- Amnesty International Handbook 1992
- Voices for Freedom by Amnesty International, 1986-12
- Menschenrechtspolitik von oben und von unten: Formen und Perspektiven der Menschenrechtsarbeit durch eine IGO und eine NGO am Beispiel der UNO und amnesty international (German Edition) by Jeanette Neij, 1997-01-01
- Amnesty International Report, 1986 by Amnesty International, 1986-09
- Amnesty in International Law by Ben Chigara, 2002-03
- Peter Benenson: Taking a Stand Against Injustice Amnesty International (People Who Have Helped the World) by David Winner, 1992-02
- Amnesty for Crime in International Law and Practice by Andreas O'Shea, 2002-02-13
- The poison river; foreword by Southeast Asia Coordination Group, Amnesty International, USA. by Steve, with Mal Karman Raymond, 1995
- Political Imprisonment in the People's Republic of China: An Amnesty International Report by Unnamed Unnamed, 1978
- Amnesty International Report 2000 (Amnesty International (Paper), 2000)
- Forbidden Films: The Filmmaker and Human Rights in Aid of Amnesty International, Toronto, October 18-28, 1984 by Marc Glassman, 1984-12
- Amnesty International gegen Folter: Eine kritische Bilanz (Beitrage zur Politikwissenschaft) (German Edition) by Uta Devries, 1998
- Amnesty International by Marsha Bronson, Joseph G. Oberle, 1994-06
- Amnesty international by Reg Grant, 2002-09-25