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Geometry: more books (100) | ||||||||||||||||||
161. Funbrain.com Shape Surveyor Geometry Game Improve your geometry skills. Fun game teaches area and perimeter ofrectangles and squares with an archeology twist. For kids and http://www.funbrain.com/poly/ |
162. Coding Theory, Algebraic Geometry And Gröbner Bases D.A. Leonard. One in a series of snapshots of applications of discrete mathematics to other parts of mathematics. http://www.dms.auburn.edu/~rodgec1/cadcom/mathappl/leonsnap/leonsnap.html |
163. A Little Geometry Some Golden geometry. Here are instructions for constructing the Golden Rectangle,a rectangle whose sides measure 1 and 1.618 Construct a square. http://galaxy.cau.edu/tsmith/KW/goldengeom.html |
164. Notes For The Course In Differential Geometry Lecture notes for a course at the Weizmann Institute of Science by Sergei Yakovenko. Chapters in DVI.Category Science Math geometry Differential geometry......Lecture notes for the course in Differential geometry. Differential identities.Commutator as a differential operator. 4. Algebraic language in geometry. http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~yakov/Geometry/ |
165. Ptolemy's Ptools Using tools of yesterday, and tools specially created for this site, Ptolemy Ptools will give you geometry projects to do with your 3D computer games as well as projects to take outside and explore the world. http://library.thinkquest.org/19029/ |
166. Guide Page The Geometry Of Shadows BTW, having now edited seven episodes, and seen several finished ones, I think thatof the first three, The geometry of Shadows ( 3) is my personal favorite. http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/guide/025.html |
167. JAVA Geometry Explorer Here is the output There would have been an applethere if your browser supported Java. http://sprott.physics.wisc.edu/pickover/omega.htm |
168. Differential Geometry Natural operations in differential geometry by Ivan Kolar, Jan Slovak and Peter W. Michor published by SpringerVerlag in 1993. DVI, PostScript and PDF. http://rattler.cameron.edu/EMIS/monographs/KSM/ |
169. FlipCode - 3D Geometry Primer Peter White , The 3D geometry Primer, by Bram de Greve, takes youthrough a range of mathematics related to 3D graphics. It starts http://www.flipcode.com/geometry/ |
170. Arithmetic Geometry St. Petersburg, Russia; 2026 June 2000. Photographs. http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/EIMI/2000/AG/ |
171. Areas, Volumes, Surface Areas Use these simple illustrated formulas to calculate volume and surface area of various shapes. http://www.sisweb.com/math/geometry/areasvols.htm |
172. The Geometry Junkyard Tilings A collection of links. http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/junkyard/tiling.html |
173. Quantum Geometry And Black Holes Nonperturbative quantum general relativity provides a possible framework to analyze issues related to black hole thermodynamics from a fundamental perspective. http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/gr-qc/9804039 |
174. Gökova Geometry And Topology Conference G¶kova, Turkey; 28 May 2 June 2001. http://arf.math.metu.edu.tr/~gokova/ |
175. (UK) Nottingham University Number Theory and Arithmetic geometry research group. Research interests, members, visitors, meetings. http://www.maths.nott.ac.uk/personal/ibf/ntag.html |
176. The Math Forum Home Page Combined archive and portal to web resources, educational issues, help forums, mailing lists, and Category Science Math......Students Teachers Researchers Parents. THE MATH FORUM, What's New. MathTools Book List Brandenburg Growth Creature Lab - Riedy. Forum Features. http://mathforum.org/ |
177. Notice Of URL Change Notice of URL Change. This page has moved to ../UW/gt/index.html. Your browserwill automatically load the page from the new location in a few seconds. http://www.emis.ams.org/journals/GT/ |
178. The CGAL Home Page A library of geometric datastructures and algorithms. CommercialCategory Computers Programming Languages C++ Class Libraries...... http://www.cgal.org/ |
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