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61. WebRing: Hub Mugeko shin buddhism in Australia The Australian Journal of shin buddhism articles,ideas links considered to be of use to, or produced by, Australian http://u.webring.com/hub?ring=jodo&list&page=1 |
62. WebRing: Hub Puhtaan maan polku Puhtaan maan polku ('Pure Land Path' in English) is a Finnishlanguageweb site dedicated to introduce shin buddhism to interested Finns. http://u.webring.com/hub?ring=jodo |
63. IASBS/ 9th Conference Theme Dharmakara's Vow Engaged shin buddhism Time August 2325, 1999 PlaceBuddhist Study Center, Honolulu, Hawaii Dates and Programs Aug. http://www.ne.jp/asahi/pureland-buddhism/amida-net/iasbs9.htm | |
64. Pure Land/Articles 2, December 1985, pp. 149153. The Meaning of Compassion in shin buddhism,The Pure Land (New Series), No. 3, December 1986, pp. 34-36. http://www.ne.jp/asahi/iabc/homepage/Articles.htm | |
65. Ekoji Buddhist Temple, Jodo Shinshu Buddhism In Northern Virginia Near Washingto Shin temple serving the Greater Washington, DC area.Category Society Religion and Spirituality Virginia...... Get this recent release here Dr. Taitetsu Unno's shin buddhismBits of Rubble Turn into Gold. This Week. What is shin buddhism? http://www.ekoji.org/ | |
66. Links To Buddhism Sites bsc/; Mugeko The Australian Journal of shin buddhism; Amida-Net Acomprehensive website of Pure Land Buddhism by Dr. Hisao Inagaki; http://www.ekoji.org/Links.html | |
67. The Book Store $5.50, Great Compassion The Essentials of shin buddhism, 2.95, Introductionto shin buddhism (Reg Print), $ 2.95, Introduction to shin buddhism (Lge Print). http://www.hongwanjihawaii.com/honpa/links/ | |
68. Ressources Jodo-Shinshu Finnish). shin buddhism (Richard St. directory. White Lotus Notes (Newsletterof the White Lotus Center for shin buddhism, Anchorage). http://www.pitaka.ch/shinres.htm | |
69. Orange County Buddhist Church Orange County Buddhist Church. The Role of Practice in shin buddhism(2) The Meaning of Listening to the Dharma (Monpo). Last month http://www.bca-ocbc.org/Messages/Harada/HaradaApr2001.htm | |
70. Blankfram The White Path Temple shin buddhism Pure Land School of Buddhism. Originatedin Japan. shin buddhism Web Site This is a new Shinshu site on the web. http://www.saigon.com/~hoasen/links-Ma.html | |
71. Atrium Books - Japan:Religion:Buddhism and Interaction With Christianity Minoru Kiyota;Hardcover;$29.50 Jodo Shinshu shin buddhism in Medieval Japan (Religion in Asia and Africa Series) James C http://www.atrium.com/books/atrium-books-Japan_Religion_Buddhism.html | |
72. UEDA Yoshifumi Go no Shiso (On the Concept of Karma in Buddhism), Asoka Shorin (1957) Lettersof Shinran A Translation of Mattosho (shin buddhism Translation Series http://www.toyo-bunko.or.jp/ceacs/phil/yueda-e.html | |
73. The Roof Of Hell A creative web site affiliated to the online Sanghas 'shin buddhism UK' and 'Buddhalinks'.Home. A Short Presentation of shin buddhism. Butsudan devotions http://uk.geocities.com/roof_of_hell/surfed.htm | |
74. The Roof Of Hell precious friends. Andrew Webb (Muanami) for his untiring work onthe shin buddhism UK and 'roof of hell' web sites. Reverend http://uk.geocities.com/roof_of_hell/newsletter/thanks.html | |
75. Pure Land And Shin Information Sites YuYu's Lounge In this web, I, a follower of Shinshu Otani-ha (shin buddhism), haughtilypresent my foolish understanding of Shinran Shonin's words and claim http://www.religionsorg.com/Buddhism/Lineages/PureLandandShin/ | |
76. Chinese And Japanese Religions C. Japanese Buddhism. 1. shin buddhism Network. It also provides links toother Buddhism resources, including the shin buddhism Resource Center. http://gpu.srv.ualberta.ca/~slis/guides/religion/chinjap.htm | |
77. Religion, Buddhism (part Of The WWW Virtual Library) to save them from destruction. shin buddhism shin buddhism was initiatedby Shinran (11731263) in Japan. His teaching was based http://www.snowcrest.net/dougbnt/buddha.html | |
78. Chinese And Japanese Religions C. Japanese Buddhism. 1. shin buddhism Network. It also provides links to otherBuddhism resources, including the shin buddhism Resource Center. D. Shintoism. http://fn2.freenet.edmonton.ab.ca/~cstier/religion/chinjap.htm | |
79. Buddhism rituals). True Pure Land/shin buddhism. The White Path Temple; PureLand/shin buddhism Self Study Course; Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism; http://www.ualberta.ca/~ebenzvi/101/buddhism.html | |
80. Webliography line dictionary, Heart Sutra, Tannisho, Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment; mandalas(Amida, Larger, and Contemplation Sutras), intro to shin buddhism, Shinran Art http://mcel.pacificu.edu/mcel/omm/links.html | |
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