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Malus Etienne Louis: more detail |
41. MALVASIA malus, etienne louis (17751812), French physicist, was born at Parison the 23rd of June 1775. He entered the military engineering http://33.1911encyclopedia.org/M/MA/MALVASIA.htm | |
42. July 2002 21 Jean Picard, 22 Reinhold Baer, 23 etienne louis malus, 24 Christine MaryHamill, 25 Johann Benedict Listing, 26 Kurt Mahler, 27 Johann Bernoulli. http://mathforum.org/~judyann/calendar/July2002.html | |
43. Cancer: Ruler Of Nurturing Fitting, then, that a Cancerian, the French engineer etienne louis malus (b. June23, 1775), would become the first scientist to describe the polarization of http://www.innerself.com/Astrology/summer_trilogy_cancer.htm | |
44. Métrologie, Instruments De Mesures Translate this page Le procédé en est dû au physicien etienne-louis malus (1775-1812),et c'est William Hyde Wollaston (1766-1828) qui l'a rendu pratique. http://www.inrp.fr/she/instruments/instr_mes_goniometre.htm | |
45. Optics 6 etiennelouis malus (1775-1812) was another graduate of the colePolytechnique. He rose to the rank of colonel in Napoleons http://www.math.unipd.it/~frank/astro/appunti/storia/Optics6.html | |
46. Oilfield Glossary: Term 'birefringence' physician Erasmus Bartholin (1625 to 1698) in crystals in 1669, the phenomenon wasnot fully understood until French physicist etiennelouis malus (1775 to 1812 http://www.glossary.oilfield.slb.com/Display.cfm?Term=birefringence |
47. POLAROS PILLANTAS AZ EGRE TELJES NAPFOGYATKOZASKOR majd 1690ben a holland Christian Huygens (1629-1695) a kalcit által kettosenmegtört fény polárosságát, 1808-ban pedig etienne louis malus (1775-1812 http://www.kfki.hu/fszemle/archivum/fsz0108/horvath.html | |
48. Optics And Photonics Clusters | A Brief History 1807 etienne louis malus discovers that polarization is discovered by meansother than double refraction. He later extends his observations http://www.photonicsclusters.org/history.html | |
49. Histoire De L'Optique 5/7 Translate this page 1809, etienne malus donne la loi de malus qui prédit l'intensité de la lumière 1892,Henri-louis Le Châtelier construit le premier pyromètre optique. http://galileo.cyberscol.qc.ca/Optique/chap6html/chapitre_65.html | |
50. Fotoforum - Fotografie Und Projektion Translate this page Dann gelang etienne louis malus in Paris eine entscheidende Beobachtung Licht,welches einmal an einem durchsichtigen Medium (zB Glas, Wasser) reflektiert http://www.fotoforum.de/service/lexikon.html | |
51. City Court Of New Orleans #2251-2500 Aury, louis. 2308. malus. Aury. 2309. 2366. Dubourg, PF Ayme, F. Miellet, louis.2367. Marigny, Constance. Dupres, Francois. 2368. Lafitte, etienne Marc. Duffourg,JP. http://nutrias.org/~nopl/inv/citycourt/cc10.htm | |
52. History Of Optics 1808, etienne louis malus (France).As a result of observing light reflected fromthe windows of the Palais Luxembourg in Paris through a calcite crystal as it http://www.sru.edu/depts/artsci/physics/faculty/bas/teaching/spring01/101/histor | |
53. MEMODOC : Table Des Noms Cités Les Intendants De Franche-Comté Translate this page Guigue (Nicolas), 91, 94, 455 Guiottet (louis Balthazar), 355 Maistre, 156, 456 Malet,211 malus (Jean), 27 53, 467 Marchand de Launay (etienne Philippe), 470 http://www.memodoc.com/intendindex.htm | |
54. Log Of Mystic Seaport: Index To Personal Names 12(2)7,; Malm, Aleta 11(2)22,; Maloney, Richard C . 14(3)27,;malus, etienne louis 19(2)35,32(1)10,; Manchester, Francis http://www.mysticseaport.org/library/initiative/LogPerson.cfm?alpha=m |
55. LaserLinks From The Stony Brook Laser Teaching Center Infoplease; Lessons on polarized light; Course Notes (Univ. of Durham); Principlesof Ellipsometry; A Wave-plate Experiment (NJIT); etienne louis malus. http://resonator.physics.sunysb.edu/laser/laserlinks/ | |
56. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865) Chronologie 1809-1819 Translate this page Mort de malus. Avènement de louis XVIII Lermontov, de Jules Simon (+1896), de Millet,de Viollet-le-Duc, de Jules Lequier (+1862), d'Hervé etienne Faye (+1902 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/jean-pierre.proudhon/p_j_prou/chro1019.htm | |
57. Molecular Structure Light oscillating in one plane only is called polarized light. This name wasgiven it in 1808 by a French physicist, etienne louis malus (17751812). http://www.imbris.net/~jfromm/history/molecule.htm | |
58. Anovi - XIXe Siècle Translate this page Influencé par etienne louis malus, il travaille à présent surla polarisation de la lumière, son caractère ondulatoire. Le http://www.19e.org/personnages/france/A/arago/francois.htm | |
59. History Of Optics 5/7 1809. etienne malus publishes the law of malus which predicts the light intensity 1892.Henrilouis Le Châtelier builds the first optical pyrometer. 1893. http://www.qesn.meq.gouv.qc.ca/mst/sapco/opticks/Chapter6/chapitre_65.html | |
60. M Index Maior, John (52) Maltsev, Anatoly (1299*), Malcev, Anatoly (1299*) Malebranche,Nicolas (1326*) Malfatti, Francesco (419) malus, etienne louis (486) Manava (301 http://math.ichb.ro/History/Indexes/M.html |
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