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81. MOLLUSCA mollusca. Subphylum Aculifera. Class Polyplacophora (Chitons). Aplacophora.Subphylum Conchifera. Class Gastropoda (Gastropods). Bivalvia (Bivalves). http://www.il-st-acad-sci.org/kingdom/anim005.html | |
82. NMGW | BioSyB | Mollusca There are six classes of mollusca Gastropoda, includes species frommarine, freshwater and terrestrial environments (including slugs),; http://www.nmgw.ac.uk/biosyb/mollusca/index.en.shtml | |
83. Marinebioprospecting.net (publications : Mollusca) Publications by Robert J Capon mollusca (x1). Marine Publications, 1984. Rhodophyta.Chlorophyta, Cyanobacteria. mollusca. Tunicata. Stereochemistry, Microbes, http://www.marinebioprospecting.net/html/pubs_mollusca.html | |
84. ThinkQuest Library Of Entries mollusca. PHYLUM PORIFERA CNIDARIA CTENOPHORA PLATYHELMINTHES NEMERTINEA SIPUNCULIDA ANNELIDA ARTHROPODA BRYOZOA http://library.thinkquest.org/26153/marine/mollusca.htm | |
85. Mollusc : ËÍ·ÐàÅ Porifera / Cnidaria / Platyhelminthes / mollusca Annelida / Arthropoda / Echinodermata/ Chordata an error occurred while processing this directive http://www.talaythai.com/marine_animal/mollusc/mollusca.shtml | |
86. UCSC Biology 150/Mollusca Phylum mollusca. Polyplacophora; Conchiferans Monoplacophora; Gastropoda; Bivalvia;Scaphopoda; Cephalopoda. Mollusc Images. Back to the List of Invertebrate Phyla. http://www.biology.ucsc.edu/classes/bio136/molluscs/mollusca.html | |
87. UCSC Biology 150: Mollusca/Monoplacophora Phylum mollusca / Class Monoplacophora. ©spineless productionsinc. Back to the mollusca Table of Contents. http://www.biology.ucsc.edu/classes/bio136/molluscs/monoplacophora/monoplacophor | |
88. Parasitic Mollusca By Felix Lorenz Parasitic mollusca An overview to some families with parasitic lifestrategiesin the phylum mollusca by Felix Lorenz (Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen) http://www.cowries.info/shell/para/para.html | |
89. Phylum Mollusca Phylum mollusca Overview. Cool Cephalopod Vids; Sex and the Giant Squid. Phylummollusca. The Cephalopod Home Page (cool). Octoplay. Ammonites. http://cas.bellarmine.edu/tietjen/images/phylum_mollusca.htm | |
90. Mollusca mollusca. Molluscs are a very successful group of animals, includingsnails, clams, mussels, squid and octopi. Some of these may http://www.iverna.com/projects/animalkingdom/mollusca.htm | |
91. Z250 (2002) - Sipuncula Mollusca Clade Zoology 250 Clades for SIPUNCULA mollusca. PHYLUM mollusca Tree andtraits from Nielson 1994 p. 111, and Brusca Brusca 1990 p. 762. http://www.biology.ualberta.ca/courses.hp/zool250/Clades/clade08-Mollusca.htm |
92. Phylum Mollusca Phylum mollusca. Sensitivity and Feeling. Links. Links, Phylum mollusca a good brief introduction to the Molluscs. The Living World http://www.palaeos.com/Invertebrates/Molluscs/Mollusca.htm | |
93. Florida Nature: Mollusca - (molusks) mollusca mollusca (molusks). mollusca Taxonomy Species on this site. KingdomMetazoa ((=Animalia) multicellular animals); Phylum mollusca (molusks). http://www.floridanature.org/phylum.asp?phylum=Mollusca |
94. Mollusca (snails, Limpets, Mussels, Chitons, Squid, Octopuses, Etc) biodiversity explorer. Phylum mollusca (snails, limpets, mussels,chitons, squid, octopuses, etc). Back to Metazoa (animals). Pear http://www.museums.org.za/bio/molluscs/ | |
95. Systematic Palaeontology: The Phylum Mollusca Systematic Palaeontology The Phylum mollusca. by. Debbie Langer andChris Paul, University of Liverpool. 2. Overview of the mollusca. http://www.earth.man.ac.uk/CAL/products/mollusca.html | |
96. Fish Chain Search Result. Japan First sales of South American caught squid. Japan mollusca Production 2001.09.17. Japan mollusca Production 2001.07.31. http://www.fishchain.com/en/contents/news_information/overseas_news/overseas.asp |
97. Fish Chain News Categories Search by Fish Types Crustacea - Fish - mollusca - Seaweeds -Shellfish. Korea mollusca Production 2001.03.19. 1. http://www.fishchain.com/en/contents/news_information/domestic_news/domestic.asp |
98. Mollusca PORIFERA CNIDARIA WORMS mollusca ECHINODERMA ANTHROPODA PISCES AMPHIBIAREPTILIA AVES MAMMALIA mollusca Cephalopoda Gastropoda Pelecypoda http://www.wshs.fcps.k12.va.us/academic/science/1project/zoo00/zooper1/zoomol/mo |
99. Mollusk - Wikipedia Other languages Español Svenska. Mollusk. (Redirected from mollusca).The mollusks (mollusca) are a large and diverse phylum of http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mollusca | |
100. Dictionary: Mollusca Thesaurus. Look up this word in the thesaurus mollusca. mollusca. From Webster'sRevised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) web1913 mollusca \Mol*lus ca\, n. pl. http://www.hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/Mollusca | |
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