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141. PHILOSOPHY COMIX philosophy Comix. SHOE By Jeff MacNelly © Times Media Services Inc. PEANUTSFalse Cause Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc. philosophy of Mind. http://members.aol.com/lshauser/phlcomix.html |
142. First Spiritual Temple A Christian Spiritualist Church (USA) A NonDenominational Christian Spiritualist Church, deeply embedded within the philosophy of Spiritualism. Making Sense of God, Christ, the Gifts of the Spirit, and Mediumship. Site contains a number of major articles on Spiritualism. http://www.fst.org/ |
143. The American Philosophical Association Founded in 1900, its mission is to promote the exchange of ideas among philosophers,to encourage creative and scholarly activity in philosophy, to facilitate http://www.apa.udel.edu/apa/ |
144. Meditation And Eastern Philosophy References and commentaries on works derived from Eastern religions including the Dhammapada and the Upanishads. http://www.ttoshi.net/meditation/index.html |
145. Utopia Utopian Philosophy Utopia is a better world vision. This web site consists of three free books about Humanity's achievement Category Society Future Utopias...... BOOK I BOOK II BOOK III UTOPIA UTOPIAN philosophy Summaryof The Ultimate philosophy Every person has thought, at least http://users.erols.com/jonwill/ |
146. David's Book Reviews Short reviews of books, mainly on philosophy, linguistics, history, languages, geography, travel, poetry, and art and literary criticism. http://good-books-bad-books.com/ |
147. Chinese Philosophy Page (CPP) This site draws together a list of Chinese philosophy resources available on the Internet.Category Society philosophy Chinese philosophy......The Chinese philosophy Page draws together the most extensive collectionof Chinese philosophy resources available on the Internet. http://main.chinesephilosophy.net/ |
148. The Poverty Of Philosophy A critique of Proudhon's philosophy of Poverty, by Karl Marx. http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1840/pov-phil/ |
149. Boethius Consolation Of Philosophy The Consolation of philosophy an English Translation Translated by WV Cooper(Dent London, 1902). The Temple Classics, edited by Israel Golancz MA http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/latin/boethius/consolatio.html |
150. Objectivism In The Debate Round Information on the application of Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism to high school policy and LincolnDouglas debate. Includes topic analysis essays on recents topics. http://www.aynrand.org/debate |
151. SPEP Professional organization supporting philosophy inspired by continental European traditions. Call Category Society philosophy Current Movements Existentialism......ddd42 nd Annual SPEP Conference (2003) mmm Call for Papers dddRanking GraduatePrograms in Continental philosophy dddHelp the Flooded Prague Library. ddd. http://www.spep.org/ |
152. Christian Philosophy Made Simple Philosophical arguments for the existence of God, human behavior, and the use of philosophical methods for Christian apologetic. http://members.aol.com/plweiss1/veritas.htm |
153. Greek Philosophy Archive Download complete translated works of major Greek philosophers.Category Society philosophy History of philosophy Ancient philosophy...... stylus Welcome to the Greek philosophy Archive. Aurelius. The work wascomposed in Greek and is a fine exposition of Stoic philosophy. http://graduate.gradsch.uga.edu/archive/Greek.html |
154. A Forum With No Name One man's quest to collect your thoughts on all aspects of metaphysics, theology and philosophy. http://members.aol.com/Jualt01/index01.html |
155. Film-Philosophy Philosophical review of cinema, based in the UK, with email discussion forums, a selection of new Category Society philosophy philosophy of Art...... http://www.mailbase.ac.uk/lists/film-philosophy/files/ |
156. Major In Philosophy Required courses for the BA and BS programs. http://www.philosophy.ccsu.edu/Major.html |
157. The Writings Of Henry D. Thoreau philosophy, writings, life, and times of Henry D. Thoreau. Contains biographical data, research and manuscript material, and links to related sites (on American literature, Transcendentalism, nature writing, natural history, and the environment). http://libws66.lib.niu.edu/thoreau/ |
158. CPS Home Center for philosophy of Science.Category Society philosophy Academic Departments......News and Notes The Center for philosophy of Science announces the schedulefor the FortyThird Annual Lecture Series for 2002-2003 more. http://www.pitt.edu/~pittcntr/ |
159. CTI Centre For Textual Studies Features links to resources in Literature, Linguistics, philosophy, Religious Studies, Classics, Film Studies, and Theater Arts. Also offers a calendar of events and publications. Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford. http://users.ox.ac.uk/~ctitext2/home.html |
160. John Burnet Early Greek Philosophy Contents The 3rd edition of Burnet's famous study of Presocratic philosophy originally published in 1920.Category Society philosophy History of philosophy Ancient philosophy......EXPLORING PLATO'S DIALOGUES A Virtual Learning Environment on the WorldWideWeb On-line Scholarship Early Greek philosophy. John Burnet. http://plato.evansville.edu/public/burnet/ |
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