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         Von Helmholtz Hermann:     more books (100)
  1. Populäre Wissenschaftliche Vorträge, Volumes 1-3 (German Edition) by Hermann Von Helmholtz, 2010-01-12
  2. Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Volume 3 (German Edition) by Hermann Von Helmholtz, 2010-05-12
  3. Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Volume 1 (German Edition) by Hermann Von Helmholtz, 2010-06-09
  4. Beiträge Zur Psychologie U. Physiologie Der Sinnesorgane (German Edition) by William T. Preyer, Hermann Von Helmholtz, 2010-01-12
  5. Wahrheitsgewissheitsverlust: Hermann von Helmholtz' Mechanismus im Aufbruch der Moderne : eine Studie zum Ubergang von klassischer zu moderner Naturphilosophie ... Hochschule Darmstadt) (German Edition) by Gregor Schiemann, 1997
  6. Letters of Hermann Von Helmholtz to His Patents : The Medical Education of a German Scientist
  7. Goethes Tragweite in der Naturwissenschaft: Hermann von Helmholtz, Ernst Haeckel, Werner Heisenberg, Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker (German Edition) by Maren Partenheimer, 1989
  8. Beiträge Zur Psychologie Und Physiologie Der Sinnesorgane: Hermann Von Helmholtz Als Festgruss Zu Seinem Siebzigsten Geburtstag (German Edition) by Anonymous, 2010-02-24
  9. Hermann Von Helmholtz, Volume 2 (German Edition) by Leo Koenigsberger, 2010-03-21
  10. Beitrage Zur Psychologie Und Physiologie Der Sinnesorgane: Hermann Von Helmholtz Als Festgruss Zu Seinem Siebzigsten Geburtstag (1891) (German Edition) by Hermann Von Helmholtz, E. Javai, et all 2010-09-10
  11. Hermann Von Helmholtz, Volume 1 (German Edition) by Leo Koenigsberger, 2010-02-14
  12. Hermann Von Helmholtz, Volume 3 (German Edition) by Leo Koenigsberger, 2010-02-23
  13. Hermann von Helmholtz by Leo Koenigsberger, 1965
  14. Hermann von Helmholtz: Vortrage eines Heidelberger Symposiums anlasslich des einhundertsten Todestages (Neuere Medizin- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte) (German Edition)

21. Helmholtz, Hermann Von (1821-1894) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific
helmholtz, hermann von (18211894), German physicist who first extendedJoule's results to a general principle. He expressed the

Branch of Science
Physicists Nationality German
Helmholtz, Hermann von (1821-1894)

German physicist who first extended Joule's results to a general principle. He expressed the relationship between mechanics heat light electricity and magnetism by treating them all as manifestations of a single force He presented a mathematical proof for his Law of Conservation of Force in 1847). Helmholtz's use of the word "force" corresponds to what later became known as energy so his law actually amounted to a statement of the Law of conservation of energy Helmholtz sought to synthesize Maxwell's electromagnetic theory of light with the central force theorem. To accomplish this, he formulated an electrodynamic theory of action at a distance in which electric and magnetic forces were propagated instantaneously. He attempted to demonstrate that body heat and muscular action of animals could be produced by the oxidation of foodstuffs.
Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews)
References Helmholtz, H. von. Tonempfindungen.

22. Wahlbekanntmachung Zur Wahl Des Zentrumsrats Des Hermann Von Helmholtz-Zentrums
Translate this page Zentraler Wahlvorstand, Tel. 2093 2201. PA 16, 7. März 2002. WahlbekanntmachungZur Wahl des Zentrumsrats des hermann von helmholtz-Zentrums für Kulturtechnik.
Zentraler Wahlvorstand Tel.: 2093 2201 PA 16
Zur Wahl des Zentrumsrats
  • - 3 Professorinnen/Professoren
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    3. Matrikelnummer und Semesterzahl 4. Adresse/Telefonnummer.
  • Volker Strehlow Vorsitzender des Zentralen Wahlvorstandes Fristen: 15. April 2002 29. April 2002, 15.00 Uhr 30. April 2002 03. Mai 2002, 15.00 Uhr 13. bis 27. Mai 2002 Einspruchsfrist gegen Eintragungen 27. Mai 2002, 15.00 Uhr 01. Juni 2002, 15.00 Uhr Beantragung Briefwahlunterlagen bis: 27. Mai 2002, 15.00 Uhr Versendung der Briefwahlunterlagen durch den: 01. Juni 2002 Wahl: 10. und 11. Juni 2002 Voraussichtliche Bekanntgabe des wird gesondert bekannt gegeben Einspruchsfrist gegen die Wahl bis: wird gesondert bekannt gegeben Bekanntgabe amtl. Wahlergebnis: wird gesondert bekannt gegeben

    23. MITECS: Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand Von
    (1906). hermann von helmholtz. Oxford Oxford University Press. Dover reprint,1965. M'Kendrick, John. (1899). hermann von helmholtz. London Fisher Unwin .
    Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von
    Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz (1821-1894) was born on August 31, 1821, in Potsdam. His father, Ferdinand Helmholtz, was a respected teacher of philology and philosophy at the gymnasium. His mother was the daughter of a Hanoverian artillery officer with the surname Penne, descended from the Quaker William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania.
    See also
    Additional links
    Richard L. Gregory
    Helmholtz, H. von. (1866). Treatise on Physiological Optics. vol. 3. 3rd ed. Trans. by J. P. C. Southall. New York: Opt. Soc. Amer., 1924. Dover reprint, 1962. Helmholtz, H. von. (1881). Popular Lectures. London: Longmans Green. Dover reprint, 1962. Koenigsberger, Leo. (1906). Hermann von Helmholtz. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Dover reprint, 1965. M'Kendrick, John. (1899). Hermann von Helmholtz.

    24. Hermann Von Helmholtz
    Translate this page hermann von helmholtz (1821-1894). Pionier auf dem Gebiet der Sinnesphysiologie.Geboren am 31. August 1821 in Potsdam als Sohn eines
    Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894)
    Pionier auf dem Gebiet der Sinnesphysiologie
    Geboren am 31. August 1821 in Potsdam als Sohn eines Gymnasial-Oberlehrers
    Gestorben am 8. September 1894 in Berlin
    Alexander von Humboldt

    Seit dem Sommer 1848 unterrichtete er Anatomie an der Berliner Kunstakademie und arbeitete er als Assistent Humboldt

    25. Hermann Von Helmholtz-Zentrum Für Kulturtechnik
    Translate this page Pressespiegel. Intern. Team. Impressum. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Hermannvon helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin.
    Zentrum Lehre Veranstaltungen Schwarzes Brett ... Impressum
    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Hermann von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik
    Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin

    26. Hermann Von Helmholtz-Zentrum Für Kulturtechnik
    Translate this page In Zusammenarbeit mit der hermann von helmholtz-Gemeinschaft DeutscherForschungszentren. Mit freundlicher Unterstützung. Humboldt
    Startseite Aktuell Archiv Mailinglisten ... Pressespiegel
    Wie kaum ein anderer Wissenschaftler seiner Zeit hat Hermann von Helmholtz
    In Zusammenarbeit mit der Hermann von Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren.
    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Hermann von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik
    Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin

    27. Helmholtz, Hermann Von: Helmholtz's Treatise On Physiological Optics
    helmholtz, hermann von helmholtz's Treatise on Physiological Optics. Editedby Nicholas Wade. Translated by James PC Southall.
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    Helmholtz, Hermann von Helmholtz's Treatise on Physiological Optics . Edited by Nicholas Wade. Translated by James P. C. Southall. Distributed for the Thoemmes Press. 1924-1925 Edition. 1955 p., 3 Volumes. 1924-1925 , 2000 Cloth CUSA $385.00tx 1-85506-831-1 'The Treatise is the foundation work of visual perception and has been unavailable for many years in English. It is a tribute to the imaginative initiative of Thoemmes Press to undertake this major enterprise. It will be greatly appreciated by a wide range of scholars. The choice of Professor Nick Wade for the new Introduction could not be bettered. His knowledge of the history of the subject, together with his grasp of present ideas and discoveries, make this a definitive work to admire and inspire us today. Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz would be delighted.' Emeritus Professor Richard L. Gregory The Treatise on Physiological Optics is one of the best books on this topic ever written and even now, after almost 150 years, it is still unwise to be or become a vision scientist without having read this book. Written by the Newton of vision science the book is as complete a foundation for this field as one might desire. This influential landmark publication is simply indispensable for any modern vision scientist and will remain the classic work for centuries to come.' Professor Wim A. van de Grind

    28. Helmholtz, Hermann Von: Science And Culture
    hermann von helmholtz was a leading figure of nineteenthcentury European intellectuallife, remarkable even among the many scientists of the period for the
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    Helmholtz, Hermann von Science and Culture Popular and Philosophical Essays . Edited and with an Introduction by David Cahan. xviii, 418 p., 71 engravings. 1995 Cloth $55.00tx 0-226-32658-6 Spring 1995
    Paper $19.00tx 0-226-32659-4 Spring 1995 Hermann von Helmholtz was a leading figure of nineteenth-century European intellectual life, remarkable even among the many scientists of the period for the range and depth of his interests. A pioneer of physiology and physics, he was also deeply concerned with the implications of science for philosophy and culture. From the 1850s to the 1890s, Helmholtz delivered more than two dozen popular lectures, seeking to educate the public and to enlighten the leaders of European society and governments about the potential benefits of science and technology to a developing modern society. David Cahan has selected fifteen of these lectures, which reflect the wide range of topics of crucial importance to Helmholtz and his audiences. Among the subjects discussed are the origins of the planetary system, the relation of natural science to science in general, the aims and progress of the physical sciences, the problems of perception, and academic freedom in German universities. This collection also includes Helmholtz's fascinating lectures on the relation of optics to painting and the physiological causes of harmony in music, which provide insight into the relations between science and aesthetics.

    29. Hermann Von Helmholtz
    Translate this page hermann von helmholtz. Navigation hermann von helmholtz (1821-1894) beherrschtedie Naturwissenschaft seiner Zeit — in doppelter Hinsicht.!20HELD.HTM
    Hermann von Helmholtz Navigation: rot (Navigator) oder bold (Explorer) Illustrationen blau Datierung: Herkunft: Deutschland Grundfarben: Form: Modifizierte Form des Dreiecks Anwendung: Farbmetrik Referenzsysteme: Newton Hayter Field Maxwell ... Astrologische Verbindungen Kurzbeschreibung: Helmholtz schlug allerdings eine Abweichung von der bei Maxwell zu findenden gleichseitigen Konstruktion Literatur: Newton in seinem Spektrum Helmholtz vertrat in Anlehnung an Thomas Young eine Dreifarbenlehre Maxwells Dreieck Newtons Kreis Spektralfarben auf einer gebogenen Linie anzuordnen Einer zweiten Konstruktion von Helmholtz liegt Newtons Kreis CIE-System Thomas Young zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts geschwankt hatte. Das Dreieck Maxwells Dreieck seine Konstruktion Maxwells Dreieck

    30. Hermann Von Helmholtz
    yxcycycy ydxy xvyxcc xv xv xv xv xv xv xv yv xycv yxycyy yxc yxyxc yxc yxcyxc yxc yxc yxc yc yxc y. hermann von helmholtz.
    yxcycycy ydxy xvyxcc xv xv xv xv xv xv xv yv xycv yxycyy yxc yx yxc yxc yxcyxc yxc yxc yxc yc yxc y Hermann von Helmholtz

    31. Hermann Von Helmholtz
    Translate this page hermann von helmholtz (1821-1894). deutscher Mediziner. hermann vonhelmholtz wurde am 31. August 1821 in Potsdam geboren.
    Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894)
    deutscher Mediziner
    Hermann von Helmholtz wurde am 31. August 1821 in Potsdam geboren. Nach dem Abitur studierte Helmholtz ab 1838 Medizin am Friedrich-Wilhelm-Institut für Medizin in Berlin und promovierte 1842. Die im Medizinstudium erworbene naturwissenschaftliche Grundausbildung bei so berühmten Lehrern wie dem Physiker Gustav Magnus Am 8. September 1894 verstarb Hermann von Helmholtz in Berlin - Charlottenburg.
    © 2000 by Sepp Kressierer (

    32. WileyEurope :: Hermann Von Helmholtz
    WileyEurope, hermann von helmholtz by Helmut Rechenberg, JürgenBortfeldt (Series Editor), Wolfgang Hauser (Series Editor).,,3527292764|desc|2573,00.html
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    Atocha (Hardcover) Jedwin Smith The Inextinguishable Symphony: A True Story of Music and Love in Nazi Germany, Symphony 10-Pack (Paperback) Martin Goldsmith Great Feuds in History: Ten of the Liveliest Disputes Ever (Paperback) Colin Evans Columbus in the Americas (Hardcover) William Least Heat-Moon General History Hermann von Helmholtz ISBN: 3-527-29276-4 Hardcover 344 Pages September 1994 Add to Cart Description Printer-ready version of this page E-mail a friend about this product by

    33. WileyEurope :: Hermann Von Helmholtz
    Translate this page WileyEurope, hermann von helmholtz by Helmut Rechenberg, Jürgen Bortfeldt(Series Editor), Wolfgang Hauser (Series Editor). General History,,,3527292764|print|2573,00.html
    General History Hermann von Helmholtz
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    34. Helmholtz
    hermann von helmholtz graduated from the Medical Institute in Berlin in 1843 andwas assigned to a military regiment at Potsdam, but spent all his spare time
    Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz
    Born: 31 Aug 1821 in Potsdam, Germany
    Died: 8 Sept 1894 in Berlin, Germany
    Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous ( Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Hermann von Helmholtz graduated from the Medical Institute in Berlin in 1843 and was assigned to a military regiment at Potsdam, but spent all his spare time doing research. In 1858 he became professor of anatomy and physiology at Bonn, then in 1871, professor of physics at Berlin. His most important work was in mathematical physics and acoustics where his major study of 1863 was interested in musical theory and the perception of sound. In mathematical appendices he advocated the use of Fourier series. He published an important paper on the first law of thermodynamics in 1842. Helmholtz investigated the properties of non-Euclidean space and showed that these could be worked with as easily as the geometry of three dimensions. References (7 books/articles) Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous ( Alphabetically) Next Welcome page History Topics Index Famous curves index ... Search Suggestions JOC/EFR December 1996

    35. Hermann Helmholtz
    hermann von helmholtz (182194), a German physicist, physiologist, and mathematician,made fundamental contributions to the physiology of the senses of sight
    Hermann Helmholtz
    Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von One of the 19th century's greatest scientists, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz (1821-1894), made important discoveries in physiology, optics, electrodynamics, mathematics, and meteorology. Although he was primarily interested in physics, he entered the Friedrich Wilhelm Medical Institute in Berlin because the state subsidized medical, but not purely scientific, education. Upon his graduation in 1842, he joined a military regiment at Potsdam. In 1858 he became a professor of anatomy and physiology at the University of Bonn. As his scientific interests changed, he became professor of physics at the University of Berlin in 1871 and the first director of the Physico-Technical Institute of Berlin in 1888. Helmholtz rejected the then-prevalent German concept that life processes involve nonphysical vital forces. He and several other associates, particularly Emil duBois-Reymond and Karl Ludwig, formed the so-called 1847, or mechanistic, school of physiology, which attempted to explain physiological phenomena in terms of physics and chemistry. In a series of papers published between 1843 and 1847, Helmholtz applied these principles to animal heat and muscle contraction. This application led to his classic paper, "On the Conservation of Energy" (1847), in which he outlined the philosophical and physical basis of the law of the conservation of energy (enunciated by several other investigators working independently at about the same time).

    36. - Asociación Hermann Von Helmholtz De Centros De Investigaci�
    Translate this page hermann von helmholtz (1821-1894) Erudito universal (Medicina, Física,Matemáticas, Música, Filosofía). Asociación hermann

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    Sociedad Fraunhofer para el Fomento de la Investigación Aplicada

    Asociación Hermann von Helmholtz de Centros de Investigación
    Sociedad Max Planck para el Fomento de las Ciencias

    Agrupación Científica Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

    Centros de investigación interdisciplinaria
    Academias Científicas ... Tour promocional Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894) Erudito universal (Medicina, Física, Matemáticas, Música, Filosofía). Asociación Hermann von Helmholtz de Centros de Investigación La Asociación Hermann von Helmholtz de Centros de Investigación es una agrupación de 15 grandes instituciones de investigación integrado entre otros por el Centro de Investigación Jülich y el Centro Alemán de Investigación Aeronáutica y Aeroespacial (DLR). En los proyectos técnicos y de ciencias naturales así como médico-biológicos de los centros Helmholtz se lleva a cabo investigación básica y preventiva así como desarrollo tecnológico en el sector pre-industrial. Los centros Helmholtz colaboran con las universidades en la investigación y la formación. Con financiación estatal pero independiente desde el punto de vista científico, la asociación Hermann von Helmholtz persigue los objetivos de investigación del estado a largo plazo. Los aspectos centrales de su investigación son los siguientes: - estructura de la materia - tierra y medioambiente - tráfico y espacio - salud - energía - tecnologías clave

    37. - Hermann Von Helmholtz Association Of National Research Centr
    hermann von helmholtz (18211894) Universally educated (medicine, physics,math, music, philosophy); founder of scientific meteorology,

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    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Association

    Helmholtz Association
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    Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
    Federal and State Research Institutes ... Promotion tour Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894) Universally educated (medicine, physics, math, music, philosophy); founder of scientific meteorology Hermann von Helmholtz Association of National Research Centres The Hermann von Helmholtz Association of National Research Centres is the union of 15 major non-university affiliated research institutions such as the Research Centre Jülich (FZJ), the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg and the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The Helmholtz centres do basic and preventive research as well as technical development for industry in natural science/technical as well as biological/medical fields. The Helmholtz centres have partnerships with universities for both research and for training. The centres are publicly funded, but scientifically independent and pursue the state's long-term research goals. Their research emphasizes - Structure of matter - Earth and environment - Transport and Space - Health - Energy - Key Technologies The organization promotes the exchange of experience and information among its members and coordinates their research and development work. The research centres focus on complex scientific/technological tasks and develop systems solutions. The association also operates major scientific instruments and installations.

    38. Hermann Von Helmholtz In Heidelberg (1858-1871) - Medizinische Fakultät Heidelb
    Translate this page hermann von helmholtz in Heidelberg (1858-1871). Wolfgang U. Eckart. Cahan, David(Hg.), hermann von helmholtz and the Foundation of Nineteenth Century Science.
    Von der physikalischen Physiologie zur mathematischen Physik Hermann von Helmholtz in Heidelberg (1858-1871) Wolfgang U. Eckart Summary The paper describes Helmholtz' time in Heidelberg and his way from physiology to physics. Special emphasis is laid on his scientific research activities, and on his epistemological attitudes between 1858 and 1871; his role as president of the Heidelberg Naturhistorisch Medizinischer Verein Verhandlungen des naturhistorisch-medizinischen Vereins zu Heidelberg Einleitung Von Bonn nach Heidelberg Forschungen in Heidelberg Die Heidelberger Mitarbeiter Zuruck
    Prof. Dr. Wolfgang U. Eckart
    Tel. 06221 548212, Fax 545457
    Literatur Borscheid, Peter : Naturwissenschaft, Staat und Industrie in Baden (1848-1914) (Industrielle Welt, Bd. 17). Stuttgart 1976/77. Bringmann, Wolfgang G. / Cotrell, David (1976), S. 79-88. Cahan, David (Hg.) , Hermann von Helmholtz and the Foundation of Nineteenth Century Science. Univ. of California Press, Berkeley 1993. Cahan, David (Hg.)

    39. Koenigsberger’s Life Of Hermann Von Helmholtz
    Koenigsberger’s Life of hermann von helmholtz. Koenigsbergers Lebendes hermann von helmholtz Leo Koenigsberger 3 Volumes. ‘This
    Koenigsberger’s Life of Hermann von Helmholtz
    Koenigsbergers Leben des Hermann von Helmholtz
    Leo Koenigsberger
    3 Volumes
    ‘[This reprinting is] most welcome. Even German readers have often to rely on the microform version of Koenigsberger which is part of the Landmark of Science collection. A book reprint will be much more useful. And since there is no biographical account of Helmholtz up until today, Koenigsberger remains the most important source….’ – Dr. Henning Schmidgen, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz (1821–94) had a huge influence on German science during the mid nineteenth century, bringing it to the forefront of world attention. He was a physicist and psychologist who made seminal contributions in both fields. His Treatise on Physiological Optics (reprinted last year by Thoemmes Press) transformed the study of vision by integrating its physical and psychological dimensions. Helmholtz explained the mechanism of ‘accommodation’, invented the ophthalmoscope, and revived the three-colour theory of vision first proposed in 1801 by Thomas Young. He also invented the telestereoscope, produced some novel visual illusions, and argued for the involvement of knowledge in perception. Helmholtz was an inspiration to many others – notably his student Heinrich Hertz, the discoverer of radio waves. Leo Koenigsberger’s three-volume Hermann von Helmholtz (1902–1903) is one of the great scientific biographies of the early twentieth century. Exhaustive and scholarly, it contains a wealth of detail about Helmholtz’s personal and professional life. The books are illustrated with remarkable portraits, and a facsimile of a handwritten letter from Helmholtz to his father is included in an appendix. Koenigsberger’s work remains the standard life of Helmholtz to this day. It has never been fully translated into English, and even in the original German it is scarce. At a time when interest in the life and work of Helmholtz is increasing across the world, Thoemmes Press is pleased to be able to make this vital source more widely available.

    40. Helmholtz's Treatise On Physiological Optics
    der Kraft', in D. Cahan, (ed.), hermann von helmholtz and the Foundations of NineteenthCenturyScience (Berkeley University of California Press, 1993), pp.
    Helmholtz's Treatise on Physiological Optics
    Bevilacqua, Fabio, 'Helmholtz's Ueber die Erhaltung der Kraft', in
    D. Cahan, (ed.), Hermann von Helmholtz and the Foundations of Nineteenth-Century Science Boring, Edwin G., Sensation and Perception in the History of Experimental Psychology (New York: Appleton-Century, 1942). Brewster, David, A Treatise on Optics Cahan, David (ed.), Hermann von Helmholtz and the Foundations of Nineteenth-Century Science (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993). Oeuvres de Descartes Hatfield, Gary, The Natural and the Normative: Theories of Spatial Perception from Kant to Helmholtz (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1990). Helmholtz, Hermann, (Braunschweig: Vieweg, 1863). Handbuch der Physiologischen Optik , in G. Karsten (ed.), , vol. 9 (Leipzig: Voss, 1867). Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects , First series, trans. E. Atkinson (London: Longmans, Green, 1873).

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