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21. Theosophy - Roadmap to theosophy Online. Links to major Theosophical groups of longstanding. theosophyDiscovery Circle - New York. Other Theosophical sites. http://www.blavatsky.net/theosophy/theosophy-roadmap.htm | |
22. Re-selec Articles on transmigration, preexistence and similar topics. http://www.theosophy-nw.org/theosnw/reincar/re-selec.htm | |
23. Esoteric Personalities List A listing of the more famous mages, theurgists, and kabbalists. Also lists famous adherents to Rosicrucianism and theosophy. http://www.luckymojo.com/altmagickfaq/mageref |
24. Quarterly Publications theosophy Company Quarterly Publications are available in PDF format.You must have please click here . theosophy Magazine Roundtable, http://www.theosophycompany.org/pubs.html | |
25. The Blavatsky Foundation Website Can Be Found At Includes introduction to and suggested readings on H.P. Blavatsky and theosophy. Find a large collection of links on these subjects. http://www.azstarnet.com/~blafoun | |
26. Exploring Theosophy (David Pratt) Exploring theosophy The Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy.David Pratt's Homepage. What is theosophy? Theosophical http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/dp5/homepage.htm | |
27. The Ocean Of Theosophy; By William Q. Judge General introduction to theosophy by William Q. Judge.Category Society Religion and Spirituality Judge, William Q.......THE OCEAN OF theosophy. By WILLIAM Q. JUDGE. PREFACE. PREFACE TO TENTH EDITION.CONTENTS. CHAPTER I theosophy AND THE MASTERS. theosophy generally defined. http://www2.whidbey.com/TheosophicalLiterature/jocean.htm | |
28. Theosophy Library Online - Biography Of William Q. Judge Short biography with picture. http://theosophy.org/tlodocs/JudgeBiography.htm | |
29. H1 Introduction To Theosophy The Ageless Wisdom /H1 Article by Paul Gillingwater.Category Society Religion and Spirituality theosophy......Introduction to theosophy The Ageless Wisdom. All constructive truth.theosophy gives some guidelines how this should be done. At http://www.actrix.gen.nz/users/paul/theosophy.html | |
30. Was Theosophy Suborned? A critical view of Blavatsky by Alexis Dolgorukii. Yelena Petrovna Blavatskaya is a hero to him, despite the fact he has a perception of her and her work that is not orthodox. http://www.parascience.org/suborn.htm | |
31. The Ocean Of Theosophy - By William Q. Judge (TUP Edition) The Ocean of theosophy. By William Q. Judge. Originally published 1893. Contents.Preface. Chapter 1 theosophy AND THE MASTERS (25K) theosophy generally defined. http://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/ocean/oce-hp.htm | |
32. Theosophy By Annie Besant Online book by Annie Besant.Category Society Religion and Spirituality Besant, Annie...... SECTION I. theosophy AS SCIENCE. The wise will observe and investigate, andwill study before they reject. Section II. theosophy AS MORALITY AND ART. http://www.theosophical.ca/TheosophyAB.htm | |
33. Theosophy A critical entry on Blavatsky and theosophy. http://www.skepdic.com/theosoph.html | |
34. "Our Intelligent Companions, The Plants" By John Van Mater, Jr. Contains much information on various mind/plant type experiments throughout history. Some people mentioned include Cleve Backster and J. Chandra Bose. http://www.theosophy-nw.org/theosnw/brother/br-jvmj2.htm | |
35. "What Is Theosophy?" By H. P. Blavatsky What Is theosophy? by HP Blavatsky. According correct. But the explanationsthat follow are far from giving a clear idea of theosophy. http://www.theosophy-nw.org/theosnw/theos/th-hpb.htm | |
36. Theosophy World Home Page theosophy World. An Internet Magazine Dedicated to the theosophy WORLDhttp//www.theosophy.net/tw.html. theosophy World is a free internet http://www.theosophy.net/tw.html | |
37. Frater 93's Page About Theosophy Provides a resource for those individuals who are seeking other forms of expression of the GodConcept besides conventional religion. http://www.geocities.com/frater93/ | |
38. Long Beach Theosophy Center & Library Information on organization activities and classes offered. http://www.lbtheosophycenter.com/ | |
39. Theosophy World Issues theosophy World Issues. An Internet To submit papers or news items,subscribe, or unsubscribe, write review@theosophy.com. (Please note http://www.theosophy.net/tw-html/issues.html | |
40. The Liberal Catholic Church Official site. Came into existence as the result of a reorganization in 1915-1916 of the Old Catholic movement in Great Britain. Requires acceptance of the principles of theosophy as well as those of Catholic Christianity. Different church body than the Liberal Catholic Church International. http://kingsgarden.org/English/Organizations/LCC.GB/LCC.html |
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