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141. Sky Telescope Geared towards amateur astronomers. astronomy news, sky charts, product reviews, indepth articles on the science of astronomy, and weekly sky observing guides. http://www.skyandtelescope.com/ |
142. The Society Of Amateur Radio Astronomers International non-profit amateur group dedicated to observing the radio sky and sharing technical Category Science astronomy amateur Radio astronomy...... sky. This organization is a scientific, nonprofit group founded forthe sole purpose of supporting amateur radio astronomy. SARA http://www.bambi.net/sara.html |
143. Prairie Astronomy Club Dedicated to encouraging amateur star observers. Features a newsletter, monthly meetings, and a related resources. http://www.4w.com/pac/ |
144. Amateur Astronomers Association Of Princeton (AAAP) astronomy club with two active observatories, monthly meetings, and workshops. Geared towards novices and experts alike. http://www.princetonastronomy.org/ |
145. Astronomy Resources On The NET Web and ftp servers, links to amateur astronomer's pages, astronomy related jokes, small pdf library, space news, software list, mailing list lists, etc. http://www.open.hr/space/space/links_e.html |
146. Minas Astronomy Group An informal group of amateur astronomers and persons interested in astronomy. Lists the group schedule, upcoming astronomical events, and links to other astronomy pages. http://www.go.ednet.ns.ca/~mag/ |
147. The Astro Pages astronomy and space news, links, articles, photos, tutorials, telescope making, polls, screensavers, and discussion groups for the amateur. http://theastropages.com |
148. Sammy Lockwood's Astronomy An amateur astronomer in New Mexico, USA http://www.eccentrix.com/personal/sammy/ |
149. Kennedy Space Center Amateur Astronomers Monthly star parties with maps, members personal home pages, astronomy and astrophysical links, and calendar of events. http://www.4saleusa.net/kscaa/ |
150. Bluebird Observatory A resource for backyard astronomy including original content and many links from a working amateur astronomical observatory. http://www.bluebirdobs.org/ |
151. Draco Productions-Astronomy On-Line This site has been moved to its own domain. Please make note of the new web addressfor. Escambia amateur Astronomers' Association. http//www.eaaa.net. http://www.meteor.dotstar.net/ |
152. Ricerca SETI Pagine dell'associazione Italian amateur Radio astronomy su SETI. Ospita il Seti Italia Team Giuseppe Cocconi . http://astrofili.org/~radioastronomia/ricercaSeti.htm |
153. Astronomical Society Of Tasmania Organisation for amateur astronomers who share an interest in all aspects of astronomy and its related sciences. Site contains details of upcoming meetings, public astronomy nights, and astronomical links. http://www.vision.net.au/~peter/AST/ |
154. Amateur Astronomers Association Of Pittsburgh Information about the club and its members, current events including AAAP functions and astronomical events of interest to the astronomy community, and links to other information sources of interest. http://trfn.clpgh.org/aaap/ |
155. Twin City Amateur Astronomers (TCAA) Bringing astronomy to the masses in and around BloomingtonNormal, Illinois. http://twincityamateurastronomers.org/ |
156. Western Kentucky Amateur Astronomers (WKAA) A group of amateur astronomers that enjoys sharing their knowledge of astronomy and their love of the night sky. http://wkaa.net |
157. Gibraltar Astronomical Society News items of interest to amateur astronomers, and a guide to the night sky. http://www.astronomy.gi/ |
158. International Meteor Organization The leading amateur meteor organization in the world. Information about observing techniques, meteor showers, and the meteor community. Includes links to other web pages on meteor astronomy. http://www.imo.net/ |
159. Back Bay Amateur Astronomers Scientific educational organization of amateur astronomers serving Southeastern Virgina. Membership open to all with an interest in astronomy. http://groups.hamptonroads.com/BBAA/ |
160. Hawaiian Astronomical Society Taxexempt, non-profit organization founded in 1949 to promote astronomy in Hawaii. Affiliated with the Western amateur Astronomers, membership is open to all. http://www.hawastsoc.org/index.htm |
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