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61. WebGuest - Open Directory : Society : Religion And Spirituality : Christianity : Sites The Church of the united brethren in christ Official denominationalweb site. Pleasant Hill united brethren in christ - Muncie, Indiana. http://directory.webguest.com/index.cgi/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christ | |
62. GRACE UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH IN CANADA GRACE united brethren in christ CHURCH, Suggest an Update. Search Again. LastUpdated 5 Jun 2002. Details. Mail Address 895 Empire, Sherkston, ON, L0S 1R0. http://www.hhpl.on.ca/Niagara/details.asp?RSN=6731 |
63. Church Of The United Brethren In Christ . -, Church of united brethren in christ, -. -,Build your faith, build a better community. -. -,-. http://www.maygodbless.com/churchesonline/denominations/coubic.htm | |
64. MVUMC User's Guide - A History Of Methodism Simultaneous with the growth of the Methodist Episcopal Church in America, the predominantlyGermanspeaking Church of the united brethren in christ (begun by http://bcn.boulder.co.us/community/religious/mvumc/mvumchist.html | |
65. German American Corner: OTTERBEIN, Philip William (1726-1813) OTTERBEIN, Philip William (17261813), German-American, clergyman, who founded theChurch of the united brethren in christ. He was born in Dillenburg, Germany. http://www.germanheritage.com/biographies/mtoz/otterbein.html | |
66. NSM Agency Directory Division, Church of the united brethren in christ, Church of the UnitedBrethren in Christ, Department of Missions, Churches of Christ, http://www.strategicnetwork.org/index.asp?loc=di&ps=300 |
67. Columbus Mennonite Church: Anabaptist History site). Church of the Brethren. Church of the united brethren in christ.Conservative Mennonite Conference. Dunkard Brethren. Eastern http://www.columbusmennonite.org/otherAnabaptistgroups.htm | |
68. United Brethren In Christ Home. Encyclopeadia. U. U Uni. united brethren in christ. indice. Aiuto. Enciclopedia.united brethren in christ. see Evangelical United Brethren Church. http://it.slider.com/enc/54000/United_Brethren_in_Christ.htm | |
69. Township History - United Brethren In Christ Church One of the first churches in Manheim Township was the United Brethrenin Christ Church (shown here). It was built in 1886 on the http://www.manheimtownship.org/edits/h13ubcchurch.html | |
70. Directory :: Look.com united brethren in christ (3) Sites. Pleasant Hill united brethren in christMuncie, Indiana. Contact information, service schedule, staff directory. http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=590428 |
71. Lansing Church Link united brethren in christ Churches. (if webmaster.) Dewitt United BrethrenIn Christ 12741 Houghton Drive Dewitt, MI 48820 (517) 6692711 http://www.synergysoup.com/lansingchurchlink/unitedbrthrninc.html | |
72. The Other Side -- Denominational WWW Links God International Church of the Brethren Church of the Brethren Net Church of theBrethren Brethren in Christ Church of the united brethren in christ Church of http://www.theotherside.org/resources/denominational_links.html | |
73. School Of Theology Library Guides Denominations United Brethren Church of the united brethren in christ. © Boston UniversitySchool of Theology This page was last updated on August 28, 2002. http://www.bu.edu/sth/library/denominationsguide.html |
74. First United Methodist Church Of Santa Anna, Texas Church, community and contact information. Worship schedule. Photos of the church.Category Regional North America Santa Anna Society and Culture...... Church, South; Methodist Protestant Church; Methodist Church; Evangelical Association;Evangelical Church; united brethren in christ; United Evangelical Church http://www.web-access.net/~jpearce/church1.html | |
75. Maryland State Archives, Guide To Special Collections united brethren in christ. An Act to incorporate certain persons as trustees ofthe united brethren in christ Church in Carroll County, to be called the Mt. http://speccol.mdarchives.state.md.us/msa/speccol/catalog/religion/cfm/dsp_selec |
76. The Wright Family Milton was born on the Indiana frontier in 1828. He served as an educator; a minister;and later, a bishop in the Church of the united brethren in christ. http://www.centennialofflight.gov/essay/Wright_Bros/wright_family/WR1.htm | |
77. Pohly Center - United Theological Seminary, Dayton, OH Bishop Milton Wright (Father of Wilbur and Orville Wright) was the chairman of theChurch of the united brethren in christ's Board of Education that made the http://www.united.edu/n-pohlycntr.shtml | |
78. Official Denominational Web Sites Church; Church of Christ, Scientist; Church of All Worlds; Churchof the Brethren; Church of the united brethren in christ; Church of http://hirr.hartsem.edu/org/faith_denominations_homepages.html | |
79. Home The Michindoh Conference of churches represent just a portion of those in the united brethren denomination worldwide. This conference consists of 27 churches located throughout southern Michigan, northeast Indiana, and northwest Ohio. http://www.michindoh.org | |
80. United Brethren Historical Center The Center includes the Archives of the Church of the united Brethrenin christ and the Archives of Huntington College. The united http://www.huntington.edu/library/ubhc.html | |
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