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101. Dinosaurs Theme Lesson plans, units, activities, and resources for building a theme on dinosaurs.Visit Network Sites dinosaurs! I've been searching the web again! http://www.atozteacherstuff.com/themes/dinosaurs.shtml |
102. Ultimate Dinosaurs Offers paleontologythemed toys, books, and games. Also includes kid-oriented online activities, news, and information. http://members.optushome.com.au/dinosaurworld |
103. Kinetosaurs Online exhibit about dinosaurs and kinetic sculptures called kinetosaurs. http://www.childrensmuseum.org/kinetosaur/index.html |
104. Dinosaurs dinosaurs. The dinosaurs were reptiles that appeared about 230 million years ago. Inthis part of my report I'm going to tell you about the earliest dinosaurs. http://hillside.coled.umn.edu/1993-94/research/Stephanie,Kristin,Cory.html |
105. Brusatte, Chris Pencil and ink portraits of dinosaurs and Ice Age animals. http://www.geocities.com/stegob/chrisart.html |
106. Dinosaurs Pictures, images, and links. http://nascarulz.tripod.com/dinomain.html |
107. Dinosaurs And The History Of Life Paul Eric Olsen's class at Columbia. http://rainbow.ldeo.columbia.edu/courses/v1001/dinos.2000.html |
108. Triassic dinosaurs get their start about 235 million years ago, sharing the world with allkinds of other giant reptiles, and even the earliest mammals! (16k jpeg). http://www.fmnh.org/exhibits/exhibit_sites/dino/Triassic.htm |
109. Dinosaurs And The Flood Man and dinosaurs lived at the same time, according to this site. Includes links to other dinosaur resources. http://nwcreation.net/fossildinos.html |
110. Dinosaurs! dinosaurs! Click here if your browser supports frames. What was a dinosaur?How do we know about dinosaurs? Where are dinosaur fossils found? http://www.pblcoc.org/dinosaur.htm |
111. New Scientist Dinosaurs Dinosaur science, including dinosaur DNA, Trex, why theydied out, dinosaurs to birds, smuggling, and much more. http://www.newscientist.com/hottopics/dinosaurs/ |
112. Download-a-Dinosaur Designs for easy-to-make paper dinosaurs. Ready to download and print outCategory Shopping Toys and Games Science dinosaurs...... Designs for easyto-make paper dinosaurs that you can download from this siteand print out on your printer. All that is needed is scissors and glue. http://www.rain.org/~philfear/download-a-dinosaur.html |
113. IMDb Dinosaurs Cast, crew, and production information. http://us.imdb.com/Title?0101081 |
114. Dinosaurs And The Expanding Earth - Introduction Book which provides an explanation for the gigantic sizes of dinosaurs the theory of an Expanding Category Science Anomalies and Alternative Science...... There are also links to other sites about gigantic dinosaurs and their lifestylesand the evidence for the Expanding Earth Theory, a Comments Section, a Quiz http://www.dinox.freeserve.co.uk/ |
115. Are Dinosaurs In The Bible? Questions about dinosaurs and Creation are discussed in light of the Bible and scientific theories. http://www.angelfire.com/mi/dinosaurs/behemoth.html |
116. Dinosaurs Alive! Home Page A sixweek on-line curriculum for grades K-6.Category Science Earth Sciences Education Pre-College dinosaurs......Welcome to dinosaurs Alive! Hadrosaurus, by Diana, Holly Heights Elementary. Visitmore student work and the adopted dinosaurs. Welcome to dinosaurs Alive! http://www.onlineclass.com/dinosaurs/ |
117. Smithsonian Institution - National Museum Of Natural History virtual tour. See and read about dinosaurs, early life, and fossil mammals. This links you to the Museum's table of contents, so you can select the tour of your choice. http://nmnhwww.si.edu/VirtualTour/vthelp.html |
118. Www.digital-librarian.com/dinosaurs.html touchthe bones of dinosaurs. Assembled here are fossils of http://www.digital-librarian.com/dinosaurs.html |
119. Coalition Of Christians For Biblical Creation Creation vs. evolution equipping people to combat the naturalistic worldview of evolution. Articles and links related to the fossil record, dinosaurs, cavemen, catastrophic geology, Genesis, young age of the universe, and scientific and biblical evidence that supports creation by design. http://www.greenhaw.com/ccbc.htm |
120. GURPS Dinosaurs GURPS dinosaurs the ultimate sourcebook for introducing the terriblelizards of eons past to your roleplaying game! Hundreds http://www.sjgames.com/gurps/books/Dinosaurs/ |
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