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81. The Internet Classics Archive | Physics By Aristotle Part of the Internet Classics Archive at MIT. Aristotle's ideas held sway for 1500+ years, and there Category Science physics History People......physics By Aristotle Written 350 BCE Translated by RP Hardie and RKGaye physics has been divided into the following sections Book http://classics.mit.edu/Aristotle/physics.html | |
82. Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Physics A comprehensive list of Nobel Prize Laureates in physics, at the NobelPrize Internet Archive. Nobel Prize in physics Winners 20021901. http://almaz.com/nobel/physics/physics.html | |
83. UBC Physics & Astronomy Home Page Undergraduate and graduate programs; research areas include condensed matter, theoretical, subatomic, Category Reference Education Science, Faculty of......physics Astronomy Department of theUniversity of British Columbia, Vancouver,BC Canada. Universit y o f Britis h Columbia physics ASTRONOMY DEPARTMENT. http://www.physics.ubc.ca/ | |
84. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Nuclear Physics Virtual Library physics Nuclear physics. Information sources for Nuclear physicsresearch institutes and accelerator facilities are as follows. http://www.rarf.riken.go.jp/rarf/np/nplab.html | |
85. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Homepage A Journal of European Chemical Societies.Category Science Chemistry Physical Publications...... the merger of two major physical chemistry journals Faraday Transactions and Berichteder BunsenGesellschaft, Physical Chemistry Chemical physics (PCCP) is http://www.rsc.org/is/journals/current/pccp/pccppub.htm | |
86. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins - Health Physics Journal of the Health physics Society. Provides abstracts and information about online subscription, Category Science Environment Health physics and Radiological Health...... http://www.health-physics.com/ | |
87. NASA/Marshall Solar Physics The Solar physics Branch of Marshall Space Flight Center's (MSFC) Space Sciences Laboratory (SSL) Category Science Technology Centers Marshall Space Flight Center...... Movie added to Dynamo page Updated 2002/01/03. The Beyond Solar-BWorkshop - Updated 2001/08/22. Recent Solar physics News Stories. http://science.nasa.gov/ssl/pad/solar/ | |
88. Welcome To Maryland Physics! Text Only, physics logo, Save the Date MD Day 4/26/03! Dr. Sullivan Lands at theSouth Pole, physics Home, qotw, About Us, Alumni, Calendar, Contact Us, The Photon, http://www.physics.umd.edu/ | |
89. University Of California, Santa Barbara, Department Of Physics UCSB physics News. UCSB physics graduate student Jason Alicea was recipientof the LeRoy Apker Award. Bubbles and Black Holes Henriette Category Reference Education http://www.physics.ucsb.edu/ | |
90. ThinkQuest Library Of Entries Visual physics is a FREE powerful tool for physics students and teacherswhich integrates Internet resources while learning the science. http://library.advanced.org/10170/ | |
91. Journal Of Chemical Physics -- Editorial Office Journal of Chemical physics Editorial Office. This web site is forthe electronic submission of manuscripts to the JCP editors for http://jcp.uchicago.edu/ | |
92. American Physical Society - For The Advancement And Diffusion Of information, member directory, and many linksCategory Science physics Associations...... international affairs, careers and employment. public affairs, fundraising. mediarelations, physics internet resources. prizes and awards, society governance. http://www.aps.org/ | |
93. NASA Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Program HOME-PAGE Experiments and theories regarding the coupling of gravity and electromagnetism, the quantum vacuum, Category Science Technology Space NASA Research Propulsion......Welcome to the NASA Breakthrough Propulsion physics (BPP) Project PublicInformation Site NEWS (January 31, 2003) There is no funding http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/bpp/ | |
94. Aspen Center For Physics The Aspen Center for physics is a scientific organization which promotes organizedresearch in physics, astrophysics and related fields through a program of http://andy.bu.edu/aspen/ | |
95. If You Can See This Message, Either You Are Not Using A Java 1.1 If you can see this message, either you are not using a Java 1.1 compatiblebrowser, or you have Java disabled. Make sure you are http://jersey.uoregon.edu/ | |
96. Fermilab Web Site - This Page Has Moved On March 1 Fermilab rolled out a new website. This new website comeswith a new look, a new architecture and a new navigation scheme. http://www.fnal.gov/pub/hep_descript.html | |
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