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1. SME - Society For Mining Metallurgy And Exploration An international society of professionals associated with mining and mineral-related industries.Category Science Technology Mining......Member Number Password Set Up Memberaccess Forgot Password? http://www.smenet.org/ | |
2. IMM: The Institution Of Mining And Metallurgy (mining, Extractive Metallurgy, Ap Mining industry professional body for mining engineers, geologists, extractive metallurgists, mining mechanical and electrical engineers, oil and gas engineers http://www.imm.org.uk/ |
3. The AusIMM - The Australasian Institute Of Mining And Metallurgy Careers, events, member services.Category Science Technology Mining......Calendar of Events. AusIMM BRC 2003. MPES 2003. Young Leaders 2003. ICARD 2003.Mill Operators Conference 2003. AusIMM 2003 - Managing Risk in Mining Projects. http://www.ausimm.com.au/ | |
4. CIM Canadian Institute of Mining metallurgy and Petroleum. English and French versions include CIM activities, library resources, and links. http://www.cim.org/ |
5. University Of Cambridge: Department Of Materials Science And Metallurgy Information and department news, research, teaching, and external materials links. Read up on the various research groups and their exploits. DEPARTMENT OF MATERIALS SCIENCE AND metallurgy. Department Information http://www.msm.cam.ac.uk/ | |
6. Metallurgy Division Of MSEL metallurgy Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology About the metallurgy Division. Mission Statement. Historical Background http://www.metallurgy.nist.gov/ | |
7. University Of Connecticut: Metallurgy And Materials Engineering Department of metallurgy and Materials Engineering offers a newsletter. Meet its faculty, tour its facilities, and peruse the course catalog. http://www.ims.uconn.edu/metal | |
8. The South African Institute Of Mining And Metallurgy Organisation promoting the transfer of technology and scientific knowledge for the minerals and metals industry. The SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE of MINING and metallurgy. Index. Home http://www.saimm.co.za/ |
9. Metallurgy, Indian Institute Of Science, Bangalore, INDIA c o m e t o t h e H o m e P a g e o f. Department of metallurgy. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, INDIA http://www.metalrg.iisc.ernet.in/ | |
10. The Institution Of Mining And Metallurgy http://www.imm.org.uk/index1.htm |
11. Akademia Górniczo Hutnicza W Krakowie Stanislaw Staszic University of Mining and metallurgy in CracowCategory Reference Education Europe Poland......Polska Biblioteka Internetowa Inauguracja wykladów w TUO. AktualnosciInformacje ogólne Nauczanie i rekrutacja Pracownicy Materialy http://www.agh.edu.pl/ | |
12. University Of Mining And Metallurgy INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY General information University Authorities EducationStaff and students Research activities Cooperation Local WWW Servers http://www.agh.edu.pl/index_e.html | |
13. CIM Translate this page Founded in 1898, the Canadian Institute of Mining, metallurgy and Petroleum is theleading technical society of professionals in the Canadian minerals, metals http://www.cim.org/index2.html | |
14. Redirect Department of Archaeological Sciences at the University of Bradford, UKCategory Science Technology metallurgy Academia......Logo. AMRG. Department of Archaeological Sciences. This page has moved.Please consult http//www.brad.ac.uk/acad/archsci/depart/resgrp http://www.bradford.ac.uk/acad/archsci/depart/resgrp/amrg/amrginfo.html | |
15. Ancient Metallurgy Research Group: University Of Bradford Conducts research on ancient and historical metallurgy including mining, primary metal production, Category Science Social Sciences Archaeology Topics Archaeometry...... Ancient metallurgy Research Group. Journal of Historical metallurgy Historical metallurgySociety Archaeometallurgy guidelines English Heritage document (old). http://www.bradford.ac.uk/acad/archsci/depart/resgrp/amrg/amrginfo.htm | |
16. Welcome To The EPMA Welcome to the European Powder metallurgy Association. welcome tothe, european powder. metallurgy association. from here you can http://www.epma.com/ | |
17. The Historical Metallurgy Society - Metallurgical And Archaeological Information The Historical metallurgy Society was the first and, we think, is still theonly society devoted to the history of metal extraction and usage. http://hist-met.org/ | |
18. Contents Of Historical Metallurgy CONTENTS OF HISTORICAL metallurgy. Contents 110 contents11-20 contents 21-30 contents 31-40 buy some. http://hist-met.org/hm_index.html | |
19. Welcome To Metallurgy And Materials Welcome to metallurgy and Materials, Site navigation The menu bar on theleft will take you to the Department of metallurgy and Materials. http://www.bham.ac.uk/metallurgy/ | |
20. Welcome To Metallurgy And Materials We develope and study new materials from new supper alloys to the ceramics and resins. We have all range of modern technique and methods. Casting, Crystal http://www.bham.ac.uk/metallurgy/research-fr.html | |
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