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         Luke Yudell:     more detail
  1. Mathematical Functions and Their Approximations by Yudell L. Luke, 1976-06
  2. Algorithms for the Computation of Mathematical Functions by Yudell L. Luke, 1977
  3. Integrals of Bessel functions by Yudell L Luke, 1962
  4. The Special Functions and Their Approximations, Two Volumes by Yudell L. Luke, 1969
  5. The Special Functions and Their Approximations Vol 2 by Yudell Luke, 1969
  6. The special functions and their approximations (Mathematics in science and engineering) by Yudell L Luke, 1969
  7. Cumulative Index to Mathematics of Computation by Yudell L. Luke, Jet Wimp, et all 1972
  8. Algorithms for the Computation of Mathematical Functions by Yudell L. Luke, 1977
  9. Special Functions & Their Approxima 2 Volumes by Yudell L Luke, 1969
  10. On the approximate inversion of some Laplace transforms by Yudell L Luke, 1961
  11. Cumulative Index to Mathematics of Computation Vols. 1-231943-1969 by Yudell L.; Wimp, Jet; Fair, Wyman Luke, 1972
  12. On generating Bessel functions by use of the backward recurrence formula by Yudell L Luke, 1972
  13. Cumulative Index to Mathematics of Computation 1943-1969 by Yudell L. Luke, 1972-12

1. Luke
Yudell Leo Luke. Born 26 Yudell Luke was born into a Jewish family, hisfather, David Luke, being the sexton in a synagogue. He attended
Yudell Leo Luke
Born: 26 June 1918 in Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Died: 6 May 1983 in Moscow, Russia
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Yudell Luke was born into a Jewish family, his father, David Luke, being the sexton in a synagogue. He attended Kansas City Missouri Junior College, graduating in 1937. Following that he attended the University of Illinois, graduating with a B.S. in 1939 and a Master's degree from the same university in 1940. After the award of the Master's degree, Luke taught for two years at the University of Illinois but because of World War II he left to do military service. From 1942 until 1946 Luke served in the U.S. navy, being stationed in Hawaii. After his war service ended in 1946, he returned to Kansas City, Missouri with his wife LaVerne Podoll, who was from Chicago, and the two children which they had at that time. Yudell and Laverne Luke had two more children making a total of four girls. Luke was appointed to the Midwest Research Institute soon after he returned to Kansas City in 1946. His first appointment was as Head of the Mathematical Analysis Section, a position he held until he was made Senior Advisor for Mathematics in 1961. Promotion to Senior Advisor in Mathematics in 1967 was only to last until 1971 for at that time the mathematics group at the Midwest Research Institute was disbanded. At the Institute [3]:-

2. Yudell L. Luke
Yudell L. Luke. Yudell L. Luke. Rational approximations to the exponentialfunction. Journal of the ACM , 4(1)2429, January 1957. Shortcuts
Yudell L. Luke
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    Newyork. ACADEMIC PRESS 1969 1361 luke yudell L. The special functionsand their approximations, vol.2, New-York. ACADEMIC PRESS
    1 LIONS J.L. Quelques mŽthodes de rŽsolution des problmes aux limites non linŽaires. DUNOD 1969 10 VARGA R.S. Matrix iterative analysis. PRENTICE HALL 1962 100 SAKS S. - ZYGMUND A. Analytic functions WARSZAWA 1965 1000 GARNIR Fonctions de variables rŽelles t.2. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1001 DAY M.M. Normed linear spaces. SPRINGER VERLAG 1962 1002 MANDELBROJT Series adhŽrentes, rŽgularisation des suites, Applications. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1952 1003 HARDY - LITTLEWOOD Inequalities. CAMB. UNIVER. PRESS 1959 1004 BECKENBACH - BELLMAN Inequalities. SPRINGER VERLAG 1961 1005 WESTERMAN Ed. The mathematics of finite elements and applications. ACADEMIC PRESS 1973 1006 WEIL A. Foundations of algebra geometry, 1962 1007 ZARISKI O. SAMUEL P. Communications algebra vol 1. VON NOSTRAND 1958 1008 ZARISKI O. SAMUEL P. Communications algebra vol 2. VON NOSTRAND 1958 1009 EICHLER M. Quadratische formon orthogonale gruppen. SPRINGER VERLAG 1952 101 MARCHSHEVICH A.I. The theory of analytic functions. H. PUBL. COMP. 1963 1010 SCHIVARTZ J.T. Introduction to matrices and vectors. MAC GRAW HILL 1961 1011 HIRZEBRUUCH F. Werre topologische methode in der algebre geometrie. SPRINGER VERLAG 1962 1012 SAMUEL MŽthodes d'algbre en gŽomŽtrie algŽbrique SPRINGER VERLAG 1955 1013 EILENBERG D. - STEENROD N. Foundations of algebraic topology. PRINCETON 1952 1014 COHEN-TANOUDJI - DILL - LALOE MŽcanique quantique, vol 1. HERMANN 1973 1015 COHEN-TANOUDJI - DILL - LALOE MŽcanique quantique, vol 2. HERMANN 1973 1016 AZIZ Ed. The mathematical foundation of the finite element, method with application to partial differential. ACADEMIC PRESS 1972 1017 HOCHSTADT Les fonctions de la physique mathŽmatique. MASSON 1973 1018 GALLAYHE Ed. Recent advances in matrix methods of structural analysis and desing. UNIVER. OF ALABAMA PRESS 1971 1019 SINAI J.G. SIN Theory of dynamical systems, part 1 ergotic theory. AARTHUS UNIVERSITE 1970 102 NEKUA I.N. Generalized analytic functions PERGAMON 1962 1020 STERNBERG S. Celestial mechanics part 2. BENJAMIN NEW YORK 1969 1021 MORLEY LSD Finite element solution of boundary value problems with non-removable singularities. 1973 1022 NEWMAN W.M. SPROULL R.F. Principles of interactive computer graphics. MAC GRAW HILL 1973 1023 TAYLOR A.E. Introduction to functional analysis. WILEY AND SONS 1958 1024 BEAR J. Dynamics of fluids in porous media. AMERICAN ELSEVIER 1972 1025 FAURRE P. CAMBERLEIN L. CHEVREUL J.J. LLORE P. Navigation inertielle optimale et filtrage statistique. DUNOD 1971 1026 BENSOUSSAN A. Filtrage optimal des systmes linŽaires. DUNOD 1971 1027 EKELAND I. TEMAR R. Analyse convexe et problmes variationnels. 1028 EKELAND I. TEMAM R. Analyse convexe et problmes variationnels. DUNOD BORDAS 1974 1029 BIRKHOFF G. ZARANTONELLO E.H. Jets , wakes and cavities. ACADEMIC PRESS 1957 103 COPSON An introduction to the theory of functions of a complex variable. CLARENDON PRESS 1960 1030 ARAVIN V.Z. - NUMEROV S.N. Theory of fluid flow 1965 1031 DUVAUT G. LIONS J.L. Les inŽquations en mŽcaniques et en physique DUNOD 1972 1032 LIONS - MAGENES Problmes aux limites non homognes et applications, tome 1 PARIS DUNOD 68-70 1033 LIONS - MAGENES Problmes aux limites non homognes et applications, tome 2 PARIS DUNOD 68-70 1034 LIONS - MAGENES Problmes aux limites non homognes et applications. tome 3 PARIS DUNOD 68-70 1035 OLVER F.W. J. Asymptotics and special functions. ACADEMIC PRESS 1974 1036 BREZIS H. Operateurs maximaux monotones et semi-groupes de contractions dans les espaces de Hilbert. NORTH HOLLAND 1973 1037 SIH G.C. Ed. Methods of analysis and solutions of crack problems. NOORDHOFF INT. PUBL. 1973 1038 CARL DE BOOR Ed. Mathematical aspects of finite elements in partial differential equations. ACADEMIC PRESS 1974 1039 GENNES P.G. de The physics of liquid crystals. CLARENDON PRESS OX. 1974 104 KUNZI H.P. Quasikorforme abbildungen. SPRINGER VERLAG 1960 1040 FETTER A.L. WALECKA J.D. Quantum theory of many particle systems. MC GRAW HILL 1971 1041 FUNG Y.C. Foundations of solid mechanics. PRENTICE HALL 1965 1042 FEYNMAN R.P. HIBBS A.R. Quantum mechanics and path integrals. MC GRAW HILL 1965 1043 EKELAND I. TEMAM R. Analyse convexe et problmes variationnels. DUNOD GAUTHIER VILLARS 1974 1044 STETTER H.J. Analysis of discretization methods for ordinary differential equations. vol 23 SPR. TRACTS NAT. PHYS. 1973 1045 RALPH WILLONGHBY STIFF Differential systems. PLENUM PRESS NEW YORK 1974 1046 LEL E.H. Ed. Dynamics of composite materials presented at 1972 national and western applied mechanics conference june 26-28. AMER. SOC. MECH. ENG. 1972 1047 HENRICI P. Applied and computational complex analysis, vol.1. WILEY 1974 1048 SIRJAEV Statistical segmential analysis, vol. thirty eight, transplantation of mathematical monographs. PROVIDENCE 1973 1049 RADEMACHER H. Collected papers vol. 2. MIT PRESS MASS. 1974 105 Analytic functions. PRINCETON 1960 1050 COMMISSAIRE H. CAGNAC G. Cours de mathŽmatiques spŽciales 2. ElŽments d'algbre et de gŽomŽtrie anal. MASSON 1936 1051 COMMISSAIRE H. CAGNAC G. Cours de mathŽmatiques spŽciales 1. ElŽments d'algbre et de gŽomŽtrie analytique. MASSON 1941 1052 MILLER J. Ed. Topics in numerical analysis. ACADEMIC PRESS 1973 1053 Contributions to differential equations. INTERSCIENCE 1963 1054 GIRARD - LENTIN Cours Maillard, arithmetique, algebre et notions d'analyse. 3 tomes. HACHETTE 1964 1055 OBERHETTINGER F. Tables of Mellin transforms. SPRINGER VERLAG BERLIN 1974 1056 KRASNOSELSKI M.A. Positive solutions of operator equations. NORDOHOFF 1964 1057 BRENNER P. THOMEE V. WAHLBIN L.B. Besov spaces and applications to difference methods for initial value problems. SPRINGER VERLAG BERLIN 1975 1058 SMART D.R. Fixed point theorems . CAMB. UNIVERS. PRESS 1974 1059 Geometric measure theory and minimal surfaces. CREMONESE ROMA 1978 106 BOAS R. Entire functions. ACADEMIC PRESS 1954 1060 WEINBERGER H.F. Variational methods for eigenvalue approximation. 1061 HOUSSEHOLDER A.S. The numerical treatment of a single nonlinear equation. MAC GRAW HILL 1970 1062 SIBUYA Y. Second ordre linear ordinary equations. NORTH HOLLAND 1975 1063 VAINBERG M.M. Variational methods for the nonlinear operators. 1064 AKHIEZER N.E. - GLAZMAN I.M. Theory of linear operators in Hilbert space, vol 2. F.UNGAR NEW YORK 1963 1065 ARSCOTT F.M. Periodic differential equations. PERGAMON OXFORD 1964 1066 BELLMAN R. COOKE K. Asymptotic behavior of solution of differential, difference equations. AMS. PROVIDENCE 1959 1067 BELLMAN - KAGIWADA - KALABA Invariant imbedding and time dependant transport processes. ELSEVIER NEW YORK 1964 1068 BIRKHOFF G. - ROTA G.C. Ordinary differential equations. 1069 BODEWIG E. Matrix calculus. NORTH HOLLAND 1959 107 AHLFORS L.V. Complex analysis. MC GRAW HILL 1953 1070 BROMWICH T.J. An introduction to the theory of infinite series. MACMILLAIR LONDON 1955 1071 BRUIJN N.G. de Asymptotic methods in analysis. NORTH HOLLAND 1961 1072 BRUIJN N.G. de Asymptotic methods in analysis. NORTH HOLLAND 1961 1073 CAMPBELL R. ThŽorie gŽnŽrale de l'Žquation de mathŽmatiques et de quelques autres Žquations diffŽrentielles de la mŽcanique. MASSON 1955 1074 CESARI L. Asymptotic behavior and stability problems in ordinary differential equations. SPRINGER VERLAG 1959 1075 COLLATZ L. The numerical treatment of differential equations. SPRINGER VERLAG 1960 1076 DAVIS P.J. Interpolation and approximation. BLAISDELL NEW YORK 1903 1077 DAVIS P.J. Interpolation and approximation. BLAISDELL NEW YORK 1903 1078 DUNFORD N. - SCHWARTZ J.J. Linear operators, part 1, general theory. INTERSCIENCE 1964 1079 ERDELY - MAGNUS OBERHETTINGER Higher transcendental functions, vol 1 MAC GRAW HILL 1953 108 Lectures on functions of a complexe variable , 1958 1080 ERDELY - MAGNUS OBERHETTINGER Higher transcendental functions, vol 2 MAC GRAW HILL 1953 1081 ERDELY - MAGNUS OBERHETTINGER Higher transcendental functions, vol 3 MAC GRAW HILL 1953 1082 ERDELY A. - SWANSON C.A. Asymptotic forms of Whittaker's confluent hypergeometric functions. PROVIDENCE 1957 1083 FORSYTH A.R. Theory of differential equations. part 1. DOVER 1959 1084 FORSYTH A.R. Theory of differential equations, part 2. DOVER 1959 1085 FORSYTHE G.E. - WASOW W.R. Finite difference methods for partial differential equations. 1086 FOX L. Numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations. PERGAMON LONDON 1962 1087 HARDY G.H. Divergent series. CLARENDON PRESS 1949 1088 HEWITT E. - STROMBERG K. Real and abstract analysis. SPRINGER VERLAG 1965 1089 HILLE E. - PHILLIPS R. Functional analysis and semi-groups A.M.S. Providence 1957. 109 CARTAN H. ThŽorie ŽlŽmentaire des fonctions analytiques d'une ou plusieurs variables complexes. HERMAN 1961 1090 JEFFREYS H. Asymptotic approximations. CLARENDON P. OXFORD 1962 1091 KANTOROVICH L.V. - AKILOV G.P. Functional analysis in normed spaces. PERGAMON 1964 1092 KANTOROVICH L.V. - KRYLOV V.I. Approximate methods of higher analysis. NOORDHOFF 1958 1093 KATO T. Perturbation theory for linear operators . SPRINGER VERLAG 1966 1094 LADYZHENSKAYA O.A. The mathematical theory of viscous incompressible flow. GORDON AND BREACH 1964 1095 LUSTERNIK L.A - SOBOLEV J. Elements of functional analysis. HINDUSTAN PUBLI CON 1961 1096 MIKHLIN S.G. Integral equations. PERGAMON 1964 1097 MILNE W.E. Numerical calculus. PRINCETON UNIV. PRESS 1949 1098 MAGNUS W.- OBERHETTINGER F. - SONI R.P. Formulas and theorems for the special functions of mathematical physics. SPRINGER VERLAG 1966 1099 MEIXNER J. - SCHAFRE F.W Mathhiensche funktioner und spharocdfunktionen. SPRINGER VERLAG 1954 11 VARGA R.S. Matrix iterative analysis. PRENTICE HALL 1962 110 GOURSAT Functions of a complex variable. DOVER 1100 PONTRYAGIN L.S. Ordinary differential equations. PERGAMON PRESS 1962 1101 RIORDAN J. An introduction to combinatorial analysis. WILEY NEW-YORK 1958 1102 RASULON M.L. Methods of contour integration. NORTH HOLLAND 1967 1103 RALSTON A. - WILF H.S. Methodes mathŽmatiques pour calculateurs arithmŽtiques. DUNOD 1965 1104 SMIRNOV V.I. Course of higher mathematics, vol 3, part 1. PERGAMON PRESS 1964 1105 SMIRNOV V.I. Course of higher mathematics, vol3, part 2. PERGAMON PRESS 1964 1106 SMITHIES F. Integral equations. CAMBRIDGE UNIV. 1958 1107 SPIEGEL M.R. Theory and problems of Laplace transforms. SCHA. PUBLI. 1965 1108 TRICOMI F.G. Integral equations. INTERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS 1957 1109 VALIRON G. Equations fonctionnelles, applications. MASSON 1950 111 FUNCHS B.A - LEVIN V.I. Functions of a complex variable, vol 2. PERGAMON 1961 1110 ZEMANIAN A.H. Distribution theory and transform analysis. MAC GRAW HILL 1965 1111 JAGER de Spectral theory and asymptotics of differential equations.. NORTH HOLLAND 1974 1112 LEIBOVICH S. - SEEBASS R. Nonlinear waves. CORMELL UNIV. PRESS 1974 1113 STROUD A.H Approximate calculation of multiple integrals. PRENTICE HALL 1972 1114 ADAMS R.A. Sobolev spaces. ACADEMIC PRESS 1975 1115 EKELAND I. - TEMAM R. Analyse convexe et problmes variationnels. DUNOD 1974 1116 AUBIN J.P. Approximation of elliptic boundary value problems. 1117 SMITH D. Variational methods in optimization. PRENTICE HALL 1974 1118 STRANG G. - FIX G.J. An analysis of the finite element method. PRENTICE HALL 1973 1119 MURRAY W. Numerical methods for unconstrained optimization. ACAD. PRESS 1972 112 DINGHAS A. Vorlesungen uber funktionentheurie. SPRINGER VERLAG 1961 1120 GILL P.I.- MURRAY W. Numerical methods for constrained optimization. ACAD. PRESS 1974 1121 OCKENDON J.R. - HODGKINS W. r Moving boundary, problems in heat flow and diffusion. CLARENDON PRESS 1975 1122 HENRICI P. Applied and computational complex analysis, vol.1, power series. Integration . WILEY LONDON 1974 1123 GREENSPAN D. Discrete numerical methods in physics and engineering. ACADEMIC PRESS 1974 1124 FERRARI C. - TRICOMI F.G. Transonic aerodynamics. ACADEMIC PRESS 1968 1125 POLAK E. Computational methods in optimization. A unified approach. ACADEMIC PRESS 1971 1126 NORRIE D.H. - VRIES G. The finite element method . ACADEMIC PRESS 1973 1127 PEIXOTO M.M. Dynamical systems proceeding of a symposium held university of bahia, salvador, bresil, juin 26,aout 1971. ACADEMIC PRESS 1973 1128 WEINSTEIN A. - STENGER W. Methods of intermediate problems for eigenvalues. ACADEMIC PRESS 1972 1129 YOUNG D.M. Iterative solution of large linear systems. ACADEMIC PRESS 1971 113 OSGOOD W.F. Functions of real variables. CHELSEA 1130 DAVIS P.J. - RABINOWITZ P. Methods of numerical integration. ACADEMIC PRESS 1975 1131 WILKINSON J.M. - REINSCH C. Linear algebra, handbook for automatic computation, vol.2 SPRINGER VERLAG 1971 1132 WILCOX C.H. Scattering theory for the D'alembert equations in exterior domains. SPRINGER VERLAG 1975 1133 Constructive quantum field theory, lecture note in physics n¡25. SPRINGER VERLAG 1973 1134 Proceeding of the fourth international conference numerical methods in fluid dynamics.n¡35. SPRINGER VERLAG 1975 1135 Proceeding of the third international conference numerical methods fluid mechanics.vol1,n¡18. SPRINGER VERLAG 1973 1136 Proceedind of the third international conference numerical methods fluid mechanics.vol 2, n¡19. SPRINGER VERLAG 1973 1137 Probabilities methods in differential equations. Proceeding conference held univer.victoria, aout 19-20,1974. SPRINGER VERLAG 1975 1138 BEALS R. Advanced mathematical analysis. SPRINGER VERLAG 1973 1139 MISES R.VON - FRIEDRICHS K.O. Fluid dynamics, applied mathematical sciences ,vol 5. SPRINGER VERLAG 1971 114 NEVANLINNA Absolute analysis. SPRINGER VERLAG 1959 1140 CHERNOFF P.R. MARSDEN J.E. Properties of infinite dimensional hamiltonian systems. SPRINGER VERLAG 1974 1141 SIMADER C.G. On Dirichlet's boundary value problem. SPRINGER VERLAG 1972 1142 TAYLOR M. Pseudo differential operators, lecture notes in mathematics n¡416 SPRINGER VERLAG 1974 1143 HALE J. Functional differential equations. SPRINGER VERLAG 1971 1144 DEIMLING K. Nichtlineare gleichungen und abbildungsgrade. SPRINGER VERLAG 1974 1145 Linear operators and approximation 2 proceeding of the conference held at the oberwalfach. BIRKHAUSER VERLAG 1974 1146 Computing methods in applied sciences and engineering international symposium. SPRINGER VERLAG 1147 Computing methods in applied sciences and engineering. International symposium Versailles dec.17-21,part 2. SPRINGER VERLAG 1148 Control theory: numerical methods and computer systems modelling, international symposium juin 17-21, 1974. SPRINGER VERLAG 1975 1149 VILENKIN N.J. Fonctions spŽciales et thŽorie de la reprŽsentation des groupes. DUNOD PARIS 1969 115 HILLE E. Analytic function theory, vol 1 GINN CIE 1959 1150 MOSER J. Stable and random motions in dynamical systems. PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS 1973 1151 ECKHAUS W. Matched asymptotic expansions and singular perturbations. NORTH HOLLAND 1973 1152 International symposium on mathematical problem in theoretical physics. lecture notes n¡39. SPRINGER VERLAG 1153 Constructive and computational methods for differential and integral equations, lecture note in math.n¡430. SPRINGER VERLAG 1974 1154 LAZARD Commutative formal groups: Lecture notes in math.n¡443. SPRINGER VERLAG 1975 1155 Spectral theory and differential equations. SPRINGER VERLAG 1975 1156 PATTERSON W. Iterative methods for the solution of a linear operator Equations in Hilbert space. SPRINGER VERLAG 1974 1157 Ordinary and partial differential equations. Lecture notes in math. n¡415. SPRINGER VERLAG 1974 1158 Contributions to analysis. ACADEMIC PRESS 1974 1159 TREVES F. Basic linear partial differential . ACADEMIC PRESS NEW YORK 1975 116 HILLE E. Analytic function theory, vol 2 GINN CIE 1959 1160 Potential theory C.I.M.E. CREMENOSE ROMA 1970. 1161 Les semi-groups et les Žquations d'Žvolution 72-73 et 73-74. SŽminaire universitŽ paris XI. Orsay. 1162 LAMBERT J.D. Computational methods in ordinary differential equations. WILEY AND SONS 1974 1163 ZAMADA J. GALLAGHER R.H. Ed . Theory and practice in finite element structural analysis. 1164 Progress in numerical fluid dynamics. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1975 1165 Dictionnaire usuel Quillet Flammarion Paris 1960 1166 WILLONGHTY R.A. Ed. Stiff differential systems. PLENUM PRESS 1974 1167 DUISTERMAAT J.J. Fourier integral operators. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY 1973 1168 NEWELL A.C. Ed. Nonlinear wave motion , vol 15. RHODE ISLAND 1974 1169 BUT HUBBARD Ed. Numerical solution of partial differential equations 3. ACADEMIC PRESS 1976 117 MANGULIS V. Handbook of series for scientists and engineers. ACADEMIC PRESS 1965 1170 WIRZ Ed. Progress in numerical fluid dynamics SPRINGER-VERLAG 1975 1171 ROCKAFELLAR R.T. Conjugate duality and optimization. SIAM 1974 1172 MORAWETZ C.S. Notes on the time decay and scattering for some hyperbolic problems.SIAM RŽgional conf. sŽries in applied math. SIAM 1975 1173 BAKER G.A. Essentials of PadŽ approximants. ACADEMIC PRESS 1975 1174 LIONS J.L. Cours d'analyse numŽrique. ECOLE POLYTEC. 64-65 1175 GŽomŽtrie symplectique et physique mathŽmatique. Coll. Inter. CNRS EDIT. CNRS 1975 1176 DINGLE R.B. Asymptotic expansions: their derivation and interpretation. ACADEMIC PRESS 1973 1177 ROTA G.C. Finite operator calculus. ACADEMIC PRESS 1975 1178 ASKEY R.A. Ed. Theory and application of special functions. ACADEMIC PRESS 1975 1179 RAUCH H.E. LEBOWITZ A. Elliptic functions, theta functions, and riemann surfaces. BAL. WILLIAMS AND WILK. COMP.1973 118 BYERLY W.E. An elementary treatise on Fourier's series and cylindrical and ellipsoidal harmonics with applications. DOWER 1959 1180 BLEISTEIN N. HANDELSMAN R.A. Asymptotic expansions of integrals. H.R.U. 1978 1181 BAKER G. GAMMEL J. Ed. The Pade approximation in theoretical physics. ACADEMIC PRESS 1970 1182 GLAZMAN Z.M. Direct methods of qualitative spectral analysis of singular differential operators. SC. PUBLISHERS 1183 HASEGAWA A. Plasma instabilities and nonlinear effects. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1975 1184 GLOUH R.W. PENZIEN J. Dynamics of structures. MAC GRAW HILL 1975 1185 TRAUB Ed. Analytic computational complexity. ACADEMIC PRESS 1976 1186 JOSEPH D.D. Stability of fluid motions 2. 1187 JOSEPH Motions 1 1188 LIONS Perturbations singulieres dans les problmes aux limites et en contr™le optimal. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1973 1189 VAN DYKE M. Perturbation methods in fluid mechanics. PARABOLIC STAN. 1975 119 TRICOMI F. Vorlesungen uber orthogonalreihen. SPRINGER VERLAG 1955 1190 ECKHAUS W. Matched asymptotic expansions and singular perturbations. NORTH HOLLAND 1973 1191 GALLAGHER R.H. Finite element analysis: fundamentals. PRENTICE HALL 1975 1192 O'MALLEY R.E. Introduction to singular perturbations. ACADEMIC PRESS 1974 1193 YOSIDA K. Functional analysis. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1966 1194 GLOWINSKI - LIONS - TREMOLIERES Analyse numŽrique des inŽquations variationnelles, tome 1. PARIS DUNOD 1976 1195 GLOWINSKI - LIONS - TREMOLIERES Analyse numerique des inŽquations variationnelles, tome 2. PARIS DUNOD 1976 1196 LANG S. Introduction to modular forms SPRINGER-VERLAG 1976 1197 Petit Larousse illustrŽ 1977 1198 HOLT M. Numerical methods in fluid dynamics. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1977 1199 Annal review of fluid mechanics, vol 5, annŽe 1973. PALO ALTO CALIFORNIA 12 VARGA R.S. Matrix iterative analysis. PRENTICE HALL 1962 120 MANDELBROJT S. SŽries de Fourier et classes quasi-analytiques de fonctions. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1935 1200 SCHOENEBERG B. Elliptic modular functions. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1974 1201 Matrix eigensystem routines - EISPACK guide. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1976 1202 VAN DE VOOREN et ZANDBERGEN Ed. Proceeding of the international conference on numerical methods in fluid dynamics.n¡59. 1203 LANDAU - LIFCHITZ MŽcanique des fluides. Ed. MIR MOSCOU 1971 1204 LANDAU - LIFCHITZ MŽcanique quantique. Ed. MIR MOSCOU 1967 1205 LANDAU - LIFCHITZ ThŽorie de l'ŽlasticitŽ. Ed. MIR MOSCOU 1967 1206 LANDAU - LIFCHITZ MŽcanique. Ed.MIR MOSCOU 1969 1207 LANDAU - LIFCHITZ Physique statistique. Ed. MIR MOSCOU 1967 1208 LANDAU - LIFCHITZ ThŽorie quantique relativiste, 1me partie. Ed. de MOSCOU 1973 1209 LANDAU - PITAYEVSKI ThŽorie quantique relativiste, 2me partie. Ed. de MOSCOU 1972 121 MANDERBROJT S. SŽries adhŽrentes, rŽgularisation des suites , applications. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1952 1210 BAILEY Progress in numerical fluid dynamics. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1211 LANDAU - LIFCHITZ Electrodynamique des milieux continus. Ed de MOSCOU 1969 1212 Advances in plasma physics, volume 6. WILEY AND SONS 1976 1213 CLOUGH R.W. HART G.C. PENZIEN J. Lecture notes for advanced structural dynamics. IPSI - PARIS 8 me 1214 CIARLET P. Numerical analysis of the finite element method. PRESSES UNIV.MONTREAL 1976 1215 LIONS J.L. Sur quelques questions d'analyse de mŽcanique et de controle optimal, MontrŽal 1976. PRESSE UNIV.MONTREAL. 1216 RICHARD Mc NEAL Ed. Manuel thŽorique de NASTRAN 1217 ARNOLD V. Les mŽthodes mathŽmatiques de la mŽcanique classique. TRAD. FR. 1976 1218 MERCIER C. The magnetohydrodynamic approach to the problems of plasma confinement in closed magnetic configurations.Sep. 1974. 1219 Colloque analyse et topologie en l'honneur de M.CARTAN SOC.MATH. DE FRANCE 1976 122 ALEXITS G. Series trigonomŽtriques. BAHIA BLANCA 1966 1220 JournŽes Žquations aux dŽrivŽes partielles. Rennes juin 1975. SOC.MATH. DE FRANCE 1976 1221 HEWITT E. STROMBERG K. Real and abstract analysis. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1975 1222 KARANCHETI K. Principles of ideal fluid aerodynamics. WILEY 1966 1223 KARANCHETI K. Principles of ideal fluid aerodynamics. WILEY 1966 1224 GOSSEZ - DOZO Nonlinear operators and the calculus of variations . SPRINGER-VERLAG 1976 1225 GLOWINSKI - LIONS Computing methods in applied sciences and engineering. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1976 1226 GLOWINSKI - LIONS Computing methods in applied sciences and engineering. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1976 1227 SAMARSKI A.A. POPOV P. SchŽmas aux diffŽrences finies de la dynamique des gaz. MOSCOU 1975 1228 SAMARSKI A.A. ANDEEV B. MŽthodes des diffŽrences finies pour des Žquations elliptiques . MOSCOU 1976 1229 FISHER S.D. JEROME J.W. Minimum norm extremals in function spaces. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1975 123 BOAS R.P. Integrability theorems for trigonometric transforms. SPRINGER VERLAG 1967 1230 Analyse numŽrique ŽlŽmentaire ( math. super. pr l'homme moderne n¡4) DUNOD/BORDAS 1973 1231 VIGNES J. LA PORTE M. ThŽorie et pratique de la programmation Fortran . PARIS 1969 1232 GLOWINSKI R. LIONS J.L. Computing methods in applied sciences and ingeneering, part 1. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1974 1233 SIMON J.C. Introduction au fonctionnement des ordinateurs. MASSON 1970 1234 CABANNES H. MagnŽtodynamique des fluides (2me ed.) Les cours de Sorbonne. 1235 MILLER J.J.H. Ed. Topics in numerical analysis 3. ACADEMIE PRESS 1977 1236 VO-KHAC KHOAN Distribution ,analyse de Fourier, opŽrateurs aux dŽrivŽes partielles, tome 1. PARIS VUIBERT 1972 1237 Distribution, analyse de Fourier, opŽrateurs aux dŽrivŽees partielles, tome 2. PARIS VUIBERT 1972 1238 DUVAUT G. LIONS J.L. Les inŽquations en mŽcanique et en physique. DUNOD 1972 1239 RABINOWITZ P.H. Ed. Applications et bifurcation theory. ACADEMIE PRESS 1977 124 ZELLER K. Theorie der lunitierungoverfahren. SPRINGER VERLAG 1958 1240 NASLIN P. ThŽorie de la commande et conduite optimale. DUNOD 1969 1241 LASCAUX P. Lectures on numerical methods for time dependant equations. 1242 YOSHIZAWA T. Stability theory and the existence of periodic solutions and almost periodic solutions. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1975 1243 HOLMES R.B. Geometric functional analysis and its applications. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1975 1244 BRAUN M. Differential equations and their applications. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1975-1978 1245 VAINBERG M.M. TRENOGIN V.A. Theory of branching of solutions of non linear equations. NOORD.INTER.PUBLI.LEYDEN 1974 1246 FINK A.M. Almost periodic differential equations. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1974 1247 DEIMLING K. Ordinary differential equations in Banach spaces. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1977 1248 Nonlinear operators and the calculus of variations, bruxelles 1975. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1976 1249 ZACHMANOGLOU E.C. - THOE D.W. Introduction to partial differential equations with applications WILL.COMP. BALT.1976 125 BOCHNER S. Vorlesungen uber fourierische integrale. CHELSEA 1948 1250 GILBARG D. TRUDINGER N.S. Elliptic partial differential equations of second order. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1977 1251 BRADSHAW Ed. Topics in applied physics, vol. 12. Turbulence. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1976 1252 SOONG T.T. Random differential equations in science and engineering . ACADEMIC PRESS 1973 1253 MARTIN R.H. Nonlinear operators and differential equations in Banach spaces. WILEY-NEW-YORK 1976 1254 BERGER B.S. Nonlinear and functional analysis, lectures on nonlinear problems math. analysis. ACADEMIC PRESS 1977 1255 TEMAM R. Navier -Stokes equations theory and numerical analysis,amsterdam. NORTH-HOLLAND PUB.COMP.1977 1256 TEMAM R. Navier -Stokes equations theory and numerical analysis, amsterdam. NORTH-HOLLAND PUBL.COMP.1977 1257 RIEHLE W. Studie uber verallgemerreirte variations funktionale und ihre. UNIV.STUTTGART 1974 1258 BUCK K.E. SCHARPF D.W. STEIN E. WUNDER W. Finite elemente in der statik. Berlin. VERLAG W. ERNEST SOHN 1973 1259 SAMARSKI Oeuvres ( en Russe) 126 CARLEMAN T. L'intŽgrale de Fourier et questions qui s'y rattachent. UPPSALA 1944 1260 GENNES P.G. de. The physics of liquid crystals. CLARENDON PRESS 1975 1261 HILLE E. Lectures on ordinary differential equations ADDISON WESLEY 1969 1262 MORSE P. FESHBACH H. Methods of theorical physics, part1. MAC GRAW HILL 1953 1263 MORSE P. FESHBACH H. Methods of theoretical physics, part 2. MAC GRAW HILL 1953 1264 Proceeding of the congress 1965, vol.2, Spartan books washington D.C. MACMILLAN AND CO , 1965 1265 RAIRO Analyse numŽrique ( Association franaise pour la cybernetique Žconomique et technique) PARIS DUNOD vol. 12 1266 Archive for rational mechanics analysis, vol 68, n¡1. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1978 1267 SAGE A.P. WHITE C. Optimum systems control. PRENTICE-HALL 1977 1268 BERNARD P. Ed. Turbulence seminar Berkeley 1976/77, lect. notes in math.n¡615. BERLIN 1977 1269 GOTTLIEB D. ORSZAG S. Numerical analysis of spectral methods: thŽory and applications. 127 Contributions to Fourier analysis. PRINCETON 1950 1270 SAMARSKII A.A. GOULIM A.B. StabilitŽ des schŽmas aux diffŽrences finies . MOSCOU 1973 1271 CIARLET P.G. The finite element method for elliptic problems . NORTH-HOLLAND 1978 1272 DAVIS H.T. Tables of the higer math. functions vol. 2. 1273 DAVIS H.T. Tables of the higer math. functions vol 1. 1274 BREZIS H. Introduction aux Žquations aux dŽrivŽes partielles du second ordre(notes rŽdigŽes par P.SUQUET) Secretariat math.ecole Normale Sup; 1977 1275 ROITENBERG I.N. Theorie du controle automatique. Ed. "MIR" MOSCOU 1974 1276 CARFORT F. FOULARD C. CALVET J. Asservissements linŽaires continus avec exercices et problmes rŽsolus. DUNOD (BORDAS 1976) 1277 FEDERER H. Geometric measure theory. Band 153. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1969 1278 DIEUDONNE J. Element d'analyse, tome 7, chap. 23, 1re partie. GAUTHIER-VILLARS 1978 1279 DIEUDONNE J. Element d'analyse, tome 8, chap. 23, 2me partie. GAUTHIER-VILLARS 1978 128 GOLDBERG R.R. Fourier transforms. CAMBRIDGE 1961 1280 RALSTON A. RABINOWITZ P. A first course in numerical analysis. MC GRAW-HILL 1978 1281 KREISS H. OLIGER J. Methods for the approximate solution of time dependent problems. G.A.R.P. 1282 VAINBERG M.M. Variational method and method of monoto. operators in the theory of nonlinear equations. WILEY 1973 1283 YOSIDA K. Functional analysis. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1978 1284 BERGER M.S. Nonlinearity and functional analysis lectures on nonlinear problems in math. anal. ACADEMIC PRESS 1977 1285 LEGROSET J.C. Ed. Les instabilitŽs hydrodynamiques en convection libre. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1978 1286 FIELDER Ed. Structure and mechanisms of turbulence 1. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1978 1287 FIELDER Ed. Structure and mechanisms of turbulence 2. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1978 1288 Global analysis and applic. Lectures presented at an inter. course, trieste 4, july. INT. ATOM. ENERG. AGEN 1974 1289 Global analysis and applic. Lectures presented at an inter. course, trieste 4, july, 25 august 1972 INT; ATOM. ENERG.AGEN 1974 129 CHURCHILL R.V. Fourier series and boundary value problems. MC GRAW HILL 1941 1290 Global analysis and applic. Lectures presented at an intern. course, trieste 4, july 25, august 1972. INT. ATOM. ENERG. AGEN. 1974 1291 WIDDER D.V. The heat equation. ACADEMIC PRESS 1975 1292 Non linear partial differential equations - A symposium on methods of solution. ACADEMIC PRESS 1967 1293 RABINOWITZ P.H. Applications of bifurcation theory. Proceeding advanced seminar conducted math. ACADEMIC PRESS 1977 1294 HILLE E. Ordinary differential equations in the complex domain. J. WILEY AND SONS 1976 1295 BERNFELD S.R. LAKSHMIKANTHAM V. An introduction to nonlinear boundary values problems. ACADEMIC PRESS 1974 1296 HALMOS P.R. SUNDER V.S. Bounded integral operators on LZ Spaces. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1978 1297 MIURA R.M. Ed. Backlund transformations the inverse scattering method, solit. and their applications. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1976 1298 MARCHUK G.I. Methods of numerical mathematics. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1975 1299 ODEN J.T. REDDY J.N. Variational methods in theoretical mechanics. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1976 13 Computer journal , vol 13, n¡1, FŽvrier 1970. 1970 130 CHURCHILL R.V. Fourier series and boundary value problems. MC GRAW HILL 1941 1300 GILBERT R.P. Constructive methods for elliptic equations. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1974 1301 HOWES F.A. Singular perturbations and differential inequalities. Memoirs of the American mathematical Society,vol 5,n¡168, 1976. 1302 NIRENBERG L. Topics in non linear functional analysis - courant institute of math. Sciences. NEW-YORK UNIVER. 1973-1974 1303 RICHTMYER R.D. Principles of advanced math. Physics,vol.1. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1978 1304 DOWSON H.R. Spectral theory of linear operators. ACADEMIC PRESS 1978 1305 LUKE Y.L. Algorithms for the computation of mathematical functions.,New-York. ACADEMIC PRESS 1977 1306 DE GIORGI - MAGENES E. MOSCO U. Recent methods in non linear analysis, proceeding of the inter. meeting on ,Rome may 8-12. 1307 TARTAR L. Topics in non linear analysis (public.math. Orsay, Nov.1978) 1308 Grands codes de calcul, prŽsentation Žritres de choix, centre nation. exploitations des ocŽans, MAI 1978 1309 BIRD B. STEWARD W.E. LIGHTFORT E.N. Transport phenomena. 131 ZYGMUND A. Trigonometric sŽries, vol 1 CAMBRIDGE 1959 1310 LUENBERGER D.G. Introduction to linear and nonlinear programming . ADDISON WESLEY 1973 1311 STEIN E.M. Singular and differentiability properties of functions. PRINCETEN UNIVERS.1970 1312 GIRAUD Processus alŽatoires. DUNOD PARIS 1313 REED M . SIMON B. Methods of modern mathematical physics.IV Analysis of operators. ACADEMIC PRESS 1978 1314 NEVANLINNA R. Analytic functions. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1970 1315 POSTON T. STEWART I. Catastrophe theory and its applications. PITMAN 1978 1316 Nonlinear partial differ. equat. and applications. n¡648. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1978 1317 ARNOLD V.I. Mathematical methods of classical mechanics. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1978 1318 AZIZ A.K. WINGATE J.W. BALAS M.J. Ed. Control theory of systems governed by partial differential equations. 1319 CHIHARA T.S. An introduction to orthogonal polynomials GORDON AND BREACH 1978 132 ZYGMUND A. Trigonometric sŽries, vol 2 CAMBRIDGE 1959 1320 BALAKRISHNAN A.V. Applied functional analysis. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1976 1321 BERGH J. LOFSTROM J. Interpolation spaces,an introduction. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1976 1322 FIFE P.C. Mathematical aspects of reacting and diffusing systems, n¡28 SPRINGER-VERLAG 1979 1323 SCHMITT K. Delay and functional diff. equations and their applications. ACADEMIC PRESS 1972 1324 HERMANN R. Toda lattices cosymplectic manifolds, Backlund transf. part A. MATH. SC. PRESS 1977 1325 HERMANN R. Toda lattices part. B 1326 HERMANN R. Geometric theory of nonlinear diff. equations, Backlund transformat. and solitons part A. MATH. SC. PRESS 1976 1327 HERMANN R. Geometrie theory , part B. 1328 CARTAN H. Cours de calcul differentiel HERMANN 1977 1329 CARTAN H. ThŽorie ŽlŽmentaire des fonctions analytiques d'une ou plusieurs variables complexes. HERMANN 1978 133 BRANGES Louis de - ROVNYAK J. Square summable Power series. Holt. RINETART AND WINSTON 1966 1330 CARTAN H. 1331 ROBERT P. Diction. alpha. et analogique de la langue franaise. LITTRE 1978 1332 GROSSWALD Bessel polynomials. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1978 1333 DUNFORD - SCHWARTZ Linear operators part 3. WILEY INTERS. NEW-YORK 1971 1334 IOSS G. Bifurcation of maps and applications, Amsterdam. NORTH HOLLAND PUBLI. COMP. 1979 1335 BROCKER TH. LANDER L. Different. games and catastrophes. CAMB. UNIVER. PRESS1978 1336 LLOYD N.G. Degree theory. CAMB. UNIVER.PRESS 1978 1337 IVANO V.V. The theory of approximate methods and their application to the numerical solution of singular integral equations. NOODHOFF INT.PUBLI.1976 1338 GIRAULT V. RAVIART P.A Finite element approximation of the Navier -Stokes equations. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1979 1339 GIRAULT V. RAVIART P.A Finite element approximation of the Navier- Stokes equations. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1979 134 NOSHIRO K. Cluster sets. SPRINGER VERLAG 1960 1340 GIRAULT V. RAVIART P.A Finite element approximation of the Navier -Stokes equations. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1979 1341 KNOPS R.J. Ed. Nonlinear analysis and mechanics: heriot watt symposium, vol 1. PITMAN 1978 1342 KNOPS R.J. Ed. Nonlinear analysis and mechanis and mechanics: heriot watt symposium, vol 2. PITMAN 1978 1343 KNOPS R.J. Ed. Nonlinear analysis and mechanics: heriot watt symposium, vol 3. PITMAN 1978 1344 FRAEIJS DE VEUBEKE B.M. A course in elasticity; n¡29. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1979 1345 CHORIN A.J. MARDSEN J.E. A mathematical introduction to fluid mechanics; SPRINGER-VERLAG 1979 1346 RICE J. Ed. Mathematical software III, n¡ 39. 1347 LIONS J.L. BENSOUSSAN A. Applications des inŽquations variationnelles en contr™le stochastique. DUNOD BORDAS 1978 1348 DUNFORD N.SCHWARTZ J.T. Linear operators part 3. WILEY INTERSCIENCE 1971 1349 Methodes mathŽmatiques de l'informatique 7,sous la direction de J.L.LIONS et MARCHOUCKÉ DUNOD 1978 135 KURATOWSKI C. Topologie, vol 1. WARZAWA 1958 1350 KRASNOSELSKII M.A. ZABREIKO P.P. PUSTYLNIK E.I. Integral operators in spaces of summable functions, leyden. NORDHOFF INS. PUBLI. 1976 1351 KUFNER A. OLDRICH J. FUCIK N. Function spaces NORDHOFF INS. PUBLI. 1977 1352 MIKHLIN S.G. Approximation on a rectangular grid with applications to finite element methods and other problems. SYTHOFF AND NOORDHOFF 1979 1353 AGREST M.M. MAKSIMON M.S. Theory of incomplete cylindrical functions and their applications. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1971 1354 WELLS J.H. WILLIAMS L.R. Embeddings and extensions in analysis. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1975 1355 WAYNE R. VARBERG Dale E. Convex functions, New-York. ACADEMIC PRESS 1973 1356 WIDDER D.V. An introduction to transform theory, New-York. ACADEMIC-PRESS 1971 1357 OBERHRTTIN F. Fourier transforms of distributions and their inverses. New-York. ACADEMIC PRESS 1973 1358 EDWARDS H.M. Riemann's zeta function, New-York. ACADEMIC PRESS 1974 1359 DUREN P.L. Theory of Hilbert spaces. New-York. ACADEMIC PRESS 1970 136 RADO T. - REICHELDERFER P.V. Continuous transformations in analysis with an introduction to algebraic topology. SPRINGER VERLAG 1955 1360 LUKE YUNDELL L. The special functions and their approximations, vol.1, New-york. ACADEMIC PRESS 1969 1361 LUKE YUDELL L. The special functions and their approximations, vol.2, New-York. ACADEMIC PRESS 1969 1362 SAGLE A. WALDE R.E. Introduction to Lie groups and Lie algebras, New-York ACADEMIC PRESS 1973 1363 REED M. SIMON B. Methods of modern mathematical physics. ACADEMIC PRESS 1979 1364 ARNOLD V.I. Mathematical methods of classical mechanics . SPRINGER-VERLAG 1978 1365 RICHTMYER R.D. Principles of advanced mathematical physics vol.1; new-york. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1978 1366 GLOWINSKI R. RODIN E.Y. Ed; Energy methods in finite element analysis. JOHN-WILEY 1979 1367 SCHAMPINE L.F. GORDON M.K. Computer solution of ordinary differential equations, the initial value problem, San Fransisco. FREEMAN AND CIE. 1975 1368 WALL H.S. Analytic theory of continued fractions; CHELSEA PUBLI. 1973 1369 KNOPS R.J. Ed. Non linear analysis and mechanics:heriot watt symposium, Vol. 4, San Fransisco. PIT.ADV.PUBLI. PROG. 1979 137 HOLKING J.G. - YOUNG Topology. ADDISON WESLEY 1961 1370 CHORIN A.J. MARSDEN J.E. A mathematical introduction to fluid mechanics. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1979 1371 STOKER J.J. Nonlinear elasticity, New-York. GORDON AND BREACH 1968 1372 Integral equations, a reference text.(zabryeko miklin) NOORDHOFF INT. PUBLI.1975 1373 MAC BRIDE A.C. Fractional calculus and integral transforms of generalized functions. PITMAN 1979 1374 GILBERT R.P. WEINACHT R.J. Ed. Function theoretic methods in differential equations, San Fransisco. PITMAN 1976 1375 Harrap's shorter dictionnary, franais anglais BORDAS 1979 1376 Harrap's shorter dictionnary, anglais-franais BORDAS 1979 1377 World Directory of math.1979, published under the auspices of the inter. math. union. KYOTO (JAPAN) 1979 1378 NAIMARK M.A. Linear differential operators Part 1, elementary theory of linear differential operators. 1379 ROCKAFELLAR A.T. ThŽorie des sons gradients et ses applications ˆ l'optimisation, fonctions convexes et non convexes. PRESSES UNIVERSITE 1979 138 KELLEY J.P. General topology. VAN NOSTRAND 1955 1380 LELONG-FERRAND J. GŽomŽtrie diffŽrentielle MASSON 1963 1381 METIVIER M. Notions fondamentales de la thŽorie des probabilites; DUNOD BORDAS 1979 1382 COLLINS R. French-English, english -french dictionary. LITTRE PARIS 1979 1383 Proceeding of the integral congress of mathematicians, 1978, Vol 1. ICM, HELSINKI 1980 1384 Proceeding of the integral congress of mathematicians, 1978, Vol 2. ICM, HELSINKI 1980 1385 PETRIE C.J.S. Elongational flows, aspects of the behavior of model elastoviscous fluids . PITMAN 1979 1386 DUFF I.S. STEWART G.W. Ed. SPARCE Matrix proceeding 1978. SIAM 1979 1387 SINAI YA.G. Introduction to ergodic theory. PRINCETON UNIVER. 1976 1388 SATTINGER D.H. Group theoretic methods in bifurcation theory. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1970 1389 HALE J.C. Ordinary differential equations JOHN-WILEY 1969 139 PATTERSON E.M. Topology. OLIVER AND BOYD 1959 1390 SATTINGER D.H. Group. theoretic methods in bifurcation theory, lect. notes in math. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1979 1391 SZEGO G. Orthogonal polynomials America Math. Soc. Providence RHOD ISLAND. 1392 DUDERSTADT J.J. MARTIN W.R. Transport theory. JOHN-WILEY AND SONS 1979 1393 SANCHEZ-PALENCIA E. Non homogeneous media and vibration theory. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1980 1394 SANCHEZ-PALENCIA E. Non homogeneous media and vibration theory. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1980 1395 LIGHTHILL J. Waves in fluids. CAMBR. UNIVERS. PRESS 1980 1396 ROCKEY K.C. EVANS H.R. GRIFFITHS D.W. NETHERCOT D.A. Introduction ˆ la mŽthode des ŽlŽments finis. EYROLLES 1979 1397 ASKEY R. Orthogonal polynomials and special functions- regional conf. series in applied math. SIAM 1975 1398 HOPPENSTEADT F. Mathematical theories of populations: demographics, genetics and epidemics. SIAM 1975 1399 RUBINOW S.I. Mathematical problems in the biological sciences. Regional conf. series in applied math. SIAM 1973 14 Journal of computational physics, vol 5, n¡1, FŽvrier 1970. 1970 140 SPANIER E.H. Algebraic topology. 1400 CIARLET P.G. RABIER P. Les Žquations de von Karman SPRINGER-VERLAG 1980 1401 MEYER B. BAUDOIN MŽthodes de programmation. EYROLLES 1978 1402 WATSON G.A. Approximation theory and numerical methods. JOHN-WILEY AND SONS 1980 1403 TANABE H. Equations of evolution. PITMAN 1979 1404 HOCHSTADT H. Integral equations. JOHN-WILEY AND SONS 1973 1405 CAMPBELL S.L. Singular systems of differential equations. PITMAN 1980 1406 FICHERA G. Numerical and quantitative analysis. PITMAN 1978 1407 WOUK A. A course of applied functional analysis. JOHN-WILEY AND SONS 1973 1408 HARAUX A. Nonlinear evolution equations - global behavior of solutions. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1981 1409 NUSSBAUMER H.J. Fast Fourier transform and convolution algorithms SPRINGER-VERLAG 1981 141 CSASZAR A. Fondements de la topologie gŽnŽrale. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1960 1410 JACKSON J.D. Classical electrodynamics. JOHN WILEY 1975 1411 SCHWABICK S. Differential and integral equations. 1412 HIGGINS J.R. Completenesse and biars, properties of sets of special functions. 1413 CRANDALL M.G. Nonlinear evolution equations, proceeding of a symposium conducted math. Research center. ACADEMIC PRESS 1978 1414 TARTAR L. Topics in nonlinear analysis - Univer. Paris Sud, dŽpart. Math. PUBLIC MATH. ORSAY 78-13 1415 WEGNER P. Programming with ada : an introduction by means of graduated examples. PRENTICE HALL 1980 1416 KINDERLEHRER D. STAMPACCHIA G. An introduction to variational inequalites and their applications. ACADEMIC PRESS 1980 1417 KEVORKIAN J. COLE J.D. Perturbation methods in applied mathematics. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1981 1418 DHATT G. TOUZOT G. Une prŽsentation de la mŽthode des ŽlŽments finis, Paris Maloine. PRESSES UNIV.LAVAL 1981 1419 MULLER-PFEIFFER E. Spectral theory of ordinary fifferential equations. ELLIS HORWOOD LIMIT. 1981 142 MAURICE M.A. Compact ordered spaces. MATH. CENTRUM 1964 1420 SCHWARTZ L. Cours d'analyse, tome1 PARIS-HERMANN 1981 1421 SCHWARTZ L. Cours d'analyse, tome 2 PARIS- HERMANN 1981 1422 GIRAULT V. RAVIART P.A. Finite element approximation of the Navier-Stokes equations, lecture notes in math. 749. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1981 1423 GIRAULT V. RAVIART P.A. Finite element approximation of the Navier-Stokes equations, lecture notes in math. 749. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1981 1424 BERNSTEIN S. Leons sur les propriŽtŽs ext. et la meilleure approximation des fonctions analytiques d'une variable rŽelle. GAUTHIER-VILLARS 1926 1425 MANSION J.P. Harrap's shorter french and english dictionnary, part two, 1967. BORDAS 1967 1426 Bulletin officiel du ministre de l'Žducation nationale,1/10/81, n¡35 1427 SCHULTZ M.H. Ed. Elliptic problems solvers ACADEMIC PRESS 1981 1428 HAGEMAN L.A. YOUNG D.M. Applied iterative methods ACADEMIC PRESS 1981 1429 TARTAR L. Topics in nonlinear analysis, publications math. d'Orsay, 78-13. 143 Linear topological spaces. VAN NOSTRAND 1963 1430 TARTAR L. Topics in nonlinear analysis, publications math.d'Orsay, 78-13. 1431 Free boundary problems, vol1, proceedings,of seminar held in pavia 1432 Free boundary problems, vol 2,proceedings of a seminar held in pavia 1433 Free boundary problems, vol 1, proceedings, Rome 1980 1434 Free boundary problems , vol 2, proceedings, Rome 1980 1435 BATCHELOR G.K. An introduction to fluid dynamics. CAMB.UNIVER.PRESS 1980 1436 TEMAM R. Navier -Stokes equations. NORTH-HOL.PUBLI.COMP.1979 1437 WIRTH N. Introduction ˆ la programmation systŽmatique. MASSON 1981 1438 GERMAIN P. NAYROLES B. Ed. Lecture notes in mathematics n¡ 503 SPRINGER-VERLAG 1976 1439 KATO T. Perturbation theory for linear operators. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1980 144 EDWARDS J. A treatise on the integral calculus, vol 1 CHELSEA 1930 1440 HENRICI P. Applied and computational complex analysis, vol 1,(power series, integration. WILEY AND SONS 1974 1441 ZAIDMAN S.D. Abstract differential equations. PITMAN ADV.PUBL.PRO.1979 1442 HAYMAN W.K. KENNEDY P.B. Subharmonic functions, vol.1 ACADEMIC PRESS 1976 1443 RAUTMANN R. Approximation methods for Navier-Stokes problems, lecture notes in math.771. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1980 1444 NAIMARK M.A Linear differential operators part. 2. FRE. LENGAR PUBLI. 1968 1445 CLAERBOCUT J.F. Fundamentals of geophysical data processing with applications to petrolum prospecting. MAC GRAW STILL 1976 1446 STEIN E.M. Singular integrals and differentiability properties of functions PRINCETON UNI. PRESS 1970 1447 Studies in Ada style SPRINGER-VERLAG 1981 1448 LEDGARD H. ADA, an introduction, Ada reference manual, july 1980. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1981 1449 ACHENBACH J.D. Wave propagation in elastic solids, applied math. and mechanics, vol 16. NORTH-HOL.PUBLI.COMP.1973 145 EDWARDS J. A treatise on the integral calculus, vol 2 CHELSEA 1930 1450 YOUNG R.M. An introduction to nonharmonic Fourier series. ACADEMIC PRESS 1980 1451 AMANN H. BAZLEY N. KUCHGASSNER K. Applications of nonlinear analysis in the physical sciences. PITMAN ADV. PUBL.PRO.1981 1452 HENRICI P. Applied and computational complex analysis, vol 2, special functions. J. WEISLEY AND SONS 1977 1453 HENRICI P. Applied and computational complex analysis,vol 2, special functions. J. WEISLEY AND SONS 1977 1454 FRANCE La france en mai 1981, enseign. dŽveloppement scient.Žtudes et rapports commission du bilan. DOCUMENTATION FRANC. 1982 1455 FUCIK S. Solvability of nonlinear equations and boundary value problems. REIDEL PUBLI.C.DOR.HOLL.1980 1456 EKELAND I. TEMAN R. Convex analysis and variational problems. NORTH-HOLLAND PUB.COMP. 1976 1457 BOUTET DE MONVEL L. GUILLEMIN V. The spectral theory of Toeplitz operators. PRINCETON UNIVER. PRESS 1981 1458 HORMANDER Seminar on singularties of solutions of linear partial differential PRINCETON UNIVER. PRESS 1979 1459 LIEB E.H. SIMON B. Studies in mathematical physics; Essays in honor of Valentine Bargmann. PRINCETON UNIVER. PRESS 1976 146 EL'SGOL'C L.E. Qualitative methods in mathematical analysis. A.M.S. 1964 1460 FURSTENBERG H. Recurrence in ergodic theory and combinatorial number theory. PRICETON UNIVER. PRESS 1981 1461 PITTS J. Existence and regularity of minimal surfaces on Riemannian manifolds. PRINCETON UNIVER. PRESS 1981 1462 NAGEL A. STEIN E.M. Lectures in pseudo-differential operators regularity theorems and applications to non. ELLIPTIC PROBLEMS 1463 IKEDA N. WATANABE S. Stochastic differential equations and diffusion processes. NORTH-HOLLAND 1981 1464 TREVES F. Introduction to pseudodifferential and Fourier integral operators, vol 1 PLENUM PRESS 1980 1465 TREVES F. Introduction to pseudofifferential and Fourier integral operators, vol 2. PLENUM PRESS 1980 1466 KNOWLES G. An introductions to applied optimal control ACADEMIC PRESS 1981 1467 HILTON P.J. YUONG G.S. New directions in applied mathematics, papers presented SPRINGER-VERLAG 1982 1468 LEIGH J.R. Functional analysis and linear control theory ACADEMIC PRESS 1980 1469 HOLMES M.H. RUBENFELD L.A. Ed. Mathematical modeling of the hearing process, lecture notes in biomathematics 43. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1981 147 GARNIR H.G. Fonctions de variables rŽelles, tome 1. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1963 1470 TRUESDELL C. MUNCASTER R.G. Fundamentals of Maxwell's kinetic theory of a simple monatomic gas treated as a branch of rational mechanics. ACADEMIC PRESS 1980 1471 MORREY C.B. Multiple integrals in the calculus of variations SPRINGER-VERLAG 1966 1472 GARNIR H.G. Ed. Singularities in boundary values problems. Proceedings of the noto advanced study institute held at maratea,Italy. REIDEL PUBLI.COMPANY 1981 1473 JENSEN N. WIRTH N. Pascal user manual and report . Second edition. SPRINGER VERLAG 1978 1474 ABSI E. GLOWINSKY R. LASCAUX P. Ed. Numerical methods for engeneering, methods numeriques dans les sciences de l'ingenieur.GAMNI 2 DUNOD 1980 1475 AMREIN W.O. Non relativistic quantum dynamics. REIDEL PUBLI.COMP.DOR. 1981 1476 KUFNER A. JOHN O. FUCIK S; Function spaces NOORDHOFF.INT.PUBL.1977 1477 MASLOV V.P. FERORIUK M.V. Semi-classical approximation in quantum mechanics. REIDEL PUBLI.COMP.DOR.1981 1478 GRISNARD P. Boundary value problems in non smooth domains, lecture notes 19. UNIVERSITE MARYLAND 1980 1479 GRISNARD P. Boundary value problems in non smooth domains, part 2 UNIVERSITE NICE 1981 148 GARNIR H.G. Fonctions de variables rŽelles, tome 2. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1963 1480 FREHSE J. PALLASCHKE D. TROTTENBERG U. Special topics of applied mathematics,fonctional analysis numerical NORTH-HOL.PUBL.COM.1980 1481 KERNEVEZ J.P. Enzyme mathematics. NORTH-HOL.PUBL.COM.1980 1482 MITTELMANN H.D.- WEBER H. Ed. Bifurcation problems and their numerical solution . BIRKHAUSER VERLAG.BAL.1980 1483 MANIN Y.I. Mathematics and physics. BIRKHAUSER BOSTON 1981 1484 Singularity theory, selected papers CAMBRIDGE UNIVER. 1981 1485 GAMKRELIDZE R.V. Principles of optimal control theory, 1978 ACHETER PAR H.BREZIS 1486 BARENBLATT G.I. Similarity, self and intermediate asymptotics,1979 ACHETER PAR H.BREZIS 1487 KURSUNOGLU B. The significance of nonlinearity in the natural sciences PLENUM PRESS 1977 1488 ARIS R. The mathematical theory of diffusion and reaction in permeable catalysis, vol.1. CLARENDON PRESS OX. 1975 1489 ARIS V. Questions of uniqueness, stabibity and trans. behavior. CLARENDON PRESS OX. 1975 149 Mathematics of computation, vol 24, n¡109, Janvier 1970 1490 MURRAY J.D. Lectures on nonlinear differential equations models in biology. ACHETER PAR H.BREZIS 1491 PRUGOVECKI E. Quantum mechanics in Hilbert spaces ACADEMIC PRESS 1984 1492 ENGELKING R. Dimension theory NORTH-HOLLAND 1978 1493 AHMED N.U. TEO K.L. Optimal control of distributed parameter systems NORTH-HOLLAND 1981 1494 SCHECHTER M. Operators methods in quantum mechanics ACHETER PAR H.BREZIS 1495 DOLEZAL V. Monotone operators and applications in control and network theory. ELSEVIER 1979 1496 MORANWETZ C.S. Notes on time decay and scattering for some hyperbolic problems.n¡ 19 SIAM 1975 1497 PAYNE L.E. Improperly posed problems in partial differential equations ,1975 ACHETER PAR H.BREZIS 1498 WEINBERGER H.F. Variational methods for eigenvalue approximation, 1974 ACHETER PAR H.BREZIS 1499 GREINER P.C - STEIN E.M. Estimates for the o-Neuman problems PRIN. UNIVERSITY PRESS 1977 15 URSS computational math and mathematical physics, vol 8 n¡1. 1968 150 HELMBERG G. Introduction to special theory in Hilbert space. NORTH HOLLAND 1969 1500 SIMON B. PRIN. UNIVERSITY PRESS 1974 1501 GUILLEMIN V.W - KASHIWARA M. - KAWAI T. Seminar on micro local analysis, annals of math. studies n¡ 93 PRIN. UNIVERSITY PRESS 1979 1502 ISRAEL R.B Convexity in the theory of lattice gases PRIN. UNIVERSITY PRESS 1979 1503 TAYLOR M.E Pseudodifferiential operators PRIN. UNIVER. PRESS 1981 1504 TAYLOR M.E Pseudodifferential operators PRIN. UNIVER. PRESS 1981 1505 LANG S. Elliptic functions ADD.WESLEY READ.MASS.1973 1506 BABUSKA - LIU T.P. - OSBORN J. Ed. Lectures on the numerical solutions of partial diff. equations; Proceedings of the special year in numerical analysis. BABUSKA 1981 1507 CIARLET P.G. Introduction ˆ l'analyse numŽrique matricielle et ˆ l'optimisation MASSON 1982 1508 CIARLET P.G. THOMAS J.M. Exercices d'analyse numŽrique matricielle et d'optimisation MASSON 1982 1509 LIONS P.L. Generalized solutions of Hamilton- Jacobi equations. PITMAN ADV. PUBL. PROG. 1982 151 GREENSPAN D. Lecture on the numerical solution of linear singular and nonlinear differential equations. PRENTICE HALL 1968 1510 BAKER G.A. - PETER GRAVEY MORRIS Pade approximants, part 1, extensions and applic. ADD.WESLEY PUBL.COM. 1981 1511 BAKER G.A. - PETER GRAVEY MORRIS Pade approximants,part.2, extensions and applic. ADD. WESLEY PUBL.COM. 1981 1512 LAMB G.L. Elements of soliton theory,New York. JOHN WILEY 1980 1513 CROCUS Systemes d'exploitation des ordinateurs, principes de conception. DUNOD 1981 1514 AHO A.V. HOPCROFT J. ULLMAN JD. The design and analysis of computer algorithms ADDISON WESLEY READY 1974 1515 TELLER E. Ed. Fusion, magnetic confinement vol1, part A ACADEMIC PRESS 1981 1516 TELLER E. Ed. Fusion, magnetic confinement vol1, part B ACADEMIC PRESS 1981 1517 HERDMAN T.L. RANKIN S.M. STECH H.M. Ed. Integral and functional diff. equat. DEKKER 1981 1518 HERMANN R. Geometry, physics and systems DEKKER 1973 1519 SMOLLER J. Shock waves and reaction- diffusion equations SPRINGER-VERLAG 1983 152 FAVARD J. Cours d'analyse. Ecole polytechnique, tome 1. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1960 1520 DELOBEL C. ADIBA M. Bases de donnŽes et systmes relationnels DUNOD 1982 1521 BREZIS H., LIONS J.L. Ed. Nonlinear partial diff.equat. and their applications college de france seminar vol.2 PITMAN ADV. PUBL.PROG.1980 1522 BREZIS H., LIONS J.L. Ed. Nonlinear partial diff.equat. and their applications college de france seminar vol.2 PITMAN ADV. PUBL.PROG.1980 1523 BREZIS H., LIONS J.L. Ed Nonlinear partial diff.equat. and their applications college de france seminar vol.1 PITMAN ADV. PUBL.PROG.1980 1524 SMOLLER J. Shock waves and reactions diffusion equations. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1983 1525 HORMANDER L. The analysis of linear partial differential operators SPRINGER-VERLAG 1983 1526 HORMANDER L. The analysis of linear partial differential operators I SPRINGER-VERLAG 1983 1527 HORMANDER L. The analysis of linear partial differential operators II SPRINGER-VERLAG 1983 1528 HORMANDER L. The analysis of linear partial differential operators II SPRINGER-VERLAG 1983 1529 RAVIART P.A. THOMAS J.M. Introduction ˆ l'analyse numŽrique des Žquations aux dŽrivŽes partielles. MASSON 1983 153 FAVARD J. Cours d'analyse .Ecole polytechnique, tome 1. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1960 1530 THOMPSON J.F Numerical grid generation NORTH-HOLLAND 1982 1531 Macroscopic properties of dis. media, proceeding of a conference held courant institut SPRINGER-VERLAG 1982 1532 CHAZARAIN J. PITIOU A. Introduction ˆ la thŽorie des Žquations aux dŽrivŽes partielles linŽaires,Paris. GAUTHIER-VILLARS 1981 1533 BRAUN M. DREW D.A Differential equations models, vol 1 SPRINGER-VERLAG 1983 1534 LIONS J.L. Some methods in the mathematical analysis of structures and their control. INRIA 1535 LIONS J.L. Contr™le des systmes distribuŽs singuliers, INRIA 1536 GOLUB G.H. MEURANT GA.. RŽsolution numŽrique des grands systmes linŽaires EYROLLES 1983 1537 RAVIART P.A. THOMAS J.M. Introduction ˆ l'analyse numŽrique des Žquations aux dŽrivŽes partielles. MASSON 1983 1538 MIRANDA C. Methods of functional analysis and theory of elliptic equations DONATO GRECO LIGUORI 1983 1539 CROUZEIX M. MIGNOT A.L. Analyse numŽrique des Žquations diffŽrentielles. MASSON 1984 154 FAVARD J. Cours d'analyse .Ecole polytechnique, tome 2. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1960 1540 CIARLET P.G. ROSEAU M. Trends and applications of pure math. mechanics,proceedings, palaiseau 1983. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1984 1541 CIARLET P.G. Lectures on three-dimensional elasticity SPRINGER-VERLAG 1983 1542 DACUNHA-CASTELLE D. DUFLO M. Exercices de probabilitŽs et statistiques, tome 1 MASSON 1982 1543 AZIZ K. SETTARI A. Petrolum reser. simulation APPLIED SCI. PUBLI. 1979 1544 JournŽes Žquations dŽrivŽes partielles de Rennes, 5-6-7, juin 1975 STE MATH. FRANCE 1976 1545 ROBERTSON A.P. ROBERTSON W. Topological vector spaces CAM. UNIVERS. PRESS 1966 1546 BENSOUSSAN A. LIONS J.L. PAPANICOLAOU G. Asymptotic methods in periodic structures, 4 tomes 1547 CHORIN A. MARSDEN J.E. A mathematical introduction to fluid mechanics SPRINGER-VERLAG 1984 1548 CHORIN A. MARSDEN J.E. A mathematical introduction to fluid mechanics SPRINGER-VERLAG 1984 1549 SMOLLER J. Shock waves and reaction, diffusion equations SPRINGER-VERLAG 1982 155 FAVARD J. Cours d'analyse .Ecole polytechnique, tome 3. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1960 1550 SMOLLER J. Shock waves and reaction, diffusion equations SPRINGER-VERLAG 1982 1551 JENSEN K. WIRTH N. User manual and report SPRINGER-VERLAG 1978 1552 JENSEN K. WIRTH N. User manual and report SPRINGER-VERLAG 1978 1553 LIGNELET P. Fortran 77, langage fortran 5, 2me ed. MASSON 1984 1554 LIGNELET P. Fortran 77, langage fortran 5, 2me ed. MASSON 1984 1555 DAVIS P.J. RABINOWITZ P. Methods of numerical integration, 2 me edit. ACADEMIC PRESS 1984 1556 MEYER B. BAUDOIN C. MŽthodes de programmation, 3 me Ždit. EYROLLES 1984 1557 MORVAN P. Dictionnaire d'informatique, 5 me Ždit. LAROUSSE 1981 1558 GLOWINSKI R. LIONS J.L. Computing methods in applied sciences and engineering NORTH-HOLLAND 1980 1559 GLOWINSKI R. LIONS J.L. Computing methods in applied sciences and engineering NORTH-HOLLAND 1980 156 POLYA G. - SZEGO G. Aufgaben und lehrsatze aus der analysis, Band 1. SPRINGER VERLAG 1954 1560 GLOWINSKI R. LIONS J.L. Computing methods in applied sciences and engineering NORTH-HOLLAND 1984 1561 BREZIS H. Analyse fonctionelle; thŽorie et applications MASSON 1983 1562 TEMAM R. Problmes mathŽmatiques en plasticitŽ GAUTHIER-VILLARS 1983 1563 MACCHI S. GUILBERT J.F. TŽlŽ informatique transport et traitement de l'information dans les rŽseaux et systmes tŽlŽinformatiques. DUNOD 1983 1564 BRANDT A. Multigrid techniques 1984, guide applic. to fluid dynamics GESSELLSCHAFT MATH. 1984 1565 THOMEE V. Finite element methods for parabolic problems SPRINGER-VERLAG 1984 1566 COURANT R. HILBERT D. Methods of mathematical physics,vol.2,partial diff.equations JOHN-WELEY AND SONS 1962 1567 ULLMAN J.D. Principles of database systems COMP. SCIENCES PRESS 1983 1568 PETERSON J.L. SILBERSCHATZ A. Operating system concepts ADDISON-WESLEY READ. 1984 1569 GARDARIN G. Bases de donnŽes, les systmes et leurs langages EYROLLES 1984 157 POLYA G. - SZEGO G. Aufgaben und lehrsatze aus der analysis, Band 2. SPRINGER VERLAG 1954 1570 LUCAS H. MARTIN G. SABLET Unix, mŽcanisme de base, langage de commande, utilisation. EYROLLES 1985 1571 GIUSTI E. Minimal surfaces and functions of bounded variation BIRKHAUSSER,Boston,Basel 1984 1572 GILBARG D. TRUDINGER N.S. Elliptic partial differantial equations of second order SPRINGER-VERLAG 1983 1573 Handbook of mathem. functions, with formulas, graphs and math. tables DOVER PUBLI.INC.New-york 1970 1574 GOLUB G.H. VAN LOAN C.F. Matrix computations JOHNS HOP. UNIV.PRESS 1984 1575 GURTIN M. An introduction to continuum mechanics ACADEMIC PRESS 1981 1576 PEYRET R. TAYLOR T. Computational methods for fluid flow SPRINGER-VERLAG 1988 1577 HANG E.J. CEA J. Optimization of distributed parameter structures vol.1 SYTHOFF NOORDHOFF 1981 1578 HANG E.J. Optimization volume 2 SYTHOFF NOORDHOFF 1981 1579 BANDLE C. Isoperimetric inequalites and applications PITMAN ADV. PUBLI. PROG.1980 158 JORDAN C. Cours d'analyse.Ecole polytechnique, tome 1. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1959 1580 CHOW S.N. HALE J.K. Methods of bifurcation theory SPRINGER-VERLAG 1982 1581 BOURNE S.R. The unix system (intern.Computer Sc.Series) ADDISON WESLEY PUBLISHING 1983 1582 CROCHET M.J. DAVIES A.R. WALTERS K. Numerical simulation of non newtonian flow ELSEVIER AMSTERDAM 1984 1583 MAJDA A. Compressible fluid flow and systems of conservation laws in several space variables SPRINGER-VERLAG 1984 1584 HAGEMAN L.A. YOUNG D.M. Applied iterative methods ACADEMIC PRESS 1981 1585 BERMAN A. PLEMMONS R.J. Nonnegative matrices in the mathematical sciences ACADEMIC PRESS 1979 1586 MEINARDUS G. Approximation of functions: theory and numerical methods SPRINGER-VERLAG 1967 1587 MARSDEN J.E. HUGHES Mathematical foundations of elasticity, Prentice Hall INC. ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS NEW.JER.07632 1588 DODD R.K. EILBECK J.C. MORRIS Solitons and nonlinear wave equations ACADEMIC PRESS 1982 1589 AUBIN J.P. Approximation of elliptic boundary-value problems WILEY INTERSCIENCE 1972 159 JORDAN C. Cours d'analyse.Ecole polytechnique, tome 2. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1959 1590 BARDOS C. LARRY J.M. ,Villetaneuse SPRINGER-VERLAG 1980 1591 LAROUSSE Petit Larousse en couleurs, Paris 1980 LAROUSSE 1980 1592 RENYI A. Calcul des probabilitŽs avec un appendice sur la thŽorie de l'information. DUNOD 1966 1593 KRYLOV V.E. Appro. calculation of integrals MASCULAR COMPANY 1962 1594 LUKE Y.L. Integrals of Bessel functions MC GRAW-HILL BOOK 1595 DICKSON L.E. Introduction to the theory of numbers DOVER NEW-YORK 1957 1596 KUBILIUS J. Probabilistic methods in the theory of numbers RHODE ISLAND 1964 1597 Asymptotic solutions of differential equations and their applications. WILEY ET SONS 1964 1598 LINNIK J.V. The dispersion method in binary additive problems.A.M.S. Providence RHODE ISLAND 1963 1599 HENRICI P. Elements of numerical analysis JOHN WILEY 1964 16 BECKENBACH E. - BELLMAN R. Inequalities. SPRINGER VERLAG 1965 160 JORDAN C. Cours d'analyse.Ecole polytechnique, tome 3. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1959 1600 GREENHILL A.G. The applications of elliptic functions DOVER.PUBL.INC. 1959 1601 SPENCELEY G.W. Smithsonian elliptic functions tables, city of washington SMITH. INSTIT. 1947 1602 MEINADIER J.P. Structure et fonctionnement des ordinateurs LAROUSSE 1971 1603 PARLETT The symmetric eigenvalue problem PRENTICE HALL 1604 CHATELIN F. Spectral approximation of linear operators ACADEMIC PRESS 1983 1605 PEYRET R. -TAYLOR T.D. Computational methods for fluid flow SPRINGER-VERLAG 1983 1606 DAUTRAY R. - LIONS J.L. Analyse mathŽmatique et calcul numŽrique pour sciences et techniques,tome1 MASSON 1984 1607 DAUTRAY R. - LIONS J.L. Analyse mathŽmatique et calcul numŽrique pour les sciences et techniques,tome 2 MASSON 1984 1608 HALANAY A. Differential equations stability oscillations time lags ACADEMIC PRESS 1966 1609 CIARLET P. G The finite element method ,Tate institute 1975 161 GOURSAT E. A course in mathematical analysis, vol 1. DOVER 1610 HALMOS P. R - HILBERT A. A Hilbert Space problem book NOSTNAND COMPANY INC 1967 1611 BELLMAN R. Methods of nonlinear analysis vol.I ACADEMIC PRESS 1970 1612 KOLMOGORON A.N. FOMIN S.V. Elements of the theory of functions and functional analysis vol.2 GRAYLOCK PRESS 1961 1613 SAATY T.L. Modern nonlinear equations McGRAW HILL BOOK COMP.1967 1614 AGRANOVICH Z.C. - MARCHENKO V.A. The inverse problem of scattering theory GORDON AND BREACH 1963 1615 BREZZI F. Numerical methods in fluid mechanics SPRINGER-VERLAG 1983 1616 Fluid dynamics - les Houches 1973 GORDON-BREACH SC.PUBLISCHERS 1617 FAVIE A. La turbulence en mŽcanique des fluides GAUTHIER VILLARS 1618 OSWATITSCH K. - RUES D. Symposium transsanicum II SPRINGER-VERLAG 1975 1619 LAUNDER B.E - SPALDING D.B. Lecture in mathematical models of turbulence ACADEMIC PRESS 1972 162 JULIA G. Exercices d'analyse. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1944 1620 Rgles techniques de conception et de calcul des ouvrages et constructions en bŽton armŽ. EYROLLES 1976 1621 HEWITT Computational methods and problems in aeronautical fluid dynamics ACADEMIC PRESS 1976 1622 HUBBARD B. Numerical solution of partial differential equations-III,SYNSPADE 1975 ACADEMIC PRESS 1976 1623 CHORIN Lectures on turbulence theory BERBELEY 1624 Pade approximants method and its applications in mechanics CABANNES 1625 BALAKRISHNAN Applied functional analysis SPRINGER-VERLAG BERL.1976 1626 HULIN M. Electromagnetisme, equat. de Maxwell. tome 1 A. COLIN 1971 1627 HULIN M. Electromagnetisme, ondes electromagnetiques, tome 2 A. COLIN 1971 1628 REEB M. - SIMON B. Methods of modern math. physics Vol 1 ACADEMIC PRESS 1972 1629 REEB M. - SIMON B. Methods of modern math. physics Vol.II 163 JULIA G. Exercices de gŽomŽtrie. Fascicule 1. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1944 1630 LANDAU - LIFCHITZ Electrodynamique des milieux continus MASSON 1969 1631 BORN M. - WOLF E. Principles of optics PERGAMON 1975 1632 MULLER C. Foundations of the mathematical theory of electromagnetic waves SPRINGER-VERLAG 1969 1633 LAX P. - PHILLIPS R. Scattering theory AC. PRESS 1967 1634 SCHECHTER M. Spectra of partial differential operators NORTH HOLLAND Amster;1971 1635 BALDWIN G. An introduction to nonlinear optics PLENUM PRESS 1969 1636 DODD A. - ECKERMAN Spectral theory and differential equations SPRINGER-VERLAG 1637 Nonlinear variational problems PITMAN 1985 1638 Methods of functional analysis and theory of elliptic equations GRECO NAPLES 1982 1639 KUPPER T. Numerical methods for bifurcation problems BIRKHAUSER 1984 164 AKHIEZER N.Z The classical moment problem and some related questions in analysis. OLIVER AND BOYD 1965 1640 KRASNOSELSKII M.A Positive solutions of operator equations NOORDHOFF 1964 1641 BREZZI F. Numerical methods in fluid dynamics SPRINGER-VERLAG 1983 1642 CIARLET P.G. - ROSEAU M. Trends and applications of pure mathematics to mechanics SPRINGER-VERLAG 1983 1643 CABANNES H. PadŽ approximants methods and its applications to mechanics SPRINGER-VERLAG 1976 1644 CABANNES H. PadŽ approximants method and its applications to mechanics SPRINGER-VERLAG 1976 1645 CIARLET P.G Introduction ˆ l'analyse numŽrique matricielle et ˆ l'optimisation MASSON 1985 1646 AUBIN J.P. L'analyse non linŽaire et ses motivations Žconomiques MASSON 1984 1647 RAVIART P.A.- THOMAS J.M. Introduction ˆ l'analyse numŽrique des Žquations aux dŽrivŽes partielles MASSON 1983 1648 RADIX J.C. Introduction au filtrage numŽrique EYROLLES PARIS 1970 1649 Journal of structural mechanics Vol. 12, Number 1, 1984 E.J. HANG 165 GELBAUM B.R. - OLMSTED J.M.H. Counterexamples in analysis. HOLDEN DAY 1964 1650 BENSOUSSAN A. Filtrage optimal des systmes linŽaires DUNOD 1971 1651 BYRON BIRD R. - STEWART W.E. - LIGHTFOOT E.N. Transport phenomena JOHN WILEY 1652 LAX P. - BURSTEIN S. - LAX A. Calculus with applications and computing Vol.1 SPRINGER-VERLAG 1984 1653 FREED D.S - WHLENDECK K.K. Instantons and four manifolds SPRINGER-VERLAG 1984 1654 MADDOX I.J. Infinite matrices of operators SPRINGER-VERLAG BERL. 1980 1655 CERCIGNANI C. Kinetic theories and the Boltzmann equation, montecatini 1981 SPRINGER-VERLAG BERL. 1980 1656 BREZZI F. Numerical methods in fluid dynamics - como 1983 SPRINGER-VERLAG BERL.1985 1657 CIARLET P.G. ElasticitŽ tridimensionnelle MASSON 1986 1658 BREZIS H. Analyse fonctionelle MASSON 1983 1659 BREZIS H. Analyse fonctionelle MASSON 1983 166 LOCHER-ERNST L. Differential und integra. in hinblick and ihre anwendungen. VERLAG BIRKHAUSER 1948 1660 SALENCON J. ViscoelasticitŽ PRESSES PONTS CHAUSSEES 1983 1661 SALENCON J. Calcul ˆ la rupture et analyse limite PRESSES PONTS CHAUSSEES 1983 1662 La mŽcanique des nappes d'hydrocarbures. Comptes rendus colloque Paris 7-8-9 sept.1981 ANCIENS ENPC 1981 1663 Comportements rhŽologiques et structure des matŽriaux,colloque 1980. ANCIENS ENPC 1981 1664 LADYZENSKAYA O.A The boudary value problems of mathematical physics SPRINGER-VERLAG 1985 1665 GILBARG D. Elliptic problems in nonsmooth domains PITMAN 1985 1666 GILBARG D. - TRUDINGER N.S. Elliptics partial differential equations- of second order. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1983 1667 PAZY A. Semigroups of linear operators and applications to partial differential equations SPRINGER-VERLAG 1983 1668 DEIMLING K. Nonlinear functional analysis SPRINGER-VERLAG 1985 1669 HACKBUSCH W. Multigrid methods and applications SPRINGER-VERLAG BERL.1985 167 Studies in modern analysis. Studies in mathematics, vol 1. PRENTICE HALL 1962 1670 CESARI L. Optimization - theory and applications SPRINGER-VERLAG NEW YORK 1983 1671 HENRY D. Geometric theory of semilinear parabolic equations lecture notes in mathematics 840. SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN 1981 1672 HEYMAN J. Equilibrium of shell structures CLARENDON PRESS OXFORD 1977 1673 NECAS J. - HLAVACEK I. Mathematical theory of elastic and elastic plastic bodies an introduction ELSEVIER 1981 1674 SOBOTKA Z. Rheology of materials and engineering structures ELSEVIER PRAGUE 1984 1675 TRIEBEL H. Interpolation theory, function spaces, differential operators NORTH-HOLLAND 1978 1676 VOIGT et al. Spectral methods for partial differential equations. SIAM PHILADELPHIA 1984 1677 Erreur d'inscription B.O. 1678 THIRIEZ H. - SANTRAILLE G. Multiplan pour Macintosh - guide pratique 1985 1679 PANAGIOTOPOULOS P.D. Inequality problems in mechanics and applications BIRKHAUSER BOSTON 1985 168 HILBERT D. Grundzuge liner allgeneinen theory der linearen intergralgleichungen. 1680 TONELLI L. Vol.1 Funzioni di variable reale CREMENOSE 1960 1681 TONELLI L. Vol.2Calcolo delle variazioni (1961) Funzioni di variable reale CREMENOSE 1960 1682 TONELLI L. Vol.3 Calcolo delle variazioni (1962) Funzioni di variable reale CREMENOSE 1960 1683 TONELLI L. Vol. 4 Argomenti vari (1963) Funzioni di variable reale CREMONESE 1960 1684 FAUX I.D.- PRATT M.J. Computational geometry for design and manufacture ELLIS HORWOOD LIMITED 1979 1685 FORTIN M. - GLOWINSKI R. MŽthodes de Lagrangien augmentŽ- Collection mŽthodes mathŽmatiques de l'informatique sous le direction de LIONS J.L. DUNOD 1982 1686 HORNN J.M. Jazz sur macintoch - exercices de gestion EDIMICRO 1985 1687 JENSEN K. WIRTH N. Manuel de l'utilisateur - PASCAL EYROLLES 1978 1688 OGDEN R.W. Non linear elastic deformations ELLIS HORWOOD LIMIT. 1984 1689 DESTUYNDER P. Une thŽorie asymptotique des plaques minces en ŽlasticitŽ linŽaire MASSON 1986 169 FALB P.L. - DE JONG J.L. Some succesive approximation methods in control and oscillation theory. ACADEMIC PRESS 1969 1690 COLLINGWOOD D.H. Representation of rank one of Lie groups PITMAN LONDON 1985 1691 MELDRUM J.M.P. Near rings and their links with groups PITMAN LONDON 1985 1692 Colloque en l'honneur de L. Schwartz Vol.1 Ecole Polytechnique 30 mai/3 juin 1983 S.M.F. 1985 1693 Colloque en l'honneur de L. Schwartz Vol.2 Ecole Polytechnique 30 mai/3 juin 1983 S.M.F. 1985 1694 GOLUB G.H. Studies in numerical analysis Vol. 24 MATH. ASSOCIAT.AMERIC. 1984 1695 MAZ'JA V.G. Sobolev Spaces SPRINGER 1980 1696 LADYRENSKAJA O.A. - SOLONNIKOV V.A. Linear and quasilinear equations of parabolic type AMS 1968 1697 Annuaire CNRS,mathŽmatiques Sciences Physique PRESS DU CNRS 1985 1698 POWELL M.J.D. Approximation theory and methods CAMBRIDGE UNIV. PRESS 1981 1699 COURANT R.- FRIEDWICHS K.O. Supersonic flows and shock waves SPRINGER-VERLAG 1976 17 LAX P.D. - PHILLIPS R.S. Scattering theory. ACADEMIC PRESS 1967 170 SAATY T.L. Optimization integers and related extremal problems. MC GRAW HILL 1970 1700 ANDERSON J.D Modern compressible flow MAC GRAW HILL 1982 1701 SIMON B. Functional Integration and Quantum Physics ACADEMIC PRESS 1979 1702 GRUBER R. - RAPPAZ J. Finite elements methods in linear Ideal magnetohydrodynamics. SPRINGER-VERLAG 1985 1703 BERSTEL J. - PERROT J.F. Multics - guide de l'usager MASSON 1986 1704 EL JAI A. - PRITCHARD A.J. Capteurs et actionneurs dans l'analyse des systmes distribuŽs MASSON 1986 1705 MORTON K.W. - BAINES M.J. Numerical methods for fluid dynamics 2 CLARENDON PRESS OXF. 1986 1706 DE CASTELJAU P. Mathematiques et CAO , Vol. 2 - Formes ˆ p™les HERMES PUBLISHING 1985 1707 CHEMIN P. - DI CRESCENZO C.- ROBERT F. Computers and computing - Informatique et calcul MASSON 1986 1708 BEZIER P. 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SPRINGER VERLAG 1967 231 MEINARDUS G. Approximation of functions: theory and numerical methods. SPRINGER VERLAG 1967 232 MEINARDUS G. Approximation of functions: theory and numerical methods. SPRINGER VERLAG 1967 233 Methods of numerical approximation. PERGAMON 1966 234 HASTING C. Approximation for digital computers. PRINCETON 1955 235 WERNER H. Vorlesung uber approximation theorie. SPRINGER VERLAG 1966 236 STEFFENSEN J.F. Interpolation CHELSEA 1950 237 BURKILL J.C. Lectures on approximation by polynomials, 1959. 238 TIMAN Theory of approximation of functions of a real variable. PERGAMON 1963 239 KUNTZMANN J. MŽthodes numŽrique, interpolations , dŽrivŽes... DUNOD 1959 24 RIORDAN J. Combinatorial identities. WILEY 1968 240 ACHIESER N.I. Theory of approximation 1956 241 LYUSTERNIK L.A.- CHERVONENKIS O.A - YANPOL'SKII A.R. Handbook for computing elementary functions. PERGAMON 1965 242 RICE J. The approximation of functions. ADDISON WESLEY 1964 243 RICE J. The approximation of functions. ADDISON WESLEY 1964 244 KHOVANSKII A.N. The application of continued fractions and their generalisations to problems in approximation theory. NOORDHOFF 1963 245 WIENER N. Extrapolation, interpolation and smoothing of stationary, time series. WILEY 1957 246 WHITTAKER E. The calculus of observations. 1949 247 SCHIGOLEV B.M. Mathematical analysis of observations. LONDON HIFFE BOOKS 1965 248 TOPPING J. Errors of observation and their treatment. CHAPMAN AND HALL 1962 249 WILKINSON J.H. Rounding in algebraic processes . HER MAJISTY STATION. OFFICE 1963 25 POPOVICIU Les fonctions convexes. HERMANN 1945 250 KRYLOV V.I. Approximate calculation of integrals. MACMILLAN 1962 251 KRYLOV V.I. Approximate calculation of integrals. MACMILLAN 1962 252 AHLBERG J.H. - NILSON E.N. - WALSH J.L. The theory of splines and their applications. ACADEMIC PRESS 1967 253 KARLIN STUDDEN Tchebycheff systems : with applications in analysis and statistics. INTERSCIENCE 1966 254 RICHTMYER R.D. Difference methods for initial - value problems. INTERSCIENCE 1957 255 RICHTMYER R.D. Difference methods for initial - value problems. INTERSCIENCE 1957 256 SAUL'YEV V.K. Integration of equations of parabolic type by the method of nets. PERGAMON 1964 257 BELLMAN R. - COOKE K.L. Differential - difference equations. ACADEMIC PRESS 1963 258 PINNEY E. Ordinary difference, differential equations. UNIV. CALIFOR. PRESS 1959 259 GOLDBERG S. Introduction to difference equations. WILEY 1958 26 EGGLESTON H.J. Convexity. CAMBRIDGE U.P. 1963 260 BOOLE G. A treatise on the calculus of finite differences. DOVER 1960 261 GELFOND A.O. The solution of equations in integers. NOORDHOFF 1960 262 FORSYTHE G. - WASOW W. Finite difference methods for partial differential equations. WILEY 1960 263 FORSYTHE G. - WASOW W. Finite difference methods for partial differential equations. WILEY 1960 264 TRAUB J.F. Iterative methods for the solution of equations. PRENTICE HALL 1964 265 ZAGUSKIN V.L. Hanbook of numerical methods for the solution of algebraic and tran. equations. PERGAMON 1961 266 TURNBULL H.W. Theory of equations. OLINER AND BOYD 267 OSTROWSKI A.M. Solution of equations and systems of equations. ACADEMIC PRESS 1960 268 OSTROWSKI A.M. Solution of equations and systems of equations. ACADEMIC PRESS 1960 269 LEVY H. - LESSMAN F. Finite difference equations. EITMAN AND SONS 1959 27 GODWIN Inequalities in distribution functions. GUFFIN 1964 270 LEVY H. - LESSMAN F. Finite difference equations. EITMAN AND SONS 1959 271 GASTINEL N. Matrices de 2¡ et normes gŽnŽrales en analyse numŽrique linŽaire. Thse Grenoble 1960 272 PETERSON G.M. Regular matrix transformations. MC GRAW HILL 1966 273 MARCUS M. - MINC H. A survey of matrix theory and matrix inequalities. ALLYN AND BACON 1964 274 PEASE M.C. Methods of matrix algebra. ACADEMIC PRESS 1965 275 SCHREIER O. - SPERNER E. Introduction to modern algebra and matrix theory. CHELSEA 1959 276 BELLMAN R. Introduction to matrix analysis. MC GRAW HILL 1960 277 EL'SGOTS I.E. Differential equations. PUBL. CORP. DEHLI 1961 278 TITCHMARSH E.C. Eigenfunction expansions associated with second order differential equations, part 1. CLARENDON PRESS 1962 279 STRUBLE R.A. Nonlinear differential equations. MC GRAW HILL 1962 28 SZARSKI J. Differential inequalities 280 SANSONE G. - CONTI R. Nonlinear differential equations. PERGAMON 1964 281 NEMYTSKII V.V.- STEPANOV V.V. Qualitative theory of differential equations. PRINCETON 1960 282 HUKUHARA M. - KIMURA T.- MATUDA T. Equations diffŽrentielles ordinaires du 1er ordre dans le champ complexe. METH.SOC.OF JAPAN 1961 283 Contributions to differential equations, vol 2 INTERSCIENCE 1963 284 Contributions to differential equations, vol 3 INTERSCIENCE 1963 285 GOURSAT E. Differential equations. DOVER 1945 286 FORSYTH A.R. Theory of differential equations, vol 5. DOVER 287 BURKILL J.C. The theory of ordinary differential equations. OLINER AND BOYD 1956 288 ERUGIN N.P. Linear systems of ordinary differential equations with periodic and quasi-periodic coefficients. ACADEMIC PRESS 1966 289 TYCHONOFF A.N. - SAMARSKI A.A. Differentialgleichungen der math. physik. VERLAG 1959 29 BONNESEN T. - FENCHEL W. Theorie der konveseen korper. 290 HUREWICZ W. Lectures on ordinary differential equations. WILEY 1958 291 LANGER R. Ordinary differential equations. WILEY 1957 292 LEFSCETZ S. Differential equations : geometric theory. INTERSCIENCE 1957 293 LEFSCETZ S. Differential equations : geometric theory. INTERSCIENCE 1957 294 RAINVILLE E.D. Elementary differential equations. 1958 295 KAPLAN W. Ordinary differential equations. ADDISON-WESLEY 1958 296 BIEBERBACH L. Einfuhrung in die theorie der differentialgleichungen ... SPRINGER VERLAG 1956 297 BIEBERBACH Theorie der gervohnlichen differential gleichungen. SPRINGER VERLAG 1953 298 MILNE W.E. Numerical solution of differential equations. WILEY 1953 299 LEVY H. - BAGGOTT E.A. Numerical solutions of differential equations. DOVER 1950 3 LATTES R. Quelques mŽthodes de rŽsolution de problmes aux limites de la physique mathŽmatique. DUNOD-GORDON BREACH 1967 30 KOROVKIN P.P. Inequalities. 300 COLLATZ The numerical treatment of differential equations. SPRINGER VERLAG 1960 301 COLLATZ Numerische behandlung von differential gleichungen. SPRINGER VERLAG 1955 302 DAHLQUIST G. Stability and error bounds in the numerical integration of ordinary differential equations. UPPSALA 1959 303 KRUCKEBERG F. Zur numurischen integration und fehlererfassung bli anfa. gevohnlicher diff. BONN 1961 304 FOX L. The numerical solution of tow-joint boundary problems in ordinary differential equations. CLARENDON PRESS 1957 305 HENRICI P. Discrete variable methods in ordinary differential equations. WILEY 1962 306 HENRICI P. Discrete variable methods in ordinary differential equations. WILEY 1962 307 LASALLE J. - LEFSCHETZ S. Stability by Liapunov's direct method with applications. ACADEMIC PRESS 1961 308 ECKHAUS W. Studies in non-linear stability theory. SPRINGER VERLAG 1965 309 HAHN W. Theorie und anverdung der direktion methode von ljapunov SPRINGER VERLAG 1959 31 BYRD P.E. - FRIEDMAN M.D. Handbook of elliptic integrals for engineers and physicists. SPRINGER 1952 310 CUNNINGHAM W.J. Introduction to nonlinear analysis. MC GRAW HILL 1958 311 CESARI L. Asymptotic behavior and stability problems in ordinary differential equations. SPRINGER VERLAG 1959 312 BELLMAN R. Stability theory of differential equations. MC GRAW HILL 1953 313 LETON A.M. Stability in nonlinear control systems. PRINCETON 1961 314 NEVEU J. Bases mathŽmatiques du calcul des probabilitŽs. MASSON 1964 315 DYER A. - MC REYNOLDS S.R. The computation and theory of optimal control. ACADEMIC PRESS 1970 316 DENMAN E.D. Coupled modes in plasmas, elastic media and parametric. ELSEVIER 1970 317 ZABUSKY J. Edit. Topics in nonlinear physics, proceed. of the physics session inter. SPRINGER VERLAG 1968 318 Methods in computational physics, volume 8 ACADEMIC PRESS 1968 319 Methods in computational physics, volume 9 ACADEMIC PRESS 1968 32 KRATZER A. - FRANZ W. Transzendente funktionen, Liepzig. GEEST UND PORTING 1960 320 LIONS - MAGENES Problmes aux limites non homognes et application, vol 1 DUNOD 1968 321 LIONS - MAGENES Problmes aux limites non homognes et application, vol 2 DUNOD 1968 322 LIONS - MAGANES Problmes aux limites non homognes et application, vol 3 DUNOD 1970 323 LIONS Equations differentielles operationnelles et problemes aux limites. SPRINGER VERLAG 1961 324 FREIDMAN A. Partial differential equations of parabolic type. PRENTICE HALL 1964 325 FRIEDMAN A. Partial differential equations of parabolic type. PRENTICE HALL 1964 326 JOHN F. Plane waves and spherical means applied to partial differential equations. INTERSCIENCE 1955 327 ATKINSON F.V. Discrete and continuous boundary problems. ACADEMIC PRESS 1964 328 PETROVSKY Lectures on partial differential equations. INTERSCIENCE 1961 329 SNEDDON I. Elements of partial differential equations. MC GRAW HILL 1957 33 HANCOCK H. Elliptic integrals. DOVER 1958 330 SMIRNOV Anfgaben den partiellen differen. der math. physics VERLAG 1955 331 MILLER F. Partial differential equations. WILEY 1958 332 BATEMAN H. Partial differential equations of mathematical physics. CAMBRIDGE 1959 333 TREVES F. Linear partial differential equations with constant coefficients. GORDON AND BREACH 1966 334 TREVES F. Locally convex spaces and linear partial differential equations. SPRINGER VERLAG 1967 335 KAMKE E. livre en allemand GEEST ET PARTIG 1959 336 BERNSTEIN D. Existence theorems in partial differential equations. PRINCETON 1950 337 GARABEDIAN P.R. Partial differential equations. WILEY 1964 338 EPSTEIN B. Partial differential equations, an introduction. MC GRAW HILL 1962 339 PETROWSKI I.G. Vorlesungen uber partielles differential. teubuer 1955 34 FRAENKEL A.A. Integers and theory of numbers. 340 HELLWIG G. Partielle differentia. teubuer 1960 341 MIRANDA C. Equazioni alle derivate parziali di tipo ellittico. SPRINGER VERLAG 1955 342 GARNIER R. Leons sur les Žquations aux dŽrivŽes partielles du 1 er ordre. C.D.U. 343 BERS L. - JOHN F. - SCHECHTER M. Partial differential equations. INTERSCIENCE 1964 344 HADAMARD J. La thŽorie des Žquations aux dŽrivŽes partielles. EDIT. SCI. 1964 345 SMITH G.D. Numerical solution of partial differential equations. Oxford UNIVER. PRESS 1965 346 FORSYTHE G.E. - ROSENBLOOM P.C. Numerical analysis and partial differential equations. WILEY 1958 347 Numerical solution of partial differential equation. 348 GELFOND Differenzenrechnung , vel deutscher VERLAG 1958 349 LEVY H. - BAGGOTT E.A. Numerical solutions of differential equations. DOVER 35 VINOGRADOV The method of trigonometrical series in the theory of numbers. INTERSCIENCE 350 MIKHLIN S.G. - SMOLITSKIY K.L. Approximate methods for solution of differential and integral equations. ELSEVIER 1967 351 ENGELI M. - GINSBURG TH.- RUTISHAUSER M.I. Refined iterative methods for computation of the solution and eigenvalues of self-adjoint boundary value probl. 352 WIDOM H. Lectures on integral equations. VAN NOSTRAND 1969 353 SHISHA O. Edit. Inequalities. Proceed. of symp. held at weight-patterson ACADEMIC PRESS 1967 354 Methods in computational physics, volume 8. 355 Methods in computational physics, volume 9. 356 BERGMAN S. Integral operators in the theory of linear partial differential equations SPRINGER VERLAG 1961 357 CHERRUAULT Y. Approximation d'opŽrateurs linŽaires et applications. DUNOD 1968 358 KUPRADSE W.D Randwertaufgaben der schwingungitheorie und integra. VERLAG 1956 359 HAMEL G. Integralgleichungen. SPRINGER VERLAG 1949 36 DYNKIN E.B. - USPENSKEL W.A. Mathematiche under 2 an, ans der zahlentheorie. BERLIN 1956 360 WALTER W. Differential und integral. SPRINGER VERLAG 1964 361 POBORZELSKI W. Integral equations and their applications, vol 1. PERGAMON 1966 362 DUFF G.F.D. - NAYLOR D. Differential equations of applied mathematics. 363 THOM A. - APELT C.J. Field computations in engineering and physics. VAN NOSTRAND 1961 364 MARCHUK G.I. Numerical methods for nuclear reactor calculations. CHAPMAN AND HALL 1959 365 SINGER I. Best approximation in normed linear spaces, elements of linear subspaces. SPRINGER VERLAG 1970 366 LIONS - MAGENES Problmes aux limites non homognes et applications vol 3. DUNOD 1970 367 SIAM Journal on control, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, vol.8,n¡1,2,3. 368 DAVIS Interpolation and approximation. BLAISDELL 1963 369 SINGER I. Bases in Banach spaces 1. SPRINGER VERLAG 1970 37 SIERPINSKI W. A selection of problems in the theory of numbers. WARSZAWA 1964 370 NIELSEN K.L. Methods in numerical analysis. MC GRAW HILL 1957 371 KUNZ K. Numerical analysis. MC GRAW HILL 1957 372 COURANT R. - HILBERT D.I. Methods of mathematical physics, vol 1. INTERSCIENCE 1953 373 ALLEN G. Relaxation methods. MC GRAW HILL 1954 374 WING M. An introduction to transport theory. 375 CODDINGTON E. - LEVINSON N. Theory of ordinary differential equations. MC GRAW HILL 1955 376 MIKHLIN S.G. Integral equations. PERGAMON 1957 377 NATANSON I.P. Constructive function theory. UNGAR 1964 378 FADEEV D.K. - FADEEVA V.N. Computational methods of linear algebra. FREEMAN ET CIE 1963 379 LANG S. Linear algebra. ADDISON WESLEY 1966 38 BUCHOLTZ H. Die kunfluents hypergeometrische funktion. SPRINGER 1953 380 WHITTAKER E.T. - WATSON G.N. A course of modern analysis. CAMBRIDGE 1962 381 HOBSON E.W. The theory of functions of a real variable and the theory of Fourier's series, vol 1. DOVER 382 HOBSON E.W. The theory of functions of a real variable and the theory of Fourier's series, vol 2. DOVER 383 SAATY T.L. Lectures on modern mathematics, vol 2 WILEY 1964 384 TODD J. Introduction to the constructive theory of functions. BIRKHAUSER 1963 385 CONSTANTINESCU C. - CORNEA A. Ideale rander riemannscher flachen . SPRINGER VERLAG 1963 386 TITCHMARSH E.C. The theory of functions. OXFORD 1960 387 HANCOCK H. Lecture on the theory of elliptic functions. DOVER 1958 388 NEHARI Z. Conformal mapping. MC GRAW HILL 1952 389 BAIRE R. Leons sur les fonctions discontinues. GAUTHIER VILLARS 39 APPELL P. - LACOUR E. Principes de la thŽorie des fonctions elliptiques et applications. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1922 390 NATANSON L.P. Theory of functions of a real variable, tome 1. UNGAR 1955 391 NATANSON L.P. Theory of functions of a real variable, tome 2. UNGAR 1955 392 LANCZOS C. Linear diffrential operators. VAN NOSTRAND 1961 393 PETROVSKII I.G. Lectures on the theory of integral equations. GRAYLOCK 1957 394 RIESZ F. - NAGY B. Leons d'analyse fonctionnelle. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1955 395 SHILOV G.E. Linear spaces. PRENTICE HALL 1961 396 BERGMAN S. The kernel functions and conformal mapping. AMERIC. MATH. SOC. 1950 397 BACHMAN G. - NARICI L. Functional analysis. ACADEMIC PRESS 1966 398 LEBEDEV N.N. Special functions and their applications. PRENTICE HALL 1965 399 MAGNUS W. - WINKLER S. Hill's equation. INTERSCIENCE 1966 4 WILDE D.J. MŽthodes de recherche d'un optimum. 40 ASELTINE J.A. Transform method in linear system analysis. MC GRAW HILL 1958 400 MEIXNER J. - SCHAFKE F.W. Mathieusche funktinen und spharoidfunktionen. SPRINGER VERLAG 1954 401 NECAS Les mŽthodes directes de la thŽorie des Žquations elliptiques. MASSON 1967 402 MC LACHLAN Theory and application of mathematics. CLARENDON PRESS 1947 403 KIMBAL W.S. Calculus of variations. BUT. SCI. PUBL. 1952 404 PARS L.A. An introduction to the calculus of variations. HERMANN 1962 405 BLISS G. Lecture on the calculus of variations. UNIV. CHICAGO PRESS 1946 406 BOLZA O. Lecture on the calculus of variations. 407 FUNK P. Variationsrechnung und ihre anivendung in physik und technik. SPRINGER VERLAG 1962 408 CARATHEODORY C. Calculus of variations and partial differential equations of the first order. HOLDEN DAY 1965 409 RUND H. The Hamilton-Jacobi theory in the calculus of variations. VAN NOSTRAND 1966 41 COLOMBO S. Les transformations de Mellin et Hankel, application ˆ la physique mathŽmatique. CNRS 1959 410 LJUSTERNIK LA. The topology of the calculus of variations in the large. AMERIC. MATH. SOC. 1966 411 BOLZA O. Vorlesunger uber variationsrechung. 412 COURANT R. Principle conformal mapping and minimal surfaces. INTERSCIENCE 1950 413 GOULD Variational methods for eigenvalue problems. UNIV. TORONTO 1957 414 BELLMAN R. Dynamic programming PRINCETON 1957 415 HOWARD R. Dynamic programming and Markov processes. 416 BOOT J.C.G. Quadratic programming. NORTH HOLLAND 1964 417 FICKEN The simplex method of linear programming RONEHART WINSTON 1961 418 DANTZIZ G.B. Linear programming and extensions. PRINCETON 1963 419 HADLEY Linear programming. WESLEY 1963 42 ERDELYI A. Operational calculus and generalized functions. HOLT RINEHART 1962 420 LLEWELLYN R.W. Linear programming 421 RICHTMYER R.D. - MORTON K.W. Difference methods for initial-value problems. INTERSCIENCE 1967 422 RICHTMYER R.D. - MORTON K.W. Difference methods for initial- value problems. INTERSCIENCE 1967 423 RICHTMYER R.D.- MORTON K.W. Difference methods for initial-value problems. INTERSCIENCE 1967 424 PONTRYAGIN L.S. - BOLTYANSKII V.G. The mathematical theory of optimal processes. PERGAMON 1964 425 PONTRYAGIN L.S. - BOLTYANSKII V.G. The mathematical theory of optimal processes. JOHN WILEY SONS 426 Optimization techniques with applications to aerospace systems. ACADEMIC PRESS 1962 427 BELLMAN R. Edit. Mathematical optimization techniques. UNIV. OF CALIF. 1963 428 LEONDES Edit. Advances in control systems, vol 3 ACADEMIC PRESS 1966 429 LEONDES Edit. Advances in control systems, vol 4 ACADEMIC PRESS 1966 43 DITKIN V.A. - PRUDIVIKOV A.P. Operational calculus in two variables and its applications. PERGAMON 1962 430 LEITMANN G. An introduction to optimal control. MC GRAW HILL 1966 431 ZUBOV Mathematical methods for the study of automatic control systems. PERGAMON 1962 432 SOLODOVNIKOV V.V. Introduction to the statistical dynamics of automatic control systems. DOVER 433 GRAHAM D. MC RUER D. Analysis of nonlinear control systems WILEY 1961 434 LERNER Commandes optimales par commutation. 435 PALLU DE LA BARRIERE R. Cours d'automatique theorique DUNOD 1966 436 BROWN B.M. The mathematical theory of linear systems. CHAPMAN HALL 1961 437 ISAACS R. Differential games. WILEY 1965 438 Modern control systems theory MC GRAW HILL 1965 439 BELLMAN R. Adaptive control processes: a guided tour. PRINCETON 1961 44 MIKUSINSKI J. Operational calculus. WARSZAWA 1959 440 DICKSON L.E. Linear groups DOVER 441 NEUMARK M.A. Normierte algebre VERLAG DER 1959 442 ABHYANKAR S. Ramification theoretic methods in algebraic geometry. PRINCETON 1959 443 Finite mathematics PRENTICE HALL 1962 444 GEL'FAND I.M. Lectures on linear algebra. INTERSCIENCE 1961 445 SERRE J.P. Corps locaux HERMANN 1962 446 DIXMIER J. Les c* algbres et leurs reprŽsentations. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1964 447 WAERDEN V.D. Algebra tome 1 SPRINGER VERLAG 1955 448 WAERDEN V.D. Algebra tome 2 SPRINGER VERLAG 1955 449 FOX L. An introduction to numerical linear algebra. CLARENDON 1964 45 PARODI M. Introduction ˆ l'Žtude de l'analyse symbolique. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1957 450 GANTMACHER F.R. ThŽorie des matrices .Tome 1 DUNOD 1966 451 GANTMACHER F.R. Matrizenrechnung Tome 2.(allemand) VERLAG 1959 451 GANTMACHER F.R. ThŽorie des matrices .Tome 2 DUNOD 1966 452 MEYER P.A ProbabilitŽs et potentiel. HERMAN 1966 453 GARNIER H.G. GOBERT J. Fonctions d'une variable complexe. DUNOD 1965 454 MITCHELL Computational methods in partial differential equations. WILEY 1969 455 KATO T. Perturbation theory for linear operators. SPRINGER VERLAG 1966 456 LIONS J.L. Quelques mŽthodes de rŽsolutions des problmes aux limites non linŽaires. DUNOD 1969 457 LIONS J.L. Quelques mŽthodes de rŽsolutions des problmes aux limites non linŽaires. DUNOD 1969 458 DUNFORD N. SCHWARTZ J.T. Linear operators, part.1 INTERSCIENCE 1967 459 DUNFORD N. SCHWARTZ J.T. Linear operators, part. 2 INTERSCIENCE 1967 46 KRON G. Tensors for circuits. DOVER 1959 460 HELGASON S. Differential geometry and symmetric spaces. ACADEMIC PRESS 1962 461 STERNBERG S. Lectures on differential geometry. PRINCETON HALL 1964 462 SEGRE B. Some properties on differential varieties and transformations. SPRINGER VERLAG 1957 463 NEUMANN J. Continuous geometry. PRINCETON 1960 464 KLEIN F. Verlesungen uber nicht euklidische geometrie. 465 CHURCH A. Introduction to mathematical logic. PRINCETON 1956 466 SCHMIDT A. Mathematische gesitze der logik 1. SPRINGER VERLAG 1960 467 BLANC-LAPIERRE A. FORTET R. ThŽorie des fonctions alŽatoires. MASSON 1953 468 DYNRIN E.B. Theory of Markov processes PERGAMON 1960 469 TINTER G. MathŽmatiques et statistiques pour les Žconomistes. DUNOD 1962 47 ITO K. - MCKEAN H.P. Diffusion processes and their sample mathematics.. SPRINGER 1965 470 BOCHNER S. Harmonic analysis and the theory of probability UNIV CALIFOR. 1955 471 DYNRIN E.B. - USPENSKI W.A Aufgaben ans der wakrocheinlichkeitrechung, berlin 1956 472 KEILSON J. Function methods in probability theory 1965 473 ROSENTIEHL P. - GHOUILA-MOURI A. Les choix Žconomiques, dŽcisions sŽquentielles et simulation. DUNOD 1960 474 FELLER W. An introduction to probability theory and its applications. Vol 2. WILEY 1966 475 GRANGER C.W.J. Spectral analysis of economic series. PRINCETON 1964 476 Infinitic methods, proced.... Varsovie 1961. 477 Transaction on partial differential equations. INTERSCIENCE 478 International congress of mathematics. UPPSALA 1963 479 Symposium on Monte-Carlo Methods. WILEY 1956 48 KELLOG O.D. Foundations of potential theory. UNGAR 480 C.R. 12me congrs mathŽmatique Scandinave. DUNOD 1953 481 Symposium sur le traitement num. des Žquations differentielles ordinaires ,des Žquations int. et intŽgro-diffŽrentielles. BIRKHAUSER VERLAG 1960 482 General topology and its relations to modern analysis and algebra ACADEMIC PRESS 1962 483 InŽqualitŽs. ACADEMIC PRESS 1967 484 On numerical approximation - Wisconsin 1959 485 Numerical methods of analysis in engineering. 1949 486 On approximation theory. 487 Proceeding of the conference on differential equations UNIV. MARYLAND 1956 488 General topology and its relations to modern analysis and algebra 2. ACADEMIC PRESS 1967 489 Approximation of functions ELSEVIER 1965 49 GERONIMUS YA.L. Orthogonal polynomials PERGAMON 1960 490 Topology of 3 - manifolds and related topics. PRENTICE HALL 1962 491 International symposium on nonlinear differential equations and nonlinear mechanics. ACADEMIC PRESS 1963 492 Symposium sur le traitement numŽrique des Žquations diffŽrentielles ordinaires des Žquations integrales. Rome 1960 BIRKHAUSER VERLAG 1960 493 Differential equations and dynamical systems. ACADEMIC PRESS 1967 494 Proceeding ... Analysis in function spaces MIT PRESS 1964 495 Colloque sur des questions d'analyse numŽrique. ROME VESCHI 1958 496 Colloque sur des questions d'analyse numŽrique. ROME VESCHI 1958 497 Colloque sur des questions d'analyse numŽrique. ROME VESCHI 1958 498 Colloque sur des questions d'analyse numŽrique. ROME VESCHI 1959 499 Colloque sur des questions d'analyse numŽrique . ROME VESCHI 1959 5 COX D.R. - LEWIS P.A.W. L'analyse statistique des sŽries d'Žvnements. DUNOD 1969 50 SNEDDON D.N. Fourier transforms. MC GRAW HILL 1951 500 Seminaire sur les valeurs propres des matrices. IBM 1957-58 501 Seminaire sur les valeurs propres des matrices. IBM 1957-58 502 Actas de las X Jordanas, Union mat. Argentine 1957. 503 Analyse harmonique - CNRS 1949 504 MESSIAH A. MŽcanique quantique tome 1. DUNOD 1959 505 MESSIAH A. MŽcanique quantique, tome 2. DUNOD 1959 506 GOMBAS ThŽorie und losmungsmethoden des mchrteilchemproblems der welleormechanik 1950 507 APPELL P. TraitŽ de mŽcanique rationnelle, tome 1. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1941 508 APPELL P. TraitŽ de mŽcanique rationnelle, tome 2. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1941 509 CHANDRASEKHAR An introduction to the study of stellar structure. DOVER 51 SNEDDON D.N. Fourier transforms. MC GRAW HILL 1951 510 HAAR T. Elements of hamiltonian mechanics. NORTH HOLLAND 1964 511 WILKINSON W.L. Non newtonian fluids. PERGAMON 1960 512 LANDAU L. - LIFCHITZ E. ThŽorie du champ MOSCOU 513 BUERGER M.J. Vector space 514 AMBARTSUMYAN V.A. The theorical astrophysics. PERGAMON 1958 515 HARDY G.M. - WRIGHT E.M. An introduction to the theory of numbers. CLARENDON PRESS 1960 516 CABANNES H. Cours de mŽcanique gŽnŽrale. DUNOD 1962 517 MACKEY G.W. Mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics BENJAMIN 1963 518 HENRICI Discrete variable methods for ordinary differential Žquations. WILEY 1962 519 BOGOLIUBOV N.N. - NITROPOLSKY Y.A. Asymptotic methods in the theory of nonlinear oscillations. GORDON AND BREACH 1961 52 DREW T.B. Handboock of vector and polyadic analysis. REIHOLD 1961 520 CARLEMAN T. Problmes mathŽmatiques dans la thŽorie cinŽtique des gaz. 1957 521 BALLER E. Champs de vecteurs et de senseurs MASSON 1955 522 SOKOLNIKOFF I.S. Mathematical theory of elasticity. MC GRAW HILL 1986 523 Unit operations. WILEY 1960 524 LEGENDRE Convection de la chaleur en rŽgime permanent. DUNOD 1949 525 FRECHET M. - ROMAN R. ReprŽsentation des lois empiriques par des formules approchees. EYROLLES 1930 526 GOODIER - HODGE Elasticity and plasticity. WILEY 1958 527 LANCZOS C. The variational principles of mechanics. TORONTO 1952 528 MC ADAMS W.H. Heat transmission. MC GRAW HILL 1954 529 LYUBARSKII The application of group theory in physics. PERGAMON 1968 53 BECKENBACH E.F. - HENTENES M.R. Edit. Modern mathematics for the engineer. MC GRAW HILL 1956 530 BRILLOUIN L. - PARODI M. Propagation des ondes dans les milieux pŽriodiques. MASSON 1956 531 ASTROM K.J. Introduction to stochactic control theory. ACADEMIC PRESS 532 WIDDER D.V. The Laplace transform PRINCETON 1946 533 COURANT - FRIEDRICHS Supersonic flow and shock waves. INTERSCIENCE 1967 534 WOOLDRIDGE R. - RACTUFFE J.F. An introduction to Algol programming. ENG. UNIV. 1963 535 WOOLDRIDGE R. - RACTUFFE J.F. An introduction to Algol programming. ENG. UNIV. 1963 536 WOOLDRIDGE R. - RACTUFFE J.F. An introduction to Algol programming. ENG.UNIV. 1963 537 WOOLDRIDGE R. - RACTUFFE J.F. An introduction to Algol programming. ENG. UNIV. 1963 538 ARSAC - LENTIN - NIVAT - NOLIN Algol: thŽorie et pratique. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1965 539 ARSAC - LENTIN - NIVAT - NOLIN Algol: theorie et pratique. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1965 54 BECKENBACH E.F. - HESTENES M.R. Edit. Modern mathematics for the engineer. MC GRAW HILL 1961 540 ARSAC - LENTIN - NIVAT - NOLIN Algol: theorie et pratique. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1965 541 BOLLIET - GASTINEL - LAURENT Un nouveau langage scientifique Algol. HERMANN 1964 542 BOLLIET - GASTINEL - LAURENT Un nouveau langage scientifique Algol. HERMANN 1964 543 Procedures Algol en analyse numŽrique, CNRS 1967 544 Procedures Algol en analyse numŽrique, CNRS 1967 545 Procedures Algol en analyse numŽrique, CNRS 1967 546 MC GRACKEN D.D. A guide to Algol programming. WILEY 1962 547 MC GRACKEN D.D. A guide to Algol programming. WILEY 1962 548 MC GRACKEN D.D. A guide to Algol programming. WILEY 1962 549 GENNARO J.J. Computer methods in solid mechanics. 55 KARMAN T. - BIOT M.A. Mathematical methods in engineering. MC GRAW HILL 1940 550 PICARD C. ThŽorie des questionnaires. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1965 551 Computing methods and the phase problem. PERGAMON 1961 552 BINNS K.J.- LAWRENSON P.J. Analysis and computation of electric and magnetic field problems. PERGAMON 1963 553 KARPLUS W.J. Analytical methods of computation and simulation. MC GRAW HILL 1959 554 SCHWARTZ L. Analyse HERMANN 1970 555 WALTER W. Differential and integral inequalities. SPRINGER VERLAG 1970 556 SCHWARTZ L. Analyse, topologie generale HERMANN 1970 557 GEL'FAND I.M. - SHILOV G.E. Generalized functions, vol.1 ACADEMIC PRESS 558 GEL'FAND I.M. - SHILOV G.E. Generalized functions, vol 2 (1968) ACADEMIC PRESS 559 GEL'FAND I.M. - SHILOV G.E. Generalized functions, vol 3 ACADEMIC PRESS 56 BROWN R.G. - NILSSON J.W. Introduction to linear systems analysis. WILEY 1962 560 GEL'FAND I.M. - SHILOV G.E. Generalized functions, vol 4 (1964) ACADEMIC PRESS 561 Methods in computational physics, vol 1 ACADEMIC PRESS 1963 562 Methods in computational physics, vol 2 ACADEMIC PRESS 1963 563 Methods in computational physics, vol 3 ACADEMIC PRESS 1963 564 Methods in computational physics, vol 4 ACADEMIC PRESS 1963 565 Methods in computational physics, vol 5 ACADEMIC PRESS 1963 566 Methods in computational physics, vol 6 ACADEMIC PRESS 1963 567 Methods in computational physics, vol 7 ACADEMIC PRESS 1963 568 Fluid mechanics and singular perturbations, a collection of papers by Saul Kaplan. ACADEMIC PRESS 1967 569 ORTEGA J.M. - RHEINBOLDT Iterative solutions of nonlinear equations in several variables. ACADEMIC PRESS 1970 57 HILDEBRAND F.B. Advanced calculus for applications. PRENTICE HALL 1962 570 HARDY - LITTLEWOOD - POLYA Inequalities CAMBRIDGE 1959 571 ROBINSON Edit. Wind driven ocean circulation BLASDELL 1963 572 LEE E.R. - MARKUS L. Foundations of optimal control theory WILEY 1968 573 TEMAM R. Analyse numŽrique PUF 1970 574 TEMAM R. Analyse numŽrique PUF 1970 575 TEMAM R. Analyse numŽrique PUF 1970 576 MITCHELL A.R. Computational methods in partial differential equations WILEY 1969 577 MITCHELL A.R. Computational methods in partial differential equations WILEY 1969 578 SCHWARTZ L. Nonlinear functional analysis INST. OF MATH. SC. 1965 579 SCHWARTZ L. Nonlinear functional analysis INST. OF MATH. SC. 1965 58 FLANDERS H. Differential forms with applications to the physical sciences. ACADEMIC PRESS 1963 580 SCHWARTZ L. Nonlinear functional analysis INST. OF MATH. SC. 1965 581 VAINBERG M.M. Variational methods for the study of nonlinear operators. HOLDER DAY 1964 582 COURANT R. HILBERT D. Methods of mathematical physics . vol 1. INTERSCIENCE 1970 583 Physics, vol 2 INTERSCIENCE 1970 584 HEINMETS F. Quantitative cellular biology: an approach to the quantitative analysis of life processes. DEKKER 1970 585 VEKUA N.P. Systems of singular Integral Equations . NOORDHOFF 1967 586 HILLE E. - PHILLIPS R. Functional analysis and semi-groups AMS 1957 587 RICHTMYER - MORTON Difference methods for initial value problems. INTERSCIENCE 1967 588 LORENTZ G.G. Polynomials. INIVERSITE TORONTO 1953 589 RIESZ F. NAGY B.S. Leons d'analyse fonctionnelle GAUTHIER VILLARS 1955 59 DEJAGER E.M. Applications of distributions in mathematical physics. MATH. CENT. AMST 1964 590 ABADIE Edit. Nonlinear programming NORTH HOLLAND 1967 591 LETMANN Edit. Topics in optimization ACADEMIC PRESS 1967 592 American mathematical society, transplantations sŽries 2. 593 Advances in computers ACADEMIC PRESS 594 Transp. sŽries on -American math. Soc. 595 Transactions of symposium in applied mathematics A.M.S. Vol 1 et 2. 596 Proceeding of symposium in applied mathematics A.M.S. Vol 6 597 Proceeding of symposium in pure mathematics A.M.S. Vol 4 598 American math soc colloquim publi, vol 20, WAL. 599 MŽmorial des sciences mathŽmatiques GAUTHIER VILLARS 6 HARRIS T.E. Les processus de ramification; applications ˆ la physique et ˆ la biologie. DUNOD 1969 60 MURNAGHAN F.D. Introduction to applied mathematics. WILEY 1948 600 ROCKAFELLAR Convex analysis PRINCETON 1970 601 ROCKAFELLAR Convex analysis PRINCETON 1970 602 MAC KEAN Stochastic integrals. 603 Inst. hautes Žtudes scient.- Publications mathematiques. 604 GREENSPAN H.P. The theory of rotating fluids. CAMBRIDGE UNI. PRESS 1969 605 Handbuk de physik - fluid dynamics vol 1 SPRINGER VERLAG 1959 606 Handbuck de physik - dynamics vol 2 SPRINGER VERLAG 1963 607 Handbuck de physik - fluid dynamics vol 3 SPRINGER VERLAG 1960 608 CEA J. Optimisation, thŽorie et algo. DUNOD 1971 609 LAKSHMIKANTHAM - LEELA Differential and integral inequalities. vol 1 ACADEMIC PRESS 1969 61 NATANSON I.P. Summierung unendleich kleiner grossen 610 LAKSHMIKANTHAM - LEELA Differential and integral inequalities. vol 2 ACADEMIC PRESS 1969 611 SCHWARTZ L. Methodes mathematiques pour les sciences physiques. HERMANN 1965 612 SCHWARTZ L. ThŽorie des distributions. HERMANN 1966 613 BREZIS C.I.M.E. Problems in non linear analysis. ROMA CREMONESE 614 MIKLIN S.G. The problem of the minimum of a quadratic functional. HOLDEN DAY 1965 615 SOBOLEV Application of functional analysis in mathematical physics. A. MATH. SOC. 1963 616 DENIS-PAPIN - KAUFMANN - FAURE Cours de calcul ALBIN MICHEL 1963 617 HILLE - PHILLIPS Functional analysis. 618 KORN Electronic analog and hybrid computers MC GRAW HILL 1964 619 SOUTHIVELL Relaxation mathematics in theoretical physics, tome 2 CLARENDON PRESS 1946 62 ROMANOVSKII P.I. Mathematical methods for engineers and technologists. PERGAMON 1961 620 SOUTHIVELL Relaxation mathematics in theoretical physics, tome 3 CLARENDON PRESS 1946 621 Mathematical methods for digital computers. WILEY 1960 622 Mathematical methods for digital computers, vol 2 623 HENRICI P. Discrete variable methods in ordinary differential equations. WILEY 1962 624 COLLATZ Functional analysis and numerical mathematics ADADEMIC PRESS 1960 625 BUDAK - SAMARSKII - TIKHONOV A collection of problems on mathematical physics PERGAMON 1964 626 ALLEN Relaxation methods MC GRAW HILL 1955 627 SHAW An introduction to relaxation methods DOVER 1953 628 HAMMERSLEY J.M.- HANDSCOMB D.C. Monte -Carlo method, 1964 629 NECAS Les mŽthodes directes en thŽorie des Žquations elliptiques MASSON 1967 63 NEUMANN J.V. Functional operators, vol 1. PRINCETON UNIV. PRESS 1950 630 BUSLENKO N.P.- SCHREIDER J.A Monte -Carlo method, 1964. 631 VALENTINO F.A Convex sets MC GRAW HILL 1964 632 HADLEY Nonlinear and dynamic programming ADDISON WESLEY 1964 633 ANDERSON B.D.O. - MOORE J.R. Linear optimal control PRENTICE HALL 1971 634 DANIEL J.W. The approximate minimization of functionals PRENTICE HALL 1971 635 DELCROIX Physique des plasmas tome 1 DUNOD 636 DELCROIX Physique des plasmas ,tome 2 DUNOD 637 SCHMIDT Physics of high temperature plasmas ACADEMIC PRESS 1966 638 BELLMAN Introduction to the mathematical theory of control processes, vol 1. ACADEMIC PRESS 1967 639 BOUIX Les fonctions gŽnŽralisŽes ou distributions MASSON 1964 64 NEUMANN J.V. Functional operators, vol 2. PRINCETON UNIV. PRESS 1950 640 GASTINEL Analyse numŽrique linŽaire HERMANN 1966 641 LATTES - LIONS Methode de quasi reversibilitŽ et applications. DUNOD 1967 642 LAVRENTIEV M.M. Some improperly posed problems of mathematical physics SPRINGER VERLAG 1967 643 HADAMARD Leon sur la propagation des ondes et les Žquations de l'hydrodynamique CHELSEA 1949 644 SWARTZ The fundamental particles ADDISON WESLEY 1965 645 LANDAU - LIFCHITZ MŽcanique des fluides, edit. de Moscou 1971, physique thŽorique, tome 6. ADDISON WESLEY 1965 646 LAVRENT'EV Variational methods for boundary value problems for systems of elliptic Žquations. NOORDHOFF 1963 647 BERGMAN S.- SCHIFFER M. Kernel functions and elliptic diffŽrential equations in mathematical physics. ACADEMIC PRESS 1953 648 PANOV D.J. Formulas for the numerical solution of partial differential equations by the method of differences. UNGAR 1963 649 GASTINEL N. Matrices du 2¡ et normes gŽnŽrales en analyse numŽrique linŽaire. 65 SCHATTEN R. Norm ideals of completely continuous operators. SPRINGER VERLAG 1960 650 PROTTER - WEINBERGER Maximum principles in differential Žquations. PRENTICE HALL 1967 651 Structures algŽbriques et structures topologiques. 652 COX Reneival theory methuen 1962 653 FADDEEV Computational methods of linear algebra FRIEMAN 1963 654 SAATY T.L. Lectures on modern mathematics, vol 1 WILEY 1963 655 SAATY T.L. Lectures on modern mathematics, vol 2 WILEY 1963 656 BINNS K.J. - LAWRENSON P.J. Analysis and computation of electric and magnetic field problems. PERGAMON 1963 657 Numerical solution of partial differential equations ACADEMIC PRESS 1966 658 BALAKRISHNAN Edit. Computing methods in optimization problems- Proceeding... ACADEMIC PRESS 1964 659 SAUL'YEV Integration of equations of parabolic type by the method of nets PERGAMON 1964 66 COLLATZ L. Kunktionalanalysis und numerische mathematik. SPRINGER 1964 660 HARTLEY An introduction to electronic analog computer 1962 661 WHITNORE Theologie circulation 662 ORTEGA J.M. - RHEINBOLDT W.C. Studies in numerical analysis 2. SIAM 1970 663 DANTZIG - VEINOTT Edit. Mathematics of the decision ,sciences, part 1. A. MATH. SOC. 1968 664 HENNIE F. Finite state models for logical machines.. WILEY 1968 665 MINSKY Computation: finite and infinite machines. PRENTICE HALL 1967 666 MESAROVIC M.D. Edit. Systems theory and biology. SPRINGER VERLAG 1968 667 MILHOORN H. The application of control theory to physiological systems. SAUNDERS 1966 668 RESICIGNO A.- SEGRE G. Drug and tracer kinetics. BLAISDELL 1966 669 MILSUM J. Biological control systems analysis. MC GRAW HILL 1966 67 BERBERIAN S.K. Introduction to Hilbert space. OXFORD U.P. 1961 670 System theory, vol 15, Proceeding.... POLYTECH. PRESS 1965 671 WILDE D. BEIGHTLER C. Foundations of optimization. PRENTICE HALL 1967 672 HIMMELBLALL D. BISCHOFF K. Process analysis and simulation. 673 LASDON L. Optimization theory for systems. MV WILLAN 1970 674 FEYNMAN R. - LEIGHTON - SANDS Lectures on physics ,vol. 2 ADDISON WESLEY 1969 675 MITRINOVIC D.S. Analytic inequalities. SPRINGER VERLAG 1970 676 International computational centre (rome) 677 SIROVICH Techniques of asymptotic analysis. 678 BELLMAN Quasilinearization and nonlinear boundary value problems ELSEVIER 1965 679 WILKINSON Boundary algebraic processes. LONDON 1963 68 DAY M. Normed linear spaces. SPRINGER VERLAG 1962 680 DIXMIER J. Les algbres d'opŽrateurs dans l'espace. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1957 681 HARDY Ramanujan. 682 SZASZ (GA BOR) Introduction to lattice theory. ACADEMIC PRESS 1963 683 AKHIEZER M.I. GLAZMAN I.M. Theory of linear operators in Hilbert spaces. UNGAR 1961 684 BELLMAM R.E. DREYFUS S.E. La programmation dynamique et ses applications. DUNOD 1965 685 Angleichungsrechnung nuch der kleinsten quadrate, Hambourg. 686 EURATOM 687 SNECMA , notes techniques 688 `; Ecole d'EtŽ d'analyse numŽrique 689 Publications et sŽminaires de fac. 69 BANACH S. Theorie des opŽrations linŽaires. CHELSEA 690 Cours et publications des diverses universitŽs franaises. 691 Theory of distributions. Proceeding... Lisboa 1964. 692 ORTEGA J.M. - RHEIBOLDT W.C. Interative solution of nonlinear equations in several variables. ACADEMIC PRESS 1970 693 Methods in computational physics, vol 9 ACADEMIC PRESS 1970 694 FEYNMAN - LEIGHTON - SANDS Lectures on physics, vol 1. 695 Dictionnaire Anglais 696 Dictionnaire Allemand 697 Dictionnaire Russe 698 HENRICI Discrete variable methods in ordinary diffŽrential Žquations. WILEY 1962 699 Dictionnaires Italien, Espagnol. 7 KRABBE Operational calculus. SPRINGER VERLAG 1970 70 BANACH S. Theorie des opŽrations linŽaires. CHELSEA 700 Travaux de la SociŽtŽ mathŽmatique de Moscou (en Russe), tome 9-11-12-13-14-16. 701 Recueil de cybernŽtique (en Russe) 6-9. 702 Analyse NumŽrique Moscou (en Russe) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7. 703 Travaux institut mathŽmatique Steklov. 704 TITCHMARSH E.C. Introduction to the theory of Fourier integrals. OXFORD 1959 705 CAZIN Cours de mŽcanique GAUTHIER VILLARS 1958 706 PARODI M. Introduction ˆ l'Žtude de l'analyse symbolique. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1957 707 KAUFMANN A.- DOURIAN R. Les fonctions de la variable complexe. 708 CEA Optimization :thŽorie et algorithmes. DUNOD 1971 709 LIONS J.L. Contr™le optimal de systmes gouvernŽs par des Žquations aux dŽrivŽes partielles. DUNOD 1968 71 WILANSKI A. Functional analysis. BLAISDELL 1964 710 DANSKIN J.M. The theory of max-min. SPRINGER VERLAG 1967 711 CERN Genve 712 CUNNINGHAM W.J. Analyse non linŽaire ,rŽsolution des Žquations diffŽrentielles. DUNOD 1963 713 BEREZIN - ZIDKOV Computing methods, vol 1 PERGAMON 1965 714 BEREZIN - ZIDKOV Computing methods, vol 2 PERGAMON 1965 715 WALLACE A. Differential topology. 716 BARY N.K. A treatise on trigonometric sŽries, n¡1 PERGAMON 1964 717 BARY N.K. A treatise on trigonometric sŽries, n¡2 PERGAMON 1964 718 WATSON A treatise on the theory of Bessel functions, Cambridge 1966. 719 PALLU DE LA BARRIERE R. Cours d'automatique thŽorique. DUNOD 1966 72 KANTOROVICH L.V. - AKILOV G.P. Functional analysis in normed spaces. 720 GODEMONT R. Cours d'algbre. HERMANN 1963 721 GRENANDER L. Probabilities on algebraic structures. 722 EPSTEIN R. The theory of gambling and statistical logic. ACADEMIC PRESS 1967 723 JURY E.I. Theory and application of the transform method. WILEY 1964 724 FOX L.- PARKER I.B. Polynomials in numerical analysis. OXFORD 1968 725 HOUSEHOLDER A.H. The theory of matrices in numerical analysis. BLAISDELL 1964 726 WEINBERGER A first course in partial differential equations with complex variables and transform methods. BLAISDELL 1965 727 CLARK R.C- DERRICK G.H. Mathematical methods in solid state and superfluid theory . OLIVER AND BOYD 1969 728 LEGRAS J. Techniques de rŽsolution des Žquations aux dŽrivŽes partielles. DUNOD 1956 729 DIEUDONNE J. La gŽomŽtrie des groupes classiques. SPRINGER VERLAG 1963 73 NAGY B. Spektraldaratellung linearer transformation des hilbertschen raumes. SPRINGER VERLAG 1967 730 SOURIAU J.M. Calcul linŽaire . PUF 1959 731 GOUYON R. Calcul tensoriel. GUIBERT 1963 732 Numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations. PERGAMON 1962 733 CESCHINO F.- KUNTZMANN J. Problmes diffŽrentiels de conditions initiales. DUNOD 1963 734 ISAACSON E.- KELLER H.B. Analysis of numerical methods. WILEY 1966 735 DOOB J.L. Stochastic processes. WILEY 1953 736 Seminar on analytic functions vol 1, US Air force. 737 Seminars on analytic functions vol 2, US Air force. 738 CLARK M. HANSEN K. Numerical methods of reactor analysis. ACADEMIC PRESS 1964 739 DAVISON B. Neutron transport theory. OXFORD 1958 74 MESCHLOWSKI H. Hilbertiche raume mit kernfunktion. SPRINGER VERLAG 1962 740 KITTEL C. Elements de physique statistique. DUNOD 1961 741 BASS Cours de mathŽmatiques, tome 1 MASSON 1961 742 BASS Cours de mathŽmatiques, tome 2 MASSON 1961 743 BONSALL F.F - DUNCAN J. Numerical ranges of operators on normed spaces and elements of normed algebras. CAMBRIDGE 1971 744 BRELOT SŽminaire math. sup. UniversitŽ de MontrŽal. 745 Association frse informatique et recherche opŽrationelle. Congrs Nancy 1967,sect1,2,3,4,5,6,7. 746 Invariant imbedding and time , dependent transport processes. ELSEVIER 1964 747 KARLIN S. Total positivity, vol.1. STANFORD 1968 748 Theory of distributions, proceedings...Lisboa septembre 1964. 749 LIONS J.L. Problmes aux limites dans les Žquations aux dŽrivŽes partielles. MontrŽal 1962 75 DAY Normed linear spaces. SPRINGER VERLAG 750 ZIENKIEWICZ O.C. The finite element method in engineering science. MC GRAW HILL 1971 751 ZIENKIEWICZ O.C. The finite element method in engineering science. MC GRAW HILL 1971 752 ZIENKIEWICZ O.C. The finite element method in engineering science. MC GRAW HILL 1971 753 LAPIDUS L. SEINFELD J. Numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations. ACADEMIC PRESS 1971 754 LIONS J.L. Contr™le optimal de systmes pour des Žquations aux dŽrivŽes partielles. DUNOD 1963 755 FEYNMAN Lectures on physics, vol 3. ADDISON WESLEY 1966 756 BALABAN T. Memoirs of the A.MS. n¡112, on the mixed problem for a hyperbolic equation. 757 BEREZIN Computing methods. vol 1. PERGAMON 758 BEREZIN Computing methods. PERGEMON 759 LADYZHENSKAYA O.A. The mathematical theory of viscous incompressible flow. GORDON AND BREACH 1969 76 DIEUDONNE J. Foundations of modern analysis . ACADEMIC PRESS 1960 760 Proceeding of the international conference on numerical methods in fluid dynamics. SPRINGER VERLAG 1971 761 ConfŽrences on applications of numerical analysis. SPRINGER VERLAG 1971 762 ) Proceedings of the Steklov inst of math. n¡95 (1968) A. MATH. SOC. 1971 763 LIONS - MAGENES Problmes aux limites non homognes et applications, vol 1 DUNOD 1968 764 LIONS - MAGENES Problmes aux limites non homognes et applications, vol 2 DUNOD 1968 765 CEA Optimisation :theories et algorithmes DUNOD 1971 766 Initiation au 360, enseignement programmŽ SRF 2-4060-0 767 ZADEH L.A. - POLAK E. System theory. MC GRAW HILL 1969 768 WONG Stochastic processes in information and dynamical systems. MC GRAW HILL 1971 769 WONG Stochastic processes in information and dynamical systems. MC GRAW HILL 1971 77 NAGY B. - FOIAS C. Analyse harmonique des opŽrateurs de l'espace de Hilbert. MASSON 1967 770 HARTMAN Ordinary differential equations. WILEY 1964 771 KACHANOV Foundations of the thŽory of plasticity. NORTH HOLLAND 1971 772 LIONS J.L. Problmes aux limites dans les Žquations aux dŽrivŽes partielles, MontrŽal 1965 773 LIONS J.L. Problmes aux limites dans les Žquations aux dŽrivŽes partielles, MontrŽal 1965 774 LIONS J.L. Problmes aux limites dans les Žquations aux dŽrivŽes partielles, MontrŽal 1965 775 LIONS J.L. Problmes aux limites dans les Žquations aux dŽrivŽes partielles, MontrŽal 1965. 776 GRIGULL - HAHNE Edit. Progress in heat and mass transfer. vol 1. PERGAMON 1969 777 WISMER Edit. Optimization methods for large- scale systems. MC GRAW HILL 1971 778 ZIENKIEWICZ The finite element method in engineering science. MC GRAW HILL 1971 779 ZIENKIEWICZ The finite element method in engineering science. MC GRAW HILL 1971 78 HORMANDER L. Linear partial differential operators. SPRINGER VERLAG 1963 780 FRIEDMAN A. Partial differential equations. HOLT RINEHART 1969 781 BAKER-GAMMEL Edit. The Pade approximant in theoretical physics. ACADEMIC PRESS 1970 782 Methods in computational physics, vol 10. ACADEMIC PRESS 1971 783 FILLMORE P.A. Notes on operator theory, 1968 ACADEMIC PRESS 1968 784 DUVAUT - LIONS Les inŽquations en mŽcanique et en physique. DUNOD 1972 785 DUVAUT - LIONS Les inŽquations en mŽcanique et en physique. DUNOD 1972 786 DUVAUT - LIONS Les inŽquations en mŽcanique et en physique. DUNOD 1972 787 DUVAUT - LIONS Les inŽquations en mŽcanique et en physique. DUNOD 1972 788 RUBENSTEIN The Stefan problem AM.MATH. SOC. 1971 789 Lectures on ordinary differential equations. ACADEMIC PRESS 1970 79 HORMANDER L. Linear partial differential operators. SPRINGER VERLAG 1963 790 FREU D. Orthogonal polynomials. PERGAMON 1966 791 MEYER R. Introduction to mathematical fluid dynamics. WILEY INTER. 1971 792 KRASNOSEL'SKII M.A. Topological methods in the theory of nonlinear integral equations. PERGAMON 1964 793 KRASNOSEL'SKII M.A. Positive solutions of operators equations. NORDHOFF 1964 794 ANSELONE P.M. Collect. compact operator approximation theory and applications to integral Žquations. PRENTICE HALL 1971 795 Mathematical Problems in the geophysical sciences, fluid dynamics, 1. 796 Mathematical Problems in the geophysical sciences, inverses problemes, dynamo and tides, 2. AMS 1971 797 Mathematical problems in the geophysical sciences. vol 1. GŽophysical fluid dynamics. AMS 1971 798 Mathematical problems in the gŽophysical sciences. vol 2. inverse problems ,dynamo theory and tides. AMS 1971 799 GAVALAS Nonlinear differential equations of thermically reacting systems. SPRINGER VERLAG 1968 8 WILKINSON J.H. The algebraic eigenvalue problem. CLARENDON PRESS OXFORD 1965 80 ACHIESER N.I. - GLASMANN I.M. Theorie der linearen operatoren ACADEMIC VERLAG 1960 800 VARGA Functional analysis and approximation theory in numerical analysis. SIAM 1971 801 AUBIN J.P. Approximation of elliptic boundary value problms WILEY 1972 802 AUBIN J.P. Approximation of elliptic boundary value problms. WILEY 1972 803 CII 10070 Extended Fortan 4, User's manual. 804 CII 10070 Extented Fortran 4, User's manual. 805 BIRKHOFF G. The numerical solution of elliptic equations. SIAM 1971 806 GUELFAND I.M.- VILENKIN N.Y. Les distributions, T 4 applications ˆ l' analyse Harmonique. DUNOD 1967 807 GUELFAND I.M.- GRAEV M.I. - VILENKIN N.F. Les distributions, T 5 gŽometrie intŽgrale et thŽorie des reprŽsentations. DUNOD 1970 808 ZIENKIEWIEZ The finite element method. 809 CHACKO G. Applied statistics in decision making ELSEVIER 1971 81 KOROVKIN P.P. Linear operators and approximation theory. DELHI HUND. 1960 810 PUTNAM C.R. Communications properties of Hilbert space operators and related topics. SPRINGER VERLAG 1967 811 Contributions to functional analysis. SPRINGER VERLAG 1966 812 KOROVKIN P.P. Linear operators and approximation theory. 1960 813 RABENSTEIN A.L. Introduction to ordinary differential equations. ACADEMIC PRESS 1966 814 LUCHKA A.Y.Y. The method of averaging functional corrections. ACADEMIC PRESS 1965 815 KRASNOSELSKY M.A.- RUTITSKY Y.B. Convex functions and Orliez spaces. HUDUSTON PUBLI. CORP. 1962 816 VOROBYEV Moments method in applied mathematics. GORDON AND BREACH 1962 817 STOKER Nonlinear vibrations in mechanical and electrical systems. INTERSCIENCE 1950 818 Tables of integral, vol 1. MC GRAW HILL 1954 819 Tables of integral transforms, vol 2. MC GRAW HILL 1954 82 VOELKER D. - DOETSCH G. Die ziveidmeinsionale laplace- transformation. VERLAG BIR. BASEL 1950 820 LAVOINE J. Transformation de Fourier des pseudo fonctions avec tables de nouvelles transformŽes. CNRS 1963 821 OBERHETTINGER F. Tabellen zur fourier transformation. SPRINGER VERLAG 1957 822 BURAS N. Scientific allocation of water ressources. ELSEVIER 1972 823 BUTZER P.L.- BERENS H. Semi groups of operators and approximation. SPRINGER VERLAG 1967 824 HOCHSTADT H. The functions of mathematical physics. WILEY 1971 825 BROWOLER F. Edit. Nonlinear functional analysis (Proceeding symp. in pure math. vol 18, part 1, AMS 1970. 826 TEIPHOLZ Ed. Instability of continuous systemes ( symposium herrenabl germany, septembre 1969) SPRINGER VERLAG 1971 827 Advances in hydroscience, vol 7. ACADEMIC PRESS 1971 828 HADAMARD J. La thŽorie des Žquations aux dŽrivŽes partielles. GAUTHIER-VILLARS 1964 829 PALLU DE LA BARRIERE Cours d'automatique thŽorique. DUNOD 1966 83 HIRSCHMAN I.I. - WIDDOR D.V. The convolution transform. PRINCETON 1955 830 KOBER H. Dictionary of conformal representations. DOVER 1957 831 SOBOLEV S.L. Partial differential equations of mathematical physics. PERGAMON 1964 832 LOOMIS L.H. An introduction to abstract harmonic analysis. VAN NOSTRAND 1953 833 GARSOUX J. Espaces vectoriels topologiques et distributions. DUNOD 1963 834 Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, vol 1, n¡1, juin 1972. NORTH HOLLAND PUB. 1972 835 RINGROSE J. Compact non self adjoint operators. VON NOSTRAND 1971 836 LEONDES Ed. Advances in control systemes vol. 8, 1971. ACADEMIC PRESS 837 LAURENT P.J. Approximation et optimisation. HERMANN 1972 838 LAURENT P.J. Approximation et optimisation. HERMANN 1972 839 KURATOWSKI R. Introduction to set theory and topology. PERGAMON PRESS 1961 84 GELFAND I. - RALKOV D. - SHILOV G. Commutative normed rings CHELSEA 1964 840 BECKENBACH E.F.- BELLMAN R. Inequalities. SPRINGER VERLAG 1961 841 SHTOKALO I.Z. Linear differential equations with variable coeficients, 1961. 842 AKHIEZER N. The calculus of variations BLAISDELL 1962 843 NOBLE B. Methods based on the Wiener- Hopf technique. PERGAMON 1958 844 KRASNOSEL`SKII M.A. Topological methods in the theory of nonlinear integral equations. 845 LADYZENSKAJA D.A - URAL`CEVA N.N Equations aux dŽrivŽes partielles de type elliptique. DUNOD 1968 846 AMES W.A Nonlinear partial differential equations in engineering, vol 2. ACADEMIC PRESS 1972 847 TURNUBULL H.W. The theory of determinents, matrices and invariants. DOVER 1960 848 BUNDAK - SAMARSKU - TIKHONOV A collection of problems on mathematical physics. PERGAMON 1964 849 OSTROWSKI A.M. Solution of equations and systems of equations. ACADEMIC PRESS 1966 85 RICKART C.E. General theory of Banach algebras. VAN NOSTRAND 1960 850 FAVARD J. Cours de gŽomŽtrie diffŽrentielle locale. GAUTHIER-VILLARS 1957 851 FRIEDMAN B. Principles and techniques of applied mathematics. WILEY 1956 852 HADLEY Nonlinear and dynamics programming. ADDISON WESLEY 1964 853 HADLEY Nonlinear and dynamic programming. ADDISON WESLEY 1964 854 SANSONE G. GERRETSEN J. Lectures on the theory of functions of a complex variable. NOORDHOFF 1960 855 DUNFORD N. - SCHWARTZ J. Linear operators, part. 2. INTERSCIENCE 1963 856 MIKHLIN S.G. Variational methods in mathematical physics. 857 KAMKE E. Differential gleischungen losengsmethoden und losungen leipzig seest et portig 1959. 1959 858 DUNCAN W.J.- COLLAR A.R. Elementary matrices and some applications in dynamics and differential Žquations. CAMBRIDGE 1957 859 GASS S. Linear programming methods and applications. MC GRAW HILL 1958 86 YOSIDA K. Functional analysis. SPRINGER VERLAG 1965 860 VAN DER WALT Fixed and almost fixed points. 1963 MATH. CENTRUM AMSTERDAM 861 FORD W. Studies on divergent series and summability and the asymptotic devel. of functions 1960 862 RHAM (DE) G. VariŽtŽs diffŽrentielles. HERMANN 1960 863 BOURBAKI Elements d'histoire de mathŽmatiques. HERMANN 1960 864 SIAM Journal on applied mathematics, mars 1971 865 SIAM Journal mathematical analysis fevrier 1972,vol3n¡1. 866 KOWALIK J.- OSBORNE M.R. Methods for inconstrained optimization problems. ELSEVIER 1968 867 YAKOWITZ S. Mathematics of adaptative control proceeding. ELSEVIER 1969 868 Contributions to the theory of games, vol 2 PRINCETON 1953 869 FEL'DBAUM A.A Optimal control systems ACADEMIC PRESS 1965 87 EDWARDS R.E. Functional analysis. HOLT 1965 870 HALE J.K. Oscillations in nonlinear systems. MAC GRAW HILL 1963 871 PIMBLEY G.H. Eingenfunction branches of nonlinear operators and their bifurcations. SPRINGER VERLAG 1969 872 BECKMANN M. Dynamic programming of economic decisions. SPRING VERLAG 1968 873 MORSE M.- CAIRNS S. Critical point theory in global analysis and differential topology. ACADEMIC PRESS 1969 874 International journal for numerical methods in engineering vol. 5 n¡1. WILEY INTERSCIENCE 875 ZIENKIEWICZ O.C The finite element method in engineering science. MC GRAW WILL 1971 876 LADAS - LAKSHMIKANTHAN DiffŽrential equations in abstract spaces. ACADEMIC PRESS 1972 877 REID Ed. Large sparse sets of linear equations ACADEMIC PRESS 1970 878 SLATER J. Confluent hypergeometric functions .1971 CAMBRIDGE 1960 879 CESCHINO - KUNTZMANN Meth. numŽriques, pb. diff. de cond. initiales, 3 vol. PUBLI. UNIVERSITE GRENOBLE 88 GELFAND I.M. - SCHILOW G.E. Veralgemeinerte funktionen (distributionen) vol. 2. 880 Publication, UniversitŽ de Grenoble 881 HIRSCHMAN I.I., WIDDER D.V. The convolution transform . PRINCETON 1955 882 SANSONE G. Orthogonal functions - Interscience 1959 883 RUDIN W. Real and complex analysis. MC GRAW HILL 1966 884 PETIAU G. La thŽorie des fonctions de Bessel exposŽe en vue de ses applications a la physique mathematique 885 Symposium on the theory of numerical analysis, held in Dundee./ Scotland , sept.25-23, 1970. SPRINGER VERLAG 1971 886 TIMOSHENKO, WOINOWSKI, KRIEGER Theory of plates and shells. MC GRAW HILL 1959 887 ODEN J.T. Finite elements of nonlinear continuum. MC GRAW HILL 1972 888 Notices of the A.M.S. DŽcembre 1972, n¡ 142 889 SAUER R. Anfangswertprobleme bei partiellen differential. 89 GELFAND I.M. - SCHILOW G.E. Vab deutecher verlag der wissenscheften 1962-64, vol 3. 890 HEILIS BOROK Ed. Computational seismology. CONSULTANT BUREAU N.YORK 1972 891 Conference on the numerical solution of differential equations. SPRINGER VERLAG 1969 892 KOHN Formes integro- diffŽrentielles non coercives. MONTREAL 1965 893 AGMON UnicitŽ et convexitŽ dans les problmes diffŽrentiels. MONTREAL 1965 894 ZALDMAN Equations diffŽrentielles abstraites MONTREAL UNIVERSITE 1965 895 Mathematics pure, vol 12, structures of langage and its mathematical aspects. A.M.S. 896 Mathematics pure, vol 6. A.M.S. 897 A. Math. Suc. Colloq. Publ vol 11, New york 1930 AMS 898 A. Math. Suc. Colloq. Publ vol. 19, New york 1934 899 A. Math. Suc. Colloq. Publ vol. 26, New york 1940 9 CARROL R.W. Abstract methods in partial differential equations.. HARPER AND ROW 90 SAKS S. Theory of the integral. NEW YORK HAFNER 900 Contents of contemporany mathematical journals and new publications. AMS Vol. 5 n¡2. 901 DARCHINI G. Dictionnaire franco- italien, Milano 1965. 902 C R Ac. Sciences 903 LEGRAS Precis d'analyse numŽrique. DUNOD 1963 904 Publications ERA 215 905 GEAR W. Numerical initial value problems in ordinary differential equations. PRENTICE HALL 1971 906 GERMAIN P. Cours de mŽcanique des milieux continus. MASSON 1973 907 MONIN A.S., YAGLOM A.M. Statistical fluid mechanics: Mechanics of turbulence, vol 1. 908 NEVEU J. Martingales ˆ temps discret. MASSON 1972 909 GERMAIN P. Cours de mŽcanique des milieux continus, tome 1, thŽorie gŽnŽrale. MASSON 1973 91 RESTELMAN H. Modern theories of integration. DOVER 1960 910 LAMBERT Computational methods in ordinary differential equations. WILEY 1973 911 NEVEU Base mathŽmatiques de calcul des probabilitŽs MASSON 1970 912 TORTRAT Calcul des probabilitŽs et introduct. aux processus alŽatoires. MASSON 1971 913 LIONS J.L. Perturbations singulires dans les problmes aux limites et en controle optimal. SPRINGER VERLAG 1973 914 LEONDES Edit. Control and dynamic systems. Advances in theory and applications, vol 9. ACADEMIC PRESS 1973 915 POLYA ; SZEGO Problems and theorems in analysis, vol 1, series, integral calculus, theory of functions. SPRINGER VERLAG 1972 916 Sparce matrices and their applications PLENUM PRESS 1972 917 Algol 10070, manuel d'utilisation atelier d'informatique, T. 43. FAC.SC.PARIS, 9 quai St.Bernard 918 BIRKHOFF G. Lattice theory AMS Colloquim publi. vol 25, 1961 919 LIRABE M. Nonlinear autonomous oscillations annales heat theory ACADEMIC PRESS 1967 92 HILDEBRANDT T.H. Introduction to the theory of integration. ACADEMIC PRESS 1963 920 DRESHER - TUCKER - WOLFE Edit. Contributions to the theory of games, vol 3. UNIVERSITY PRESS 1957 921 PERVOZVANSKII Random Processes in nonlinear control systems. ACADEMIC PRESS 1965 922 I.B.M. Sous programme de calcul SSP/360, 01.04.71, GHF 5-1035-0. 923 ROACHE P. Computational fluid dynamics. HERMOSA PUBLISHERS 1972 924 ROACHE P. Computational fluid dynamics. HERMOSA PUBLISHERS 1972 925 BERTHET C. Le langage de programmation PL/1. DUNOD 1972 926 GOVIER G.W. - AZIZ K. The flow of complex mixtures in piper. VAN NOSTRAND 1972 927 COURANT - HILBERT Math. of Math Physics, vol 2, 1962. 928 CRONIN J. Fixed point and topological degree in nonlinear analysis. AMER.MATH.SOC. 1964 929 KNUTH D. The art of computer programming, vol 3. ADDISON WESLEY 1973 93 HALMOS P.R. Measure theory. VAN NOSTRAND 1959 930 Lecture notes in math.n¡322, nonlinear problems in the physical sciences and biology. SPRINGER VERLAG 1973 931 GAMKRELIDZE R.V. Ed. Progress in mathematics, vol. 2 PLENUM PRESS 1968 932 MULLER C. Foundations of the mathematical theory of electromagnetic waves. SPRINGER VERLAG 1969 933 HARTMAN S. - MIKUSINSKI J. The theory of Lebesgue measure and integration. PERGAMON 1961 934 HOUSEHOLDER A.S. Principles of numerical analysis . MC GRAW-HILL 1953 935 COLLATZ L. The numerical treatment of differential equations. SPRINGER VERLAG 1960 936 LIUSTERNIK LA. - SOBOLEV V.J. Elements of functional analysis. UNGAR NEW YORK 1961 937 WACHSPRESS E.L. Iterative solution of elliptic systems. PRENTICE HALL 1966 938 WILKINSON The algebraic eigenvalue problem. CLARENDON 1965 939 HENRICI P. Elements of numerical analysis WILEY 1964 94 HALMOS P.R. Measure theory. VAN NOSTRAND 1959 940 SRINIVASAN K. Stochastic theory and cascade process. ELSEVIER 1969 941 ASH M. Optimal shutdown control of nuclear reactors. ACADEMIC PRESS 1966 942 OGUZTORELT Time Lag Control systems. ACADEMIC PRESS 1966 943 DURAND Solutions Numeriques des Equations Algebriques, T 1. MASSON 1960 944 DURAND Solutions Numeriques des Equations Algebriques, T 2 945 GODEMENT Cours d'algbre. HERMAN 1963 946 Mme Larive 947 GREENSPAN D. Ed. Numerical solutions of nonlinear differential equations. WILEY 1966 948 Contributions to the theory of nonlinear oscillations, vol. 5 PRINCETON 1960 949 CASANOVA G. Cours de mathŽmatiques spŽciales, tome 3 BERLIN 1960 95 CAFIERO F. Misure e integrazione. CREMONESE 1959 950 BODEWING Matrix calculus. NORTH HOLLAND 1959 951 Householder ef. 952 STAMPACCHIA G. Equations elliptiques du secon ordre ˆ coefficient discontinus. PRESS UNIVER. 1966 953 BARROS-NETO J. Problmes aux limites non homognes. PRESS UNIVER. 1966 954 Loomis cf 832 955 Rickart cf 85 956 HAIGHT F.A Mathematical theories of traffic flow . ACADEMIC PRESS 1963 957 LANG S. Analysis 2. ADDISON WESLEY 1969 958 ZAANEN A.C. Linear analysis ,measure and integral, Banach and Hilbert space, linear integral Žquations. NORTH HOLLAND 1960 959 SPITZER F. Principles of random walk, 1964 96 MUNROE M.E. Introduction to measure and integration. ADDISON WESLEY 1953 960 DITKIN - PRUDNIKOV Integral transforms and operational calculus. PERGAMON 1965 961 CABANNES - TEMAM Ed. Proceeding of the fluid international conference on numerical methods in fluid mechanics, vol.1. SPRINGER VERLAG 1973 962 CABANNES - TEMAM Ed. Proceeding of the fluid international conference on numerical methods in fluid mechanics,vol. 2. SPRINGER VERLAG 1973 963 Manuel d'utilisation et d'opŽrations, monoteur sŽrie 7et 8, temps partagŽ. 964 IDM Application program system 360 scientific subroutine package version 3. 965 Nonlinear problems in the physical sciences and biology. SPRINGER VERLAG 1973 966 Nonlinear problems in the physical sciences and biology. SPRINGER VERLAG 1973 967 Problmes de mesure (conf.soc. math. de France 1957-1958) 968 BOAS R.P. CREIGHTON BUCK R. Polynomial expansions of analytic functions. SPRINGER VERLAG 1958 969 CESARI L. Asymptotic behavior and stability problems in ordinary differential equations. SPRINGER VERLAG 1963 97 SHILOV G.E. - GUREVICH B.L. Integral measure and derivative : a unified approach. PRENTICE HALL 1966 970 CAIANIELLO Ed. Functional analysis and optimization. ACADEMIC PRESS 1966 971 WILKINSON The algebraic eigenvalue problem. CLARENDON PRESS 1965 972 MINORSKY N. Nonlinear oscillations. VAN NOSTRAND 1962 973 HENRICI P. Error propagation for difference methods. WILEY 1963 974 RADO G.T. Ed. Magnetism, vol 3, spin arrangement and crystal structure, dinamics and micromagnetics. ACADEMIC PRESS 1963 975 BUSACKER R.G. SAATY T.L. Finite graphs and networks: an introduction with applications. MC GRAW HILL 1965 976 STIEFEL E.L. An introduction to numerical mathematics. ACADEMIC PRESS 1963 977 BRACKEN J. - MC CORMICK G.P. Selected applications of nonlinear programming. WILEY 1968 978 PUGACHEV V.S. Theory of random functions and its application to control problems. PERGAMON 1965 979 AZIZ Ed. The mathematical fundations of the element method with applications . ACADEMIC PRESS 1972 98 NACHBIN L. The Haar integral . VAN NOSTRAND 1965 980 AZIZ Ed. The mathematical fundations of the element method with applications to partial element method. ACADEMIC PRESS 1972 981 ROUCHE N. MAWHIN J. Equations diffŽrentielles ordinaires, tome 1 MASSON 1973 982 ROUCHE N. MAWHIN J. Equations diffŽrentielles ordinaires, tome 2 MASSON 1973 983 STRANG G. FIX G.J. An analysis of the finite element method. PRENTICE HALL 984 LINDENSTRAUSS J. TZAFRIRI L. Classical Banach spaces. SPRINGER VERLAG 1973 985 FUCIK S. NECAS J. SOUCECK J. Spectral analysis of nonlinear operators. SPRINGER VERLAG 1973 986 FUCIK S. NECAS J. SOUCECK J. Spectral analysis of nonlinear operators. SPRINGER VERLAG 1973 987 FUCIK S. NECAS J. SOUCECK J. Spectral analysis of nonlinear operators. SPRINGER VERLAG 1973 988 LAX Hyperbolic systems of conservation. SIAM 989 LAX Hyperbolic systems of conservation. SIAM 99 MARKUSHEVICH A.I. Theorie of fonctions of a complexe variable, vol 1. PRENTICE HALL 1965 990 LAX Hyperbolic systems of conservation. SIAM 991 GOULAOUIC-SCHWARTZ sŽminaire Centre de math. ecole polyt. 1972-73, Žquations aux dŽrivŽes partielles, analyse fonc. 992 TOTTENHAM Ed. Finite element techniques in structural mechanics. 993 LEONDES Ed. Advances in control systemes, theory and applications. Vol 3. ACADEMIC PRESS 1966 994 LIONS J.L. Controle optimal de systemes par des Žquations aux dŽrivŽes partielles. DUNOD 1968 995 BREBBIA C.A. - TOTTENHAM H. Variational methods in engineeting, vol 1. UNIVER.SOUTH. 1972 996 BREBBIA C.A.- TOTTENHAM H; Variational methods in engineering, vol 2 UNIV. SOUTH. 1972 997 TITCHMARSH The theory of the Riemann zeta function. CLARENDON PRESS 1967 998 FINLAYSON B. The method of weighted residuels and variational principles. ACADEMIC PRESS 1972 999 GARNIR Fonctions de variables rŽelles t. 1. GAUTHIER VILLARS 1963

    Orsay, Nov.1978)@ The special functions and their approximations, vol.1, NewYork. luke yudell L.@ The special functions and their approximations, vol.2, New
    <�Nonlinear potential theory of degenerate elliptic equations.CMathematical topics in fluid mechanics,vol 1 Incompressible models.,Linear algebra for signal processing. Vol.69Kelly F.P. Williams R.J.Stochastic networks. Vol. 71,GLOWINSKI R. - RODIN E.Y. - ZIENKIEWICZ O.C.MDifferential and difference equations through computer experiments-2e edition SCHWARZ H.R.1Numerical analysis - A comprehensive introductionJENSEN K; - WIRTH N. PASCAL BLACHMAN N.$User manual and report 2eme edition"Mathematics : A practical approachCRANE D.5Partial differential equations 1.Basic theory no 115.Flow control. Vol.68Bojanczyk A. Cybenko G. WARSZAWA MC GRAW HILL %MONTEIRO MARQUES M. - RODRIGUES J.-F.@Representation and control of infinite dimensional systems. Vol.Foias C.-Frazho A.E. Handbook of N <�Mathematical problems related to the Navier-Stokes equationsBuzzi Guido-Ferraris)2090 CANUTO C.-HUSSAINI M.Y.-ZANG T.A.!Spectral method in fluid dynamicsFThe analysis of linear partial differential operators . Second edition)Singularities in boundary value problems. Dacorogna B.GNonlinear partial differential equations and their applications, vol.10 <�Introduction aux problemes d'evolution semi-lineaires, vol.1CHomogenization and effective moduli of materials and media . Vol. 19BONA J.L. - DAFERMOS C. - ERICKSEN J.L.- KINDERLEHRER D.0Dynamical problems in continuum physics, vol. 4.ERICKSEN J.L. - KINDERLEHRER D.2Theory and applications of liquid crystals, vol. 5PAPANICOLAOU G.GNonlinear partial differential equations and their applications, vol. 9WOLFRAM STEFENIMathematica - A system for doing mathematics by computer. Second EditionKERNIGHAN B. W. - RITCHIE D.M.Le langage C. 2e edition1Hyperbolic systems of conservation laws, vol. 3/4LOCHARD - ROBERT THOMASIntroduction a Turbo C++LACHAND ROBERT TH.,Programmation orientee objet en Turbo Pascal

    5. CSULB-COAST /All Locations
    1 Luke, Timothy W. 6 Luke, Yudell L. 3 Lukehart, Charles M., 1946 1985 1 Lukehart,Peter M., 1955- 1993 1 Luken, Debora Jean. 1980 1 Luken, Ralph Andrew.,152/search/aLuke, Yudell L./aluke yudell l
    Keyword Author Title Subject Journal, Periodical, Newspaper (Serial) Collection Reference Collection Media Collection Government Documents Children's Collection View Entire Collection Mark Nearby Authors are: Year Entries Luke, Roice D.
    Luke, S., Mrs.
    Luke, Samuel, Sir, d. 1670. Luke, Suzanne See De Castell, Suzanne
    Luke, the Drifter See Williams, Hank, 1923-1953.
    Luke, Timothy W.

    Luke, Yudell L.

    Lukehart, Charles M., 1946-
    ... Lukenbill, Grant.

    6. References For Luke
    References for yudell luke. EL Ortiz, Professor yudell L luke from tablesto algorithms, Comput. Math. Appl. Part B 12 (56) (1986), 1047-1052.
    References for Yudell Luke
  • W Gautschi, and J Wimp, In memoriam : Yudell L. Luke, June 26, 1918-May 6, 1983, Math. Comp.
  • L Gurin, Personal communication from Linda Gurin, one of Luke's daughters (October, 1998).
  • E L Ortiz, Professor Yudell L Luke: from tables to algorithms, Comput. Math. Appl. Part B Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
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    ... Anniversaries for the year
    JOC/EFR October 1998 School of Mathematics and Statistics
    University of St Andrews, Scotland
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  • 7. Journal Of The ACM Author Index: L
    Luk, Wayne; luke, RC; luke, yudell L. Luks, Eugene M. Lund, Carsten;Luo, ZhiQuan; Lynch, Nancy A. Lyness, JN. Shortcuts Journal of
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  • 8. Luke
    Biography of yudell luke (19181983) yudell luke was born into a Jewish family, his father, David luke, being the sexton in a synagogue.
    Yudell Leo Luke
    Born: 26 June 1918 in Kansas City, Missouri, USA
    Died: 6 May 1983 in Moscow, Russia
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    Yudell Luke was born into a Jewish family, his father, David Luke, being the sexton in a synagogue. He attended Kansas City Missouri Junior College, graduating in 1937. Following that he attended the University of Illinois, graduating with a B.S. in 1939 and a Master's degree from the same university in 1940. After the award of the Master's degree, Luke taught for two years at the University of Illinois but because of World War II he left to do military service. From 1942 until 1946 Luke served in the U.S. navy, being stationed in Hawaii. After his war service ended in 1946, he returned to Kansas City, Missouri with his wife LaVerne Podoll, who was from Chicago, and the two children which they had at that time. Yudell and Laverne Luke had two more children making a total of four girls. Luke was appointed to the Midwest Research Institute soon after he returned to Kansas City in 1946. His first appointment was as Head of the Mathematical Analysis Section, a position he held until he was made Senior Advisor for Mathematics in 1961. Promotion to Senior Advisor in Mathematics in 1967 was only to last until 1971 for at that time the mathematics group at the Midwest Research Institute was disbanded. At the Institute [3]:-

    9. BIBCYT Autor: Alejandría BE
    Autor luke, yudell L. (Comienzo). Sólo un registro cumplió la condiciónespecificada en la base de información BIBCYT. Autor luke, yudell L., Yudell L.&Nombrebd=BIB

    10. BIBCYT Editorial: Alejandría BE
    8, QA351 L84 luke, yudell L. Algoritmos for the Computation ofMethematical Functions Academic Press, New York, ESTADOS UNIDOS. Press&Nombrebd=

    11. Author-Index
    luke, R. C. luke, Robert. luke, Sean. luke, yudell L. luken, William
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    12. Author-Index
    luke, R. C. luke, Robert. luke, Sean. luke, yudell L. luken, William
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    13. Luke Portrait
    Portrait of yudell luke yudell luke. JOC/EFR August 2001
    Yudell Luke
    JOC/EFR August 2001 The URL of this page is:

    14. DBLP: Yudell L. Luke yudell L. luke. 1957. 1, EE, yudell L. luke RationalApproximations to the Exponential Function. JACM 4(1) 24-29 (1957).
    Yudell L. Luke
    List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server FAQ Ask others: ACM CiteSeer CSB Google ... EE Yudell L. Luke: Rational Approximations to the Exponential Function. JACM 4 DBLP: [ Home Author Title Conferences ... Michael Ley ( Fri Mar 28 15:24:21 2003

    15. Author-Index
    Lüke, Birgit. luke, R. C. luke, yudell L. luker, Mark
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    16. Author-Index
    luke, Edward A.*; luke, HD; luke, RC; luke, Robert; luke, Sean*;luke, yudell L. luken, William*; luken, William L. luker, Mark; luker
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    17. Special Functions
    Soc., 1991. $133. luke, yudell L. The Special Functions and their Approximations,Vol. ?. luke, yudell L. The Special Functions and their Approximations, Vol.
    Special Functions
    see also Abelian Functions Bessel Functions Elliptic Functions Function ... Modular Functions Andrews, Larry C. Special Functions for Engineers and Applied Mathematics. New York: Macmillan, 1985. $42.95. Artin, Emil. The Gamma Function. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964. 39 p. $?. Askey, Richard. Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions. Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1975. 110 p. $23.25. Babister, A. W. Transcendental Functions Satisfying Nonhomogeneous Linear Differential Equations. New York: Macmillan, 1967. 414 p. Bell, W.W. Special Functions for Scientists and Engineers. London: Van Nostrand, 1968. Campbell, Robert. Paris: Masson, 1955. 287 p. Davis, H.T. Tables of Higher Mathematical Functions. Bloomington, IN: Principia Press, 1935. Vol. 2 contains much on Bernoulli numbers and polynomials. Davis, Philip J. The Schwarz Function and Its Applications. Washington, DC: Math. Assoc. Amer., 1974. 228 p. $?. Dunkl, Charles; Ismail, Mourad; and Wong, Roderick (Eds.). Proceedings of the International Workshop Special Functions, Hong Kong, 21-25 June 1999.

    18. Bessel Functions
    Funktionen. Leipzig, 1868. luke, yudell L. Integrals of Bessel Functions.New York McGrawHill, 1962. 419 p. McLachlan, Norman William.
    Bessel Functions
    see also Bessel Function Bickley, William G. Bessel Functions and Formulae. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1957. Bowman, Frank. Introduction to Bessel Functions. New York: Dover, 1968. 145 p. Excellent concise account. $5.35. Goudet, Georges. Les fonctions de Bessel et leurs applications en physique. Paris: Masson, 1943. 80 p. Gray, Andrew and Mathews, G.B. A Treatise on Bessel Functions and Their Applications to Physics, 2nd ed. New York: Dover, 1966. Out of print. Heine, Eduard. Handbuch der Kugelfunctionen, Theorie und Anwendungen, 2. umgearb. und verm. Aufl., 2 vols. Berlin: G. Reimer, 1878-81. Lommel, Eugen Cornelius Joseph von. Leipzig, 1868. Luke, Yudell L. Integrals of Bessel Functions. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1962. 419 p. McLachlan, Norman William. Bessel Functions for Engineers, 2nd ed. with corrections. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press, 1961. 239 p. Neumann. Theorie der Bessel'schen Funktionen. Leipzig, 1867. Nielsen. Handbuch d. Theorie d. Zylinderfunktionen. Leipzig, 1904.

    19. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of LUK
    luke, Jon, California Institute of Technology, 1966. luke, Jonathan, New York University,1986. luke, yudell, luker, Mark, University of California, Berkeley, 1975.

    20. Citations: The Special Functions And Their Approximations - Luke (ResearchIndex)
    No context found. yudell L. luke, The Special Functions and theirApproximations, Volume 1 Academic Press (1969). Hypergeometric
    28 citations found. Retrieving documents...
    Y.L. Luke (1969), The special functions and their approximations , Vol. I-II, Academic Press, New York.
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    Computing complex Airy functions by numerical quadrature - Gil, Segura, Temme (2001)
    (Correct) .... clrl 3 as r o with c 0) convergence of the series is of no concern. Besides, given that the functions under the integration are analytic in a strip along the real axis and decaying exponentially at infinity, the error due to the step size is exponentially decreasing with decreasing h; see The method based on steepest descent contours and modified contours can be used to compute scaled complex Airy functions eAi, eAi to any desired accuracy. The accuracy of the trapezoidal rule for computing these integrals can be easily adjusted by modifying the step size. 6. GAUSS LAGUERRE ....
    Y.L. Luke (1969), The special functions and their approximations , Vol. I-II, Academic Press, New York.

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