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1. Early Classics In Biogeography, Distribution, And Diversity Studies: To 1950 A bibliography of historical sources in biogeography and related fields, with links to biographical Category Science Biology Ecology biogeography......A bibliography of historical sources in biogeography and related fields, with linksto biographical information and the fulltext of many of the sources listed http://www.wku.edu/~smithch/biogeog/ | |
2. Biogeography Covers what biogeography is, what sort of questions biogeographers address, different specialties in biogeography, the history of biogeography, the dispersal of species, plate tectonics, and its relationship to biogeographic processes, particularly dispersal. http://ripley.wo.sbc.edu/departmental/env-studies/geo/biogeogr.htm | |
3. UCSB Biogeography Lab Home Page Learn about research into conservation, ecology and species distribution conducted at this University of California, Santa Barbara laboratory. The UCSB biogeography Lab has moved to the Donald Bren School of Environmental Science Management at the University of http://www.biogeog.ucsb.edu/ | |
4. Nearctica - Ecology - Biogeography Describes the objectives, methods and larger relevance of biogeographic studies. Links to related articles on ecology and continental drift. Ecology biogeography. Return to Ecology Main Page http://www.nearctica.com/ecology/habitats/biogeo.htm | |
5. Glossary For Biogeography Terms arranged according to various subject categories including general biogeography, ecology, evolution, landscape ecology and taxonomy maintained by Radford University. http://www.runet.edu/~swoodwar/CLASSES/GEOG235/glossary.html | |
6. Biogeography Lectures notes on biogeography by David A. Fitch of New York University. http://www.nyu.edu/projects/fitch/courses/evolution/html/biogeography.html | |
7. Sweet Oranges: The Biogeography Of Citrus Sinensis The domestication, dispersal and breeding of the sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) and its varieties, throughout history. http://www.aquapulse.net/knowledge/orange.html | |
8. European Bison Biogeography Natural history, evolution, distribution, and timeline of the status of the species through the centuries. http://www.sfsu.edu/~geog/bholzman/courses/316projects/bison.html | |
9. Introduction To Biogeography An online course developed for Geography 4900 at Valdosta State University by Dr. Henri D. Grissino-Mayer.Category Science Biology Ecology biogeography......Geography 4900 Introduction to biogeography Online Course developed by Dr. HenriD. GrissinoMayer Department of Physics, Astronomy, and Geosciences Valdosta http://www.valdosta.edu/~grissino/geog4900/ | |
10. Biogeography Specialty Group Home Page Formed to promote interaction among biogeographers, stimulate active research and teaching development Category Science Biology Ecology biogeography......biogeography Specialty Group. of the Association of American Geographers(AAG). Concerned with the where, how, and why of biotic distributions. http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/2498/bsghome1.htm | |
11. Www.biogeography.com/ http://www.biogeography.com/ |
12. JSTOR: Journal Of Biogeography Journal of biogeography. JSTOR coverage Vols. 126, 1974-1999. Journal Informationfor Journal of biogeography. Publisher Blackwell Science, Ltd. Moving Wall 3. http://www.jstor.org/journals/03050270.html | |
13. JSTOR: Global Ecology And Biogeography Letters Global Ecology and biogeography Letters. (continued by Global Ecology and biogeography) JournalInformation for Global Ecology and biogeography Letters. http://www.jstor.org/journals/09607447.html | |
14. Graduate Programs In Landscape Ecology, Spatial Ecology, And Biogeography List of universities offering advanced degrees. http://www.edc.uri.edu/personal/jeff/legrad/ | |
15. Www.blackwell-science.com/products/journals/jbiog.htm Journal of biogeography journal information, contents lists and abstractson the Blackwell Publishing website. Journal of biogeography. http://www.blackwell-science.com/products/journals/jbiog.htm |
16. John R. Bolt Paleobiology and biogeography of Paleozoic reptiles and amphibians (Field Museum of Natural History). http://pondside.uchicago.edu/ceb/faculty/bolt.html | |
17. Biogeography Of Madagascar paper was presented at the International Symposium on the biogeography of Madagascar held in Paris 2628 September 1995. http://www.mobot.org/MOBOT/Madagasc/biomad1.html | |
18. Biogeography Home Page GEOG 335. biogeography. Home Page. newsletter of the biogeography Specialty Groupof the Association of American Geographerssee what biogeographers are doing; http://www.radford.edu/~swoodwar/CLASSES/GEOG235/biogeog.html | |
19. Bioegog Template Student paper about the biology of the Saguaro cactus; includes photos and diagrams. http://bss.sfsu.edu/geog/bholzman/courses/Fall99Projects/saguaro.htm | |
20. Glossary For Biogeography Terms arranged according to various subject categories including general biogeography, ecology, evolution Category Reference Dictionaries By Subject Geography......Glossary for biogeography. NOTE Terms patterns. biogeography the sciencethat studies the distribution of life, past and present. Colonization http://www.radford.edu/~swoodwar/CLASSES/GEOG235/glossary.html | |
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