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81. Graham Pattison's CCD Amateur Astronomy Home Page CCD amateur astronomy. We need to arrest the decline in young peopleentering astronomy at both an amateur and professional level. http://www.stargraham.com/ | |
82. Armando Caussade's Amateur Astronomy Contains stories, reports, technical data, images and links.Category Regional Caribbean Science and Environment Astronomy......ARMANDO CAUSSADE'S amateur astronomy. by Armando Caussade. Copyright© 19982001 Armando Caussade. All rights reserved. INTRODUCTION. http://www.armandocaussade.com/astronomy/ | |
83. How To Become Involved In Astronomy amateur astronomy. So far about two million people have participated. Below aresome links to useful sites for anyone interested in amateur astronomy. http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/Outreach/Edu/Astrojobs/doastro2.html | |
84. Lima Astronomical Society amateur astronomy organization that maintains an observatory in Lima. Includes club history, membership information, records of observations, and related links. http://www.limaastro.org/ | |
85. Joe Bergeron's Amateur Astronomy Page amateur astronomy. amateur astronomy has been an important part of my life for morethan 25 years. I like deepsky observing and planetary about equally well. http://homepage.mac.com/joebergeron/astronomy.html | |
86. Amateur Astronomers, Inc. - Home Page Promotes amateur astronomy through a variety of courses, lectures and college scholarships. AAI is a member of the United Astronomy Clubs of New Jersey. http://www.asterism.org/ |
87. Telescopes Choosing Buying Free Information Amateur Astronomy Sales and service of telescopes and astronomy equipment for amateur or beginner,spotting scopes, binoculars, astrophotography, Dobsonian making, kits or http://www.telescopes-astronomy.com.au/telescopes002.htm | |
88. The Richland Astronomical Society A nonprofit organization formed in 1960 to promote the advancement of amateur astronomy. Operating the Warren Rupp Observatory. http://ras.wro.org/ | |
89. Adler / Astronomy / Sky Chicagoland amateur astronomy Astronomy Clubs, Ever been to a star party?People of all ages enjoy the exciting hobby of amateur astronomy! http://www.adlerplanetarium.org/astronomy/sky/ | |
90. Catskills Astronomy Club amateur astronomy club located in Sullivan County, New York State. http://www.geocities.com/catskills_astronomy_club/ | |
91. AstroPlace 2.0 Astronomy Clubs Eclipses Links to Astronomical Photo and Artwork Galleries Image Galleries Linksto amateur astronomy Clubs, Associations, and Societies Clubs (1941) Links to http://astroplace.com/amateurs/clubs.asp | |
92. Cuyahoga Astronomical Association amateur astronomy club providing group overview, membership details, and contact details. http://www.astras-stargate.com/caadoc.htm | |
93. OLAT: Amateur Astronomy Advertisements Provides computersearchable wanted, for-sale and for-trade ads for amateur astronomers.Category Science Astronomy Amateur Classifieds...... Click here to return to The On Line AstroTrader's main page. amateur astronomyAdvertisements. Submit your ads for immediate posting to the Web. http://members.aol.com/EPSweb/ads.htm | |
94. John Cases's Amateur Astronomy Page John Case's amateur astronomy Page. Enter/submit your email address to receiveEmail Notification when this amateur astronomy page is Updated http://www.cis.udel.edu/~case/astronomy.html | |
95. Astronomy By The Belmont Society TheBelmontSociety For beginning intermediate Amateur Astronomers. He metJoseph Henry who encouraged him to study mathematics and astronomy. http://www.belmontnc.4dw.net/ | |
96. NJ Night Sky - Amateur Astronomy And Telescope Building. I also have an interest in the internet and making web sites. I am now a memberof the LookSmart/Zeal directory for the amateur astronomy category. http://www.njnightsky.com/ | |
97. Amateur Observatories Observatory Aben Brown's Minidome Camanche North Observatory Chumack ObservatoryDoug Clapp Clearview Farm Observatory Croation amateur astronomy Ken Dauzat http://www.seds.org/billa/obs/obslist.html | |
98. Rockland Astronomy Club amateur astronomy site features an events calendar, member photography and information about joining the club. http://www.rocklandastronomy.com | |
99. Chris Heilman's Amateur Astronomy Page amateur astronomy by Chris Heilman. Astronomy Comet SL9 Comet Movies;SL9 Fragment V; Jupiter. Moon; Planets Saturn; Jupiter; Mars. Deep http://chemlab.pc.maricopa.edu/astro/astronomy.html | |
100. The Home Of The Springfield Stars Club An amateur astronomy club serving the greater Springfield, Massachusetts area. The charter of the club is to promote the science of astronomy and provide an opportunity for members to share knowledge and experience of all aspects of the hobby, and to provide astronomy education to the general public http://www.reflector.org/ |
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