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121. Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether Fact sheet on the fate and transport of MTBE (from underground gasoline storage tanks) in groundwater. http://wilkes1.wilkes.edu/~eqc/mtbe.htm |
122. Default Welcome to the. at the. Technical University of Denmark (DTU). Eventsgroundwater 2000 International Conference on groundwater Research. http://www.isva.dtu.dk/grc/grchead.htm |
123. Freshwater Data Tables World Resources Institute Definitive statistical tables from World Resources 20002001 covering Freshwater Resources and Withdrawals, groundwater and Desalinization, and Major Watersheds of the World. (Tables are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format only.) http://www.wri.org/wri/facts/data-tables-freshwater.html |
124. Groundwater Victoria The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE)is responsible for coordinatinggroundwater management activities across the State. groundwater Victoria. http://www.nre.vic.gov.au/dnre/grndwtr/grndwtr.htm |
125. Envision Environmental Education Manufacturer of environmental and geologic education products, including acrylic groundwater models (simulators). http://www.envisionenviroed.net |
126. Groundwater Geochemistry And Remediation Earth Sciences Summaries of research activities on the fate, transport and remediation of dissolved metals, metalloids Category Science Environment Water Resources groundwater......Research activities within the groundwater Geochemistry and Remediation Groupat the University of Waterloo. groundwater Geochemistry Remediation, http://www.science.uwaterloo.ca/research/ggr/ |
127. DSE Groundwater Database Reports The groundwater Database contains information on approximately 135,000boreholes throughout Victoria. It stores information primarily http://www.nre.vic.gov.au/dnre/grndwtr/grdata.htm |
128. Groudwater Biology Home Page Extensive information and links on the biology of organisms living in cave waters and other groundwater systems. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/1167/index1.html |
129. Groundwater Program Home Water Quality groundwater groundwater Program. Welcome toDEQs groundwater Quality Page. groundwater Quality in Oregon. http://www.deq.state.or.us/wq/groundwa/wqgw.htm |
130. Geoprobe Systems Manufacturer of direct push equipment for sampling and logging soil, groundwater, and soil gas. http://www.geoprobe.com/ |
131. Tamil Nadu Groundwater And Surface Water Resources Datacentre Information about water resources and investigations in Tamil Nadu, India. http://www.groundwatertnpwd.com |
132. Groundwater, Groundwater Modeling, Software, Ground Water Offers GMS, FEFLOW, and other groundwater software programs. Also has products for hydraulics and Category Science Environment Water Resources groundwater Software......World's largest distributor of groundwater / groundwater Modeling / ground watermodeling, software, groundwater modeling system, groundwater model and http://www.bossintl.com/html/groundwater_modeling_products.html |
133. Groundwater Pollution Primer Virginia Tech University online primer covers pollution sources, contaminant types, transport and fate, monitoring, modeling, remediation, and legal aspects. http://www.ce.vt.edu/program_areas/environmental/teach/gwprimer/gwprimer.html |
134. Geomatrix Consultants, Inc. Soil, groundwater , wastewater, and air quality assessment and remediation, plus liability management, earthquake engineering, seismic geology. Western North America. http://www.geomatrix.com/ |
135. Schrader Environmental - Remediation Equipment Technologies groundwater and soil remediation equipment. Soil vapor extraction equipment, catalytic oxidizers, air strippers, carbon adsortion equipment. http://www.angelfire.com/mi2/schrader/index3.html |
136. MicroFEM Groundwater Flow Modeling Offers several programs for applications including multiple-aquifer steady-state and transient flow, Category Science Environment Water Resources groundwater Software......MicroFEM Finiteelement program for Multiple-aquifer Steady-state andTransient groundwater Flow Modeling. Download fully-functional http://www.microfem.com/ |
137. Frank Stephenson, P.E. Registered professional engineer specializing in water quality, water treatment (municipal and industrial), wastewater treatment (municipal and industrial), groundwater (quality and treatment) and related technical issues. http://firms.findlaw.com/Stephenson |
138. Arsenic Contamination Of Groundwater groundwater studies for Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh and Ghana home page.Back to the BGS home page, Arsenic. Home. Arsenic contamination of groundwater. http://www.bgs.ac.uk/arsenic/ |
139. Mid-Atlantic Environmental Equipment, Inc. A manufacturer's representative firm specializing in groundwater and wastewater treatment technologies. http://www.mae2.com/ |
140. Groundwater Vistas - Advanced Groundwater Model Design And groundwater Vistas advanced groundwater model design and analysisfor MODFLOW, MODPATH, MT3D96 and PEST. groundwater Vistas Overview. http://www.scisoftware.com/products/groundwater_vistas_overview/groundwater_vist |
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