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41. Apostolic Churches Churches, Inc. PAW = pentecostal assemblies of the world PCAF = PentecostalChurches of the Apostolic Faith Assoc., Inc. TJC = True http://www.apostolic.net/organizations/ |
42. WebGuest - Open Directory : Society : Religion And Spirituality : Christianity : Top Society Religion and Spirituality Christianity Denominations Pentecostalismpentecostal assemblies of the world (86). Churches (80); Councils (2). http://directory.webguest.com/index.cgi/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christ | |
43. Pentecostal Family Churches (Back to Table of Contents). pentecostal assemblies of the world.This is the oldest of the Jesus Only Pentecostal churches. It http://jmahoney.com/pentecostal_family_churches.htm | |
44. @LA Religion/Christianity: Pentecostal/Apostolic In Southern California: Los Ang Open Bible Standard Church. pentecostal assemblies of the world. Religion in General.Schools. Index, pentecostal assemblies of the world. Churches / Congregations. http://www.at-la.com/@la-god/pentecost.htm | |
45. Bishop Bowers ministry. Bishop Bowers served as Chairman of the Ohio District Councilof the pentecostal assemblies of the world, from 1976. to 1992. http://www.greateremanuel.org/our_pastor.htm | |
46. Apostolic Pentecostal Churches Search United Pentecostal Church International Church Directory Assemblies Of TheLord Jesus Christ pentecostal assemblies of the world (US Church Directory). http://members.truepath.com/ApostolicWoman/church.html | |
47. Apostolic Pentecostal Church Organizations (JCAC); pentecostal assemblies of the world (PAW); True Jesus Church (TJC);United Apostolic Church Fellowship (UACF) (Site Currently Unavailable); http://www.apostolic-churches.net/organizations/ | |
48. Listings Of The World Society Religion And Spirituality of the Foursquare Gospel (35), Open Bible Standard Churches (12) Pentecostal Assembliesof Canada (163) pentecostal assemblies of the world (108) Redeemed http://listingsworld.com/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/Denomina |
49. Listings Of The World Society Religion And Spirituality Listings World Society Religion and Spirituality Christianity DenominationsPentecostalism pentecostal assemblies of the world. http://listingsworld.com/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/Denomina |
50. The United Pentecostal Church General Assembly of the Apostolic Assemblies.' In 1918, there was a merger withan organization called the 'pentecostal assemblies of the world,' which name http://home.att.net/~jackthompson/page192.htm | |
51. Bishop's Profile In March 1989 in the city of West Palm Beach, Florida, Bishop Little waselected Bishop of the pentecostal assemblies of the world, Inc. http://www.gfdt.org/bishop.html | |
52. Purpose ALJC), the Associated Brotherhood of Christians (ABC), the Pentecostal Assembliesof Jesus Christ (PAJC), the pentecostal assemblies of the world (PAW), and http://www.revivaltime.net/apcoal/id18.htm | |
53. PASTOR Olive Church Ministries, Hartford, CT 4. Founding Pasor, Bethel Worship Center,Hartford, CT 5. Licensed by the pentecostal assemblies of the world, Inc. http://kingdomlifewc.homestead.com/PASTOR.html | |
54. Links and click on EXTRA, and visit their large list of online links to many excitingApostolic Pentecostal ministries pentecostal assemblies of the world, Inc. http://kingdomlifewc.homestead.com/links.html | |
55. Our Auxiliaries Women It is the purpose of the California District Council Missionary and ChristianWomen's Auxiliary of the pentecostal assemblies of the world, Inc., to http://www.pawcdc.org/auxiliaries.html | |
56. Adherents.com Newfoundland. pentecostal assemblies of the world, USA, 500,000, ,-, -, 1972, Marty, Martin E. Protestantism (History of Religion Series). http://www.adherents.com/Na_495.html | |
57. Capitolo 1. Storia E Notizie Varie Translate this page Generale delle Assemblee Apostoliche) nel 1917 che si unì ad un altro gruppo unitarianochiamato pentecostal assemblies of the world (Assemblee Pentecostali http://web.tiscali.it/no-redirect-tiscali/lanuovavia/upc_1.html | |
58. Directory :: Look.com pentecostal assemblies of the world (85) Other Categories. Churches(81) Councils (2) Best Bets. PAW Taking the Word to the World! http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=529958 |
59. Directory :: Look.com of the Foursquare Gospel (34) Open Bible Standard Churches (11) Pentecostal Assembliesof Canada (153) pentecostal assemblies of the world (85) Pentecostal http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=28704 |
60. Internationale Links entecostal Assemblies of Canada, Canada pentecostal assemblies of the world PentecostalCharismatic Churches of North America Pentecostal Charismatic Index http://www.pfingstbewegung.de/links/churches.htm | |
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