87. Y Yom kippur 1, 356. Yora Rabba 7, 146. York, archdiocese of 6, 407, 408. YorkerBrethren 10, 55. Yosepel 6, 7. Yoshamin 7, 147. Young, Alse 12, 393. http://www.ccel.org/s/schaff/encyc/encyc13/htm/iv.xxiv.htm |
X Xabatati: Xavier, Francis: X AVERIAN B ROTHERS Xenaia: Xenia Theological Seminary: Xenodochia: Xenophanes: Xerophagia: Xerxes I.: X IMENES DE C ISNEROS , F RANCISCO Y Yabhallaha: Yafith ibn Ali: Y AHBALAHA Y AHWEH abode of: Amos on: as Baal: original significance of: throne ofthe ark: as war god: Yahweh Zebaoth: Yajiro: Yajur-Veda: Yakob-el: Yakovlevich, Abraham: Yale College, revival in: Divinity School: University: Yam suph: Yama: Yaman: Yashts: Yasna: Yau: Yaubidi: Yaudi: Yavorski, Stephan: Yawan: . See also Javan Yazatas: Yazbek, Joseph: Year: Christian: church: H EBREW of Jubilee: Y EATMAN -B IGGS , H UYSHE W.: Yedinovyeretzi: Yengishiki: Y EOMANS , E DWARD D.: Yezdigerd II.: Yhwh. See Yahweh Yima: Yoga: Yom kippur: Yora Rabba: York, archdiocese of: Yorker Brethren: Yosep-el: Yoshamin: Young, Alse: Brigham: E DWARD E GERTON R.: P ATRICK R OBERT S AMUEL E.: Christian Association: in Austria: in Berlin: Christian Union of the Universalist Church: P S OCIETIES Society of Christian Endeavor: Union, Baptist: of the United States of America: Y OUTZ , H ERBERT A.: Y ULETIDE Yung Cheng: Yvan, Antoine: Yvo Carnotensis: Y VON , P IERRE Y VONETUS | |