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1. Temporal Logic The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on the subject, with a detailed description, application Category Science Math Temporal Logic......Temporal Logic. The term Temporal Logic has been Modallogic approachesto temporal logic. Tense Logic. Tense Logic was introduced by Arthur http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-temporal/ | |
2. TLA - The Temporal Logic Of ActionsTLA - The Temporal Logic Of Actions Last Modi Shop here for The Temporal Logic of Reactive and Concurrent Systems Specification and find more books by Zohar Manna. For a limited time, get free shipping on orders over $25! http://www.research.digital.com/SRC/personal/Leslie_Lamport/tla/tla.html | |
3. Citations: Temporal And Modal Logic - Emerson (ResearchIndex) 2. 2 Temporal logic temporal logic can be seen as classical logic extended withvarious modalities representing temporal aspects of logical formulae 9. The http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/context/11523/0 | |
4. Temporal Logic Temporal Logic. Propositional Temporal Logic. Back to the tutorial pages. http://www-step.stanford.edu/tutorial/temporal-logic/temporal-navigate.html | |
5. Results of a system, its properties and their proofs are of a compositional nature, and areformalized within a compositional temporal logic temporal MultiEpistemic http://portal.acm.org/results.cfm?query=temporal logic |
6. Temporal Logic Temporal Logic for Specification. Temporal logic is ordinary logic extended withtemporal operators (read henceforth) and (read eventually). http://cs.wwc.edu/~aabyan/TL/ | |
7. Temporal Logic From FOLDOC temporal logic. logic An extension There are two types of temporal logicused branching time and linear time. The basic propositional http://csai03.is.noda.sut.ac.jp/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?temporal logic |
8. Temporal Logic From FOLDOC temporal logic. logic An extension There are two types of temporal logicused branching time and linear time. The basic propositional http://www.instantweb.com/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?temporal logic |
9. OUP USA: Temporal Logic Temporal Logic Mathematical Foundations and Computational AspectsVolume 2 DOV. M. GABBAY, King's College London, MARK A. REYNOLDS http://www.oup-usa.org/isbn/0198537689.html | |
10. Kono's Temporal Logic Related Information A collection of papers by Shinji Kono on the Interval temporal logic. http://rananim.ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/~kono/temporal-logic-e.html | |
11. Temporal Logic Case Study A case study applying temporal logic to specify the operation of a bank of identical elevators servicing a number of floors in a building. http://www.sei.cmu.edu/publications/documents/89.reports/89.tr.024.html | |
12. Foundations Of Temporal Logic - The WWW-site For Prior-studies Foundations of temporal logic The WWW-site for Prior-studies http://www.hum.auc.dk/prior/index2.htm | |
13. Foundations Of Temporal Logic The WWW-site For Prior-studies Devoted to the life and work of the founding father of temporal logic. Includes bibliography, interview Category Society Philosophy Philosophers Prior, Arthur Norman......Foundations of temporal logic The WWWsite for Prior-studies. You'llbe redirected in 10 seconds. Or you can click below Enter here. http://www.hum.auc.dk/prior/ | |
14. Marking Up Temporal Logic First in a series of posts to the www-math mailing list on using TL operators in web pages. Clicking Category Science Math temporal logic......PrevNextIndexThread Marking up temporal logic. To wwwmath@w3.org;Subject Marking up temporal logic; From Warren Searle ucabwas@ucl.ac.uk ; http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-math/msg00496.html | |
15. BRICS Lecture Series, Abstracts, 1997 A survey of the field by Jan Chomicki and David Toman. From the 1997 BRICS Lecture Series.Category Science Math temporal logic...... temporal logic in Information Systems. November 1997. viii+42 pp. Abstract temporallogic is obtained by adding temporal connectives to a logic language. http://www.brics.dk/LS/97/Abs/BRICS-LS-97-Abs/ | |
16. LINGUIST List 10.1581: Modal Logic/Temporal Logic, Cognitive Typology LINGUIST List 10.1581. Thu Oct 21 1999. Calls Modal logic/temporal logic, CognitiveTypology. Editor for this issue Jody Huellmantel jody@linguistlist.org http://www.linguistlist.org/issues/10/10-1581.html | |
17. TLA - The Temporal Logic Of Actions TLA The temporal logic of Actions. TLA (the temporal logic of Actions) is alogic for specifying and reasoning about concurrent and reactive systems. http://research.microsoft.com/users/lamport/tla/tla.html | |
18. Welcome To Software Technology Research Laboratory De Montfort University Formal methods, verification, reactive systems, semantics, compositionality, interval temporal logic, executable specification, re-engineering. http://www.cse.dmu.ac.uk/~cau/ | |
19. Temporal Logic Category Science Math logic and Foundations Nonstandard logics and Extensions temporal logic http//plato.stanford.edu/entries/logictemporal/. http://www.ad.com/Science/T/__Temporal_Logic/ | |
20. Interval Temporal Logic Interval temporal logic (ITL) is a flexible notation for both propositional and firstorder reasoning about periods of http://www.cse.dmu.ac.uk/~cau/itlhomepage | |
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