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61. USDA-NRCS-Soils Data-SSURGO Digitized soil maps. Designed for use by landowners, townships, and county natural resource planning Category Science Agriculture...... http://www.ftw.nrcs.usda.gov/ssur_data.html | |
62. Untitled Plant soil Science Department. Contact the Plant soil Science Department at pass@zoo.uvm.edu.PRINTFRIENDLY VERSION. Skip University Navigation Jump to Category Reference Education http://pss.uvm.edu/ | |
63. Department Of Soil Sciences, SLU Swedish University of Agriculture. Description of courses and fields of research.Category Science Agriculture soils Academic Departments......RESEARCH At the Department of soil Sciences, research is carried out in sixmajor fields Focus on soils Graduate School in soil Science. EDUCATION http://www.mv.slu.se/markveng.htm | |
64. Welcome To Soil Science Category Reference Education Departments and Programs http://www.rdg.ac.uk/AcaDepts/as/home.html |
65. BLM NSTC Soil Biological Communties Educational site describing soil and the life forms in it. basic introduction to the soil making process .Category Science Agriculture soils......soil Biological Communities The Dirt on Dirt Dirt is dirt, right? All right,lets clear up one thing about dirt we like to call it soil. http://www.blm.gov/nstc/soil/ | |
66. Soil And Water Science Department Home department personnel Academics Research Extension Webmaster soiland Water Science Department PO Box 110510, Gainesville, FL 32611, Phone (352 http://soils.ifas.ufl.edu/ | |
67. Soil Ecology And Restoration Group Primary focus is on soils and belowground processes in arid and semiarid ecosystems with emphasis Category Science Biology Ecology soil Ecology......Welcome to the soil Ecology and Restoration Group (SERG) Web Page, soil Ecologyand Restoration Group Program Managers David Bainbridge and Tom Zink. http://www.serg.sdsu.edu/SERG/ | |
68. The Soil Bleeds Black Fifth full length album of The soil Bleeds Black, Medieval and Gothic folk music.Category Shopping Entertainment Music Individual Promotions......The soil Bleeds Black, official website contemporaryand traditional medieval music ensemble. http://www.erols.com/tsbb | |
69. CPC: Soil Moisture Monitoring: Soil Moisture A series of maps showing most recent day, monthly and 12 months calculated soilmoisture, anomalies and percentiles; 25year average soil moisture soil http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/soilmst/w.html | |
70. Arkansas Soil And Water Conservation Commission Guide to the commission's projects, proposals and policies to protect the natural resources of the state.Category Regional North America Organizations......ASWCC ARKANSAS soil AND WATER CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ASWCC MissionStatement To manage and protect our water and land resources http://www.state.ar.us/aswcc/ | |
71. Soil An artist cooperative gallery on Capitol Hill where they show "verk" that would otherwise Category Regional North America Artists and Galleries...... Here recently gun show Sep 7, 2002 click Here recently first war of the new millenniumMay 4, 2002 click Here A partial list of folks who have shown at soil. http://www.soilart.org/home.html | |
72. 14-Day Soil Moisture Outlook For The Conterminous U.S. 14Day soil Moisture Outlook for the Conterminous US. Related MapsClimate outlook for Temperature and Precipitation. Please Note http://grads.iges.org/pix/soil1.html | |
73. Soil Educative information about what soil is, how it is formed and how it is lost. Focus on soil conservation Category Science Agriculture soils......Educates about what soil is, how it is formed and how it is lost. soil conservation,soil ecology. Seafriends soil use, sustainability and conservation. http://www.seafriends.org.nz/enviro/soil/ | |
74. Geoindicators: Soil And Sediment Erosion Basic information about erosion patterns, causes, and solutions.Category Science Agriculture soils Erosion......link to GCRIO Home NAME soil and sediment erosion Where land use causessoil disturbance, erosion may increase greatly above natural rates. http://www.gcrio.org/geo/soil.html | |
75. EPA/GMPO:What On Earth Is Soil? Provides brief facts about soil such as what it is and how it is formed.Category Kids and Teens School Time Science The Earth Geology...... EPA Home Gulf of Mexico Program Educator and Student Resources Kid's Stuff What on Earth is soil? What on Earth is soil? http://www.epa.gov/gmpo/edresources/soil.html | |
76. Soil Screening Guidance, Superfund, US EPA This page summarizes the soil Screening Guidance and provides links to the fulltextdocuments. soil Screening Guidance. soil Screening Guidance Fact Sheet. http://www.epa.gov/superfund/resources/soil/ | |
77. SCAN Home SCAN is run by the USDA to monitor and record soil temperatures at a number of stations across the USA.Category Regional North America Agriculture...... Water Supply Forecasts Climate Snow Water Sciences soil ClimateAnalysis Network NWCC Home Page Search Site Map EMail. http://www.wcc.nrcs.usda.gov/scan/ | |
78. Glossary soil Microbiology Terms. Compiled 1998. Primary sources for this glossarywere the Glossary of soil Science Terms and Glossary of Microbiology. http://dmsylvia.ifas.ufl.edu/glossary.htm | |
79. Institute Of Soil Biology Academy Of Sciences Of The Czech Republic Covering main disciplines and research fields of soil biology ie soil zoology, microbiology, chemistry Category Science Biology soil Microbiology......Institute of soil Biology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Basicabout the Institute. Administration and contact. DepartmentsZoology. http://www.jcu.cz/~upb/ | |
80. Contents Contents soil Survey Manual. The following Help Topics are availableContact IRI Inc. soil Survey Manual Help (SSM Help Ver. 1.0). http://www.irim.com/ssm/home.htm | |
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