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Riesz Marcel: more detail | ||||||
41. Springer NY Collected Papers marcel riesz (18861969) was the younger of the famed pair of mathematicians andbrothers. Although Hungarian he spent most of his professional life in Sweden. http://www.springer-ny.com/staticpages/0387181156.htm |
42. Analisi Combinatoria, Teoria Della Rappresentazione E Teoria Degli Invarianti. Translate this page Adriano ricordava spesso e volentieri due dei suoi maestri provenienti dallastessa grande scuola tedesca di analisti Karl Loewener e marcel riesz. http://space.tin.it/scuola/vdepetr/Text04.htm | |
43. Jewish Mathematicians riesz 15; marcel riesz; HerbertRobbins; Abraham Robinson; Jakob Rosanes; Johann Rosenhain; Klaus http://www.jinfo.org/Mathematics_Comp.html | |
44. Compute for riesz Projection. The classical marcel riesz inequality was announcedin 1924 in Comptes Rendus de LAcademie des Sciences. http://www.math.missouri.edu/~news/issue4/compute.html | |
45. Bd30.html Ridderstolpe, Carl Johan, 171885, 184 Ridderstolpe, Fredrik W, 1730-1816, 186* Rieck-Müller,S Maria P, 1863-1955, 187 riesz, marcel, 1886-1969, 189 Rietz, A http://home.swipnet.se/sbl/bd30.html | |
46. [Musica-l] Interju Marcel Peres-vel Musical Interju marcel Peres-vel. Ferenc riesz musica-l@calypso.tbsz.sulinet.huMon, 10 Sep 2001 085955 +0200 Previous message http://calypso.tbsz.sulinet.hu/pipermail/musica-l/2001-September/001849.html | |
47. AAS Database - Browse - List 2, Riesel, Hans. 1, Riesenfeld, Richard F. 2, Riess, Ilan. 1, Riess, R. Dean (RonaldDean), 1940. 1, riesz, F. 2, riesz, Frigyes. 2, riesz, marcel. 1, Riethmuller,ML. http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/ATA/AAS/AAS/SCAN-F/2037736 | |
48. 1880_1889 Index Kaluza (18851955) Weyl (1886-1965) Watson (1886-1975) Taylor, Geoffrey (1886-1939)Leshniewski (1886-1971) Lévy, Paul (1886-1969) riesz, marcel (1886-1982 http://www.math.hcmuns.edu.vn/~algebra/history/history/Indexes/1880_1889.html |
49. Ptmat.lmc.fc.ul.pt/~portmath/V/Volume24 GOMES, RUY LUIS and CARDOSO, FERNANDO Une nouvelle demonstration d'une generalisationdu theoreme de representation de riesz. GUILLAUME, marcel et COSTA http://ptmat.lmc.fc.ul.pt/~portmath/V/Volume24 |
50. Archival Material Related To J. L. W. V. Jensen Jensen is mentioned in the correspondence between marcel riesz and GHHardy in the marcel riesz papers at the Lund University Library. http://www.math.ku.dk/ths/jensen_j_l_w_v/archival.htm | |
51. Børge Jessen Papers, First Part Translate this page (and folder title), Number, Period, Number, Period, riesz, marcel, 11, 1935-51-?2, 1947-51, Swedish, Danish. Rosenthal, Arthur, 4, 1930-48, 1, 1948, German,English. http://www.math.ku.dk/arkivet/jessen/bjpap1.htm | |
52. Www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/98/musings J. (18581925~) Devries, Jan (*fl 1941*?) Martin, Robert S. last paper 1941 (*fl1919*?) Gateaux, R. (1880-1956) riesz or is it riesz, marcel (1886-1969 http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/98/musings | |
53. Citation Sem. Rep. 6 (2) (1964) 6987. 6 6 SE Trione, On marcel riesz's ultrahyperbolickernel, Trabajos de Matematica, 1987, p. 116, preprint. INDEX TERMS. http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=604705&coll=portal&dl=ACM&CFID=11111111&CF |
54. SCIENTIFIC REFERENCES 1953). riesz 1958 riesz, marcel, Clifford numbers and spinors chapters14 , lecture series 38, Univ. of Maryland (1958). Roos http://graham.main.nc.us/~bhammel/FCCR/refs.html | |
55. Collected Works In Mathematics And Statistics Frigyes riesz, marcel riesz, Abraham Robinson, Julia Robinson, GianCarlo Rota, BertrandRussell. riesz, marcel, 1886-1969, Collected papers, 1, QA 300 R494 1988, Killam. http://www.mathstat.dal.ca/~dilcher/collwks.html | |
56. Livretdescours-99-00/finis Translate this page D'après marcel riesz (1927), pour toute fonction f continue et périodique la sériede Fourier de f converge vers f en norme L p. Soit P un polygone convexe http://www.unil.ch/ima/docs/Cours2000-2001/DEA0001.html | |
57. Aliprantis Between Functional Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, and Probability (marcel Dekker,New 1531. A representation theorem for riesz spaces and its applications to http://www.mgmt.purdue.edu/departments/economics/People/Faculty/fac_publications | |
58. CWI Reports Of Department Of Analysis, Algebra And Geometry(1989) ISSN 09242953 Keywords Abstract Dynamic MRI reconstruction as a moment problem,II riesz bases in L2-spaces of vector valued functions marcel Zwaan; 1989, AM http://db.cwi.nl/rapporten/index.php?jaar=1989&dept=4 |
59. Christer Kiselman's Mathematical Ancestors His advisor was marcel riesz (18861969). He was professor at Lund Universityand got his Ph.D. in 1912 at the University of Budapest with http://www.math.uu.se/~kiselman/ancestors.html | |
60. La Matematikaj Prapatroj De Christer Kiselman Hörmander nun estas emerita profesoro ^ce la Lunda Universitato. Li defendis siandoktoran disertacion en 1955. Lia konsilanto estis marcel riesz (18861969). http://www.math.uu.se/~kiselman/prapatroj.html | |
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