irodalmi Szoborparkjuk ( link>> Sydney Brenner és John E. Sulston brit, valamint H. Robert Horovitz amerikai kutató nyerte az idei orvosi Nobel-díjat. Az indoklás szerint a kitüntetéssel a szervfejlõdés génszabályozásának és a programozott sejthalálnak a kutatásában elért eredményeiket ismerték el. link>> Magyar Hírlap 2001. október 8. (teljes cikk) ,,Orvosi Nobel-díj sejtkutatásért egy amerikainak, két britnek Az idei orvosi Nobel-díjat egy amerikai és két brit kutatónak, Leland H. Hartwellnek, R. Timothy Huntnek és Paul M. Nurse-nek ítélték oda sejtkutatásaikért, amelyek az indoklás szerint új lehetõségeket nyithatnak a rák elleni küzdelemben. A Nobel-díjakat hagyományosan december 10-én, a díjalapító Alfred Nobel halálának évfordulóján adják át. Az idei orvosi Nobel-díj értéke mintegy egymillió euró...''
The Nobel Prize The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
Premios Nobel Translate this page 1910- Albrecht Kossel (Alem.) investigaciones en química celular. 1911- AllvarGullstrand (Suec.) estudio de la dióptrica del ojo. nobel DE LA PAZ,