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61. Sustainable Development - Issues/Desertification desertification and Drought. Deserts are among May 2001. Report of theSecretaryGeneral on agriculture, land and desertification. (E http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/desert.htm |
62. Desertification desertification Includes children's activities. CEO desertification InformationNetwork; desertification Fact Sheet; desertification in Iceland; http://www.boker.org.il/meida/negev/desert/desertif.htm | |
63. African Deforestation And Desertification AFRICAN DEFORESTATION AND desertification. Linda Zeiler. Evaluation. group participation;individual or group maps. ACTIVITY 5 desertification Simulation. Overview. http://fga.freac.fsu.edu/academy/afdefor.htm | |
64. Against Desertification September til 10 October 1997 will be held in Rome the First Conference of the Partiesof the United Nations Convention to Combat desertification GrandPlace http://www.eurplace.org/diba/coopera/indesert.html | |
65. Portail Agora International: Desertification Translate this page desertificationAprès avoir remercié le Président et le peuple sud africains pourleur accueil et félicité Koffi Annan pour « ses efforts pour arracher http://www3.agora21.org/agora-international/gen.php3/topic/Desertification,0,1,0 | |
66. Portail Agora Scientifiques Pour Le Développement Durable Translate this page Cooperation - Cooperation internationale - Dechets dangereux - Dechets radioactifs- Dechets solides - Demographie - desertification - Droit - Eaux douces http://www3.agora21.org/agora-scientifiques/gen.php3/topic/Desertification,0,1,0 | |
67. Contents Perception of desertification. Table of contents (136 p.). Cable UNATUNIV TOKYO.Contents. 1. The context of studies into the perception of desertification. http://www.unu.edu/unupress/unupbooks/80190e/80190E00.htm | |
68. Contents Social and environmental aspects of desertification. Table of contents (42 p.). 2.Regional reports on desertification. 3. Reports of thematic study groups. http://www.unu.edu/unupress/unupbooks/80127e/80127E00.htm | |
69. FEWS NET - Desertification HIV/AIDS,Prices. Vegetation. desertification. Harvest Rpts. Annual Predictions.Monthly Rpts. Capacity Dev. Youth Page. Hazards desertification, Drought. Flood. http://www.fews.net/hazards/hazard/?i=1005 |
70. Desertification desertification. Agenda 21 defines droughts and health. The potential healtheffects of desertification and drought A visual representation; http://www.who.dk/globalchange/Topics/20020627_2 |
71. Chapter 3 Combating Desertification And Desert Rehabilitation Chapter 3 Combating desertification and Desert Rehabilitation,Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. http://www.israel-mfa.gov.il/peace/projects/env96-3.html |
72. Combating Desertification The Israeli Experience Combating desertification The Israeli Experience, Israel Ministry of ForeignAffairs. desertification What is it? Where is it? How Big is the Threat? http://www.israel-mfa.gov.il/mfa/go.asp?MFAH020x0 |
73. World Bank Group Land Resources Management Desertification desertification Drylands cover more than 40% of the world's surface butare increasingly being affected by desertification. desertification http://www.worldbank.org/desertification |
74. Desertification desertification. One of the impacts which global warming may have on the surfaceof the Earth is to exacerbate the worldwide problem of desertification. http://www.doc.mmu.ac.uk/aric/eae/Global_Warming/Older/Desertification.html | |
75. UNEP/GRID - Sioux Falls This page contains UNCEDUnited Nations Conference on Envrironment and DevelopmentStatus of desertification and Implementation of the United Nations Plan of http://www.na.unep.net/des/deshome.php3 | |
76. Desertification desertification. The Working Group desertification of the German NGO Forum on Environmentand Development deals with the different aspects of desertification. http://www.forumue.de/topicandworkgroups/desertification/ | |
77. Desertification Resources At Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base desertification resources at Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base.Resources including desertification in the World. According to http://www.erraticimpact.com/~ecologic/html/desertification.htm | |
78. Land Degradation | World Soil Resources | NRCS International Union of Soil Sciences working group site offers conference reports, technical papers Category Science Environment Global Change desertification......Land Degradation and desertification. The Working Group on Land Degradationand desertification of the International Union of Soil Sciences. http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/technical/worldsoils/landdeg/ | |
79. Desertification go to. Geography 210. Introduction to Environmental Issues. http://www.geog.ouc.bc.ca/conted/onlinecourses/geog_210/contents/210~6~6~6.html | |
80. 6.6 Desertification 6.6 desertification. desertification is a process where the productive potentialof arid and semiarid land is reduced by the activities of humans. http://www.geog.ouc.bc.ca/conted/onlinecourses/geog_210/210_6_6.html | |
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