Scientists Receive Nobel Prize For Ozone Research Freemantle, Michael, nobel Chemistry Prize Winner Spurred by WideRanging Interests, Chemical Engineering News (26 February 1996). paul crutzen trained
Extractions: As some members of Congress raised questions about the scientific underpinnings of efforts to protect stratospheric ozone, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences made its own clear statement by its choice of winners of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. The Nobel Foundation's award this year went to three scientists whose findings advanced scientific understanding of stratospheric ozone depletion and helped justify government efforts to protect the ozone-layer. Paul Crutzen of the Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry (Mainz, Germany), Mario Molina of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Massachusetts) and F. Sherwood Rowland of the University of California at Irvine shared the $1 million dollar prize. "Thanks to our good scientific understanding of the ozone problem (and very largely to Crutzen, Molina and Rowland)," said the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, "it has been possible to make far-reaching decisions on prohibiting the release of gases that destroy ozone." The academy said the researchers "contributed to our salvation from a global environmental problem that could have catastrophic consequences."
Chemical & Engineering News Michael Freemantle. C EN London. When the 1995 nobel Prizes were announced lastOctober, paul J. crutzen was on vacation in Spain with his wife, Terttu.
Extractions: February 26, 1996 When the 1995 Nobel Prizes were announced last October, Paul J. Crutzen was on vacation in Spain with his wife, Terttu. So when journalists called at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz, Germany, where Crutzen is director of the Air Chemistry Division, they interviewed one of his senior colleagues instead. When informed that Crutzen had won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, the colleague replied: "What for?" Crutzen shared the 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with F. Sherwood Rowland, Bren Professor of Chemistry at the University of California, Irvine, and Mario J. Molina, Martin Professor of Environmental Science in the departments of chemistry and earth, atmospheric, and planetary sciences at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "Their work in atmospheric chemistry, particularly concerning the formation and decomposition of ozone," was cited by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. The academy is the body that decides on the chemistry awards. In last year's announcement, the academy referred to Crutzen's work, published in 1970, that showed that the nitrogen oxides NO and NO
Crutzen, Paul J. on December, 3, 1933, the son of Anna Gurk and Jozef crutzen. Her son Jamie paul is12 years old. present in Stockholm, Uppsala and Gavle during the nobel week
Extractions: Crutzen, Paul J. I was born in Amsterdam on December, 3, 1933, the son of Anna Gurk and Jozef Crutzen. I have one sister who still lives in Amsterdam with her family. My mother's parents moved to the industrial Ruhr region in Germany from East Prussia towards the end of the last century. They were of mixed German and Polish origin. In 1929 at the age of 17, my mother, moved to Amsterdam to work as a housekeeper. There she met my father. He came from Vaals, a little town in the southeastern corner of the Netherlands, Bordering Belgium and Germany and very close to the historical German city of Aachen. He died in 1977. He had relatives in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium. Thus, from both parents I inherited a cosmopolitan view of the world. My mother, now 84 years old, still lives in Amsterdam, mentally very alert, but since a few months ago, wheelchair-bound. Despite having worked in several countries outside The Netherlands since 1958, I have remained a Dutch citizen. With the exception of participation in a field campaign in northern Sweden, led by Dr. Georg Witt to measure the properties of noctilucent clouds, which appear during summer at about 85 km altitude in the coldest parts of atmosphere, and some programming work related to this, I was until about 1966 mainly involved in various meteorological projects, especially helping to build and run some of the first numerical (barotropic) weather prediction models. I also programmed a model of a tropical cyclone for a good friend, Hilding Sundquist, now a professor at MISU. At that time programming was a special art. Advanced general computer languages, such as Algol or Fortran, had not been developed, so that all programmes had to be written in specific machine code. One also had to make sure that all operations yielded numbers in the range -1
Nobel Laureates In Chemistry By Alphabetical Order Themes Science Chemistry About Chemistry Generalities nobel Laureates inChemistry by Alphabetical order. Name, Cram, Donald J. 1987. crutzen, paul, 1995.
ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF NOBEL PRIZE LAUREATES IN CHEMISTRY ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF nobel PRIZE LAUREATES IN CHEMISTRY. Name, Year Awarded.Alder, Kurt, 1950. Cram, Donald J. 1987. crutzen, paul, 1995. Curie, Marie, 1911.
Extractions: ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF NOBEL PRIZE LAUREATES IN CHEMISTRY Name Year Awarded Alder, Kurt Altman, Sidney Anfinsen, Christian B. Arrhenius, Svante August ... Zsigmondy, Richard Adolf ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF NOBEL PRIZE LAUREATES IN PHYSIOLOGY AND MEDICINE Name Year Awarded Adrian, Lord Edgar Douglas Arber, Werner Axelrod, Julius Baltimore, David ... Zinkernagel, Rolf M. Source: The Nobel Prize Internet Archive
NOBEL PRIZES nobel prize in chemistry; 1995 was presented by the Royal Swedish Academy of Thewinners include, paul crutzen from the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in
Nobel Prize Newsletter 06 recognised by my peers in the scientific community and to share the 1995 nobel Prizein Chemistry with my good friends and colleagues paul crutzen and Sherry
Extractions: Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen. My friends, Paul J. Crutzen and Mario Molina, and I are most grateful for the honours bestowed upon us today, for the Nobel Prize is the ultimate in recognition in the scientific world. It is immensely satisfying to us that our efforts to understand the chemistry of ozone in the atmosphere have been judged worthy of this honour. The atmosphere and its manifold changes have held fascination for men and women ever since human beings have trod this Earth. Its study played an integral role in the evolution of natural philosophy from which all of our present sciences have sprung. The scientific and technological developments of the past several decades, not available to our predecessors in past millennia, have provided the theories and tools which have now permitted us to develop a significant understanding of several atmospheric processes which affect the concentration of ozone in our stratosphere. F. Sherwood Rowland
Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: A-L (Chemistry) Calvin, Melvin (1961); crutzen, paul (1995) (nobel Foundation); Ernst,Richard (1991); Gilbert, Walter (1980); Grignard, François Auguste
Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Other (A-L) on LANGMUIR, IRVING; Calvin, Melvin (1961); Calvin, Melvin (1961); crutzen,paul (1995) (nobel Foundation); Ernst, Richard (1991); Gilbert
McGill Public And Media Media Releases nobel Laureate Dr paul crutzen to speak at McGill March 8.His research showed that the ozone layer is in peril.
McGill Public And Media Media Releases March 1, 2000 nobel Laureate Dr paul crutzen speaks at McGill nobel Laureate Drpaul crutzen to speak at McGill March 8. His research showed that the ozone
Nobel Prize In Chemistry 1995 Swedish Academy of Sciences The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided toaward the 1995 nobel Prize in Chemistry to Professor paul crutzen, MaxPlanck
Nobel Prize Winners For Chemistry hydrocarbon molecules. 1995, crutzen, paul, The Netherlands, explanationof processes that deplete Earth's ozone layer. Molina, Mario,
Extractions: Year Article Country* Achievement Hoff, Jacobus Henricus van't The Netherlands laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure Fischer, Emil Germany work on sugar and purine syntheses Arrhenius, Svante Sweden theory of electrolytic dissociation Ramsay, Sir William U.K. discovery of inert gas elements and their places in the periodic system Baeyer, Adolf von Germany work on organic dyes, hydroaromatic compounds Moissan, Henri France isolation of fluorine; introduction of Moissan furnace Buchner, Eduard Germany discovery of noncellular fermentation Rutherford, Ernest U.K. investigations into the disintegration of elements and the chemistry of radioactive substances Ostwald, Wilhelm Germany pioneer work on catalysis, chemical equilibrium, and reaction velocities Wallach, Otto Germany pioneer work in alicyclic combinations Curie, Marie France discovery of radium and polonium; isolation of radium Grignard, Victor France discovery of the Grignard reagents Sabatier, Paul France method of hydrogenating organic compounds Werner, Alfred
Nobel Prize Winners For 1991-Present Gproteins, 1995, chemistry, crutzen, paul, The Netherlands, explanationof processes that deplete Earth's ozone layer, chemistry, Molina
Paul Crutzen Donnera Une Communication à McGill Translate this page Lauréat du prix nobel, M. paul crutzen donnera une communication àl'Université McGill le 8 mars. Ses travaux ont révélé que
NZZ Format: Hitparaden, Preisträger Und Ihre Macher 1. Nobelpreisträger Und Translate this page 11.40 Wieweit paul crutzen bei seinen Erkenntnissen von einem treuen Weggefährtenunterstützt wurde, ist übrigens vom nobel-Komitee nicht abgeklärt worden
Extractions: Als die Mitteilung kam, dass ich den Nobelpreis mit meinen Kollegen bekommen haben - wir waren auf Urlaub in Spanien -, das war ein absoluter Schock für mich. Meine Frau hat die Mitteilung zuerst gelesen, und als sie es mir sagte, ich wurde total "verstarrt" und total blass - sagte sie -, und ich muss sagen, ich war einige Tagen aus dem Rhythmus. Natürlich will ich damit nicht sagen, ich möchte den Preis nicht haben, ich bin sehr glücklich damit, aber die ersten Momente waren eigentlich eher Schock als grosses Glück und Freude.
Pipacs - Interjú Paul Crutzen-nel téli nyár. A közelmúltban Budapesten járt egy konferencián PaulJosef crutzen, nobeldíjas professzor. A klímaváltozás
Extractions: A globális felmelegedés hatásaival nap mint nap szembesülhetünk még a szélsõséges idõjárási viszonyoktól csaknem mentes Kárpát-medencében élve is. Aszály és áradások, megzavarodott évszakhatárok; csak néhány napja ért véget a téli nyár. A közelmúltban Budapesten járt egy konferencián Paul Josef Crutzen, Nobel-díjas professzor. A klímaváltozás szaktekintélyével ekkor készített interjút a Pipacs. A meteorológus Crutzen 1995-ben Mario Molinával és F. Sherwood Rowland-del közösen kapta meg a kémiai Nobel-díjat, a légköri ózon keletkezésének és bomlásának vizsgálatában elért eredményeiért. Paul J. Crutzen már a 70-es évek végén felhívta a figyelmet arra, hogy a sztratoszféra ózonrétegének elbomlásában az emberi tevékenység is szerepet játszik. A professzor által meghirdetett plenáris elõadás kissé késve kezdõdött, mivel Crutzen elfelejtette annak idõpontját, és még vissza kellett mennie a szállodájába a diaképekért, de ezután lebilincselõen érdekes stílusban tartotta meg ismertetõjét az ózonlyukról. Paul J. Crutzen egyáltalán nem tûnt zöld fundamentalistának, annak ellenére, hogy saját bevallása szerint nincs személyautója. Olyan tudós, aki közérthetõ nyelven szól az emberekhez. Már 1985-ben bebizonyította, hogy a klór-fluoro-karbonok (CFC-k) a fõ ózonpusztítók. Cruzten Németországban él, egy kis egyetemi városban Mainz mellett. Ennek ellenére alapvetõen kozmopolitának tartja magát. Talán éppen ez a szemlélet segítette abban, hogy egy olyan igazán nemzetközi ügynek szentelje magát, mint a földi éghajlat problémája.
The Nobel Prize In Chemistry 1995 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the 1995 nobel Prizein Chemistry to. Professor paul crutzen, MaxPlanck-Institute for Chemistry
Extractions: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Professor Paul Crutzen , Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany (Dutch citizen), Professor Mario Molina , Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences and Department of Chemistry, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA and Professor F. Sherwood Rowland , Department of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA for their work in atmospheric chemistry, particularly concerning the formation and decomposition of ozone. Professor Paul Crutzen Professor Mario Molina Professor F. Sherwood Rowland The ozone layer - the Achilles heel of the biosphere The atmosphere surrounding the earth contains small quantities of ozone - a gas with molecules consisting of three oxygen atoms (O ). If all the ozone in the atmosphere were compressed to a pressure corresponding to that at the earth's surface, the layer would be only 3 mm thick. But even though ozone occurs in such small quantities, it plays an exceptionally fundamental part in life on earth. This is because ozone, together with ordinary molecular oxygen (O ), is able to absorb the major part of the sun's ultra-violet radiation and therefore prevent this dangerous radiation from reaching the surface. Without a protective ozone layer in the atmosphere, animals and plants could not exist, at least upon land. It is therefore of the greatest importance to understand the processes that regulate the atmosphere's ozone content.