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101. Aboriginal (Native American) Star Knowledge Menu Native American astronomy, with a focus on Lakota star knowledge.Category Science Social Sciences Topics Archaeoastronomy...... Stone medicine wheels solarstellar observatories the first (analog) computers.Naked-eye astronomy. Teacher sources for native-centered astronomy. http://www.kstrom.net/isk/stars/starmenu.html |
102. University Of Victoria - Department Of Physics And Astronomy Includes information about the department, research areas, people, and seminars. Also features information about the coop program. http://www.phys.uvic.ca/ |
103. NASA ADS Custom Query Form Mon Mar 17 095725 2003 NASA ADS astronomy Query Form for Mon Mar 17 095725 2003. Databases toquery astronomy Instrumentation Physics/Geophysics ArXiv Preprints Category Science astronomy Publications Journals http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abstract_service.html |
104. Astronomy Pages Pagine di Fabio Canova e Gabriele Vajente su Marte, il sistema solare e l'universo. Galleria di immagini. http://www.atnet.it/lstron/astro/ |
105. Cornell University Department Of Astronomy The study of celestial objects and the laws of the universe.Category Reference Education Sciences...... New Website Explores Mysteries in astronomy August 29,2002. CU astronomyteam's hope for lost CONTOUR probe is fading August 22, 2002. http://astrosun.tn.cornell.edu/ |
106. US Psionics Mainstream And Alternative Research Research includes numerology, radionics, millennial studies. Links to astronomy, UFO, and alternative science sites. http://www.uspsionics.com/ |
107. University Of California Berkeley Astronomy Department Contact Webmaster astronomy Department 601 Campbell Hall University of Californiaat Berkeley Berkeley, CA 947203411 (510) 642-5275 FAX (510) 642-3411 http://astron.berkeley.edu/ |
108. Amateur Astronomers Association Of Pittsburgh Information about the club and its members, current events including AAAP functions and astronomical events of interest to the astronomy community, and links to other information sources of interest. http://trfn.clpgh.org/aaap/ |
109. Www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/13841076 Similar pages www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00836656 Similar pages More results from www.sciencedirect.com AstroWeb astronomy resources on the InternetJump to the CDS home page, AstroWeb astronomy on the Internet. Data resources, Dataand Archive Centers (145 records) astronomy Information Systems (44 records). http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/13841076 |
110. Physlink - Physics And Astronomy Journals Directory of physics and astronomy publications. http://www.physlink.com/Directories/Journals.cfm |
111. Caltech Astronomy http://astro.caltech.edu/ |
112. Islamic Astronomy About ancient astronomy preserved and improved by the Islamic empire. http://www.scivis.com/AC/hist/islamastro.html |
113. Indiana University Astronomy Department Search News, astronomy Links, Visitor Links. astronomy Department astdept@indiana.edu727 East 3rd Street, Swain Hall West 319 Bloomington, IN 474057105. http://astrowww.astro.indiana.edu/ |
114. Astronomy For Kids Site produced by three sixth graders has information on several topics including black holes, nebulae, phases of the moon and our solar system. Visitors can try the virtual telescope to see planets and constellations. http://tqjunior.advanced.org/3645/page2.html |
115. Astronomy 161 The Solar System Overview with historical background and basic astronomy concepts, details about planets, satellites, Category Science astronomy Solar System......astronomy 161 The Solar System In this semester of astronomy we shall concernourselves primarily with the Solar System. astronomy 162 LECTURES. http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect/ |
116. University Of California, Los Angeles - Department Of Physics And Astronomy Offers weekly events calendar, news, and announcements, and provides overview of academic programs, classes, and research efforts. http://www.physics.ucla.edu/ |
117. Todd Gross' Weather And Astronomy Site Includes astroproduct reviews and astrophotos.Category Science astronomy Amateur Product Reviews...... http://www.weatherman.com/ |
118. Starry Night Cafe, Astronomy And Space Portal A gallery of strange surface features on the planet Mars with photographic analysis and astronomy links. http://starrynightcafe.net/ |
119. Astronomy Cosmology A source for information on astronomy, cosmology, and related topics.Category Science astronomy Cosmology......A source of information on astronomy, cosmology, and relatedtopics ranging from black holes to asteroids. http://www.netlabs.net/hp/tremor/ |
120. Spacewatch.UK Resource providing a comprehensive collection on multimedia, directories, science, space weather and other material on space and astronomy. http://website.lineone.net/~tony.eckerman/homepage.html |
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