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21. OUP: Animal Biology Series animal biology Series. The Oxford animal biology Series is an innovativenew series of supplementary texts in comparative animal biology. http://www.oup.co.uk/academic/science/biology/animal/animal_biology_series/ | |
22. Program Description: Integrative Animal Biology Integrative animal biology. Focuses on the basic physiological mechanismsat the molecular, cellular, tissue, organ, and wholeanimal levels. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/progdesc/1998/bio/ibn/1155.htm | |
23. Cluster For Physiology And Ethology - IBN/Biology/NSF Integrative animal biology Focuses on the basic physiological mechanismsat the molecular, cellular, tissue, organ, and whole animal levels. http://www.nsf.gov/bio/ibn/ibnphysio.htm | |
24. Animal Biology Part 1B animal biology. Part IB animal biology is characterised by diversitythat of animals themselves, and of the ways in which they are studied. http://www.zoo.cam.ac.uk/degree/ugrad_tch/1b_an_bio.html | |
25. Animal Biology animal biology Majors and Honours programs. animal biology Majors Program.animal biology Honours Program. animal biology Electives. http://www.zoology.ubc.ca/bpg/animal.htm | |
26. Redirecting To New Site... Our goal is to teach and conduct high quality research in animal biologyand animal production at both fundamental and applied levels. http://www.agric.uwa.edu.au/animals/ |
27. Undergraduate Program, University Of Alberta Undergraduate Program animal biology Printer Friendly. Our new program inanimal biology includes both invertebrate and verbrate animals. http://www.biology.ualberta.ca/programs/undergraduate/index.php?Page=715 |
28. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Sciences - Biology - Zoology A great resource for United States New - Library - Sciences - AnimalBiology. Find the web's animal biology Preview Category, http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=330384 |
29. B.Sc. Animal Biology MBG*2000 0.5 Intro Genetics. BIOL*2210 0.5 Intro Cell Biology. 0.5 Electiveor restricted elective. Anim. Physiology. ANSC*3120 0.5 Intro Animal Nutrition. http://www.aps.uoguelph.ca/animal-biology.htm | |
30. FNAS School Of Animal Biology - Research UWA Logo, FNAS School of animal biology. animal biology, School of. Amphibiaand reptiles. E/Prof Bert Main, 9380 2239, Amphibian conservation. http://www.animals.uwa.edu.au/home/research | |
31. FNAS School Of Animal Biology - Teaching UWA Logo, FNAS School of animal biology. ECOLOGY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT.The School of animal biology teaches in two main types of degree programs. http://www.animals.uwa.edu.au/home/teaching | |
32. UC Davis Animal Science Advising Center: The Animal Biology Major Requirements for a BS degree in animal biology Click the below links for easyaccess to all the specific requirements for the animal biology Major. http://asac.ucdavis.edu/undergrad/abi/ | |
33. 2000-2001 Requirements For The Animal Biology Major 20002001 Requirements for the animal biology Major General University Requirements. Returnto The animal biology Major. 1. GENERAL UNIVERSITY REQUIREMENTS http://asac.ucdavis.edu/undergrad/abi/requirements.html | |
34. Majors - Animal Biology animal biology majors have entered careers in veterinary medicine and research,governmental regulation, education and animal husbandry and management. http://why.ucdavis.edu/academics/majors/abi.cfm?majors_list=anisci_majors.inc |
35. Animal Biology animal biology Research Group (Integrative Biology Division). Group leaderDr BJ Merry Group description This group's work is concerned http://sphere.bioc.liv.ac.uk:8080/bio/divisions/Animal_Biology | |
36. ANIMAL BIOLOGY: See Also Biology animal biology see also Biology. GRADUATE DEGREE PROGRAMS. The Department ofanimal biology administers graduate degree programs as options in biology. http://www.uiuc.edu/admin_manual/pos/current/grad/animalbio.html | |
37. Animal Biology professional, search, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences animal biology.See Integrative Biology. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. http://www.uiuc.edu/admin_manual/pos/current/ugrad/las/animalbiology.html | |
38. MCAB Home Page Overview of research groups, tools, library, seminars, and conferences. http://camcic.unicam.it/dimcab/ | |
39. MSc Wild Animal Biology MSc Wild animal biology. Course Directors. Tony Sainsbury principles. Term1. Module A Foundation Course in Wild animal biology. Introduction http://www.rvc.ac.uk/Courses/Postgraduate/MSc_Wild_Animal_Biology/Index.cfm | |
40. Animal Biology animal biology. Formerly Netherlands Journal of Zoology Brill AcademicPublishers. Managing Editor M. Muller Wageningen University http://www.vsppub.com/journals/jn-AniBio.html | |
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