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         Shamanism:     more books (100)
  1. Shamanism: A Biopsychosocial Paradigm of Consciousness and Healing by Michael Winkelman, 2010-08-05
  2. Shamanism (Quest Book) by Shirley J. Nicholson, 1987-05-01
  3. Journeying : Where Shamanism and Psychology Meet by Jeannette Marie Gagan, 1998-03-02
  4. Healing with Form, Energy, and Light: The Five Elements in Tibetan Shamanism, Tantra, and Dzogchen by Tenzin W. Rinpoche, 2002-05-25
  5. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Shamanism by Gini Graham Scott, 2002-06-18
  6. Ecstatic Religion: A Study of Shamanism and Spirit Possession (Volume 0) by I.M. Lewis, 2003-01-30
  7. Weather Shamanism: Harmonizing Our Connection with the Elements by Nan Moss, 2008-01-24
  8. The Beauty of the Primitive: Shamanism and Western Imagination by Andrei A. Znamenski, 2007-07-16
  9. Advanced Celtic Shamanism by D.J. Conway, 2000-09-30
  10. The Archaeology of Shamanism
  11. Astrotheology & Shamanism: Christianity's Pagan Roots. A Revolutionary Reinterpretation of the Evidence (Color Edition) by Jan Irvin, Andrew Rutajit, 2009-02-04
  12. Shamanism: An Encyclopedia of World Beliefs, Practices, and Culture (2 Volume Set)
  13. By Oak, Ash, & Thorn: Modern Celtic Shamanism (Llewellyn's Celtic Wisdom) by D.J. Conway, 1994-01-08
  14. Shamanism and the Ancient Mind: A Cognitive Approach to Archaeology (Archaeology of Religion) by James L. Pearson, 2002-04

21. Home
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Articles and feaures on shamanism, wiccan/pagan topics, esoterics, yoga, healing, divination, philosophy and religion.

23. Animal Spirit Guides Shamanism
shamanism, the worlds oldest healing tradition, is found in all cultures. Shamans work with animal spirits. Learn wisdom of 300 animal helpers. shamanism. WORKING WITH ANIMAL SPIRITS
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24. Sacred Hoop - The Magazine Of Shamanic Wisdom
An article that first appeared in Tantra Magazine By Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
By Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Shamanism, an ancient Tradition found in cultures throughout the world, values a balanced relationship between humanity and Nature. Because of the recent alarming increase in pollution and exploitation of the environment, along with the consequential negative ramifications, such as the emergence of new illnesses, it has become even more important for humankind to recover the principle of harmony central to Shamanism in order to repair the damage done to the Earth, as well as to save people and Nature from negativity and illness.
There is an ancient Tibetan myth on the origin of negativity that recounts the causes of illness:
From the vast voidness wherein nothing exists, there arose light, Nangwa Oden (Appearance with Light), and also darkness. Male darkness, Munpa Zerden (Rays of Darkness) lay with female darkness, Munji Gyatso (Ocean of Darkness), and by their union whe gave birth to a poisonous egg.
This egg was hatched by the force of its own energy and steam issued into the sky, giving rise to the negative energy of space. Thunder, hail and planetary disturbances came into existence. The albumen spilled onto the Earth and polluted it, giving rise to naga-derived illnesses such as physical handicaps, leprosy and skin diseases. The shell gave rise to harmful weapons and infectious diseases, and the disturbances and illnesses of humans and animals came forth from the membrane. From the yolk essence there came forth Chidag Nagpo (Black Life-Stealing Fiend) with bulging wrathful eyes, gnashing teeth, and matted hair with blood rising into the sky like a cloud, holding the black cross (of evil power) in his right hand and the disease-dispensing lasso in his left.

25. * F O L K L O R E *
Englishlanguage archives of an informative Baltic Folklore journal published by the Folk Belief and Media Group of the Estonian Literary Museum. Material about Estonian shamanism, urban legends, ethnomusicology, popular calendar data, and general folk belief.
An Electronical Journal of Folklore
Welcome to our WorldWideWeb's edition.
ISSN 1406-0949
Articles about shamanism, urban legends, ethnomusicology, pareomiology, popular calendar data and folk belief.
Volume 1 - Volume 12
June 1996 - December 1999
Institute of Estonian Language USN
Volume 13
May 2000 Volume 14 December 2000 Volume 15 December 2000 Volume 16 November 2001 Volume 17 December 2001 Volume 18/19 December 2001
Published by: FB and Media Group of LM
Folk Belief and Media Group of Estonian Literary Museum
About Folklore

Our authors

26. Animal Spirit Guides Shamanism
Shamans work with their alliesthe animal spirits. Learn the wisdom of over three hundred of these Category Society Religion and Spirituality Contemporary shamanism......shamanism, the worlds oldest healing tradition, is found in all cultures. Shamanswork with animal spirits. Learn wisdom of 300 animal helpers. shamanism.
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27. Esoteric School Of Shamanism And Magic
Mystery school offering teleconference, online, selfpaced and apprentice programs in magic and shamanism.Category Society Religion and Spirituality Shopping Services......National online school of magick and shamanism teaching practical esoteric techniques,including wiccan spells, elemental magick and native american rituals.
Magical Solutions for Everyday Challenges Got Magic?
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Ready to think big, dig deep and journey far? More details... Real magic does exist. It isn't just found in fantasy novels or movies, but in real life. At some time in your life, did you spend time wishing you could travel out of body, fly, be invisible or play with fireballs? Did you daydream about casting spells or using a crystal ball? Or maybe you have spent some time working with magical spells or divination, only to find that it doesn't work reliably, if at all? The reality is that magic does and has always existed on this planet. It is real, reliable and effective. Tribal people regarded what we call "magic" as ordinary knowledge — they didn't attend esoteric or mystery schools to learn magic because it was available as everyday information. Today, in the age of computers and the information superhighway, many of us long for those simpler tribal times — more magical times. Those times have arrived, and we have the magical tools you seek. Alongside their regular schoolwork or careers, our students are

28. Shamanism Index, Search FAQs Show References. shamanism shamanism/newsgroup-faqSubject
Search FAQs - Show References Search Subject/Archive Names Search Article Headers Shamanism
  • shamanism/newsgroup-faq
    Subject: soc.religion.shamanism-Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    Maintainer: (Dean Edwards)
    Last Posted: 1 Oct 2000 06:25:01 GMT
    Last-modified: 22 Dec 1995
  • shamanism/overview
    Subject: Shamanism-General Overview-Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    Maintainer: (Dean Edwards)
    Last Posted: 1 Oct 2000 06:25:00 GMT
    Last-modified: 18 Nov 1996
By Archive-name By Author By Category By Newsgroup ... Help PLEASE NOTE: The maintainers of this archive are NOT the authors or maintainers of the individual FAQs. To correct or contribute to these documents, send email to the specific FAQ maintainers identified in each of the FAQs. Last Update March 30 2003 @ 03:42 AM

29. Esoteric School Of Shamanism And Magic
Mystery school offering teleconference, online, selfpaced and apprentice programs in magic and shamanism.
Magical Solutions for Everyday Challenges Got Magic?
Need help with angry bosses, unpaid bills, headaches and more? Get Everyday Magic!
Just $19.95!
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Break free of the problems that have kept you from your dreams.
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Magic in your Mailbox

A free weekly ezine
Now Interviewing Apprentices...
Ready to think big, dig deep and journey far? More details... Real magic does exist. It isn't just found in fantasy novels or movies, but in real life. At some time in your life, did you spend time wishing you could travel out of body, fly, be invisible or play with fireballs? Did you daydream about casting spells or using a crystal ball? Or maybe you have spent some time working with magical spells or divination, only to find that it doesn't work reliably, if at all? The reality is that magic does and has always existed on this planet. It is real, reliable and effective. Tribal people regarded what we call "magic" as ordinary knowledge — they didn't attend esoteric or mystery schools to learn magic because it was available as everyday information. Today, in the age of computers and the information superhighway, many of us long for those simpler tribal times — more magical times. Those times have arrived, and we have the magical tools you seek. Alongside their regular schoolwork or careers, our students are

30. Shamanism-General Overview-Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
shamanismGeneral Overview-Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). Thusshamanism is not the name of a religion or group of religions.
Shamanism-General Overview-Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
From: (Dean Edwards) Newsgroups: soc.religion.shamanism sci.anthropology alt.out-of-body alt.dreams.lucid ... (Dean Edwards) Summary: This FAQ contains a general overview on shamanism. It should be read by anyone interested in understanding the what is meant by shamanism and what differentiates shamanism form other forms of ecstatic experience Keywords: shaman, anthropology, ethnography, consciousness, spirit, oobe Archive-name: shamanism/overview Last-modified: 18 Nov 1996 Version: 1.7.4 WWW: (Dean Edwards). Shamanism-General Overview-Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (c November, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 by Dean Edwards) This FAQ shall be posted monthly and is maintained by Dean Edwards ( alt.out-of-body ... End of FAQ By Archive-name By Author By Category By Newsgroup ... Help
Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer:

31. SEEK -- Archives: Eliade
A summary of Eliade's book by the Michigan Law Student Reading Group in the Sciences and in the Law.
SEEK: Archives
Back to main page Summary of Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy (Mircea Eliade, 1964; tr. Willard Trask)
Summary of Chapters I-II by S. Leggatt, 7.16.97 I. General Considerations. Recruiting Methods. Shamanism and Mystical Vocation. Approaches Eliade begins by defining his terms. Shaman will not be used to refer simply to any medicine man, fakir, or magician, but only to members of that subset of those more general classes which share a sufficient number of characteristics with the paradigmatic case of shamanism, the Siberian/Central Asian. Briefly, shamans of this type cure, they escort the souls of the dead, they fly, they control fire, but by far the most important, they employ techniques of ecstasy; that is to say, they leave their bodies. Each of these elements will be elaborated upon later. Eliade notes that shamanism most frequently coexists with other magico-religious belief systems, rather than assimilating or being assimilated by them. It is in part for this reason that a strict definition of shamanism is useful, in order to differentiate between groups that might otherwise mistakenly be categorized together. Interestingly, we will find that belief systems all over the world share a large number of the elements of shamanism with the paradigmatic case, despite having no geographical or cultural point of contact with Siberia or Central Asia. In fact, although "shamanism dominates the religious life of Central and North Asia, it is nevertheless not

32. The Buryat Home Page shamanism, Folklore, and Poetry. This page is aboutthe shamanism, folklore, history, and poetry of the Buryats Shamanism, Folklore, and Poetry
visions from the land of Baikal and the Sayan Mountains
Welcome to the rich culture of Siberia! This page is about the shamanism, folklore, history, and poetry of the Buryats The magical land of Lake Baikal, the great Siberian taiga, and the Sayan Mountains has produced a unique culture that is world renowned for its shamanist traditions and epic poetry. Some of the things you will find on this page as it is being built is information and links about:
Buryat Shamanism

Folklore and Mythology

Geser and other Heroic Epics

Buryat Shamanism
The oppressed Hazara Mongol Minority of Afghanistan
Did you know that Mongols are almost 20% of the population of Afghanistan? The Hazara and Chahar Aimag were among the most persecuted of all peoples under the Taliban government. About the Hazara Mongols
Articles about repression of Hazara Mongols in Hazaragi online magazine

Chinggis Khan
Sain baina uu?
I am the foreign outreach representative of the Mongolian Shamans' Center, called Golomt, or Gulamta in Buryat Mongolian. Golomt means "place of the fire," it is the place where Father Heaven and Mother Earth meet and is the symbolic center of the world in Buryat-Mongolian shamanism. The tradition of Buryat-Mongolian shamanism is at least 5000 years old, probably much older, and Buryat culture represents one of the oldest cultural traditions on earth. The wisdom of Siberian shamanism is applicable in the modern world today. Its basic principles are reverence for the earth and sky, keeping the world and one's personal life in balance, and personal responsibility.

33. Redirection To Seoul International Consultation Proceedings
Papers from a conference on the relationship between the two religions, focussing on Korea and the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Siberia. With topic index.
Click here if you are not automatically transferred. Click here if you are not automatically transferred.

34. Folk Art And Magic: Shamanism In Korea
Read about and order a fully illustrated book on traditional shamanic folk magic in Korea, written by Alan Carter Covell.
A closer look... Folk Art and Magic: Shamanism in Korea , by Alan Carter Covell (0-930878-57-4) Please note : this volume is an updated and combined version of Ecstasy: Shamanism in Korea (0-930878-33-7) and Shamanist Folk Paintings: Korea's Eternal Spirits (0-930878-39-6) by the same author. Northern-type Shamanism seeks ecstatic trance to commune with spirits. Here its psychology and techniques are analyzed. The later part of the book describes via photo-essays the Shamanist rituals still occurring today those which summon the deities, the "Ten Thousand Spirits" who may arrive in answer to the shaman's call. These include the famous generals of history, who will drive away disease, one general so fierce he walks on sharpened knives, a performance the shaman duplicates without being cut! The female ruler of the earth spirits, a patroness of diviners, also comes and sometimes hungry ghosts direct from the underworld; they gobble their food but cannot swallow. Then Pali Kongju may come, to rescue souls from the clutches of brutal guards of Hell. Also disclosed are the life stories of various individual shamans, the

35. A Course In Mongolian Shamanism - Introduction 101
A Course in Mongolian shamanism Introduction 101. FORWARD. An Overviewof the Model of Mongolian shamanism. In the previous few sections
A Course in Mongolian Shamanism - Introduction 101
  • The Four Directions (Durvun Zug) The Ger and the Sacred Circle ... OVERVIEW OF THE MODEL OF MONGOLIAN SHAMANISM Foreword This is a brief introduction to the shamanic world of Siberia, especially from the perspective of the Mongols. In spite of the linguistic differences there are overarching themes and images which appear among all forms of shamanism in Siberia. Indeed, the classic studies of shamanism have given special attention to the shamanism of Altaic peoples such as the Buryat, Mongols, and Tungus, creating an image of a "classic" Siberian shamanism. Some of you may find that certain of the features of Mongolian shamanism which I describe may not completely be true in all its points for all Mongolian or Siberian groups. This is the result of the great geographic area which they occupy and differences in environment and tribal history which allowed for some variation from the observances or beliefs of their kindred. Many of you have some acquaintance with the beliefs of Native Americans, and how their relationship with the world shaped their beliefs and behavior. This is also true of Mongols and Siberian peoples in general. Reverence for mother earth and father heaven above as well as for all the spirits of animals and nature create a way of life which expresses respect for natural forces and abstains from harm to them whenever possible. Mongols believe that the goal of life is to live tegsh , in balance with the world. One stands alone and in power at the center of the world, with infinite blue Father Heaven above and Mother Earth supporting and nurturing below. By living an upright and respectful life, a human being (

36. Creativity, Healing, And Shamanism Workshop
Participants in this 4day workshop will explore a new paradigm for an ancient art, experience a deep connection to nature's spirits, and evoke the creativity and healing of the shaman. June 21-24, 2001.
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For 20 millennia droning drums and rattles have guided seekers to the sacred space between creation and the formless.
Becoming a shaman one treads a path of experiential learning. Creativity, Healing, and Shamanism is a 4 day workshop that will lead participants to three objectives on the shaman's trail: education, experience, and encounter. Intentionally primitive, attendees will camp on the earth, gather around the fire, and learn beneath the open sky. This workshop will teach and contrast the Shaman's art of entering sacred space within the framework of traditional shamanism, chaos theory and emerging views in science, and Spiritual traditions from around the world. This workshop does not advance a specific religious perspective but rather explores the common threads woven through many creeds. Attendees will learn by doing as they make their own drums, form a creative community, and engage the power of solitary contemplation and fasting. As a participant in this workshop, you will follow the stages of the creative process to explore a new paradigm for an ancient art, to experience a connection to your faith, nature's spirits, and to evoke the creativity and healing of your inner shaman.

37. Huna Kupua - Shamanism From Ancient Hawaii
Ken Davison offers classes in San Jose, California.Category Health Alternative Huna...... increase your success and prosperity, increase love and happiness in your life,enhance your psychic abilities, or learn the secrets of Hawaiian shamanism.
Pele - Goddess of Fire and the Volcano WELCOME!! THIS SITE IS DEDICATED TO THE STUDY AND PRACTICE OF HUNA, AN ANCIENT POLYNESIAN TEACHING OF KNOWLEDGE AND POWER. WHAT IS HUNA? WHAT HUNA CAN DO FOR YOU CLASSES ON HUNA KUPUA COUNSELING AND PRIVATE TEACHING NOW OPEN! Check out the HUNA KUPUA STORE Learn Huna healing, increase your success and prosperity, increase love and happiness in your life, enhance your psychic abilities, or learn the secrets of Hawaiian shamanism. Click on the link below. THE HUNA KUPUA STORE LINKS MAILING LIST Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Alternative Healing Arts Directory Join Now Ring Hub Random < Prev ... Next >> This page is best viewed with MS Internet Explorer Version 5.0 or later. Download Version 6 s="na";c="na";j="na";f=""+escape(document.referrer) This site was last updated on 4-March-2003

38. Shamanism In Siberia
Shamanism in Siberia
[Excerpts from]
SHAMANISM is understood by some people to be a primitive form of religion or religio-magic practised by the aborigines of northern Asia as well as by all other aborigines in other parts of the world. This opinion is held by Mikhailowski, Kharuzin, and some other Russian scientists. Others hold that Shamanism was only one form of expression of the religious cult of northern Asia, practised in order to avert the evil spirits. This opinion is found in the writings of Jochelson and Bogoras. There is still another view put forward, which it is well for us to consider. This view we find expressed very clearly in the following extract from Klementz: 'One must not lose sight of the fact that in the various beliefs of the Siberian tribes a very close connexion is noticeable, and, likewise, there can be observed an uninterrupted identity in the foundations of their mythology, and in their rites, even extending as far as the nomenclature-all of which gives one the right to suppose that these beliefs are the result of the joint work of the intellectual activity of the whole north of Asia.'[2] In the writings of the Buryat scientist Banzaroff we find a very similar statement: 'The old national religion of the Mongols and the neighbouring nations is known in Europe as "Shamanism", whereas among those who are not its followers it has no special name.

39. Table Of Contents
An exploration of Siberian shamanism and story through the eyes of storyteller and ethnographer Kira Van Deusen.
Shamans Stories
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40. Alberto Villoldo Ph.D., The Four Winds Society
Classes and in-depth training programs in Inka shamanism.Category Society Religion and Spirituality Contemporary shamanism......Our mission is to preserve the healing techniques of Inka shamanism and bringthem into the 21st Century through classes and indepth training programs. e-mail us [Destinations] Home Calendar Calendar-Introductory Classes Inka Medicine Wheel Healing the Light Body School Europe-Healing the Light Body Classes Peru Expeditions Canyonlands Expedition Workshops-no prerequisites Mastery Classes Articles of Interest Books and Videos Personal Consultations Book Excerpts- Healing States Inka Proghecy of the End of Time Guestbook About Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. India Journey Africa Expedition Exploring the Path of the Feminine The Way of Love In the Footsteps of the Shaman Sanctuary Project The Condor Society
Master's Program ... Consultations Shaman, Healer, Sage

Dr. Alberto Villoldo's newest book: Shaman, Healer, Sage

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