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21. Nicolaus Copernicus Museum In Frombork But, as the Bible tells us, Joshua told the Sun, not the Earth, to stop in its path!georg joachim von Lauchen (rheticus), arrives at Frombork and begins http://www.frombork.art.pl/Ang12.htm | |
22. Rheticus, L'astronomo rheticus . Vediamo di conoscere meglio questo famosopersonaggio, georg joachim rheticus. Nato a Feldkirch nel 1514 http://www.comune.feltre.bl.it/associazioni/rheticus/pagine/rheticus.html | |
23. La Storia Dell'associazione Rheticus Translate this page L'associazione venne intitolata a georg joachim rheticus, il grande astronomoaustriaco del Cinquecento, unico discepolo del grande Copernico. http://www.comune.feltre.bl.it/associazioni/rheticus/pagine/storia.html | |
24. Rheticus. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 rheticus. (georg joachim von Lauchen) (r ´t k s, g ´ôrk y ä´kh mf n lou´khn) (KEY) , 151476, German astronomer, mathematician, and first disciple of http://www.bartleby.com/65/rh/Rheticus.html | |
25. Rheticus Translate this page georg joachim von Lauchen, rheticus. (1514-1576) Matemático alemánnacido en Feldkirch, un pueblo localizado en la provincia de http://www.arrakis.es/~nautylus/rheticus.htm | |
26. Somnium: Astrónomos Translate this page R. georg joachim von Lauchen, rheticus. (1514-1576). W. Fred LawrenceWHIPPLE. NOTA El texto puede considerarse de dominio público http://www.arrakis.es/~nautylus/astrono.htm | |
27. Rheticus Translate this page georg joachim von Lauchen (aka /rheticus/RHETIKUS/RHÄTICUS/RHÄTIKUS)Born Feldkirch-Vorarlberg/Austria 16.Feb. 1514 Died Kassa 1574. http://www.copernicus.net/copernicus2212.htm | |
28. Astronomie Geschichte Translate this page x. Ag 37, rheticus, georg joachim, rheticus, georg J., Rhaeticus, georg J.De libris revolutionum Copernici narratio prima Faks.-Dr. nach dem Ex. http://www.sternwarte.uni-erlangen.de/~ailib/buch/ag.html | |
29. Rheticus rheticus (georg joachim von Lauchen), 151476, German astronomer,mathematician, and first disciple of Copernicus. In 1540 he http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0841710.html | |
30. Wiener Zeitung Translate this page Wie der Vorarlberger georg joachim rheticus zum einzigen Schüler desDomherren Nikolaus Kopernikus wurde / Von Christian Pinter. Am 16. http://www.wienerzeitung.at/frameless/extra.htm?ID=5066 |
31. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: Re: [HM] Rheticus georg joachim rheticus who wrote the introduction to Copernicus' work and gotit published in Nuremburg in 1543 is also credited with a posthumous work http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/oct98/0031.html | |
32. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: [HM] Rheticus georg joachim rheticus who wrote the introduction to Copernicus' work and got itpublished in Nuremburg in 1543 is also credited with a posthumous work _Opus http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/sep98/0089.html | |
33. Erasmus Reinhold Als Lehrer An Der Universität Wittenberg Translate this page 1536 wird Jakob Milich Ordinarius für Medizin, und georg joachim von Lauchen, dersich rheticus nannte, wird mit der Professur für niedere Mathematik betraut http://www.erg.slf.th.schule.de/reinhold/uni.htm | |
34. Copernicus's Book Following the favourable reception of the Narratio Prima,the Nuremberg printerJohannes Petreius asked georg joachim rheticus to secure the printing of http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/starry/coperbooks.html | |
35. Copernicus: Biography A professor of mathematics at the University of Wittenberg, georg joachim rheticus(15141574) who was on a tour of visiting distinguished scholars, visited http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/starry/copernicus.html | |
36. Artikelübersicht Translate this page Die Reformation. Jakob Jonas 15001588. georg joachim rheticus 15141574.Die Grafen von Hohenems. Erzbischof Wolf Dietrich von Raitenau 15591617. http://www.vol.at/chronik/html-texte/allartikel.html | |
37. This Date In Medieval History - February 16 1514 georg joachim rheticus. Astronomer and mathemetician, rheticus was one ofthe first scientists to adopt the heliocentric theory of Nicolaus Copernicus. http://historymedren.about.com/library/date/bl0216.htm | |
38. Untitled dissatisfaction with Ptolemaic model; Brief Commentary, On the Revolutions andhis model, true place of Sun; roles of rheticus (georg joachim) and Osiander http://www.astro.ufl.edu/~hsmith/Topics2_s02.htm | |
39. Jesse Kraai's Homepage work is The Astrological Philosophy and Coincidences which lead to the publicationof Copernicus' De Revolutionibus georg joachim rheticus (15321543). http://www.uni-bielefeld.de/iwt/gk/kollegis/kraai.htm | |
40. Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) Library Of Congress Citations Other authors Rhhaticus, georg joachim, 15141576 the Commentariolus of Copernicus,the Letter against Werner, the Narratio prima of rheticus; translated with http://www.mala.bc.ca/~mcneil/cit/citlccopern.htm | |
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